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****Kendrick MOUKOURY****

Mom didn't speak to me the rest of the evening. It must be said that I didn't want to talk to anyone either! And it's times like these that I really hate the promiscuity we live in. And it's one of those unbearable heat! We are just at the beginning of November but already the heat is unbearable. I sit down in front of our room for a moment and take off my T-shirt, which I lay carelessly over my left shoulder. From time to time I use it as a fly swatter.

- Ken come here for a bit, says mum Rose our neighbor

I get up to meet my neighbor who is also sitting on a bench admiring the nightfall

- Sit down…

I join her on her bench

- Are you the author of the pregnancy?

- …..

- It is to help you that I ask you my son

- I also just learned like everyone else here

- (Evrad, another inhabitant of the mini city): In any case you have the proof that you give my little one! Leave the din that the rehearsal there makes!

- How are you going to do now with school?

- That he's the one who's pregnant?!

- Except that the guy said he's going to come and leave the newborn.

- Ah! It's anger he won't do anything about it!

- What if he does? Huh If he does?

-Ken! Ken! Mama scream

- Yes !

- I'm not going to teach you manners my son. We say yes mom! Mom Rose intervenes

- You don't have class tomorrow?! What are you doing outside?!

I got up and walked into our furnace. I sat down on the gerflex on the ground and I opened my lessons without really reading them, in a silence that only the mosquitoes broke from time to time finally followed by Mom.

- In any case, if this man disturbs you at school, go to the callbox and call me, did you follow?

I just nod my head. After an hour in this position I finally got on the bed and lay down on my end. It was the next morning while getting ready that I saw the big bruise on my right cheek.

- The motherfucker! In any case go to class at the slightest glitch you call me!

I was the subject of a thousand questions from my classmates and even from my teachers. I must have spoken of a general fight in the neighborhood. At 12 noon I didn't want to set foot outside my classroom.

I was dozing on my bench when I felt a tap on my shoulder

- Hey

- (Almost startled): Yes!

- Ouh làààà You have a nice hematoma there! What happened ?

- (Standing up): Nothing serious

- (Sitting down close to me): Here….

- (Looking enviously at the plastic packaging that she points to me): What is it?

- A sandwich

- Did I tell you I'm hungry?

- (Embarrassed): No! That's never what I claim! It's just that it's the big break and you're in your classroom… I thought we could kill time together over a sandwich

- That's very nice of you, but it's okay!

- (Annoyed): So what do I do since I took two?

- (shrugs): Give it to someone else

- But I wanted us to spend the break together

- Listen Ornella if it's about your question yesterday I don't have time for that now

- (Rising): Ok! I am leaving

- OK !

She came out before my eyes. And less than a minute later a supervisor showed up in front of the classroom searching the room with a look. When our eyes met, he motioned for me to come closer. I get up and join him

- Moukoury we need you at the censor!

- Is there a problem?

- Move over there! You will be fixed in place!

- I'll call my parent first, it's better

He shrugged his shoulders as we drove to the graduate censor. I got that frozen heart feeling again when I saw Sydney's dad and daughter sitting

- Moukoury!

- Yes Mr. Censor?

- Are you the one who comes to school to impregnate the college girls?!

I stare at Sydney who has her head down and really seems to be having a really bad time. I just need to talk. I want to understand. We did it once without a condom and she assured me that she had mastered her menstrual cycle. She even seemed more sure than me of what we were doing. I am frankly let go.

- I say that if she doesn't frequent anymore, he shouldn't frequent anymore either! They committed the stupidity of two why it is she alone who pays the costs?! Says Sydney's father

- Except that sir here it is about two minors and if I am not mistaken he is even younger than her. We cannot exclude a student from an establishment for an act that he would have done outside the establishment. As long as its appearance does not harm the image of our establishment that we want to preserve, we cannot exclude it. Which is unfortunately not the case with your daughter. We are a Catholic colleague, his condition which will be visible shortly cannot be accepted here, at the risk that the message will be interpreted by the other girls of the establishment as an action that can be affixed and validated. We can keep her in the establishment until you find another establishment for her and this of course before her condition is visible.

- You see your things?! Do you see your things??! Where are you going to go now?!

- How many months pregnant are you Andela?

- (timidly): 6 weeks sir

- So a little over a month. We can keep her with us until March max sir until then that gives you time to put her somewhere else

- (Threatening) And he won't be worried?

- (shrugging his shoulders): We already don't have proof that he is the author of the pregnancy

- It's him sir, I swear it's him!!

- Then even if he is the father of this child I repeat what happened was done by mutual agreement between 2 young teenagers. You know like me that the world and the system in place is patriarchal; at the risk of repeating myself the college can do nothing against him. He did nothing to us and his physical condition does not suffer from any public questioning. Please settle this matter as a family. Moukoury!

- Sir ?

- What do you plan to do now that you will be a father? You are 15 years old, you are 1st and you are already stuffing yourself with this kind of problem?

- ……

- Besides, you went to do these things with someone younger than you ANDELA?

- That's what I was telling you earlier sir.

- (Rising reassembled to block like yesterday): This story is not possible! I say it is not possible! It's not on me that a vulgar tramp will bring shame in the house

- Please calm down sir! This is neither the place nor the time to deal with your family issues.

- (Coming dangerously closer to me): And you there! I promise you I'll make your life hell! You'll regret ruining my daughter's

I take several steps back

- Mr. ANDELA, I understand your anger, but threatening a teenager publicly could fall on you. Please go home and spare your daughter. Today she is pregnant. Think of her first

- What are you still doing sitting down?! EH ?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING

Sydney stood up like an automaton to the point of tipping her seat backwards.



He walked right through me, shoving me around and pulling his daughter by the arm. I've never seen Sydney so distraught. I felt so helpless. Luckily, the censor's office being a little remote, onlookers and others were content to cast a curious look on her when she left in tears and to give me a curious look when I returned to the classroom. Arthur quickly joined me on the bench

- MOUKOURY what is the problem with ANDELA? Wonder Arthur

- (shrugging his shoulders): Why are you asking me the question?

- But it's you who comes out of there norrrr! Why did we even call you first?

- It seems that she has problems at home and as I was helping her a little in math they called me to find out if I had any information

- What kind of problems? What information ?

- ETINGUE if you're from the police, sorry, declare yourself! You ask questions it seems you can handle the problem she has

- But why do you want now? I just wanted to understand!

- Understand what is none of your business?! People are always meddling in what doesn't concern them!

- (Not without dismantling): It seems that she is pregnant?

- You're the one teaching me!

- You really don't want to tell me anything man?

- No, that's none of my business. If you want information on her, see directly with her. Tomorrow it could be you in trouble. You wouldn't appreciate me talking about you with others

He was silent for a while

- Yeah but hey!

***Nathalie MOUKOURY****

I see with all the people around me colleagues friends no one can find me even 50,000frs to advance to Ken's school. If I don't find anything by Friday next week, he'll be kicked out. The lessor is still waiting for the rent you have to be able to eat every day even if it's not chicken you have to be presentable in the office. I noticed that Ken's sneakers are already torn.

We patched it up so many times that now it has given up the ghost. Really, I don't know where I could free up even a 10,000 to find him a new thrift store. Luckily Mr. AMBASSA didn't show up all day so it was pretty quiet. And as a good thing never comes alone a customer satisfied with the service and the reception slipped me a ticket of 5000frs my joy when I had it!!!!

I come home excited to share the good news with Ken and find him sitting on the neighbor's bench with a book in his hand.

- Ken come to the room please

He follows me pulling my face

- What is it why you have your face tied?

- The physics teacher asks that we buy his booklet otherwise we no longer do his course

- (I exhale strongly): How much?

- 3000 Frs

- (I hand him the 5000 note): Ok give him that with the rest you prepare what you want tomorrow

- (Taking the ticket): Where did you take the money?

- A customer gave it to me on leaving

- Just like that ?

- I tell you Ken! People are still nice here!

- Yeah…. If you say so

He sits heavily on the bed looking really worried I sit too

- It's okay, you'll get your booklet

- I say. Thanks

- But what is it then?

Knock Knock knock

We look at each other curious

- Yes ? Come in !

The curtain opens on a lady closely followed by this girl who was there yesterday

- Good evening Mrs. I'm Sydney's mom. I would like to talk woman to woman

I look at her for a moment and look at the little one behind her. She seems borderline traumatized

- (Rising and running towards the girl): Syd, how are you? What did he do to you ?

- Ken come back here!

- (Without listening to me): After college, he hit you?

- (Getting up worried): Something happened today at college Ken?

- (Having eyes only for her): Sydney talk to me. Since you don't tell me anything you don't take my calls. I need to understand. Did he do something to you after college today?

- Kendrick, answer me! What happened today at college? His father was still there? He threatened you?

- Please Madam, let's sit down calmly to discuss this problem. Said the woman who I assume is the mother of the little one

I pulled myself together. She's right. While taking out my visitor's bench that I install in front of my bedroom door, I speak to my son in Douala

- I asked you to call me as soon as there was a problem over there! You stay there you don't say anything

- (He answers me in French): He didn't hit me! He just threatened me…. Like yesterday

- (Indicating the bench to the lady): Please sit down, Mrs.

- I prefer a more neutral place if you don't mind. Even if it's a bar in the surroundings as long as it's not noisy we can try

- Ok it's as you wish

We all go out and go to NDINGA, the very dilapidated local bar.

- (Indicating them the old chairs): Here is the bar of the sector. There's another one further

- (The lady taking her place): No, this one will do; He is not noisy. (then curtly to her daughter) Sydney sit down!

She does so and I see my son sit down beside her and hold her hand. He whispers something in her ear and she just smiles weakly. I didn't even know that this child already knew the woman. I discover a different side of him. The poor guy seems to be in love. In love and a father-to-be at 15! Does he even realize the problems on the horizon?

- Madam, you are a mother like me. If it had been your daughter you wouldn't have taken it so philosophically either.

- Except, Madam, I will not hit the child responsible for the pregnancy.

- My husband reacted in anger. try to understand him

- Mrs. you look at them! It's not an adult and a child. If the boy was even 18 years old I could have understood that one shouts at the embezzlement of minor. But it's two children here! My son is only 15 years old. Come to my house and hit him. He's really lucky that I don't complain about your husband

- (With a contemptuous gesture): Oh please! Let's get to the point! When your son was fooling around with my daughter, he forgot that it could have irreparable consequences?!

- I return the question to you

- (raising his voice): How?!

- Mom please…. She is pregnant with me. We…. We will assume

I looked at this child flabbergasted by the nonsense he had just come out of his mouth

- (With a nervous laugh): What are you going to assume with? Have you seen where you live? Can you even pay him for the consultations? Can you make a layette? Can you pay for prenatal exams?

- ….

- Kendrick you can't afford this pregnancy my child

- In short, we are not going to go back and forth. I won't ask you much: come to the house talk to my husband make financial commitments otherwise he is capable of making a big mistake. I did everything to try to reason with him but he didn't calm down.

- What do you mean by financial commitment Madam?

- I still have to draw you a picture?! A child is done by two, no need to quote you again what this implies as an expense! You must agree to manage the pre-pregnancy

- Madam, I do not have the means to take on this type of charge. You said it yourself we don't run on gold my son and I.

- But he sleeps with young girls!

- Himself is a young boy! You weren't 15?! What is it that you incriminate him as if he deserves to hang?

- It's not your child who finds his school year turned upside down!

- My son didn't force it as far as I know!!!

- Mom…

- What ?! Did you force it?!

- No but….

- So shut up over there! We already have enough problems to add one that will overwhelm us! We'll give you money, don't worry! But when and how much I don't know! But please you and your husband no longer have to go to school, bully the child or come to my house and break my house.

- (Rising visibly outraged): I think I've been more than patient with you. I came in peace to see you to find a solution to this problem

- (Getting up in my turn): Your so-called peace was to better prepare for your war. You came with an ultimatum! What exactly do you want us to tell you? Tomorrow we give you 1,000,000? You have seen our living conditions! We're not going to steal to give you! If we even have to steal it will be first for ourselves to put ourselves at ease

- (The look throwing lightning): Sydney get up! You will see that we are not kidding! You will see!

They left while the little one gave a look that hurt my son

- (Kendrick, Distraught): Mom….

- (I take his face between his hands): MOUKOURY listen to me carefully. I won't always be there. There will come a time when you will have to defend yourself. Can you handle this pregnancy?

- (hoarse voice): No…

- Then be a man. Do not Cry

He started sniffling

- (Continuing however): You're too young for that. They will manage. But we don't give up. We are not running away. We will go to them when we have the means. At the moment we don't have any. You understood ?

- OK….

- Are you sure ???

- Yes….

- Good. You have your life to live young man. Your diplomas to be obtained. I need you to stay focused on your goals. Let's not scatter.



It's school orientation day today. For us future graduates today is the day when we are guided on what we can do after the baccalaureate. I am going to do the competitions for schools in the country. I can't do as some people dream of Europe. Already paying my pension is not easy for Mom. I have been helping him for some time with the rehearsals that I do for the youngest during the week and the cleaning that I do in rich people's homes on the weekends. I left our room open under the surveillance of the neighbor Maman Rose and I went to the store to buy some eggs to make myself an omelet. On the way back, my phone rings yes! I have a phone now. And it's even the person who gave it to me who calls me

- Hello ?

- Hello, how are you, Ken?

- Quiet and you Ornella?

- I thought you'd be in college?

- No no. Really not lazy. Plus I'm giving class later at 1 p.m.

- Ah ok that means you already know what you want to do later

- More or less. But how do you call me? You should be in progress

- I'm going back to class, you forget? I can afford to miss an English lesson

- (In a disapproving tone): Ornella…..

- I know Jean Lecole. I will return. See you in the evening?

- I will confirm that when I leave class please

I just walked into the bedroom and there's something on the bed. I'm getting closer and it's a very small baby. A tiny baby wrapped in a blanket with a diaper bag next to him

- You're not going to turn me on, eh, promise?

- Ornella please I'll call you back

I hang up without giving him time to finish his sentence and go knock at Maman Rose's

- Mama Pink! Mama Pink

She takes her time to open the door

- Yes ?

- Who came to my house in my absence?

- (Surprised): Nobody! I just went to wash up for a while

- There is a baby on the bed

- What ?!

Without giving me time to continue, she runs into the room and I follow her.

- Ekie! Is it witchcraft?! Whose child is this?!

- I say ??? Nessa I left you here when I get to the store?

She bends over the bed and touches the baby who moves a little although asleep

- Besides, he's alive!

- But who put it there then?!

- (Rumbling through the diaper bag): It's true that when I was washing I heard the sound of a car in the street. But this is not the first time that cars have parked in the driveway! They can pass for anyone! (Taking out a paper from the diaper bag she hands me) Sorry, read what is written. You know I don't have my glasses

I take the paper all feverish

Kendrick. I present to you your son. I weaned him a week ago. He was born on August 2. He is barely 3 months old. I tried… I begged them to let me have it but they refused. They decided that I give it back to you.

Please take care of it. They didn't even let me give him a birth certificate. I wish you called her Angel. Angel with everything else you want.

Do not look for me. You won't find me. I will never forget you.


- So ? What does the message say?

- (Sitting down devastated): Mama Rose that I am a father….

- Call your mother immediately!

- (Launching the call): Yes….

- (Pick up almost immediately): Hello Ken?

- Mom, they abandoned the child here….

- What are you talking about, I don't understand?

- Sydney's baby is here. My son. They abandoned it to me….

- I'm coming very soon…..

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