“Darling you have a visitor,” Peggy Hunter, Aaron’s mother called from the living room immediately she heard Aaron entering the house.
Aaron wondered who would be looking for him at that time of the night. He’d met with his study group to finalize their presentation so had gotten home late. It was already past eight p.m. Aaron came to an abrupt halt when he entered the living room and saw the man who had been haunting his dreams every night for the past few weeks, sitting on the couch with his mother.
“He’s been here since five p.m. Aaron. He’s such a gentleman too. He helped me make dinner. You didn’t tell me you had such…”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Aaron asked Kyle in a cold voice.
“Language, Aaron,” Peggy Hunter admonished her son. “Be respectful, Kyle is a guest.”
Aaron gave a short humourless laugh. “Some guest,” He snorted.
“Aaron…” Peggy raised her voice.
“I don’t want him here mum.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Peggy replied. “He’s here now. And you will show him some respect.”
“Sorry, mum.” Then Aaron turned and walked off to his room.
Peggy watched his son go and sighed. “He’ll come around. He’s as stubborn as his father, bless his soul. Just let him know you’re sorry for whatever you did. Keep telling him.”
“Thanks, Peggy. Do you mind if I go and talk to him in his room?”
“Not at all. Go right ahead. Second door to your left.” Peggy Hunter knew a good person when she saw one. And to her, Kyle gave off good vibes. She liked him.
“Thanks,” Kyle said and went off in search of Aaron.
He gave a small knock on the door and entered the room to see Aaron lying face down in bed. Kyle stood looking at him for a while, willing his heart to slow down. He hadn’t been able to sleep since he last saw Aaron about a week earlier. All he could think about was Aaron, especially now that Stephen, Ken’s boyfriend was back in town and Kyle had to give them their privacy. Aaron had been ignoring his calls and messages, shattering him even more. He didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to go about getting Aaron to talk to him. Out of desperation, he’d made a conference call to his friends, excluding Michael who was in theatre at the time, and Ty who was out of town. He needed advice from his ‘squad’ as they affectionately called themselves.
Kyle got Damon, Dean, Matt, Chris, and Cole on the line and told them what he’d done, leaving out the racy details of course. They were a really close group…almost like a family. All the guys were successful and very well to do but when they got together, they always acted like kids who didn’t have any care in the world. And that was what made it fun. Kyle loved his boys but just knew they were going to give him hell this time.
“Did you use a condom?” Dean asked.
“Of course he used a condom, you moron,” Chris gushed. “Why should you even ask that? Listen, dude, let it go. Forget about him.”
“He said he couldn’t, Chris. And that is the problem,” Cole drawled. “Now come up with something sensible.”
“You said you know his house right?” Damon asked.
“Yes,” Kyle said.
“Go there. Make him listen to you,” Damon said.
“I don’t want him to think I’m stalking him,” Kyle growled.
“Dude, he’s just a kid. What can he do? Just go and demand he talks to you. Simple,” Dean said.
“Hey asshole, I thought Tristan taught you better,” Cole drawled. “You really think you can order someone like Tristan about? This guy obviously has balls. Storming into that meeting and… ”
“Giving the idiot a killer punch…” Dean added sounding totally thrilled. “That’s definitely something Tristan would do,” He added with a chuckle.
Damon laughed softly. His husband, Tristan, was a spitfire and he loved him to bits.
“Tell me about it. But hey Dean, why don’t you go ordering Kayla about and let’s see what happens, you twerp,” Damon drawled making all the guys erupt into raucous laughter. No one, who valued their lives would dare order Kayla, Dean’s girlfriend about.
“Listen, Kyle,” Matt, who had been quiet throughout their exchange boomed when the guys eventually calmed down. “Go to his house and talk to his mum. Get her to like you. Tell her that her son is angry at you for something silly you did and you want to apologize. She’ll help you.”
“Brilliant.” Cole chipped in. “Oh, and invite Aaron to the party. At least then, we get to see him.”
“Who says I’m going to wait till then?” Damon drawled. “I just bought his videos online. He’s hot, guys.”
“Damon…” Kyle groaned and all the guys promptly dissolved into laughter.
“Where the fuck is Tristan?” Dean asked, trying to catch his breath.
“He just walked in. Hey love.” The others heard Damon greet Tristan. Then they heard the unmistakable sounds of kissing and groaned in unison.
“Get a room, boys,” Chris chuckled.
“We are in our room, Chris,” Tristan laughed. “Hi, guys.”
After a chorus of hellos, Chris said in a serious voice; “On a more serious note, Kyle, I think you should let this go. He’s a porn star for fuck’s sake. Are you ready for all that baggage?”
“He quit, Chris,” Kyle said quietly. “He’s in college. He’s a good kid from the little I’ve gathered. And I genuinely like him.” Kyle sighed.
All the guys went quiet, hearing it all in Kyle’s voice. He actually sounded like he more than liked the boy. Who could stand in the way of that? Even they could feel the emotional attachment Kyle already had to the kid.
“Go for it, man,” Tristan said quietly. He didn’t need to be a genius to know what they were talking about. And if it was truly the juicy twink his husband was pointing at on his computer to him that very moment, then Kyle falling for him was not surprising. “He’s totally hot,” Tristan added making all the guys burst into laughter.
So there Kyle was, in Aaron’s house, inside his bedroom, staring down at the man he wanted more than he’d ever wanted anyone, and what does he fine? Aaron’s body shaking. Next came very faint sniveling sounds. Aaron was crying and Kyle’s heart broke all over again. He closed the door and got onto the bed. Then he covered Aaron’s body with his and just held him.