***Kendrick MOUKOURY***
Mom knocks briefly on my door before entering. I'm changing Nathanael who, as usual, is shouting all his anger out of hunger in the world.
- Give it to me I'll feed it
She took it from me and sat down in my study chair, putting her bottle in her mouth. The room suddenly went silent.
- I'm going to travel tonight
- (surprised) For where?
- (embarrassed) For Kribi
- (clenched jaw) With him?
- Yes
- Was it relevant when you went out last night?
- Nope
- Hmm
- You know, us… it's important that we get to know each other better…
- I'm just surprised that things are decided in a hurry! And how am I doing with Nathanael?
- Someone will come this morning to whom I will explain how to deal with him
- Someone ? Won't it be Mama Rose?
- Nope. Uhhh I was offered someone willing to spend the nights here….
- NOPE ! If it's not Mama Rose, I'd rather stay home with him!
- Shuuutttt don't shout! Ok so I will see with Rose if she can stay with you until my return
- When are you coming back ?
- Saturday evening or Sunday morning
- OK…
He burped and she took him with her so I could get some more sleep. In the morning I left for class after listening to his thousand and one instructions. To cut it short, I reminded him that I can be reached so if there is a problem we will talk about it by phone.
I may be possessive but I don't like knowing that in a matter of hours someone can show up from the outside and change our ways. Mom has never traveled. If once anyway to go to the funeral of a sister to my grandmother. But since then we have always been together. From memory I've never seen him with a man, it makes me feel weird to imagine him with this one. Not content with enjoining him to keep their relationship to themselves now he is changing his habits with his family.
I arrive at the school and sit down at the sandwich vendor. Gone are the days when I contented myself with a bowl of porridge when the times allowed me, if not a piece of dry bread with sugar water. Today I sit and eat normally in the early morning. Then I go to class. At the 10 a.m. break, Ornella comes to see me. She finds me in the middle of a discussion with classmates about the champions' league. It's Arthur who catches my attention by asking me to look behind me for a moment.
- Oh hello!
- Hi ! I waved to you but obviously you didn't hear
- (I move closer) Yes, sorry.
Awkward silence.
- (I pull her out of my classroom) You… you wanted to tell me something in particular?
- Yes. I wanted to know if you would like to go to the movies on Saturday afternoon and then chill out with friends right after.
- I'm afraid it's not possible Ornella
I see his face darken
- My mother had to move. I babysit my little brother
- Oh ! But how do you manage to be here today?
- There's a nanny, yes, but he…he's not that close! He's more used to my mom and me
- Ok, so I'll be spending Saturday afternoon and we'll keep it together if you want?
- It would be a pleasure.
We remained silent, leaning against the balcony watching our classmates disputes going up and down. Then, she moved from her posture near the balcony to come and lean against me, her back pressed against my chest, taking my hands to surround her waist.
- (I whisper in her ear) You don't have to do that you know? Too much exposure could also create problems for us
- (She whispers too) What order?
- Even the administration will not accept. Are we together norrr?
- (smiling) Yes…
- I know it, you know it. And you won't see me with another girl
- Whoever dares will feel me pass!
- So go back to class, see you later
- Shall we spend the big break together?
- If you want
She went back to her classroom giving me a broad, beaming smile. I returned to class just in time before the bell signaling the end of the 1st break. It was during Maths class that Arthur redid his mail
- Type I see you a kind a kind there with Ornella! You have nothing to say to me ?
- Are you a babysitter? You and Sandy over there talking?!
- How are you ! You already answered my question
Mr. AZEBA ZE: MOUKOURY, ZANG! Are you being bothered?!
- Nooo sir! Said Arthur
- Obviously so! Share with us what you were thinking that sounds very captivating
- Sir, you know that MOUKOURY is our math genius here. I didn't understand the function you put on the board. He was trying to explain it to me
- MOUKOURY I've always told you here that you shouldn't be selfish in life! Come up to the board share your knowledge with everyone
I rolled my eyes at Arthur before going to the board to show the results of my own research, which ended up being rather conclusive. At the lunch break Ornella came again and joined me on my bench. Luckily Arthur came out as soon as the bell rang. We spent the break together and took the opportunity to get to know each other better. Before leaving she asked me if we would go home together
- OK, no worries
We also returned together and his driver dropped me off in front of the building
- You're a secretive huh! You're moving, you don't even tell me!
- (I shrug my shoulders) I didn't really see the point of it
- In any case, see you tomorrow, and this time, I'll be waiting for you in my classroom
She told me to be part of a group of girls who have known each other since they entered 6th grade in college and of the 6 of them, just 2 had the probationary and are in Tle. She gave me their names but since I'm not very social I couldn't put a face to those names.
When I want to put my key in the lock, I realize that she can't. Mom's is still there. The door opens immediately
- You're still the ???
- Yes yes ! But don't stand on the front steps between!
- But it's past 4 p.m.! What time are you going to arrive in Kribi?
- We're leaving soon, he's on his way here
I go straight to the living room and my man is asleep in his deckchair
- Good evening Mama Rose
I lean on him and want to take him
- Leave him ! Someone is sleeping why do you want to wear it?!
- Oh ha! I talked about the case well here!
- Besides, you're going back to school! Go wash yourself first, then eat!
- Really I can leave with a light heart! Rose, I know I can count on you in my absence!
I went to shower bitching then came back to take it
- Didn't you even notice that you have a new living room? Wonder Mama Rose
- Oh? That's right !
- (Mama Rose speaks to me as if she were talking to a mentally retarded person to whom she wants to explain things) And on the table there is your meal
- (Still bent over my sleeping son) I'm going to eat him later
- You do not touch this child as long as he sleeps.
- But I spent the whole day without seeing him!
- Here you see! Let him sleep! Do not touch it.
- Tsiup!
I went to sit looking enraged in front of my very appetizing dish, my eyes all the time riveted on my son watching for the slightest sign of waking up
- (Mom comes out of her room all beautiful and smelling good) Well I'm going!
- I'll take you downstairs
- (She suddenly turns red like a peony) What? Nope ! Do not bother ! You saw that I only have my tote, nothing bulky
I got up without saying anything and went to open the door with a determined air, looking at her. She gets closer to me and this time whispers to me
- Stay with your son. Everything will be fine for me, you don't have to worry
- I'm not worried. I want to see who it is
- No mother ! We go there together, that's all!
- Hmm….
I gave way to her and she walked past me. Once out of the building she walked towards a vehicle and I followed her. The driver got out and came to meet us looking very friendly
- Christian, this is my son, Kendrick, he insisted, he wanted to see you
- (He shakes my hand warmly, a sincere smile on his lips) I'm delighted to see you, finally!
- (Soberly) Good evening. When do you return ?
- Saturday evening normally, in the worst case Sunday. Don't worry, I'll bring your mom back to you. How is the little one?
- He's fine, he's sleeping
- It's very brave what you're doing. Well done !
- … Thanks
- Give me your number. If you can't reach your mom, you could try my line. One thing is sure I will not let her go, she will always be with me….
- (Suspicious) Okay…. It's the 6......
Mom then came to hug me very tightly like I never remember before.
- You write to me or call me if there is ever a problem. You are a big boy. I am very proud of you !
- Wave when you arrive and update you regularly
- You can count on it!
- (I then speak to the gentleman) Goodbye!
He just nodded and got back in his car, Mom did the same. I went back to the house, Nath had finally woken up and it was with all the pleasure in the world that I got him out of there to curl him up in my arms. Once again he smiled at me. It seems to me that he knows me, that he knows that I am his father. It was a real battle all evening between Mama Rose and me to get her to let me keep him in my arms for as long as I wanted. But for the first time, it was I who gave him his bath, under the benevolent gaze of Mama Rose. She stood by the whole time and told me how to proceed when she felt that I was shaking a bit. I had the scare of my life when he almost slipped out of my hands for a moment, but the smart guy started chuckling like he liked the jolt.
- Mama Rose, how long does it take to get to Kribi?
- 2h – 2h30 when the road is good
I went to take my phone out of my bag. I had completely forgotten about that one! I had 6 text messages from Ornella coming to the news, I gave her some while apologizing for not having answered sooner. She called me on whatsapp and heard from Nathanael too. Mom called me at one point, ending Ornella's video call:
- We arrived well. How's it going there?
- Very well. Thanks.
- Has he already washed at least?
- He's fine, everything's under control. If you want I'll pass you Mama Rose?
- I call him directly on his phone number
- Ok. Have fun, bye!
I put my phone down to go do Nathanael's 9 p.m. bibi before he started singing. When I come back and take my phone, I have 4 text messages including 3 from my operator and one from mum's friend. I start with his, very curious
“Just a token to make sure you can call your mom anytime you like”
I then looked at those of my operator: he transferred me 10,000 credit. I answered very simply:
" Thanks "
***Nathalie MOUKOURY***
I have never seen Christian so talkative as during the whole journey. He asked me about Ken. When did he first walk, when did he first talk? His first words? Her first day of school? I answered questions by going deep into my memory. He seemed captivated by Ken. All along the journey he only talked about himself, about him and nothing but him. Wondering what studies I would have liked him to do later. At one point he fell silent and concentrated on the road. Half an hour later we parked in front of a very nice hotel. One of the security guards came to take the key from our hands to better park for us. Christian put his hand possessively on his back and we went to the reception, then our room.
- You can put them there. Thanks. He said
I stood in the center of the room admiring the beauty of the place, the bathroom even had a bathtub, and there was an adjoining door that opened onto a balcony and some stairs in the distance in front of us, there had the sea. The hotel had obviously succeeded in privatizing its corner of the sea. We had access to it through the back of our rooms.
- The white briefcase is yours. You can take a shower and change. I'll wait at reception.
He came out and left the room for me. I went back under the jet of hot water then I pulled out a random outfit from the suitcase: a white jumpsuit in crepe fabric. I put it on and it fit like a glove. How does he do that??? I pulled out of my tote my only valuable necklace, a precious relic of a relationship with a high-ranking official. I put on light makeup, then a few drops of my recently purchased eau de parfum and went downstairs to join him in the lobby. But he wasn't there. I had searched the hall of the glance and even the restaurant of the hotel of the glance I did not see it anywhere. I took out my phone to call her
- (Feeling his presence behind me) Are you looking for me?
- (I turn around) Have you changed? How did you do that ? And or ?
He just smiled and walked through me into the hotel restaurant. I followed him without a word to a table and gallant as he is, he pulled me a seat.
- Thanks
He then sat down close to me and everyone concentrated on the map. We placed our orders and the rather professional staff were quick to serve us. The meal passed in silence.
- How about we go and listen to good music somewhere else?
- (I shrug my shoulders) Yes… why not?
We took the road to the city center and entered a sort of pub. The evening was good, very good. Between good music and wine really I did not see the time pass. I danced for all my years of deprivation and sometimes I danced for him, in front of him with a sexy air, with sexy gestures. He looked at me with that bright look that I had seen him before. At one point he asked for water to be brought to me to drink
- You have drunk enough alcohol for the evening
- Just 4 or 5 glasses. It's not killing
- This is your 8th drink Nathalie. You are going to drink water now
- In that case, let's go home!
- (He gets up) It's as you wish
I walked straight or at least tried to stay straight into the car. The rest was just fog. When I woke up, I was alone in bed. I don't remember if we shared the same diaper or if we had…. I went to take a bath. I wore a beach dress that I also found in my briefcase and went down to have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. I then called the house, Ken was in class and Rose was with Nathanael, everything was fine. I went back up and sleep was quick to re-point. When I opened my eyes, he still wasn't there. It was already 3 p.m. I called him without success. So I put on my beachwear and went down to our private space, behind our bedroom, where I found many other occupants of the hotel also already on beach towels. I set up my things and enjoyed the good weather, my sunglasses in my eyes. Life sometimes knows how to be beautiful! Again I dozed off for a moment and it was my gurgling belly that brought me back to earth. I had only eaten earlier in the day, around 10am. I tried his line again but on the first ring he cut off
- You look for me ?
I jumped and turned around
- You scared me ! I've been looking for you since morning!
- (He stands behind me staring at the sea) Sorry, I was in a meeting all day.
- (I get up) In a meeting? For the company?
- Nope. I would like to open my own company, I had to meet potential shareholders here
- I who thought it was for my beautiful eyes that we are here…
- (He eludes my remark) Did you call home?
At home, he says it so naturally that I could almost believe that we live in the same house. And I don't mind the idea.
- Yes, they are fine
- (He nods) Have you eaten?
- No, I'm a little hungry.
- That's good. I'm hungry too. I ordered food they served in the room. You come ?
He held out his hand to me and I took it impressed. We walked hand in hand to the bedroom. I had never taken a guy's hand before. Even less publicly. He turns his back to me, he walks in front of me. He has broad square shoulders. He is very well built. He impresses me, I admit. Back in the room I went to cover myself and I came back to settle in front of him on the bed.
- (He tells me very soberly) You were better off without your clothes
I just smiled and looked him in the eye I got up and stripped
- (I answer him with an air of defiance) How is it better?
He got up and came to rest 1mm in front of me. He lifted my face with his index finger and brought his face close to mine, so close that I parted my lips waiting for our first kiss. But it landed in the crook of my neck. Without a word he went back to sit down leaving me speechless
- Come sit down, it's practically cold
I sat down and ate but not much. I really had no appetite. At the end of the meal, he went to lie down on the bed and asked me to meet him there. What I have done. But with the air conditioner and my 2-piece set, I quickly hugged it because I was cold. We watched some boring animal program and then he dozed off. I felt it in the regulation of his breathing. I called room service who came to clear and I went to the balcony to speak with my son who then called me back on Whatsapp video. I was able to see my grandson. I don't know how long I stayed there, on the balcony, but at one point, seeing that he was still sleeping, I went back to rest in front of the sea. was well lit. Christian met me there, around 8 p.m. He just sat down, legs folded in on themselves, his gaze like me, fixed on the sea. Silence in our house is obviously our safest form of communication.
After an interminable moment he finally expresses himself
- Are we going home?
I got up and went into the bedroom without a word. He lay down on the bed, his hands behind his head
- Would you like to dance for me?
- (I open my eyes wide) How?
- (He stares at me) Dance for me
- ……….
- You told me you played for life. Show me what you can do. Forget my presence dance for you, express yourself. I want to see you as you were before and how you are now
I gave a nervous chuckle and then realizing he wasn't even blinking, I realized he was really serious. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror
- You can do it, you can do it.
I came back to the bedroom fully clothed and walked to the wardrobe where I searched my suitcase for something to put on.
- There is a mesh top in this suitcase
I actually stumbled across this top.
- You had planned everything….
I put it on under his eyes. Zook was on tv. I stood straight in front of him and began to move, slowly, sensually to the rhythm of the music. I turned around after several seconds, putting my hands on the bedroom table and handing him my ass in a gesture that was both sensual and seductive. I started to wiggle and move in a rhythmic rhythmic way, moving down and then back up. Then I sat down on the table, facing him again first with my feet crossed then I spread them a little, a provocative smile on my lips looking him straight in the eyes. With a wave of his hand, he encouraged me to widen them further, but wanting to continue playing, I only pushed a few more centimeters. He waved to me again and I played the same scene. He looked at me and with his 2 hands created a large space between them and there, laughing I opened them wider. So he got up and came to stand right in front of me, his bump protected by his pants rubbed against my pubic mound protected by my underpants. I approached him and put my lips on his. The music was in Ivorian mode this time.
- (He pulls away) We have plenty of time for that. Do you want to go out tonight too? But be careful you will only take water
- (Me, pouting) It's better than sitting here doing nothing
- Ok, get ready, I'm in the hall. There's a yellow dress in this suitcase: put it on
I waited for him to come out to imitate him, insulting him in my heart. He doesn't seem powerless to me! I really felt it on me there just now; why refuse to move things forward?
Again in the hall I had a drink at the bar while waiting for him because once again he was nowhere. He came back all clean, all elegant in his jeans, his tailored shirt and his pair of moccasins. There he was really mbenguiste on vacation.
We went to another place, a kind of very trendy pub with super sexy girls, so sexy that for some it even bordered on indecency. And there, there I felt that he was not powerless, at least with his hands. In the darkness of the place, lit by badly dimmed lights, he groped me like no one had ever done to me before. We hardly sat down. We were standing, me pointed against a wall and him glued to me. His forehead against mine, his right hand between my thighs and the left on my nipples that he had managed to extricate from their box. I was panting it was so good! Luckily the music covered my cries of happiness. Like a master of martial arts he pulled me out of my position and replaced me there, placing me on top of him, my back against his chest, his lips on my neck. But especially his hand which began to caress me more and more intrusively the large lips then the small ones. I spread my feet, ready to welcome him
- (In the hollow of my ear) close the legs!
I complied but still subjugated by the desire for him. I had my eyes closed, trying to savor each of the sensations he gave me. His fingers (I don't know what numbers) this time pounded me while with his free hand he pinched my nipples in turn; I couldn't take it anymore I felt this tremor that I hadn't known for a long time coming back to shake my lower abdomen
- (In a soft tone) Do you like it?
- Oh ! Christian!
I felt exploded on him, on his hand. I was like unleashed, I wanted more! I wanted him. I turned to him
- Take me back to the bedroom
- (He almost laughs) I wash my hands first. Wait for me here
I stayed leaning against this wall reliving my moment of ecstasy a few seconds earlier. He came back from his same possessive gesture, he took my hand. Once in front of the room he holds me back, turns me around and gives me a tender kiss on the forehead.
- Sleep well, see you tomorrow
- WHAT ?!
- (Very serious) Why are you screaming?!
- But how well does it sleep? What are you playing at ?
- What are you talking about ?
- You've only been turning me on since then to get me a good sleep at the last minute?! Tell me right away that you have a sexual weakness or even that you are impotent I will understand
He took my hand and put it on his bump
- Someone impotent can be so harsh?
- (I'm lost) But then what's the problem? Why don't you want us to act since?
- (Positively) Firstly because you're not ready and secondly because you didn't ask me. Remember, I told you I'd only sleep with you if you asked me
- But that's not what I've been doing since then, Christian?
- Nope ! You just react on impulse. I want your heart to want it, not the conditions to make you want it. Go go back to bed!
- (Red with anger) I want to go home!
- (He squints) Be ready at 6:00 tomorrow. We'll hit the road