***Ornella EKANI***
- So ? What do you think about it ?
- (I pouted) I don't really care. I feel like you're suffocating in it! Asso you have nothing else in the same style?
- I have a beautiful little red dress there that would suit you perfectly!
- (I roll my eyes) But no! Not for me, but for her!
- But what do you lose by trying it? Do you already have your outfit for tonight?
- (Mutiny) Ken gave me one for my success. If you see her she is just gorgeous!
- (She comes out from behind the pile of clothes where she went back to change) What are you even going to do now that he has the baccalaureate? They say that the girls of the faculty are dangerous huh!
- He will go to Yaoundé instead
- Ikiiii but it's even worse! He will be alone in his room! Ayoooo Maaaaaama! You have the heart huh!
- Ken's not like that! All that matters to him is his family and then me.
- If you're wise, start slowly removing your heart. College stories don't usually continue in college.
- (It annoys me) Is it good?! If you have nothing left to try, can we go back?!
I preferred immediately afterwards to go to Ken's. I needed to feel him close to me, I needed to feel that I was among his priorities. I found him alone with his little brother. The merger between these two I've never understood! He seems more like a father to him than a brother, he cares so much! I cooked while he made the table. Baby Nath was installed in his park surrounded by his toys. I stopped for a moment, in the middle of the living room, a plate in my hand
- What ?
- (I look at them in turn) It's crazy what he looks like you!
- (He smiles) Ah yes?! Guess we have strong blood in the family.
- Yeah, you have to believe it!
Ken went to pull it out of its playpen and put it in its seat, near us at the table. I couldn't wait for the end of the meal to ask him the question that was burning my lips
- Hmm?
- In a few weeks, classes will resume for me
- Yes and ?
- And you are going to Yaoundé. So I would like to know….
- I just wanted to talk to you about it. I no longer go to Yaoundé
- (I can't hide the radiant smile on my face) No?
- (He puts down his cutlery and takes both my hands) No. Listen….
My heart started pounding. I have never seen Ken so solemn
- Yes… ?
- My mother would like me to leave the country
That's it ! I feel like I'm rupturing an aneurysm
- It's still August. She would like me to catch up on the January session so I start the intensive courses next Monday.
- (I feel my face flooded) Ok….
- Hey!!! Don't cry No! You and me are for life, isn't that what we said to each other?
- (Small voice) If…
- So ! I will go to London. You better pass your baccalaureate and join me there. You can be there for the October session next year. We can last 10 months without each other then nothing will ever separate us, provided you pass your exam I insist!
- (I shake my head vigorously) Yes, yes!
I then kissed him forgetting the rest of the room. My God I love this boy! We cleaned up together and I did the dishes while he went to bed with baby Nath. I finished and went to find them in the bedroom, he was watching him sleep. I gently placed my hands on his shoulders
- You love him so much!
- (Almost whispers) In a way you can't even imagine!
I moved to come and lay on my knees in front of him, staring him straight in the eye. We exchanged a talking look, a meaningful look
-Ken. I love you too more than anything!
- I say…
- I want to spend my life with you. End my days with you
- Babe…
- I will kill for you you know?!
- (He puts his hand over my mouth) Don't talk such nonsense!
I immediately kissed him and things just happened. Very quickly I was naked and so was he. He started to caress me slowly. My whole being was just asking for that. Suddenly he stopped
- Not here ! It might wake him up. Let's go to the living room.
It's all naked that we went there and he laid me on the sofa. He went back to caressing me in this way that has the gift of making me lose my mind. Ken didn't know me a virgin. Before him I had had an unfortunate experience at 14 that he made me forget from our first relationship. When I saw him get up, go back inside and then come back to me, splendid in his nudity, the little plastic packaging in his right hand, I told him the bottom of my thoughts.
- Not this time… I would like to try without
- What ?! Nope ! What if you get pregnant?
- This will be our baby Ken. the fruit of our love
- (He tells me curtly) I'm not ready for this
- (I look him straight in the eye) I want to carry your child
- You are completely sick! That's it, I don't want it anymore!
He went back to the bedroom leaving me all alone and naked in his living room. I found him there and got dressed in silence
- (He watches me) I'm not ready to have a child Ornella
- (I dry my tears mechanically) It's good! I understood ! I'll go !
- (He approaches me) Understand me! (in a caressing voice) Stop crying…
This single sentence had the gift of bringing out of my eyes all the torrent they contained!
- (Between 2 gasps) You're leaving! I will be left alone! I would have nothing more of you!
- But we'll always be called Babe! You're supposed to find me u remember? You're getting pregnant now forget the bacc forget the imminent reunion so let's stay focused on more realistic goals. You do not mind ?
I didn't answer him. Ken began to kiss my neck, then my shoulders, to gently fiddle with my breasts. My sniffles quickly turned into sighs of pleasure. We finally made love in this room and it was so divine that I cried with pleasure as I reminded her how much I love her.
- Oh Ken I love you so much!!!
***Kendrick MOUKOURY***
Finally September! Classes have resumed for Ornella. I have my mornings to myself! I have a minimum of freedom. I understand that she loves me. She's my girl but I don't know how to tell her without hurting her that I need some space. This morning I'm taking Nath with me and we're going to Arthur's to play his PS a bit. It's the first time we've seen each other at home. It's always been in groups and publicly. I have a backpack full of everything Nath loves. We are going to be separated so I would like to make the most of him before leaving. I keep wondering how Mom is going to do with 2 babies on her hands. But she insists: Christian wants to finance my university studies in the university where he himself attended. So I have to go. I ring the doorbell at Arthur's and I gasp at the bomb that comes to open me. And given her attitude, I don't leave her indifferent either.
- Yes ?
- Hello Arthur is there?
- In his room. (Looking at Nath) Is he your son?
- (Suspicious) Why?
- It's your spitting image
- Yeah! It's my son
She held out her arms to him but he clung to me
- He's not very friend-friend.
- (She seems rather confident) No big deal before you leave he will love me. Do you know his room?
- Uh… no no!
- (She turns around) Follow me. And close behind you.
I walk carrying my son but my eyes are riveted on his hips! Gosh she has one of those amazing bodies!
- Arthur, I'm taking you for a visit
- (He takes his eyes off his screen) OOOooooo the great Kendrick MOUKOURY himself! But who goes there??? Oukouuuu Ken your little brother here you fimba (looks like) serious!
- Oh? He's not your son?!
- (Arthur bursts out laughing) How did he manage to be a father, you're even simple Belinda?!
- (She comes out) Tssssiiiuuuupppp!
- (He brings me back to reality) Oh! Stop staring at my cousin's behind like that!
- (I put Nath on the bed and take out his artillery) It was you alone who decided that I was looking at her like
- (He throws a circumspect look at Nath) Hum hum!
- What ?
- Take a good look at this room, it has nothing to accommodate a baby! If he breaks me something, you pay!
- (I take the joystick) Hello male solidarity!
- But he doesn't have a nanny or something like that?
- If but she is ill then as I am not going to class I keep it with me
- He seems wise so far.
- He doesn't give a shit when he has his 3 hacks! We can play in peace
- (He looks at it again) But seriously, it's your mini version, huh! He took everything from you, your hairstyle and the shape of your head! Your mother only thought of you when she did?!
- (I kick him in the shoulder) Hey! Respect my mother!
- Whoa! Why do you heat up so quickly?
- Abeg let's play!
I spent 2 hours at Arthur's then I decided to take time off. Nath was tired and wanted to sleep. Arthur walked me to the gate and we said goodbye. I took the road looking to hail taxis but all were full. Nath this time was sleeping on my shoulder. Suddenly I saw him, coming in the opposite direction, in front of me. Even from the front she is just as hot. The proof being in the many whistles she received on the way. Once at my level she caressed Nath's face
- He's so cute
- Thanks
- In the end, is it yours or not?
- Whatever ?
She looked at me amused and crossed me to leave
- (I turn around) Can I invite you for a drink?
- I do not drink alcohol
- That's good, me neither.
She smiled
- It's okay 5 p.m. bali Restaurant les plumards
- (I memorize the info) Ok. Especially not a word of all that to Arthur
- (She has a contemptuous laugh) I have the impression that of the two of us, you are the child!
It wasn't until I was home that I realized it wasn't going to be easy to be there. Mom wouldn't have come back yet, Mom Rose has been in her village for 2 weeks and won't be back until the week. next. I still called mom trying everything for everything
- (She picks up almost immediately but in a weary voice) Yes Ken?
- Good evening mother.
- Uhmm. How are you ?
- Yes, but… I have something unexpected. I don't know if you can't come back earlier to stay with Nath?
- What is the unexpected?
- I need to see someone who can help me accelerate my acquisition of the English language
- Ken… I didn't have the baccalaureate but I'm not stupid. Your English is good. The prerequisite tests immediately put you at level 3 so what is really your concern?
- Okay okay! In fact I have to see a friend there and we have a date at 5 p.m.
- Who is that ? Ornella?
- Nooooo! Another friend there you don't know.
- But then postpone for 2 hours put it even around 7 p.m. provided that you are back at maximum 9:30 p.m.
- (I use my pleading voice) You really can't do the sick pregnant woman thing to them and come back?
- No I can not. Well I'm leaving you. And then I don't like disorder: only one girl at a time.
Click she had hung up. I stayed around the house looking for a tip. Calling that girl back for shifting wouldn't do serious at all. My phone rings, and by the song I know who it is. She herself chose to put this ringtone on her name in my phone
- Hello ?
- Babe?
- How are you, Treasure?
- Ras. Boring day. The lessons… in short! You know what it is !
- You can come ?
- You want me to come ?
- Yes please…
- But then I won't take long huh! You know there is class tomorrow
- It's better than nothing. I will at least enjoy your presence for a few moments
I looked at the time 3:15 p.m. I went to shower and change for my outing, waiting for her to arrive. She was quick. 3:45 p.m. she rang the doorbell. Ah! This girl is sometimes very very useful to me! I opened the door and kissed him straight away
- Ooh lalala! What is the honor worth to me?
- I missed you
For more than half an hour? I played transit lover, perfect guy. Then at 4 p.m. I changed my strategy
- (I put my hand on my forehead) Mashed potatoes I had completely forgotten!
- (She is all panicked) What the hell?!
- I had to see my English trainer for a very important document
- Ouch! And is it too late?
- (I look at my watch) I'm barely on time. Babe tell me: can you keep Nath for a few moments while I run to get him?
- But of course ! Just be quick
- (I kiss her on the mouth) I'm coming Babe! Thanks again !
Went out of the house for Bali and arrived 20 minutes early. Luckily Belinda was also punctual and came back at 5 p.m. sharp.
- (I stand up to greet him) Good evening.
- Good evening. Did you find it easily?
- Yes yes
She sat down and called a waiter who took her drink order.
- Arthur never told me about you
- What do you want him to tell you?
- Bah that his cousin lived at home for example!
- (Tick to tock) Because you have this kind of confidence?
- ….
- If so then why doesn't he know that the little one is yours?
- (I get defensive) What makes you think that?!
- Oh please, there are signs that don't lie. You two are too close to each other and the way you hold it…. To take care of it...
- (Amused): Did you see all that in a few seconds?
- Must believe that I have hidden talents….
- What other talent do you have for example?
- (Very seriously): Let's meet in bed and you'll know
- Arthur would kill us!
- (Amused): When you invited me, didn't you think about it?
- May I know how old you are?
- (She laughs this time) 20 years old and you, I guess like Arthur, you are 18
- Are you sure you're 20?
She took her card out of her bag and showed it to me
- Satisfied ?! Finally you're even more baby than I thought
She wanted to get up
- (I hold her arm) Hey but where are you going?!
- Look for a guy who has real balls!
- I respect my friendship with your cousin, that's why…
- Oh stop it! He's no more my cousin than you are! It's just a way of speaking
- I do not understand
- We are both nephews of the parents of this house. Me from the wife, him from the husband.
- (I make the diagram in my head): Euuhhh ok…
- Well, are you following me?
- For where ?
- (Confidence) Walk behind me and you will know
I got up not really knowing what was going on. It seemed to me that of the two of us it was she who had a definite idea of the interview. I was expecting the usual frills. I invite him twice and then we end up getting down to business. But even here her drink she hardly touched it. I left some money on the slate and followed him outside. She stopped a taxi and gave a destination not far from the restaurant where we were. We found ourselves in front of an apartment in a building. She took a key out of her bag and opened the door
- Where are we here?
- (She locks it behind me) In a friend's apartment
- And he knows that you bring strangers to his house?
- He will know when you tell Arthur that you are a dad
- (Hardly) If you ever tell him!
- (She comes closer to me and puts her hand on my belt) Hey…. Relax ! We're here to have fun, not to fight.
She kissed me on the mouth
- Do you have condoms?
I just nodded and she pulled me down a hallway, then inside a bedroom…
When I got out of there I stopped at a bookstore to buy myself an English dictionary. My story had to remain believable. I had taken the trouble to turn off my phone as soon as I left my building. But to see the color of the sky, it is at least 6:30 p.m. Orné is going to kill me for sure. I prefer not to call him. I will advise on the spot.
Belinda really knows how to do it in bed. But I understood in 1 hour on her and under her that it's the only thing she has to give: sex. I had never come across an easy girl until today. It's a change from my super glue girlfriend. But I prefer my muse a thousand times over. It is real, it has more depth. She certainly made me come inside too but with her at least we knew how to take our time. We evolved together, and his attempts were timid, uncertain. Belinda on the other hand went straight to the point. You immediately recognize an expert.
When I get home she's asleep on the couch and Nathanael is in his playpen. He holds out his arms to me as soon as he sees me
- (She jumps) What?! Where ?! Who is that ?!
I went to take him to his pen and came back to Ornella who was still emerging. I gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. As weird as it may seem, I was really happy to find her
- (She searches in her bag) What time is it? (Rising abruptly) Shit! My mother is going to kill me! 6:45 p.m.!
- (I get up at the same time) I'll walk you home
- But where are you from too?! I called you several times and your phone was off!
- It's true. I didn't realize it until late but I had no more battery.
- But you took your time!
- The teacher there made me wait until my share came! And I had no way to reach you!
- (She readjusts her bag on her shoulder) In any case, he ate there at 5 p.m., he's not hungry. He also has a clean coat.
She gives him big smiles which he returns very sincerely then he stretches out his arms to her and she takes him. Mom came back just then. I left Nath with her and went to leave Ornella to her home.
- (Once in front of the gate, she rings) Thank you Babe, you're a sweetheart
- I thank you for everything.
A voice from within
- Who is it ?! Who is it ?!
- Mom it's me Ornella
- (She opens the gate with a frankly unfriendly air) Where are you coming from?!
- (She looks at me frightened): I… Uh…
- Good evening Madam, it's all my fault. I held it back later than reason
- Oh! Kendrick is it you?! But Ornella couldn't you tell me that you took them back with the rehearsal classes? But come in! Don't stand in front of the gate
We both entered and Ornella quickly went to swap her school clothes for a home outfit to find me on their veranda. She sat down opposite me. His mother joined us, a refreshment tray in hand.
- Really, I was even planning to ask him to see with you if you could still hold them this year. I didn't know if you were planning to do your college somewhere else or here. It's good how you got back with her! I really owe you a big debt!
- (I have an embarrassed smile) Mrs. you don't owe me anything. The 100,000frs you gave me after he passed the probation are more than enough
- (She observes me well) Isn't it? But why don't you also hold Wendy like last year? She made tremendous progress just because you were there!
- (I scratch my head) Mrs. I'm planning a trip. It would be dishonest for me to hide it from you. Ornella still I can hold her for a while but Wendy needs more time. I don't know if you understand...
- (She touches my neck) What is that?! Did an insect bite you?
- (Ornella comes closer) An insect? Where ?
- Can't you see the red mark he has there on his neck?
- (Liam, Ornella's brother comes running from inside and handing an object to his mother) Mom, your phone is ringing!
She took it and went to answer his phone call inside
- Kendrick, can you explain to me how come you have a hickey on your neck?