Aaron woke up to the delicious smell of coffee and sat up.
“Easy baby.” He heard Kyle’s chuckle before he turned to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, with a tray filled with breakfast on his lap.
Aaron’s eyes widened as he stared at the content of the tray. There was coffee, juice, latte, cereal, toast, syrup-drenched pancakes, bacon, sausages, Spanish omelet, butter, and a jar of Nutella.
“Wow. Isn’t that rather too much?” Aaron muttered, looking up at Kyle who looked like he’d already taken a shower. His hair was still wet.
“I didn’t know what you’d prefer so…” Kyle shrugged.
“It’s your birthday, dude. I should be giving you this treat, not the other way around.” Aaron smiled, touched by the gesture.
“My cook does it for me every year…if I’m home. This time I just asked her to make it for two. Com, on, let’s eat.” Kyle said, placing the tray between them.
Aaron chuckled softly and jumped out of bed, naked. “Be right back,” He said, flipping Kyle a bird when he whistled.
Aaron disappeared into the bathroom, laughing. When he came back to the room, Kyle was drinking coffee and watching the news on TV. Aaron made a beeline for his backpack to get something to wear, ignoring Kyle’s “Do you have to?” comment.
“Pervert,” Aaron threw over his shoulder.
“Killjoy. Look to the left side of the closet and get something to wear,” Kyle said.
“Thank you very much,” Aaron replied sarcastically and did just that.
After pulling on a gray t-shirt and sweatpants which looked big on him, Aaron went back to the bed, took Kyle’s cup of coffee from his hand, and then leaned in to give him a spine-melting kiss.
“Happy birthday,” Aaron murmured against Kyle’s lips.
After breakfast, they cuddled in bed as they watched TV.
“If we don’t get going, you’re going to be late,” Aaron said softly.
Kyle had to meet the organizers of the party at the venue to see for himself that everything was in order. Bertha, the chief organizer, was to meet him there. He’d asked Aaron to come along simply because he didn’t want him away from his side. He was crazy about the boy. Who would have thought…
“Hey what are you thinking about?” Aaron asked, interrupting Kyle’s thoughts. “You have a smile on your face.”
“I do?” Kyle looked surprised. At Aaron’s nod, he chuckled. “I guess I’m happy that’s all.” He linked their fingers together. “Let’s go take a shower?”
“Thought you already had one.”
“Not with you,” Kyle husked. “I want one with you. Come on.”
After a rather relaxed and cuddly shower together, they were ready to leave. When they got to the garage, however, Kyle remembered their conversation the night before.
“You know, you never did give me an answer on your preferred car last night. What’s your answer?” Kyle asked, clicking a remote to open the door of his Hummer H3 Alpha.
Aaron shrugged. “I think the most important thing is for the car to be able to get you to and from your destination. Definitely not a car that’s going to leave you stranded in the middle of a highway,” Aaron chuckled.
“Hmm. So, no preference. It just has to work, right?” Kyle drawled. “Good. So take your pick. Which one would you want?” Kyle threw his hand to indicate the cars in the garage.
“What?” Aaron laughed thinking Kyle was joking. But when he looked up at Kyle, he realized he was dead serious. And just like that, all the amusement drained from Aaron’s face, and to Kyle’s surprise, Aaron flipped. “Dude, I’m not some twink you can keep with expensive giveaways, nor am I a gold digger, hanging around for…”
“Settle down cowboy.” Kyle’s hand lifted, palm held out. “I meant no disrespect.”
“Well, making such offers have their implication. I’m not some silly girl whose head gets turned with promises of love.” Aaron was getting hysterical. “And contrary to what you think, I’m not a gigolo or a hustler though I know the circumstances under which we met say otherwise. I know I’ve acted…”
Kyle had heard enough. He clamped a hand over Aaron’s mouth to stop his tirade, and then pushed Aaron backward till his back was against the Hummer. Then Kyle just held him. Kyle could feel Aaron shaking, breathing harshly, obviously worked up. Kyle held him till he felt Aaron was calm, then decided to deal with the real issue…which he knew had to do with his declaration of love.
“What just happened?” Kyle asked calmly.
Aaron took a deep breath. “I’m not a hustler.” He muttered.
“I never said you were,” Kyle responded. “Just want to pick a fight huh?” Kyle asked, voice still calm.
“I don’t want that,” Aaron mumbled.
“Good,” Kyle said and then leaned down to give Aaron a hot open-mouthed kiss. “I don’t want to fight either,” Kyle muttered against Aaron’s mouth when he broke off the kiss. “So let’s talk about the real problem here, Aaron.”
“Your meeting…” Aaron started.
“Can wait. Now, the main issue here, we both know, is what I said last night.”
“Shut up. We both know what I’m talking about. I love you, Aaron. I’m completely in love with you and that’s not going to change whether you like it or not. I plan on telling you every day if you’ll allow me. I know you don’t feel that way about me and that’s fine. I don’t expect you to tell me something that you’re not feeling. In fact, I’d hate it if you did. Please don’t think I said it to deliberately place a burden on you because I didn’t. No pressure. Okay?”
“Okay.” Aaron nodded, his heart pounding so hard. Why the fuck couldn’t he just tell Kyle that he loved him too, he wondered.
“Now about the car… I’ll be very pissed off and hurt if you ever think I want to treat you as a kept man or my plaything. I’ve never been in love, but from the little I know, when you love someone, you want to give them everything, protect them, make them happy. You hurt when you know they’re in trouble, when you feel they’re in need, and when you feel they’re going through unnecessary stress. I love my brother very much, Aaron. So I know how it feels to love someone though I’ve never been in love till now. It’s the same love. The only difference is that we get to rock each other’s world. That makes ours even more intense.
So you see, if I have cars at my disposal, and you have none, why the fuck can’t you use them? I plan on getting you one. But since you don’t know what you want, we’ll look around till we find what you want. In the meantime, all I’m saying is that you pick and use one of these. Now tell me…is that an insult?”
Aaron shook his head slowly. When he blinked, a tear escaped to slide down his cheek which Kyle caught and wiped off.
“I love you, baby,” Kyle said softly. “Never doubt that. Okay?”
“Okay,” Aaron whispered.
“We cool?”
“Yes.” Aaron smiled through his tears. “We’re cool.”
“Good.” Kyle husked. Then slipping both arms around Aaron’s waist, Kyle picked him up so that they looked directly into each other’s eyes. “Now give me a kiss. Like you mean it. Even if…”
Aaron didn’t allow Kyle to finish his statement. He tangled his fingers in Kyle’s hair and took his lips in a kiss that said everything he couldn’t. He kissed Kyle as though he was drowning, and Kyle was his only anchor.
“Now I wish we could go back upstairs,” Kyle muttered against Aaron’s lips.
“If you show up late, Bertha is going to assume I had something to do with it.” Aaron dropped tiny kisses all over Kyle’s face. “I’d rather stay in the little spitfire’s good books, thank you very much.”
Kyle burst into laughter. “You’re nuts you know that?” He shook his head in amusement as he put Aaron back on his feet and opened the front passenger door for him.
They were both still laughing as Kyle backed out of the garage.