As Aaron parked beneath the huge KYPA building, he wondering what Kyle’s secretary or assistant or whatever she called herself…Bertha, was going to think when she saw him. He did create a scene that day unfortunately. He contemplated calling Kyle to come down but decided in the end to go up instead and damn the consequence.
“You!” Bertha exclaimed immediately she looked up and saw Aaron. Then she reached for the phone. “I’m calling security.”
“Please you don’t have to.” Aaron talked fast. “Bertha right? Kyle is expecting me. I promise I don’t mean any harm.” Aaron’s eyes widened when he noticed Bertha wasn’t buying what he was saying.
“Alex, hold on. I might need your help.” She said to whoever was on the line, glaring at Aaron the whole time. “Keep talking,” She hissed. She didn’t care if he looked as sweet as ice cream. He had assaulted her boss and that was all it took not to like him.
Aaron cleared his throat nervously. The little lady looked very intimidating. “Listen, Bertha, I’m sorry for the way I acted. Not for hitting your boss…he deserved it. But I’m sorry for barging in there when you tried to stop me. Please forgive me.”
“Yes, he hit him,” Bertha said to whoever was on the line. He’d obviously heard Aaron say he’d hit Kyle. “No Alex, don’t come up. He doesn’t look like he’s here to murder anyone today. Just stand by okay? Good.” She finally hung up and pursed her lips. “Why…”
“Aaron.” They both heard Kyle’s deep voice and turned towards it. “Come on in,” Kyle said, gesturing for Aaron to come into his office. He was actually about to leave his office for another when he saw Aaron talking to Bertha.
Aaron thought Kyle looked hot in his elegant designer suit which fitted him perfectly, hinting subtlety at all sorts of muscles. And there was an air about him that screamed power and magnetism which was very sexy. The man looked good enough to eat. Aaron cleared his throat, noticing from the corner of his eye how closely Bertha was watching at him. She probably thought he was nuts.
“I’ll be right there, Kyle,” Aaron said and shifted his attention back to Bertha. “I’m sorry.” He said with all the sincerity he could muster. “Forgive me.”
Bertha glared at Aaron for a full minute. “Don’t ever do that again,” She finally said sternly. “He’s a very good person. Whatever he did, I’m sure he hadn’t meant to hurt you. Don’t ever hit him again.”
“I won’t, I promise. Now, am I forgiven?” Aaron gave Bertha a dazzling smile which she simply couldn’t resist.
“You are.” She got to her feet to and shook Aaron’s outstretched hand.
“Thanks. I’m Aaron.”
Bertha shrugged prettily and responded, “Bertha.”
“Good to meet you, Bertha. May I see Kyle, please,” Aaron asked with a grin.
“Please,” Bertha responded with a soft laugh, gesturing towards Kyle’s office.
“Thanks, Bertha.” And with a slight bow of his head at Bertha, Aaron turned towards Kyle’s office. He could still hear Bertha laughing softly behind him.
Whew, that went well, he thought. He knew he had to do something about his shitty temper. He was still smiling to himself when he entered Kyle’s office. A gasp of surprise tore out of him when Kyle pulled him fully into the office, closed the door, slammed him against the it, and covered his mouth with his. Aaron’s gasp turned into a moan as he kissed Kyle back.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Kyle husked when they came up for air. “What were you saying to her?”
“Bertha? I…” But before Aaron could finish his sentence, Kyle was kissing him again. “Fuck Kyle,” he groaned when Kyle eventually released his lips. “You’re going to make me cream my pants if you keep this up.”
“I’d love to see you do that, baby. I missed you,” Kyle said gruffly as he drew Aaron towards the cozy couch in the office. “What the fuck did Bertha want?” Kyle growled, pulling Aaron to sit beside him on the couch.
“I was apologizing for my disgraceful actions the other day.” Aaron chuckled.
“I thought it was hot.” Kyle drawled.
“You’ve already said that.” Aaron laughed. “I missed you too. Couldn’t concentrate on a word the lecturers were saying.” Aaron moved to straddle Kyle. “I just wanted to be with you.” He whispered, leaning down to draw an ear lobe into his mouth, the warmth of his breath a caress against the sensitive shell of Kyle’s ear.
“Oh fuck, baby,” Kyle groaned, thrusting up against Aaron, wishing there were no clothes between them. “I want you,” He whispered just as Aaron took his lips in a searing kiss.
“I want you too,” Aaron gasped when he came up for air. “Let’s get outta here.”
Kyle groaned. “Give me some time to calm down. Then we can leave.” Kyle drew Aaron’s lower lip into his mouth and sucked erotically on it, causing Aaron to give a lusty wail.
Aaron tore his mouth away from Kyle’s with a groan. “Is that the best way to calm down?”
“Sorry. But damn close to tearing the clothes off of you,” Kyle groaned. “Can I just…hold you?” There was something in Kyle’s voice that Aaron couldn’t put a finger on.
“Sure. Are you okay?”
“Never better,” Kyle said softly and then wound his arms around Aaron.
And that was how they remained until Bertha knocked on the door a while later. Aaron stiffened and tried to move but Kyle wouldn’t allow him.
“Shhh, I’m not done holding you,” He husked softly and then called out, “Come in.” He already knew it was Bertha.
“Sir, I’m…” Bertha trailed off when she saw the position her boss and Aaron were in. She’d never thought he boss was bisexual. Cool, Bertha thought with a smile. Her dad claimed he was gay now after being separated from her mother for ten years, so she didn’t find Kyle’s preference weird at all.
“Leaving?” Kyle asked with a smile in his voice. He could see the wheels turning in Bertha’s head.
“Yes Sir. Is there anything you want me to do?”
“No. See you at the party tomorrow. All set?”
“Everything is on course. Happy birthday in advance, Kyle.” She said, making Kyle laugh softly. She did call him Kyle whenever they were alone although Kyle had insisted she called him by his given name all the time.
“Thank you, Bertha,” Kyle responded.
“Bye Aaron,” She said with a grin.
Aaron raised his head from where it lay on Kyle’s shoulder and turned to look at Bertha. “Bye Bertha. See you tomorrow,” Aaron smiled at the little lady. He liked her. “Oh and save me a dance.”
Bertha laughed. “You got it.” Then with a little wave, she was gone, leaving the two sexy men to go back to their cuddling.
“You wanted her to see,” Aaron said softly.
Kyle chuckled. “More like I wasn’t ready to let you go. But yes, I wanted her to see. It felt good to let someone know you’re in my life now. Do you mind?”
Aaron shook his head. “That’s okay. But a little too late to ask though, don’t you think?” Aaron drawled, leaning forward to drop a kiss on Kyle’s lip and getting off his lap to stand. “I’m hungry Kyle. Can we go now?”
“Sure.” Kyle stood up and rolled his neck from one side to the other with a grimace on his face.
Aaron didn’t miss that. Kyle looked tired. “How about I give you a massage when we get to your place? My mum says I give the best massages.”
Kyle chuckled. “Did she now?”
“Is that a challenge I detect?” Aaron chuckled. Both hands were stuck in his back pocket and his head was tilted to the side.
Kyle’s breath hitched in his throat as he just stared at Aaron. Aaron looked so sexy right then, Kyle had to make an effort to remember what he’d asked.
“A massage sounds good, thanks.” Kyle gulped. God, the kid was sexy. Talk about ‘hotter than hot’. “Shall we?”
Aaron hadn’t missed Kyle’s look. It felt damned good to be appealing to the man who rocked his very soul. He didn’t think it was necessary to tell Kyle the feeling was mutual. Aaron knew for sure, Kyle was already aware.