“Tell them I’ll be there in the next twenty minutes, Bertha. I’m coming straight from the airport. See you in a bit.” Kyle hung up. Then to his chauffeur, he said with a sigh, “Let’s pass through the office please, Henry.”
“Roger that Sir,” Henry responded, making Kyle smile. Once a military man, always a military man. Henry would never change.
Kyle called Ken to tell him he was back in town and relaxed against the seat. He was very tired and wished he could just relax in bed but duty called. He’d had to go on an emergency trip three days earlier. On his way to Ken’s after dropping off Aaron, he’d gotten an emergency call from one of his companies in Germany. So after making sure that Ken was okay, he’d flown out of the country. Immediately after he’d touched down back home in LA, however, Bertha, his executive assistant had called to remind him of a meeting scheduled for that very day. She claimed she hadn’t bothered to cancel it because he was supposed to have come back from Germany a day earlier. Well, shit happened, Kyle thought with a groan.
What worried Kyle, even more, was the fact that he hadn't even gotten around to calling Aaron. He hadn’t expected Aaron to call him as he’d rather promised to call Aaron. Kyle felt what he needed to say couldn’t be said on phone so had decided to wait till he got back into town. Although Kyle had been very busy throughout his stay in Germany, Aaron had been in his thoughts day and night. He knew he had to see the sexy porn star. Kyle, therefore, planned to call him after his meeting, to arrange a meeting with Aaron for that evening. He had, rather surprisingly, missed Aaron. How was that even possible? He had only met the guy just once…and what a meeting it had been. Kyle felt his cock twitch. Fuck!
When he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he groaned. But when he saw the caller, his heart missed a beat. Aaron! ‘Talk of the devil’. More like ‘Think of Sexy’. Kyle’s cock went from twitching to rock hard in an instant. He was surprised Aaron had taken the initiative to call though. The last thing Kyle was expecting was for Aaron to call him.
Kyle answered with a husky “Hey.”
“Hey yourself,” Aaron answered right back. “I want to see you.” He added without preamble. “Where are you now?”
Kyle was a little taken aback by Aaron’s forwardness. He could also detect something slightly off in Aaron’s voice but couldn’t tell exactly what it was. Whatever it was though, Kyle didn’t see any harm in telling Aaron where he was. Was Aaron missing him too? He sounded like he really had to see him.
“I’m on my way to the office.”
“And where’s that?”
“Know the KYPA Building?” Kyle asked.
“Who doesn’t? See you soon.”
“Wait…” Kyle started but Aaron had already hung up.
Kyle stared at the phone in his hand and shook his head. He had wanted to tell Aaron to give him an hour or two before coming as he was going straight into a meeting. Kyle hoped Aaron was okay. He had sounded rather…abrupt.
Aaron was furious. Kyle Parker was a low-life slimy bastard and he intended to tell him that to his face. A day after their encounter, Aaron had used the money he had been paid to do exactly as planned. He’d gone to clear his outstanding college fees, cleared all his mother’s medical bills, and paid their rent for the next two years. They still had enough to get by till he got a job. Then he had passed through Max Viggo’s office to tell him of his intentions to quit the acting job. Max hadn’t been around so Aaron had dropped a letter, stating that he’d quit the job. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have any contract in place so could quit at any time. It had been one of his conditions actually. In the letter, he’d thanked Max for all he’d done for him.
A day after leaving the letter, Max had called him and pleaded with him to come and see him.
“Listen, Max, I know…” Aaron had started but Max hadn’t even allowed him to finish.
“Ron, please. Just come and listen to what I have to say. Please.”
After a little hesitation, Aaron had promised to go and see Max the following day. When he got to Max’s office, Max had sat him down and spoken non-stop for about thirty minutes. About how Ron was throwing away an opportunity most people would kill for, about how talented he was, about how he could use his newly acquired skill to get a really high ranking in the porn industry. The movie director had gone on and on.
Aaron had however stood his ground and told Max that he’d only acted porn for the money. He finally had what he needed to survive so he would rather concentrate on his education and hope for the best. By the time he was leaving, Max had tears in his eyes.
People loved Ron Hunt. And Max Viggo made a lot of money out of that. Now it felt as though he was losing his prized bull and that made him really sad. But he understood the boy. Naturally, he had to stop at a point and do something better. Max actually thought the kid had balls and admired him for that.
“Hey Boss, are you ready to…” Lucas, Max’s younger brother who also worked as his assistant barged into the office, saw his brother wiping his eyes, and trailed off. “What’s going on?” He asked, looking from Max to Aaron.
“Aaron is leaving us,” Max said gruffly.
“But why?” Lucas asked, looking at Aaron. “Don’t tell me you’re signing up with ‘Cocky Productions’.”
“No, no. I’m just going to concentrate on school that’s all.” Aaron told an irritated Lucas. But then the guy always did look like he had something stuck up his arse, Aaron thought. Lucas was not a friendly person.
“But how are you going to pay your…oh I get it.” Lucas looked like a light bulb had gone off in his head. “You now have enough money so you don’t need us huh? You ungrateful little shit.”