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Chapter 22 Kyle Dylan Parker vs. Aaron Hunter: His erotic addiction...The massage!


At his gate, Kyle typed in a code to open the gate. He lived in a classically modern three-story house with a huge compound. He’d told Aaron in the morning when he’d come to drop him off that his friend, Dean, had designed the house. It was absolutely beautiful.

Kyle drove into a garage that had opened automatically for then and parked. Aaron zipped up and got out of the car. He counted seven luxury cars and two powerful-looking motorbikes.

“Do you need all this?” Aaron breathed, still checking out the cars.

“No, I don’t,” Kyle chuckled. “I like them.”

“Spoilt brat,” Aaron muttered.

Kyle laughed and coiled an arm around Aaron’s neck. “What’s your favourite car?” Kyle asked as he walked Aaron towards the elevator.

Aaron shrugged. “I’m not really into cars.”

“Aw come on, there must be a car that you like,” Kyle persisted.

“Nope,” Aaron laughed.

“Alright, give me the name of any car you think is nice. Think about all the cars you’ve seen. Which one do you feel is…cool?” Kyle asked craftily as the elevator started its ascent.

Aaron couldn’t control his laughter. “What am I? Three years?” He laughed even harder when Kyle dissolved into laughter at his question. “Alright let me think.”

Aaron tried to look like he was lost in thought. He bit his lips in mock concentration as he stared into space.

“Don’t do that,” Kyle said huskily, all laughter gone from his voice.

“Do what?” Asked a confused Aaron.

“What you were doing to your lips. Gives me dirty thoughts,” Kyle breathed, taking a step towards Aaron. He however paused mid-step when the elevator pinged and opened on the top floor…where his bedroom was. “Come on.” Kyle turned and left a stunned and Aaron in the elevator, staring after him.

“You can go take a shower if you want to,” Kyle said when they entered his bedroom. “I’ll bring out the stuff that you’ll need for the massage. Then you can set it up whilst I take a turn.”

“Shower with me,” Aaron invited.

But Kyle started shaking his head even before Aaron finished his request. “Bad idea.”

After Aaron was done, Kyle took his turn whilst Aaron got things ready for the massage. He warmed the gel and lit up some candles that he found in the massage box Kyle had left for him. When Kyle stepped back into the bedroom in all his naked glory after his shower, he was amazed at the transformation. The lights were all off save for the light from candles placed at vantage points in the room. There was soothing classical music playing. The ambiance alone got Kyle hard before his eyes landed on a now-naked Aaron, sitting on the couch in the corner of the room.

“Why are you standing there?” Aaron chuckled to cover his breathlessness at seeing a naked Kyle. Kyle was gorgeous. His body was hard from head to toe, lean, muscles flexed with power without being ungainly. Aaron stood up and walked towards the air mattress, praying silently to all the angels for strength to enable him to concentrate on the job at hand. “Come on. I won’t bite.”

“Could have fooled me.” Kyle’s voice sounded odd even to his own ears. He moved slowly towards the air mattress at the foot of the bed and sat down on it. “How do you want me?”

“Deep inside me.” Aaron drawled.

“Aaron…” Kyle groaned.

“Sorry. On your back for now, with your head on the towel. I want to work on your head and neck before I get to your body which will need the gel.”

“Oooh someone sounds really professional.” Kyle purred as he did as Aaron requested.

“And who says I’m not?” Aaron sounded amused. “I took lessons so I could do it right for my mum.”

“Really?” Kyle’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just did.” Aaron laughed softly.

“You are one hell of a son,” Kyle said quietly, staring at Aaron.

“Why, thank you, kind Sir. Now if you would just relax and shut up,” Aaron said making Kyle laugh.

Aaron proceeded to give Kyle a thorough massage that left the bigger man feeling all relaxed and good

“Did you like that?” Aaron asked when he was done.

“You’re good.” Kyle’s eyes remained closed. He felt so relaxed.

“Good.” Aaron’s eyes went to Kyle’s pulsing erection. He’d never seen a cock leak so much. He swallowed audibly.

“See something you like?” Kyle drawled, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Shut up,” Aaron muttered, drawing a chuckle from Kyle.

“I can’t massage your body but I’m pretty sure I can massage your insides to our mutual pleasure,” he drawled. “Come here.”

And what a massage it was. Aaron felt exquisite pleasure as Kyle slid deep inside him and gave his pleasure button an intense battering that made him drool. It was so good he thought he was going to pass out from sensory overload. Compared to what he was feeling that very moment, he and Kyle’s first encounter had been a joke.

“Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop,” Aaron cried wantonly as he met Kyle’s every thrust with his frenzied own. "Feels so good, Kyle,” he whimpered his pleasure.

When both men eventually succumbed to their orgasms, it was perfect and mind-shatteringly fantastic. For Aaron, it felt as if he was having an out-of-body experience. He writhed and trembled beneath Kyle as he kept coming. It was so intense he forgot to breathe and for a moment, the world stopped turning. Kyle didn’t miss it. He covered Aaron’s mouth with his and exhaled into his mouth, breathing a sigh of relief when Aaron took a gulp of air. He wrapped his arms around Aaron and scattered light kisses all over his face. Kyle didn’t have a doubt in his mind at that point… He’d fallen madly in love with Aaron Hunter.

Aaron moved him. He made him wish for things he’d never believed he would want. Made him dream of things he’d never believed he would dream of. Things like his soft smile filling his heart before he slept each night, the warmth of his body curled against his. He wanted to protect him, he wanted to laugh with him. If anything bad ever happened to Aaron, Kyle knew he would lose it. When he realized Aaron couldn’t breathe earlier, he’d panicked. That had been all the confirmation he needed. The love he felt for Aaron was so fierce, it was terrifying. He knew it was too fast but couldn’t help it. It didn’t matter if Aaron didn’t feel the same way about him. He was just grateful that he had Aaron in his life.

“Hey, you okay?” Aaron asked softly, entwining his fingers with Kyle’s.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” Kyle breathed, his voice shaky.

“What?” Aaron whispered, confused. “What did I…”

“You wouldn’t breathe. And it scared the shit out of me.” Kyle’s voice told just how scared he’d gotten.

Aaron’s eyes widened. He didn’t realize… “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “But what I felt…I’ve never felt that way before. It was…exhilarating. It was…” Aaron trailed off.

“I know,” Kyle murmured, burying his face in Aaron’s hair. “I felt it too.” He felt overwhelmed by feelings he’d never felt before. “I love you, Aaron.”

“Oh fuck!” Was all Aaron could say.

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