"Tzuyu over here!" The short girl shouted for me.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun were waiting with Jihyo who's a teachers pet.
I waved at them.
"Where's Jeongyeon and Nayeon?" Jihyo asked.
I pointed at the two who were teasing each other.
"Yah, stop taking my phone!" Nayeon shouted while jumping to get her phone back.
"Aww, you're hopping like a bunny." Jeongyeon still teasing her.
The other three girls giggled.
I saw Nayeon blush a little bit.
"Come let's go already." Chaeyoung said out of impatience.
We finally arrived at the mall, we instantly went to the clothing store.
I followed Dahyun and Chaeyoung.
"How about this?" Dahyun held up a jacket.
"Duck down!" Chaeyoung pulled Dahyun down to the floor.
"What are you doing? Get down here!" I did I was told and crouched down.
I was confused why they were on the ground until I saw what they saw through a gap through the clothes.
"Keep quiet." Dahyun whispered.
We could overhear Mina's and Momo's conversation.
"Maths class was intense." Momo spoke.
"I know, though it was funny." Mina giggled.
"We should ask them to hang out." Mina continued.
"When we get to see them."
"Who are they talking about?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Do they mean us?" Dahyun answered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Why don't you talk to them?"
"Haha like we wil-."
I interrupted Chaeyoung by pushing her and Dahyun through the clothes.
I took a step back and watch it happen.
"Hey... Chaeyoung... Dahyun." The quiet girl said.
They waved at them.
"We were just talking about you guys." Momo spoke.
The other two girls stood up.
"Cool, we were just looking at clothes." Dahyun lied.
I came behind them.
"Hey, Tzuyu." Momo waved at me.
I waved back.
"You're here with them, right?" Mina questioned me.
I nodded.
"They actually want to hang out with you guys." I said.
The two short girls turned to me with big eyes.
"Really, that's funny we would like to hang out with them too." Momo said with excitement.
"How about tomorrow after school." Mina suggested.
Dahyun and Chaeyoung nodded silently.
The two Japanese girls waved goodbye.
"Did that just happen." Dahyun finally speaking.
"I think it just did." Chaeyoung said.
"Oh, it did." I smiled.