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Chapter 5 Kyle Dylan Parker vs. Aaron Hunter: His erotic addiction...The breach!


Kyle got the blow job of his life. Aaron sucked him off like the porn star that he was. Don’t let anyone say Ron Hunt couldn’t suck cock. He sucked Kyle as if his life depended on it. He moved slowly and sensuously on the cock in his mouth, sliding up and down, using his tongue in fast sweeps over the head and the underside, and stroking the part that got exposed.

“Damn, this is good,” Kyle groaned as Aaron bent to suck on his balls. “I love your mouth. Suck me, Ron.”

Aaron looked up at Kyle, sending him a slow wink as he took his hard cock back into his throat, humming deep in his throat. Right then, there was nothing he wanted more than to drink every drop of cum from the throbbing cock filling his mouth. He rolled Kyle’s balls in his fingers and hummed even harder.

The intense sensation that flashed through Kyle’s spine made him cry out…then he took control. He held Aaron's head exactly where he wanted it and started to thrust into that hot mouth, watching Aaron's face the whole time. The feeling of his cock hitting the back of Aaron's throat was simply mind-blowing. He thrust slow but hard, careful not to go too deep, loving the sounds Aaron was making in his throat. When Kyle felt his balls tightening, he knew he had to stop before he came down Aaron’s throat.

“Don’t want to spend myself down your throat even though it feels fan-fucking-tastic .” Kyle gasped, pulling that magical mouth off his cock. “I want that arse.”

Bending to slip his hands under Aaron’s armpit, Kyle picked him up and threw him onto the bed. Aaron bounced and landed on his back, laughing in surprise. Kyle crawled onto the bed till his knees were on either side of Aaron’s thighs, then he leaned down, buried his tongue in Aaron’s belly button, and gave him a tongue fucking he wasn’t going to forget anytime soon.

“Fuck!” Aaron moaned and weaved his fingers into Kyle’s hair.

“Like that?” Kyle raised his head to look at Aaron.


Kyle moved down, taking the head of Aaron's cock into his mouth through his boxer briefs, wetting the fabric even more. Aaron writhed on the bed, his fingers moving in Kyle’s hair. In a fluid move, Kyle pulled down Aaron’s boxer and swallowed his cock deep into his mouth. Aaron couldn’t control the lusty cry that tore out of his throat, shocking their audience.

“I’ll be damned,” One of the cameramen breathed, his hand squeezing his own erection. “This is so hot.”

“Shut up,” Max Viggo hissed, his eyes stuck on the two men going at it. They had just started but there was something different about the way they were acting. Something almost…sensual.

Kyle pulled off Aaron’s boxers completely and took his balls into his mouth, enjoying the sounds Aaron was making.

Aaron was going out of his mind with pleasure. He knew the cameras were rolling and he was supposed to put up a show but his limbs wouldn’t obey him. So when Kyle flipped him over and pulled him onto his knees, Aaron simply knelt there, breathing hard, his bare creamy arse in the air. Kyle knelt behind him and then palmed each cheek, giving each a light slap. He separated the slightly reddened cheeks and stared at Aaron’s winking puckered hole. He blew lightly on it and felt Aaron shiver. Kyle pushed in, burying his face between the twin globes of smooth flesh.

Then Aaron felt it… the flick of Kyle’s tongue on his hole. “Oh, fuck!” he cried out and grasped desperately at the covers beneath him.

The wet swirl of Kyle’s tongue on his hole felt unbelievably good. Holy Moses! Aaron didn’t think he could describe the feeling. It was that good. He had never been rimmed before, had never allowed it, didn’t know it felt that good. Kyle’s tongue, on his virgin hole, was something else. He couldn’t hold in his moans.

“Oh shit!” Aaron cried out and then promptly winced. Shit? Was that the best he could come up with at that particular moment he mentally kicked himself.

He almost lost his mind when Kyle stiffened his tongue, gripped his hips, and pulled him back onto his stiffened tongue, penetrating his entrance. Aaron hissed and arched his back, letting out an uncontrollable moan which went directly to Kyle’s cock, making him groan behind Aaron. God, he loved how responsive Aaron was.

“Dylan…please…” Aaron gasped brokenly, thrusting back onto the tongue invading his arse, pleading for more. He looked down between his legs and saw a thin string of clear liquid dripping from the tip of his full and heavy erection. “Fuck.” Aaron whispered. He had never seen his cock weep like how it was at that moment.

Aaron felt like he was standing outside his body watching himself getting pleasured. His balls and cock were throbbing, the covers beneath him was wet with his pre-cum, he could hear himself make sounds he’d never heard himself make before, he was…fuck, he was going to come. Aaron was a professional and he knew he wasn’t supposed to orgasm that early in a shoot. But he just couldn’t help it.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come,” He cried out.

“Don’t,” Max shouted just as Aaron shot onto the covers beneath him, the tearing sound of the comforter in his fists, reverberating through the room. “Hot damn!” Max gasped.

Aaron came with such force and intensity that Kyle could feel the contractions against his tongue which was still buried in Aaron’s arse.

Kyle pulled out and allowed Aaron to fall onto the bed and into his own cum. Kyle Parker looked smug. That was just the beginning, he told himself silently, smirking at the writhing body on the bed. He reached for the lube on the bedside table and poured a generous amount onto his thick, long fingers. Then bringing Aaron back onto his knees, he gently rubbed his lubed finger against his slightly loosened hole and then pushed in a single finger. Aaron knew what to do…he pushed out, opening like a flower, making way for Kyle’s seeking finger. Kyle’s finger moved gently inside him, stroking deeper and deeper until the full length of it was buried inside his channel.

“Ahhh” Aaron moaned.

“You okay?” Kyle couldn’t stop himself from asking.

“Yes,” Aaron muttered breathlessly, pushing back against the invading digit.

“I’m going to make you feel so good,” Kyle husked, sliding a little deeper till his fingertip glided over Aaron’s prostate.

“Dylan!” Aaron cried out as his cock got instantly hard.

Kyle groaned when he heard his name on Aaron’s lips. Aaron sounded so sexy and his name on his lips…Kyle didn’t know how to describe it. The way Aaron said his name made his stomach flutter. When Aaron started moving erotically against his finger, Kyle added a second finger, massaging that spot inside Aaron that he could tell was giving the porn star so much pleasure.

“Oh, god.” Aaron sobbed, understanding why some guys liked getting fucked so much. “Feels so fucking good…” He breathed. “Just fuck me, will you?” He ground out.

“Not just yet,” Kyle muttered, pushing in a third finger. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Aaron’s rocking hips. Fuck, he was hot.

Aaron pressed his face into the pillow, his head twisting from side to side, lost in pleasure. He rode Kyle’s fingers until he thought he’d go insane. The feel of Kyle’s long fingers moving, massaging his sweet spot, was so mind-shattering, Aaron begged without thinking.

“I need more, Dylan.” His words trailed off into a long lustful moan.

“With pleasure.” Kyle pulled out his fingers and paused long enough to take off his boxer briefs and lube his cock, then he lined up his pulsing cock with the twitching rosette waiting in front of him. “You know what to do.” He muttered and started to push in.

Aaron pushed out as he was supposed to but instinctively, tightened up when the head pushed in past the ring. “Fuck!” He gasped. It hurt.

“Christ!” Kyle groaned when he felt Aaron clench on him. “You are tight. So fucking tight.”

"Fucking hell," Aaron cried out as his muscles contracted and his sphincters squeezed. He lost his erection.

“Relax,” Kyle ordered in an unsteady voice. If Aaron didn’t stop clenching on him, Kyle knew he was going to come. The feeling of Aaron’s clenched heat around his cock was mind-blowingly wonderful. “Relax, damnit!”

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