Lunch time!
"Hey guys, over here!" Jeongyeon stood up.
We went and sat down.
"So, how's the new girl?" Nayeon asked.
"Tzuyu has a crush on her." Chaeyoung blurted out, Dahyun tried to cover her mouth but failed.
"Wait, Tzuyu... Tzuyu has a crush?" Jihyo whispered.
Both Dahyun and Chaeyoung nodded.
"Lies!" Nayeon spoke.
"It's true." I said.
The other three girls were shocked.
"Woah, really Tzuyu. Never thought you like anyone. No offence." I nodded to Nayeon.
"We're going to hang out with Momo, Mina and Sana, the new girl." Chaeyoung stuffed her face in her food.
"Ooh, the J-line and the Maknae line." Jeongyeon smiled.
"What?" Nayeon questioned.
"You know, three Maknaes and three Japanese." They all rolled their eyes.
"Let's just eat." Jihyo said.
"Guys over here!" Momo shouted at us when we exited the school premises.
We waved back.
"Let's go to the park." Sana suggested.
"I'm going with Dahyun." Momo spoke.
"I'll go with Chae." Mina smiled at her.
"Then I'll go with Tzuyu." Sana linked my arms with mine.
Dahyun, Chaeyoung and I were blushing.
This feeling is weird.
We arrived at the park.
"Hey look an ice cream van, Dahyun come with me." Momo dragged Dahyun.
"Chae, there someone performing over there." Mina pulled Chaeyoung.
Then it was me and Sana.
"Well, looks like it's us." We continued walking whilst Sana was talking.
"Tell me about yourself, Tzuyu." Sana said.
We sat down on a bench looking, out into the lake.
"I really like dogs, I'm from Taiwan, I can never tell a lie." I replied.
"You're really secret about yourself." She smiled.
I looked down in shame.
"I don't blame you, plus I kinda like mysterious people."
"Since you told a little about yourself, I'll tell you something about me." She continued.
"I'm from Osaka, Japan, I'm scared of the sound thunder, people say I'm great at calligraphy and I might be the clumsiest person alive."
She leaned close to me, our eyes connected.
"You two, over here!" We instantly pulled away from each other when Momo shouted.
"Come, let's eat." Mina added.
We both nodded.