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Chapter 21 Kyle Dylan Parker vs. Aaron Hunter: His erotic addiction...The ride!


At the restaurant, they ordered steaks, mushrooms, baked potatoes, and salad. The food was good but Kyle couldn’t concentrate on it. Heat flared in his eyes whenever Aaron popped anything into that sexy mouth of his. All Kyle wanted to do was give those lips something else to do. He could either plunder it with his tongue or feed his cock…

“Fuck!” Kyle swore softly.

"Don’t you like the food? Or would you rather I fed you," Murmured Aaron, voice low and suggestive as he offered mushroom dipped in sauce to Kyle.

Before Aaron could retrieve his fingers, Kyle captured his wrist and then sensually drew Aaron’s fingers into his mouth and licked each finger clean. A soft exhalation parted Aaron’s lips as pleasure whipped through him, sending sharp flares of sensations rushing through his system. His eyes glazed over with a look of helpless pleasure and a touch of raw vulnerability as they remained trained on Kyle’s.

“Let’s get out of here,” Kyle said abruptly as he stood up. He knew that the ride to his house was going to be a tortured one and he blamed himself for that.

“Slow down, Kyle,” Aaron said softly beside Kyle and sighed his relief when he instantly eased off the gas. “Speeding to where? Home or grave?” he murmured teasingly.

“The fuck…” Kyle groaned when he saw the lights ahead. “What is this?”

“Maybe there’s been an accident,” Aaron said. “I can see police cars up ahead.”

“Shit!” Kyle muttered. That was all he needed. A fucking holdup. He stopped the car.

Aaron looked at Kyle’s dark expression for a while and sighed. The man was wound up real tight. “I’ll be right back,” He said as he got out of the car. After just a few steps, Aaron saw an elderly policeman and asked what was causing the hold-up.

“It’s just a truck that overturned. We’re trying to get it off the road so that you people can move. Give it about thirty minutes, son.”

That was more than he needed, Aaron thought. “Thanks, Officer,” Aaron said and sprinted back to Kyle. “It’s a truck. They’re getting it off the road so that we can move. We have thirty minutes.” Aaron said as he reached for Kyle’s zipper. “Now lookout for any approaching cops.”

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Aaron?” Kyle couldn’t keep the incredulity out of his voice.

“Getting the edge off,” Aaron replied smoothly as he pulled out Kyle’s pulsing length. “Cry me a river,” Aaron muttered teasingly, stroking his thumb over the leaking slit.

“Fuck you,” Kyle gasped. “Baby, I don’t think…”

“Shhh. If I’m going to massage you, I need to get the edge off first,” Aaron murmured as he ran his tongue along the sensitive flesh just beneath Kyle’s ear. That touch sent a surge of blood racing through Kyle’s body and straight to his dick. Every sense of caution instantly fled from Kyle to be replaced by the need for release. “You’re strung as tight as a bow,” Aaron murmured, stroking Kyle with skilled speed.

Kyle gasped with surprised delight when Aaron suddenly leaned down and began to suck on his crown as if he was on a mission. He could feel Aaron’s suction all the way to his toes. Hands moved down to tangle in Aaron’s hair, not to direct him, but just to hold him. Kyle's eyes slid shut despite his attempts to keep them open as he knew he had to watch out for cops. At that point, he was beyond caring for cops. A tsunami could have happened that very moment and Kyle wouldn’t have noticed it. Aaron’s lips around his cock felt that good. It was hot, wet, perfect, and over before Kyle knew it.

“Christ baby, I’m going to come,” Kyle warned just as he erupted into that hot mouth. Loving it even more when he felt Aaron swallowing around his spurting cock.

As soon as Kyle stopped coming, Aaron tucked away his spent cock and zipped him back up. Then he sat up and unzipped his pants just to give his straining length some relief. Kyle pulled Aaron to him and crushed his mouth on his, tasting himself on Aaron’s lips.

“Better?” Aaron asked huskily when Kyle finally released his lips.

Kyle nodded. “That was amazing. Thanks.” He felt so much better.


The cars started moving not too long after their naughty interlude. Aaron attempted to zip up his pants but Kyle stopped him. He shrugged out of his jacket and threw it over Aaron’s lap to cover him up.

“Thanks,” Aaron chuckled.

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Kyle drawled and then promptly laughed at the wary look that appeared on Aaron’s face. “Don’t worry. I’m only going to try and help you.” Kyle said, driving past the police point. Then he slipped his right hand under the jacket covering Aaron’s erection and touched him.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” Aaron gasped. “Kyle please stop. I want us to get home in one piece.”

Kyle loved how Aaron had referred to his place as home. He was such a sappy fool. But what he wouldn’t give to make it real.


And Aaron did just that. With his eyes closed and head thrown back in bliss, he enjoyed the soothing strokes of Kyle’s hand. It was obviously not meant to get him off, but it felt damn good.

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