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***Kendrick MOUKOURY***

- Wait, are you serious?! A hickey ?!

- (She raises her voice) Yes! A hickey ! You think I don't know what it is?! You didn't do that Ken! No you didn't! You didn't leave me at home to go and fuck another!

- (I take a harsh tone) You stop that right now! Can you hear yourself talking?!

- (Mrs. EKANI reappears, hanging up her phone) Yes, Kendrick, I said earlier, really, it would be nice if you also continued with Wendy, even if it's just for a few months. It's better than nothing. She's used to your system.

- (I support Ornella's heavy look of anger) It's okay Madame, until the end of this year then

- It's perfect ! Do we start next Monday? That way you have the rest of the week to organize yourself.

- OK ; It suits me. I'll go

- Ornella accompanies your tutor!

She followed me to the gate without a word. Once outside she started talking again

- I thought you were different! How could you do such a thing?

- (I walk straight ahead) Follow me!

- Why am I following you?! Nessa, are you my teacher again?! I'm going home! Go back to the one you were with leaving me in the lurch!

- (I turn around and grab his arm) I asked you to follow me!

- MOUKOURY let go of me! Let go of me !

- Ok this is where you want me to give it to you?! Eh ?!

- Give me what?! Bastard! Imbecile! You've been playing me from the start! You dare leave me hanging out at your house to go see a… What are you doing?! Oh !

I had turned her around and lowered her panties with a quick blow, then I penetrated her

- I'm giving you proof that I didn't go elsewhere!

- (She becomes pleading) Ken… please… not here… we could be surprised!

- (I start moving inside her) Next time you'll think twice before being stubborn! You would have followed me and we wouldn't be there

- (She sighs with pleasure) Oh… Yes…. Oh ! Ken!

- I didn't wear a condom! Do you still want your baby?

- (She whispers) Yes…

- (I accelerate) Speak louder!

- Yeaaah!!!

- Are you going to doubt me again?

- (She whispers) No…

- I can not hear you !

- No, I'm not going to doubt you Ken anymore!

- (I go faster and faster) Who am I for you?

- (Between sighs and pleasure) My little friend

- Do you really think that I will cheat on you?

- Oh Ken don't stop!

- Then excuse yourself!

- I… I'm sorry…

- Speak louder Orné!

- (She almost shouts it) I'm sorry Ken!

- That's it Baby I'm coming!

- Me too

We both exploded in a rattle. She then got up and came to curl up in my arms

- (I whisper in the hollow of his ear) What you saw was not a hickey. Never doubt me, do you understand?

- (She hugs me a little more) I'm sorry…

- I do not know what it is. Your mother must be right. It's probably an insect that bit me. I remember having felt a sting at one point when I was waiting for the teacher but without really noticing it.


- Are you in a fertile period?

- Nope.

- Ok. We will do this baby but not now. OK ?

- Ok. I love you Ken.

- I love you too

***Nathalie MOUKOURY****

Today we audit the Human Resources of the building. My colleagues and I are seated across from Christian's team. He told us that he would join us later. His collaborator, Fabrice, who is his N-1, has not hesitated to show me publicly that I am his type of woman. I'm in my 5th month of pregnancy, but it doesn't show yet, especially since I'm wearing loose clothes. Christian since the discovery of the sex of the baby is almost manic. He controls or at least tries to control everything I swallow. My meals are delivered to me from breakfast to lunch. He has not missed any prenatal visits so far. He is present in the room when the gynecologist examines me. When we get back to the office, he leaves me a good distance from the building and I walk inside, while he loses about ten minutes before going through the gate too. At least I admire the fact that he doesn't lose his mind. Every weekend he spends them in Yaoundé, as usual. But every weeknight we see each other. There is not one where I am not required to visit him. Very often he comes back to pick me up when the boys are already asleep and brings me back much later in the evening.

We are already 20 minutes into the audit session when Christian enters. As heard between us at the office we are boss and employee

- Hi there !

- Hello Sir ! Did we all answer in chorus

- Where are we?

- We check the recruitment procedure and randomly picked the file of Mrs. NANA, currently on a fixed-term contract in the Accounting department. Unfortunately we realize that there is no copy of his diplomas in his personnel file. This is a non-compliance. Said Emerine, my colleague

- (Fabrice NGUELE, a collaborator of Christian looks at me, all smiles) There must have been a mix-up in the files. I'm sure it's probably somewhere in another employee's personnel file.

- Except Mr. NGUELE that the one we picked at random already detects a non-conformity. We dare not go further to detect others! I said

- If you want in 1 hour I bring it to your office Mrs. MOUKOURY

- I don't mind.

- Do you want something else perhaps?

I looked at him for a moment; I don't know if like me the others perceived what he meant

- (Politely) Let's already try to find out if the annual training program is respected for a departure?

1 hour later we got out of there. I was hungry, very hungry. The colleagues and I were still in the hall, at the level of the lady who replaced me when Christian's team came out.

- (Fabrice puts his hand on my shoulder) Nathalie, it's 1 p.m.

Christian at that time walked through us like he didn't know us

- It's very nice Fabrice but they bring me my lunch there

- (Alvine crosses us, leaving his office) Yes Fabrice. Who here does not know that this one has found a pigeon?

- (I ignore his remarks as always) It's very nice for the attention anyway

I went back to my office to make a report on our audit and send it to Ms. BELLA, she is very very picky about the work.

At the time of departure I took the road to the house. Christian if we stick to his habits must be about to take the road to Yaoundé. We are Friday. It's my co-wife's turn, as I very often like to say.

When I pass the key in the lock my little man runs towards me

- Mamaaaaaa

- (I welcome him and make him twirl in the air) Who is that? He's my champ?

- (He laughs out loud) Yesiiiiiiiiiiii

- (His father appears behind him) How was today?

- Yes yes. Has he already washed?

- I was about to give him his bath but he disappeared from my field of vision while I answered a text message

- (I wedge it against my hip and head for the bathroom) I hope you bothered to heat the water!

- (He pouts) How solid will he be if at his old age we always wash him with hot water?

- MOUKOURY does not seek me palaver! Go heat the water there!

- (Nath tries to imitate me) OUKOURI!

- Yes ! Ken wants to wash you with cold water! Do you want a cold bath?

- (He shakes his head vehemently) Na na!

- So !

- (Ken goes to the kitchen) How many times I washed him here with cold water, you know?

I went with my little guy to my room. I put it on my bed while I changed. Then I brought him back to the living room and tried to put him in his playpen. He screamed not to enter

- Waaaa Nath! Mom needs to wash

- Naaaaaa! Naaaaaaa

- Rhoooo you bother huh! Ken! Keeennn!

- (He answers me from afar) Stay with him! It's your turn !

- Baby Nath listen to me…

- hum hum (negation)

- I wash up quickly and we go out to eat, okay?

- (He seems to be trying to understand what I'm saying): ….

- I just put you there for 3 seconds, I run to wash myself and then I come to carry you, ok?

- um (yes)

- (I give him a big smack) That's why I love you!

I put him in his playpen and I hurried to wash my face

- (I pass hastily in front of their room) Ken! Take a shower, we're going out!

I go to my room and lock myself in my bathroom

- Can't we buy it back here? I don't want to go out!

- How do you go shopping then?

- It's better. Give me the money

- Take it from my bag! And wash your son before you leave!

I heard him open my door and search my bag.

- Your phone rings, it's Christian

- (I quickly dry off, surprised at the call) Pass it to me, please!

I opened the bathroom door a crack and held out my hand. He put my vibrating phone on my hand. I closed the door before picking up

- Hello ?

- (Cracking voice) I've been calling you since earlier! Where are you ?

- (Positively) Away from the phone, sorry. A concern ?

- I'm on my way to pick you up. Meet me downstairs in three minutes. And I hope for you that you are well at home

- (I'm surprised) What do you mean?! It's Friday! You haven't traveled anymore??

- Nathalie, I'm almost in front of your building. If you've already come down there!

He hung up. I rushed to get ready. Ken was putting Nath in his pajamas when I passed by their house.

- Ken I'm going down to see Christian

- You come back ?

- Honestly, I do not know

Nath started crying as he held out his hands to me. I calmed him down as best I could before going. When I got back in the vehicle he gave me a curt good evening and we took the road to his house.

- What did you say at home to justify not coming this weekend?

- (He takes a turn) It's none of your business.

- Don't start annoying me AMBASSA! If you start your madness again put me here I'm going home! I left my children there who needed me!

- Because you don't think I need you too?!

- When I ask them a question they answer me!

- ………….

- Christian, I'm waiting!

- I said I had an emergency: satisfied?

- Is that the case then?

- Yes

- Which one is it?

- (Christian looks at me) I had to see you

I fell silent first, crossed my hands under my chest and looked through my window for a moment.

- You will make her suspicious Christian

- Don't worry, I manage!

- Neither you nor I want her to suspect anything

- I told you that I manage!

- (I insist) And the girls haven't seen you since last Sunday. They need their father

- (He gets angry) Nathalie, let this be the last time you tell me how to manage my children! I'm not interfering in the way you manage yours!

- Excuse me, leave me here!

- And stop with this stupid blackmail! You won't go home until I decide!

- AMBASSA I'm sorry, I don't want the palavers tonight. I don't know what your problem is and I don't want to know. I have mine problems and I'm tired. When you've calmed down look for me!

- Since a while ago, you've been doing everything not to be with me. Are you in a hurry to find him? Reassure me that I am the baby's father? Or we are 2 in the running

PAF! My right hand had just flattened on his right cheek. The car rocked on the road before regaining its balance



- (I calm down and come to my senses) I may have been a girl of joy for a while but God knows since I'm raising my son alone you're the only bullshit I do

- (He takes another turn) Me! Bullshit ! 3rd offense against me in the space of a day. Very well ! We are going forward !

- Let me go home

- (He has a smile that doesn't show anything good) You don't understand what in this evening it's with you I want to be? Take it as you want and prepare to pay your affronts!

- What does it mean ?! Are you going to hit me?! Why come all the way home?! Wait once you hit me here then I'm going home and I'm putting an end to this masquerade!

He said nothing more and only opened his mouth when he parked in the starting position in front of his building

- If you slam the door on me this time too, you'll pay the repair costs out of your own pocket!

I got out and climbed the stairs as fast as I could! I took mine from my bag and opened the door. I went straight to the living room and poured myself a glass of Jack Daniels

- Put it down now! Unconscious woman!

- (My voice quivers): What's the same with you today, huh?! What did I do to you AMBASSA for you to treat me like this?! I eat what you want I sleep where you want even how I dress it's always you who decides from a distance! This trick I didn't do what as it should, huh?

This time I was crying. Damn it's been ages since I cried. Oh yes anyway! I cried when we were left Nathanael. But I don't remember crying for a man. Never in my sad existence has a man made me cry.

- (He leans against the wall near the living room door) Why are you crying Nathalie?

- (I angrily wipe my eyes) Because you're a big prick! That's why !

- I'm not proud of what I did today. You're right. I'm not proud of not being on this bus to run to see my daughters. I'm not proud of not picking up calls from my wife who has been trying to reach me since 5 p.m. probably to confirm my presence with my children. I'm not proud to see you and make you cry. I'm not proud to have taken you away from your children tonight. But I hate what I went through this morning

- What is it ?

- I hate seeing you flirt with NGUELE

- Me?! I flirted with him when?

- In any case you never told him that you are taken

- Because I'm taken?! Am I your wife Christian?

- (He straightens up and comes closer to me) You see, that's precisely the problem with you. I am the father of your unborn child

- Just now you still doubted it!

- I was angry Natalie! I can't bear to share! I can't stand this!

- Yet your wife shares you! Yet I share you!

- It's different !

- (I raise my eyebrows) Ah yes? You think ?! You think it's okay for both of us to know you're spending your time with one another? Let's even! Let's just talk about me! Do you think it makes me happy to only see you in secret? Not being able to date you publicly? I'm going to explain how to this unborn child that his daddy won't see him at Christmas, not at New Year? I'm going to explain to him why he has no place in your family events? You would lose your mother do you think he could show up there in peace?!

- (He takes his eyes out) ….

- You hadn't thought of that, huh! All you care about is having your son! And to do this you put me in a cocoon while I give it to you! But after Christian? Once he's there, what do I become?

- Before he got there, did you feel like you didn't count? Or that I was using you? Or that I despised you? How would it be different now?

- We're going to be parents! We'll have a lifelong bond, do you understand that?!

- (This time he puts his hands on my shoulders) I understand that you're scared but I'm not. I am ready to face the future. But I can't stand you cheating on me, Nathalie. You are also my wife, like Eléonore!

- What if she ever finds out about us?

- (He seems to think for a moment): I will advise at that time.

- I'm not cheating on you and I don't intend to

- Then put an end to what I saw today. I do not like it

- I keep saying that I don't know what you saw. I have nothing to do with it if I interest someone

- (He squints) Nathalie don't push me to the limit!

- Otherwise ?! Otherwise would you agree to be only with me?!

- (He seems surprised at my question) You want… you want me to divorce?!

I had just realized that I had said my darkest thoughts out loud.

- (after a short moment of reflection) No. No I don't want you to divorce.

- (He pulls me towards the armchairs so that I sit down) Have you eaten?

- Nessa, you made me run out of my house? The boys and I had planned to dine out

- If you want, we'll go back and get them and we'll all have dinner together?

- (I look at the clock) No. They are already eating at this hour. I know my people

- Ok. Kendrick has an appointment next week with my contact for the establishment of his passport

- Oh! He finally came back?

- Yes yes. And I have a couple friends there who are delighted to welcome him. The time it soaks up the environment, before it takes off definitively

- But… you told them who it is? They don't know your wife?

- No no ! You know I worked a little there before coming back here. Eléonore and I at the time, although as a couple, did not yet frequent the same circles. Both are native English people, friends of mine and not of Eléonore and me. I told them he's my nephew

- That's really nice of you. I can never thank you enough

- We are two then to be indebted because I too will never thank you enough. Do you want to go out to eat?

- First let me see what's in the fridge.

I headed for the kitchen. Gertrude, the housekeeper I took from her who comes 3 times a week, prepared DG chicken and Ndole (made with vernonia leaves, peanuts and meat or fish). I took out the 2 that I warmed up. We ate in a rather quiet atmosphere. That of good weather after the storm. He got rid of it and we went to nestle in each other's arms in the bedroom, in front of the big screen fixed to the wall. I manage this house as if it were mine on weekdays. Gertrude was my idea. Christian's laundry is also my responsibility now. Every evening when I come here I spend at least half an hour checking if everything is ok. All Christian does in the morning is pull an outfit out of his closet. He controls my meals at the office? I control his own, in this house. Failing to eat with him every day, I control what he eats at dinner. We have our little rituals and in a few months we quickly found our balance. In each city he has a home, let's put it this way. At one point I feel his regular breathing, he dozed off

- (I elbow him) Hey! What are you sleeping?!

- (He emerges) Um? What problem do you have woman?!

- Have you been told that I came here to sleep?!

- You came to…?

- Do I have to draw you a picture?

- (He is amused) Didn't you say you wanted to go home earlier? Now you have naughty desires?!

- (I climb on top of him) You talk too much. Let me do…





I get up with a start and look at Christian scared, also standing

- You are waiting for someone ?!

- Not that I know ! It's still midnight!

PAM PAM PAM this time we knock hard on the door

- (Female voice) Christian?! Open! I know you're there ! I saw your car outside!

We look at each other dumbfounded!



- (I dread the answer) It's…. Who is it ?

- It's Eléonore… it's my wife.

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