“You have to work with me on this one Ken,” Kyle groaned.
He was sitting at the beautiful pool area in Ken’s house, trying to convince his brother to give Aaron the impression that he’d seen their video should Aaron ask him. They were bound to meet at their birthday party the following day. He had to prepare Ken because he didn’t know whether Aaron would ask Ken about the video or not when they saw each other.
“Ky, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Ken ran his fingers through his hair, the gesture much like his brother’s. “This could blow up in your face. Just tell him the truth. That you can’t allow another person to watch you two…fucking your arses off.”
“Jerk,” Kyle chuckled. “You have no idea how stubborn he is, Ken. He will insist on paying me back.”
“So give him a fucking job,” Ken exclaimed.
“You’re missing the point. I don’t want him to think I’m a manipulator. He…”
“Aren’t you?”
“Fuck you,” Kyle said darkly, frowning even more fiercely when his brother burst into uncontrollable laughter.
“How do I even bring this conversation up? Hey Aaron, I saw you and my brother fucking like rabbits. It was really…”
“You don’t have to say that, you idiot. Wait till he brings it up. Then just drop hints that you’ve seen it. Be subtle, dude. Even you should be able to swing this, moron,” Kyle drawled.
“Aw come on Dick Shlong, at least give me something to work with. Some details would…”
“I can’t,” Kyle whispered. “Maybe I could have given you details right after it went down. But not now. I just…” Kyle trailed off, a faraway look in his eyes.
“You’re in love with him,” Ken said softly. When Kyle neither admitted nor denied it, Ken sighed. “That was fast. You should be very careful, Ky. Have you told him you’ve taken his videos down?” Ken asked quietly.
“Why does he have to know? It’s not like he’s still in the business. I’m only…”
“Listen to me Ky, it’s his ‘life’.” Ken gave the word air quotes with his fingers. “You owe it to him to tell him what you’ve decided to do with it. From the little I know about him and what you’ve told me, Aaron is a no-nonsense kind of person and won’t take crap from anyone. You have…”
“Lunch is ready guys,” Stephen called from inside the house, interrupting Ken. Stephen loved to cook and the brothers never missed an opportunity to enjoy his scrumptious meals whenever he was in town.
“Coming, love,” Ken threw over his shoulders. “Look here bro, for any relationship to work, there should be communication and honesty. Don’t fuck this up.” Ken stood up and stretched. “Come on, let’s go eat.” Ken turned to go in.
Ken had been a bit skeptical when he realized just how far gone his brother was on Ron Hunt. The guy was a fucking porn star…no pun intended. But then he had quickly realized, as Kyle kept talking about Aaron, just how much his brother adored Aaron. He never dreamt he would ever see his brother that crazy about anyone. He had immediately accepted it. All he hoped for was that Aaron felt as strongly about his brother as he did about him. The icing on the cake had been when Kyle told him that Aaron was no longer in the porn business but was rather concentrating on his education. He had been even more thrilled when Kyle had told him he’d taken Aaron’s videos off the internet and paid to ensure his videos never went out again. That was a brilliant move. He didn’t want any scandal racking their lives.
Kyle fell into step beside his brother. “So…are you going to go back to chemo?” Kyle asked, tongue in cheek.
“Hell, no!” Ken exclaimed.
“But I won the bet,” Kyle whined pitifully.
“And where’s the evidence?” Ken drawled and then burst into laughter at the look on Kyle’s face. “Oh my God, you should see your face, Ky.” Then he erupted into more laughter.
“You’re an asshole you know that?” Kyle growled, coiling an arm around Ken’s neck.
“Hey leave my boyfriend alone, you bully,” Stephen called out from inside the house.
“Stay the fuck out of this, Stephen,” Kyle shouted back, trying to keep a laughing wriggling Ken from escaping from under his arm.
“Please, please.” Ken laughed delightfully till he finally pulled away from Kyle. “On a more serious note Ky, you knew very well I wasn’t going to go back to chemo.”
“I know,” Kyle muttered, looking resigned.
Ken sighed when he saw the look on his brother’s face. “Listen, I’m okay. Don’t worry too much about me. Remember what Josh said?”
“Well, that’s dependent on you going through the full treatment,” Kyle growled.
Josh Broody, Dean’s big brother and Ken’s doctor had told him once that there was a chance of recovery for the type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that Ken had. He had explained that generally, a patient was likely to be cured if their non-Hodgkin lymphoma was in their lymph nodes, like in Ken’s situation, rather than their bone marrow or lungs. Besides, the fact that Ken was young and healthy and the cancer had been caught early was a plus, Josh had encouraged. All the excruciatingly painful treatments Ken had to undergo were to help cure that type of cancer, which according to the experts, was very possible.
“I’m good Ky. I went to see Josh last Monday. And he said there was a massive improvement. Of course, he did say I should complete the treatment but you already know my stand on that.”
“So why the fuck don’t you just complete it?” Kyle growled, pinching the bridge of his nose in a sign of frustration. He could already feel a massive headache coming on. He wanted to literally shake Ken till his teeth rattled inside his mouth. He was too fucking stubborn.
“You,” Ken said softly.
“What?” Kyle whispered. “What do you mean, me?”
“Why do you think I stopped the chemo?” Ken asked softly. “Yes, it is painful. But the look on your face each time I had to go through that…it always killed me inside. Besides, I was almost done with the treatment schedule anyway, right? I’ll keep taking my drugs, Ky. Promise!” Ken said with a smile so much like his brother’s.
“Don’t fucking put this on me, bro. You know I want you to be well. And if that’s what it takes, then we both have to be strong and endure,” Kyle said drawing his brother into a tight hug.
“I won’t do it, Ky,” Ken muttered.
Kyle sighed. “I know,” He whispered, tightening his hold on Ken. But then, he had always known Ken wasn’t going to change his mind. He just had to try…even go to outrageous lengths to try and change Ken’s mind. “Come on, let’s go eat before your boyfriend comes after us with a gun.
As the two-headed back inside for lunch, they both had grim looks on their faces. For Ken, he hated that he had made his brother sad but he honestly didn’t see himself going through that terrible experience again. And for Kyle, at least he could hold on to the fact that there was an improvement in his brother’s case. He made a mental note to talk to Josh Broody after lunch. He just wished Aaron were there to hold him and tell him everything would be fine. Kyle froze! Where the fuck had that come from? What scared Kyle, even more, was the fact that he wished Aaron was with him right then.
“Hey, why the sad faces?” Stephen asked quietly at the door, looking from one brother to the other. “You’re both alive, and that’s the most important thing so cheer up.” He said, drawing Ken into his arms for a sweet lingering kiss.
“Okay, get a room, assholes,” Kyle growled. “Where’s the food?” he ruffled Ken’s hair as he squeezed past the love birds.
“I love you.” He heard Stephen whisper to Ken and smiled to himself. Stephen was a good man. Too bad he couldn’t convince his stubborn brother to continue his treatment.
Kyle sighed as he headed towards the dining area. “Please send down an angel to convince him,” He muttered under his breath hoping that his short prayer had been heard.