Aaron felt someone shake his shoulder and slowly came awake. The first thing he saw was a hairy male chest on which his cheek comfortably rested. He raised his head and saw Kyle’s face, so peaceful in sleep. Then he turned and saw his mother standing there gesturing that she was going. Aaron slowly and quietly got off the bed and followed his mother out of the room.
“Take care, hon,” Peggy hugged a still sleepy Aaron. “I’ll call when I get there.”
“Where are your bags?” Aaron asked, rubbing his eyes.
“The driver has already taken them out. Go back to bed. I’ll call when we land.”
“Say hi to Auntie Helen and everyone,” Aaron said as he walked his mum to the door.
“I’ll do that. And tell Kyle I’ll see him when I get back.”
“Will do. Have a safe trip.” Aaron hugged Peggy tightly. He was going to miss her.
After the taxi sped off, Aaron locked the door and went back to his bedroom. At the foot of his bed, he stood and stared at the gorgeous hunk in his bed. The dark rakish overnight growth of hair on Kyle’s face was sexy. They had talked till after three a.m. Talked about their lives and a whole lot of things. He’d told Kyle about his life and all the significant events that had taken place in it…which wasn’t much. His dad had passed when he was only two years old through a car accident. It had been just him and his mum ever since. And they had been okay till his mum’s condition had robbed them of their little savings and peace of mind.
Kyle also told him about his business, his brother, his friends, his greatest fear which was the possibility of losing his brother, and his expectations in life. By the end of their talk, Aaron felt as though he knew exactly who Kyle Parker was. And those crazy friends of his sounded like an interesting bunch. Kyle had invited him to his and Ken’s thirtieth birthday party which he said was going to be fun. Although Aaron wasn’t used to partying and being around lots of people, he’d promised to come.
Kyle had apologized to him for having to reveal to his ‘squad’, as he referred to his friends, that he used to act porn. Aaron had merely shrugged. After all, till just a week ago, that was the work he did. Kyle had explained that he had sought their opinion on how to go about getting him to talk to him. And that was how the story had come out. Aaron didn’t mind. He couldn’t say the same for Kyle though. He had sounded like he wished he could turn back the clock, probably to even before Aaron had gone into that line of work. But Aaron had laughingly told him not to beat himself up. It wasn’t Kyle’s fault he had resorted to acting porn for a living.
“Had it not been for my acting porn, we would never have met, Kyle. So whatever happens, does for a reason.” Aaron had said quietly.
He realized he was falling harder for Kyle with each passing minute and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It was terrifying because Aaron knew that if he allowed it, Kyle Parker would steal every ounce of his independence. He would own him. And Aaron couldn’t see himself allowing that as he’d been independent for as long as he could remember.
“It’s just that the mere thought of you having to go through all that hardship with no help is…ugh…” Kyle had trailed off, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. A gesture that Aaron was beginning to adore about him.
“Hey, I’m okay. Things happen in life just to strengthen us. I’ve learnt a lot this way.” Aaron had whispered, as he cupped Kyle’s face and stared into his lovely hazel eyes. “Really, I’m fine.”
Kyle had wrapped his arms around him then as they relaxed in bed. And he’d felt a connection, a bond which had not been there before their talk and he knew Kyle felt it too.
“I didn’t see your car parked out front when I got here,” Aaron yawned.
“I’m sure you did. Black Audi,” Kyle muttered and then yawned too.
“Oh, that.” Who could have missed that sweet latest model of Audi Q7 parked out front? Aaron just hadn’t known it was for Kyle at the time.
“I don’t plan on leaving if that’s what you’re driving at,” Kyle chuckled.
That got a laugh out of Aaron. “Of course that’s not what I’m driving at, you jerk. Look at the fucking time. I wouldn’t allow you to go even if you wanted to.”
“Good,” Kyle breathed and then pressed a kiss into Aaron’s hair. “Get some sleep.”
They’d both drifted off in no time.
And that was how they remained till Peggy shook Aaron awake at four a.m. after a mere twenty minutes of sleep.
Now standing at the foot of the bed looking at the man he’d come to adore within such a short time, Aaron couldn’t help but run his eyes over that sexy bared flesh. That powerful hot body looked good enough to be licked all over and Aaron’s mouth watered to do just that. They had both slept in their boxer briefs, enjoying the feel of flesh against flesh. It had felt so good.
Aaron’s eyes suddenly got drawn to the growing bulge behind Kyle’s boxers and quickly moved up to Kyle’s face. He gasped when his eyes landed on brilliant hazel eyes. Shit! How long had Kyle been watching him ogling him?
“Unless you plan on doing something about that, I suggest you come to bed and stop looking at me like that,” Came the sexiest voice Aaron had ever heard. Kyle’s voice sounded deeper and rougher than he’d ever heard it. Sounding all slow and sleep-roughened, it sent a delicious shiver of awareness through Aaron. He got so hard so fast it scared him.