We walked through the park and sat down on the grass which was shaded by a tree.
Mina checked on Chaeyoung, which she hurt her wrist when she fell.
Momo was fixing Dahyun's hair.
Sana checked on me who had a big mark on my cheek.
"Does... it hurt?" Sana gently touching the mark.
I nodded.
"Why... did they do that to you?"
"They hate us, that's why?" Dahyun spoke.
"Why?" Momo asked.
"It's because we 'took' her best friends from her." Chaeyoung replied.
"You mean Nayeon, Jihyo and Jeongyeon." Mina said.
We all nodded.
"Ow." I whined.
"Sorry." Sana pulled her hand away from my face.
"We should put some ice on that." She said.
"It's fine, I should go home." I tried to walk away but Sana grabbed my hand.
"I should come with you."
"I... Uh..."
My hands were shaking.
"I want to know if you're okay."
I nodded slowly.
We arrived at my house.
"Where's your parents?" Sana asked.
"They're at work." We walked to the kitchen, Sana got some ice while I got a zipped lock bag.
"Here." She took the zip lock bag and put the ice inside of it.
She placed it on my face.
My heart started racing again, this feeling is back.
"Keep holding it there."
I did what I was told.
"I have to go."
"Sana wait... I... uh... thanks." I stuttered.
She smiled and walked out of the door.
I couldn't say, I'm so dumb.
Ring ring.
My phone vibrated, it was Dahyun and Chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung ?: Tzuyu, you okay?
Dahyun ?: Yeah, Sana there with you?
Tzuyu ?: I'm fine and Sana just left.
Dahyun ?: Dang, that must of hurt.
Tzuyu ?: It's fine, really.
Chaeyoung ?: Did you notice that Jisoo looked so shocked when Sana interfered.
Dahyun ?: Yeah because everyone is scared of them and do not dare try to do anything.
Jisoo wouldn't of let us go easily, she's either planning something bad or something is up with her and Sana.
Jisoo seemed off when Sana came.
Chaeyoung ?: Anyway, hope you're mark goes away.
Dahyun ?: Same, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Both of them went offline, then there was me, still thinking what's up with Jisoo and Sana.