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****Nathalie MOUKOURY****

I spent the morning on the phone with Ken to tell him how to proceed with the little one. He was helped in his task by Rose, still happy! All he had to do was change him and give him bottles. But apparently the little one cried a lot for a while and all attempts to calm him down were unsuccessful until Rose gave him some water to drink. He had barely fallen asleep again when Alvine came to stand in front of me.

- Do you know that this is a place of service and not a crèche?

- …..

- What is it that we just hear your voice and your instructions since morning for a baby?

- (Ironic) I'm sorry big boss. I will make an effort that this does not happen again

- (Looking at me) Tsiiuuupppp! You always do your bullshit there when nobody but me sees you. Let Mr. AMBASSA come by and catch you on the phone your mouth that you go out now this will end once. If you prefer to stay home and pamper yourself, stay there! You don't even bother in front of the customers! This is absolutely unprofessional!

- (Sandra, another colleague who was passing by intervenes) Nath who gave birth?

- (I answer him without blinking) A cousin

- (She leans on my desk) And she doesn't know how to take care of her child?!

- She died yesterday they came to leave me the child

- It is not possible !

- As I tell you!

- And how are you going to do it? Your cousin there has no close family?

- Alas no ! I'm the only first cousin she has. It was his neighbors who took the child to me

- What's the story?! Where is the child's father?

- To absent subscribers. Like always !

- Maaaaaa! And who manages his funeral?

- The big family

- But how are you shouting that it's hard on you, no one from the big family can take the child?!

- (I shrug my shoulders) Everyone disclaims responsibility. How am I going to do?

- Eeeee aaaaa! The things of this world! Now who is the child with?

- My son. He couldn't go to class

- Diiiiissss so! You had a hit!

- I'm not telling you! I even have to go out to have a birth certificate drawn up for the little one

- (She widens her eyes) Because he didn't have one yet????

- (I shake my head) Not even! I need to get him one urgently.

- Wait… I have my uncle who is deputy mayor of the commune of Douala 4th I can find out from him and tell you

- That would be really nice of you.

- You say the child is how many months old?

- 3 months

- Weke! Almost a newborn!

- I tell you

- (Alvine coming out of her office) Sandra, you have nothing to do?!

- (Sandra gives me an apologetic smile) Ok, I'm going to call her and tell you….

- Thank you oooo Thank you very much!

In the middle of the afternoon, I receive a call from an unlisted line. I'm going to take that call again, the other girl who has radar instead of her ears is going out to chat. I reject the call and text

“Sms please I can’t talk”

Immediate response

"It's Christian AMBASSA. Off hook "

He immediately called

- Yes ?

- Good evening Natalie

- Good evening

- Tonight at 7 p.m.?

- (Aware of the rather indiscreet environment): 8 p.m.

- Ok or ?

- You decide

- I'm picking you up ?

- Nope. Where ?

- Restaurant Les 5 Fourchettes in Bonamoussadi do you know?

- Nope

- Give this destination to the taxi arrive there at 8 p.m. you call me

- OK

- Be punctual

- OK

Before the end of the day I had my information relative to the establishment of the birth certificate of Nathanaël. We just had to find the time and the money. But I hoped, money wouldn't be a problem. I came home to find a rather calm Ken. He told me about his beginnings as a father.

- It does not seem more complicated than that in the end. He sleeps most of the time. I changed her diaper 4 times today. Mom Rose luckily helped me with everything throughout the day.

- (I carry Nathanael who had his eyes open) He is my son!

- He hasn't bothered all day. He only ate and slept, ate and slept.

- He only cried when he was thirsty and hungry?

- And also when it was wet. If Mama Rose didn't tell me, I wouldn't even have known! I developed the reflex of putting a bottle in his mouth as soon as he bawls. But there he wanted neither water nor milk. It was she who suggested that I take off her diaper

- (I caress Nathalie's face) I hope you used a sterilized bottle every time

- (He rolls his eyes) Yes, what do you think?!

- OK ! Where are the dirty bottles?

- (Ken Pointe the new pot) In the pot there

- Ok, I'm going to give him a bath.

He helped me get Nat's bath stuff ready and watched me do it then I gave him his bottle then burped him and put him back to bed

- You should see classmates tomorrow for the classes you missed

- Yes, I will see one of them tomorrow, Arthur.

- Okay, I have to go out.

- (He is surprised) Are you going out?! Where are you going ?

- I have to see someone there…

- Who ?

- Someone who could help us

- But still ??

- Ken you ask too many questions! Just watch over your son. I will be back !

He didn't say anything I went to shower and got ready while he waited outside

- (He enters the room when I was putting on my perfume base) Hum! Where are you saying you're going?

- MOUKOURY here, you're the young father, eh, it's not me!

- Noooo because the way you're dressed there I don't remember having ever seen you dressed like this

- (I look at myself) What is my outfit?

- She rejuvenates you

- (I look at my watch) Good see you later. At the slightest problem, wave ok?

- OK

I left for the meeting place and at 8:05 p.m. I called Mr. AMBASSA. He didn't make me wait long. I just saw him in front of me after 10 mins of waiting, not knowing which side he came from

- (He smiles at me) Good evening.

- Good evening

- I'm parked there (indicating the car) Are you coming?

I followed him without flinching. We drove in silence to a building. He parked against the fence wall, in starting position and then proceeded to undo his seat belt

- Where are we here?

- Home

- (I'm shocked) Are you taking me home?! And your wife ????

- Nathalie, you don't address me as you when there are just two of you. And I live here alone. Come let's go out

- Me (I undo my belt) Where is your family?

- You are familiar with me….

I said nothing more and we went up to his house. Very nice interior decoration, dim lights

- It's beautiful here

He does not answer me and walks towards what seems to me to be a mini bar, turning his back to me.

- Can I get you something to drink?

- Something alcoholic preferably… strong!

He stops in his tracks turns around and looks at me

- Why ?

- (I am surprised by the question) Why what?

- Why an alcoholic drink?

- You… are you a Muslim?

- What question are you answering?

- I want to understand why you asked your question!

- Are you used to alcohol or is it just for tonight that you need it?

- I am used to alcohol

He looks at me for a moment as if probing me. He turns to his mini bar and brings me back a glass of a very clear liqueur then sits down at a good distance from me.

- If we get together you will have to break this habit.

- Whether… ?

- (He gulps down his glass of whiskey) Yes, yes. I want you to tell me about yourself.

- First of all, I would like to know why you put all this pressure on me at work and then spoke to me in the conditional this evening. I thought it was taken for granted

- (He has a dry laugh) What was acquired?

- (I gulp down what I recognized as cognac) You…You…me….

- (He gets up and takes my glass from my hands) There will only be us when I have decided. Right now I want you to tell me about yourself.

- (I'm lost) What exactly do you want to know?

Silence. He pours us more drinks and comes back to sit on his chair and hands me my glass

- Your living condition, why did you never pass your baccalaureate, your sentimental history

- (I empties my glass again) Hum

- I ordered dinner. It shouldn't take long. You better wait until it's here for a third and very last drink.

- And what do I do in the meantime?

- (He looks at the bottom of his empty glass) How did you see the evening?

- (I shrug my shoulders) Quite honestly I don't know.

- Did you see us going to bed?

- I have not ruled out this possibility

- Would you have liked us to do it?

- (straightforward) No

- (He laughs) Tell me about yourself.

- I do not know what to say.

- We can proceed with a game of questions and answers if you want

- On condition that you let me ask you one or two too

He raised his hands like to say I don't have a problem with

- How many lovers to your credit?

- A lot

- How many do you have now?

- None

- Why ?

- I don't want a life of debauchery: I have a son that I educate alone and now a… no… no! How are you !

- Now a what?

- Nothing important

- Why only one child?

- Life has never really smiled on me so I'm not going to add to it with loads that I can't take on

- Where is your son's father?

- To absent subscribers

Klin Klong

- (He gets up) It must be dinner

He walked back to the front door and I took the opportunity to look around the room. No family photo.

- (He indicates the table to the lady who entered) Put that there, thank you

He searched his pockets and then went somewhere and came back with a tray full of cutlery. I watched him do it. Far from his jacket ensembles, simply dressed in long pants, a T-shirt and a sports slipper, he is no longer as impressive as he is in the office. He is quite a handsome man I think. But when I think back to my last experience, I really am not one to believe in marriage. It is good for some, not for all. A passing man is preferably one who helps financially. But the constraints that came with it discouraged me. I learned to live only at my expense because these men for a little that they know you dependent they make you one of these blackmails! Here all I want is money. Money to take care of my children.

- You come ?

Coming out of my thoughts, I got up from my chair and sat down in the place he offered me.

- Thanks

It's been a long time since I've seen something so beautiful. A shellfish salad, grilled poultry and a chocolate cream dessert. During my life of debauchery I went out with a white man who also gave me a taste of life. But he was content to make me discover beautiful things and eat chic things without ever giving me any money. I ended up banking it. If I was listening to myself I would have packed some for Ken. But I have to behave

- (To fill the silence) It looks good…

- If it is, I'll tell the lady who owns the restaurant for you.

We ate in silence and then he cleared away while I returned to my chair. He joins me on the seat that he also occupied

- Well Nathalie I will tell you how I would like our relationship

- ………

- In the office it will always be Mr. AMBASSA but behind closed doors you can talk to me and call me Christian

- ……………

- I won't sleep with you until you want me to. I'm going to let you express the need yourself. In return, I want you at my complete disposal when I decide.

- ….

- I told you but I'm going to repeat myself, I don't agree. I want exclusivity. Do you think you can do it? Be careful what you're about to say. Because once we seal our deal, there's no turning back. If you cheat on me and I find out you'll have to face the consequences

- But you will have the right to deceive me?

- I'm married and you know it

- Apart from your wife I mean

- Would that be a problem for you?

- Yes

- Why ?

- Because I won't appreciate you forbidding me something that you yourself are doing.

- If I ask you to stop drinking, would you also want me to stop drinking?

- A man drinks

- A man also sleeps. But a woman must respect her virtue

- I will be your mistress and will be faithful to you only if you are also faithful to me. By that I mean having only 2 wives: your wife and me.

- We will talk about it again. As for your salary, I can't do anything about it, my hands are tied. But I will pay you a monthly allowance of 250,000 thousand francs. The first payment will be made tomorrow.

- (I feel my heart dancing the lambada but trying to sound natural) Ok….

- Questions ?

- Where is your family?

- In Yaounde

- How many children?

- 3 daughters

- How old ?

- 9, 5 and 3 years old

- So you're the one going to Yaoundé?

- (Nods his head) That's it.

- Doesn't your wife come down here?

- Very rarely. She warns me before

- I am the date woman you take to this house

- The 3rd

- What happened with the other two?

- They cheated on me

I said nothing more

- If you already want to leave, I can take you home. You have plenty of time to better think about my proposal. If you agree with the concept a simple SMS would do the trick

- I thought that this relationship would only exist if you decide

- Yes, but first you have to tell me if the conditions suit you

I got up and he did the same and I headed straight for the exit door. Once in front of her door I turned around

- I forgot ! Monday morning I have a document to do. Very important with my son. I will be late

- Which document ?

- It's personal

- Nathalie which document???

- I'm not ready to talk about it! Please respect it!

- If there should be a relationship between us, I want to be aware of everything. If you hide something from me we stop everything

- (Surprised) It's my private life!

- (He answers calmly): From now on, I will be part of your private life. You're talking to your HRD about an absence on Monday morning. If you want your delay on Monday to be validated, you better justify yourself. And don't you dare lie to me: I'll know

- (Sulking) A birth certificate

- (He still calmly) I don't understand

- My son and I must have his son's birth certificate established!

- (He frowns) He's 16, I think?

- Yes

- How many months old is the child?

- 3

- And you are going to establish where this act?

- At the town hall of Douala 4th

- (He seems to be thinking) Ok….

We walked out in silence and re-entered his vehicle. His phone rang, he clicked a button on the car and the voice of a woman immediately invaded the scene.

- Yes !

- Good evening Christian

- Good evening Eleanor. Are you okay there?

- Things are going well. They want to talk to you

- I'm driving. I take the road in the morning. You already know it

- Yes, but it's the girls who want to talk to you

- By the time I park they'll be in bed. Tell them I'll be there tomorrow morning


- (He continues) I will take the road at 4 am

- OK see you tomorrow

- See you tomorrow !


- It was your...

- My wife, yes. I drop you where?

I told him the places and once parked in front of my driveway he told me

- I'm looking for an apartment for you. You will definitely be moving next week. This place is not safe for a family.

- Okay. Good evening.

- Good evening

***Kendrick MOUKOURY***

I heard a car parked outside and a few minutes later Mom entered the room. She looked strange

- Looks like you didn't have fun

- (She tells me with a distracted air) If… if it was!

- (I give him a sideways look) If you say so

- (She looks at the Nat) Otherwise, how are you here? He didn't bother?

- He cried a little in his sleep but it's ok

- On Monday, we'll go and establish his birth certificate. He needs to see a pediatrician too.

- Where are we going to take the money?

- (She still stares at him, stroking his face) Don't worry about that

- Mom, where is the money going to come from?

- (She looking at me annoyed) Kendrick, I'm your mother and not your daughter, so you don't ask me questions like that!

- I just don't want us to have any long-term problems! I have the right to worry

- But what problems are you talking about?! You have nothing to worry about!

- If I have nothing to worry about, tell me where you plan to find the money to do the birth certificate and see a pediatrician

- I don't have to answer you. Sleep!

The weekend I spent babying Nathanael, and copying the lessons I missed on Friday. Ornella came by the house on Saturday afternoon and told me that her parents want to meet me on Monday evening. She reassured me however that it is in the pocket. It's just a customary formality. She helped me take care of the little one. The weekend passed quietly, and my son became the star of the mini city. The room almost never emptied. The more the hours passed, the more this idea that was running through my mind never left me. For me it was the only thing to do. Monday morning mum and I left for the civil status center in douala 4e where mum had to have her birth certificate established through a contact of hers. He is aware of the problem, mom explained everything to him,

- Because Mrs. you know, with these stories of theft of children there without a declaration of birth, it really won't be easy!

- I doubt it, but as I explained to you, we were taken by surprise. It's not like we stole this baby. On the contrary, I come to recognize him because his mother has withdrawn. She left the country. How do we donate him to an orphanage when here is the father?

- I understand you Mrs. but you also try to understand me. For the mayor to sign an act without the declaration it will not be easy

- I see (she searches her bag and pulls out a wad of purple bills under my wide eyes). With that, will it be easy then?

- (He has a carnivorous smile) I think it should be possible

- Ok. When will the act be ready?

- Come back in 2 weeks and he'll be ready. But where are your witnesses?

- (Mom frowns) Damn! I did not think about it !

- Go get even 2 people out there whoever you come back. Leave me once your CNI so that I already fill in the form

- Take my school card instead

- (Mom looks at me surprised) Why do Ken?

- It's my son. It's up to me to admit it, not you.

- (He looks at us in turn) Young man, are you sure that's what you want to do?

- Yes. I want to recognize my son.

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