*In the Middle of the Way*
Saori P.O.V
- Umm...Tazuna-san? – Sakura said.
- What? – he said.
- You're from the Country of Waves, right? – she asked.
- Yeah. What about it? – he said.
- Umm...Saori-sensei? Don't they have ninjas in that country? – Sakura asked.
- No, not it the Country of Waves. – I answered.
Kakashi then started explain why and how great the 5 Kages were.
I smirked.
- You guys just doubted Hokage-sama, didn't you? – I asked amused.
They stopped scared.
I chuckled.
- Don't worry, there won't be any ninja combat in a C-rank mission. – I said to her.
- So we won't come in contact with foreign ninjas? – Sakura asked.
- Of course not! – Kakashi said.
As he was saying that we passed over a puddle.
I stepped a bit further and was now beside Kakashi.
- What's the plan? – I whispered.
- We need to see who they want. – he answered.
- Do you think they can manage? – I asked.
He nodded.
I nodded and stayed beside him waiting.
We then started feeling currents coming our way.
I looked at Kakashi and we both nodded.
- WHAT?! – me and Kakashi said when the currents were around us.
- HUH?! – Sakura said looking behind.
- WHAT'S THIS?! – Naruto said.
- 2 down! – one of the attackers said and "killed" us.
- SAORI-SENSEI, KAKASHI-SENSEI! – Sakura screamed.
Me and Kakashi were hiding behind a tree.
- Do you think it's wise let them fight alone right now? – I asked a bit worried.
- Only this way we can see who they want. – he said.
We were seeing Sasuke basically do all the fighting.
- Not bad, you've been training him well. – Kakashi said.
- Not bad indeed. – I said.
- So him huh? – I said.
- I'll get the one on Naruto. Get the other one. – Kakashi said and I nodded.
I appeared suddenly in front of Sasuke who was protecting Sakura and Tazuna and punched the guy in the stomach sending him flying into Kakashi's shoulder.
- Saori-sensei! Kakashi-sensei! – Sakura said relief.
- Show offs. – I heard Sasuke mumble.
- Naruto, sorry for not helping you right away. I got you injured. I just didn't think you would freeze like that. – Kakashi said.
- Well done Sasuke. – I said.
- You too Sakura. – Kakashi said.
- Hey. Are you alright?....Scaredy cat? – Sasuke said to Sasuke.
I sighed.
I went to Sasuke and put my hand on his hand and made him bow.
- Stop being mean Sasuke, and don't be cocky. I've told you this too many times already. – I said.
He glared.
Naruto was getting mad and ready do strike at Sasuke.
- Naruto, save it for later. Their claws were soaked in poison. – Kakashi said.
- He's right Naruto, try not to move around too much so the poison doesn't spread. We have to remove the poison from your wound before it spreads. – I said calmly.
-Tazuna-san. – Kakashi said.
- W-What is it? – he said.
- I need to talk to you. – Kakashi said serious.
I went to help Kakashi tie the attackers up.
- These guys are Chunnin class ninja from the Hidden of the Mist. – Kakashi said.
- They are ninjas known to keep fighting no matter what. – I said.
- How d-did you read our movements? – one asked.
- On a sunny day like this, when it hasn't rained in days...a water puddle shouldn't exist. – Kakashi answered.
- Why did you let the brats fight when you knew that? – Tazuna asked.
- First, you're insulting the people who just protected you. Second if me and Kakashi wanted to we could have killed these 2 instantly but...we needed to find out who their target was, who were they after. – I said serious.
- What do you mean? – Tazuna asked.
- She means...were they after you or one of us? We haven't heard that there are shinobis after you. – Kakashi said.
- Our mission was to simply protect you from thieves or gangs. – I said.
- This was supposed to be a simple protection until you completed the bridge. – Kakashi said.
- And now this has become at least a B-rank mission. – I said.
- If this was known before, the mission would have been more expensive. I'm sure you have a reason, but it causes problems when you lie about the details. We are now operating outside of our duties. – Kakashi said.
- W-We aren't ready for this type of mission. Let's quit. Besides Naruto needs to go to a doctor. – Sakura said.
- Hmmm. – Kakashi said.
.....Is he actually thinking about quitting?
- This might be too much...I guess we should return to the village to treat Naruto. – Kakashi said.
Really?....That's it?
Suddenly Naruto stabs himself on the hand with his kunai.
- E-Eh?! – I said.
- NARUTO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! – Sakura screamed.
- With this kunai...I'll protect the old man. WE'RE CONTINUING THE MISSION! – Naruto said.
- Well...at least he released the poison. – I said.
- Yeah, but...Naruto you'll die from lack of blood. – Kakashi said.
I sweatdropped when I started seeing Naruto running around screaming afraid he was going to die.
- Come here, let me see your hand. – Kakashi said.
I was looking at Kakashi who was in deep though looking at Naruto's wound so I went there and checked as well.
...........it's already healing......
- Kakashi-sensei...Saori-no-nee-chan......am I going to be okay? – Naruto asked scared.
- You'll be fine. – Kakashi and I said.
Kakashi put a ligature on Naruto's wound and with that we continued our mission.
*At the Boat*
- We should see the bridge soon. The Wave Country is at the base of the bridge. – the guy controlling the boat said.
Soon we started to see the bridge.
- WOW! IT'S HUGE! – Naruto screamed excited.
- Hey! Be quiet! Why do you think we are hiding in this mist and not using the engine?!– the guy said.
- So...would you mind tell us why you lied? – I asked Tazuna.
He nodded and explained everything that has been going on...not forgetting making us feel bad for it.
- Well, we have no choice. We will protect you until you finish the bridge. – Kakashi said.
- Even you fell for it. – I mumbled.
- Tazuna it looks like we've avoided detection so far but...just in case, we'll take the route that has vegetation. It will make the enemies harder to spot us. – the guy said.
- Thanks. – Tazuna said.
Soon we started to see clearer and the mist vanished...it's actually very pretty here.
- This is it for me. Goodbye and good luck. – the guy said while we started to get out of the boat.
- Thank you. – Tazuna said.
With that the guy left.
- Ok!!! Take me home safely. – Tazuna said.
- Yes, yes. – me and Kakashi said bored.
We were walking when suddenly.
- THERE! – Naruto screamed and threw a kunai into the bushes.
- AHHHH! – Sakura screamed.
- W-What?! – Tazuna and Kakashi said.
Me and Sasuke just looked at him...what the hell is he doing?!
- Eh...just a rat. – Naruto said.
I sweatdropped.
- Hey...please stop using shuriken, it's dangerous. – Kakashi said.
- I think I see a shadow! – Naruto said not caring about what they said.
Suddenly me and Kakashi felt something and amazingly Naruto did too because he threw a shuriken that way.
- STOP THAT! – Sakura said boking Naruto.
We went to the bushes.
- Oh! – Sakura said.
- Oh...it's just a rabbit. – Naruto said.
I went to Kakashi's side.
- Kakashi...that's a snow bunny. – I whispered.
- They're already here. – he said.
- Behind. – I said.
He nodded.
- EVERYONE GET DOWN! – me and Kakashi screamed.
A sword went flying above us and a guy went above it.
Naruto got all excited and tried to run to this guy but Kakashi and I stopped him.
- Well, well...if it isn't the hidden mist's missing nin...Momochi Zabuza. – Kakashi said.
Kakashi looked at me.
- Everyone Manji formation and get back. This one is on a whole other level. – I said.
- It appears that I'll have to use this. – Kakashi said ready to uncover his covered eye.
- You both...Kakashi of the Sharingan and...Uchiha Saori one of the 3 Uchihas alive. – Zabuza said.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
- Sorry but...the old man is mine. – Zabuza said.
- Do not enter the fight. Protect Tazuna-san. – Kakashi said to them.
- Just give me the old man and you won't get hurt. – Zabuza said.
- You'll have to fight me first. – Kakashi said finally showing his sharingan.
- I'm honored that I get to see your famous sharingan. What about you...Uchiha? Or are you weak like the ones who were murdered in your clan? – Zabuza said.
I looked at him with no expression and notice Sasuke's expression...
- Sharingan? What is that?! – Naruto asked.
We let Sasuke explain everything.
- Let's end the talking. I have to kill the old man. – Zabuza said.
- Guys, protect Tazuna. – I said.
They nodded.
- It seems that I have to beat you first. – Zabuza said looking at me and Kakashi.
Suddenly he disappeared and went above the water.
- Hidden Mist no Jutsu. – Zabuza said and disappeared in the mist.
- HE'S GONE! – Sakura said.
- He'll come after us first. – I said.
- Yes, he was an expert in silent killing. – Kakashi said.
- I know, I read about it. – I said.
- S-Silent killing? – Sakura asked.
- Yes, you don't even notice until you're already dead. You guys have to be careful. – Kakashi said.
The mist got thicker and we couldn't see each other.
I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and opened them again.
I turned around and sped to where he was...behind Tazuna and Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.
I put my kunai through his back.
- Touch them...and I'll kill the real you. – I said murderously while the water clone fell.
- A w-water clone?! – Sakura said.
Sasuke was trembling.
- Sasuke, I'm right here and so is Kakashi. We won't let anything happen to any of you. – I said going to where Kakashi was since he was able to make the mist less thick.
- So you saw through that. You're sharingan is powerful. – Zabuza said.
- SENSEI!!! BEHIND YOU! – Sakura screamed.
A sword went through me and Kakashi.
- AHHHH! – Sakura screamed scared.
- This... - Zabuza said.
- Don't move. – Kakashi said from behind Zabuza with a kunai at his neck while I was in front with a kunai at his throat.
Damn it...he's not looking at me directly.
- It's over. – Kakashi said.
- You don't get it. – Zabuza said.
Kakashi looked at me and looked at Tazuna.
I nodded and went to where they were.
- Afraid? – Zabuza asked.
- Of what? You? – I said.
- I'm not that easy to win. – Zabuza said.
Suddenly he was behind Kakashi, damn it I shouldn't have obeyed you Kakashi.
Zabuza kicked him and went to the water.
- Water Prison no Jutsu! – Zabuza said.
I widened my eyes.......SHIT!
I ran to where they were but then a clone went to Naruto, I narrowed my eyes at him.
I got there on time and got Zabuza's clone arm and broke it making the clone disappear.
- Don't you dare touch MY STUDENTS! – I said murderously.
He did a ton of water clones.
- SAORI GET THEM AND RUN! IT'S AN ORDER! – Kakashi screamed.
- Naruto, Sasuke...are you ready? – I asked them.
They looked at me confused.
- Do you want to join the battle? – I asked.
- SAORI! STOP THAT AND RUN! – Kakashi said.
I looked at Tazuna.
- I understand, save him. – Tazuna said.
- Thank you. – I said.
- SAORI! – Kakashi said.
- You think you can defeat me with those brats? – Zabuza said.
- Those BRATS are MY STUDENTS! – I said mad.
- Tch. – he said.
- Sasuke, Naruto you're only task is to get Kakashi out of there. Do you think you can handle it? – I asked.
They looked at each other.
- Guys! I swear I won't let anything happen to you! – I said.
Naruto looked down.
- Sasuke...I got a plan. – Naruto said.
- Teamwork from you? – Sasuke asked with a smirk.
- Let's get wild. – Naruto said.
- I leave Kakashi to both of you then. Sakura protect Tazuna. – I said.
- You won't win. – Zabuza said.
- Try me. – I said.
All his clones came at me.
I started fighring them all, kicking, dodging until I saw one of them try to attack Sasuke so I went there and kicked his back.
- I told you. – I said to Sasuke which made him widen his eyes a bit.
Zabuza did even more clones....damn it. If he keeps this up I don't know if I can continue protect Naruto and Sasuke.
While I was fighting I was thinking about that water prison...........Shisui did explain me something about that jutsu....
- Nee...Shisui? – I asked
- Yeah? – he said.
- Do you know the Water Prison Jutsu? – I asked.
- I do, why? You're not a water user. – he said.
- I know but I was reading about it the other day and I couldn't find any weaknesses. Is that possible that a jutsu like that doesn't have a weakness? – I asked.
- Hmm...every jutsu has a weakness. Let me see........AH! I know, it's –
*End Of Flashback*
I widened my eyes.
I looked at Naruto and Sasuke they were fighting a Zabuza clone.
- WHAT?! – he said.
While Kakashi was starting that I did some hand signs.
- Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku – I said and destroyed the clones I was fighting.
I went to Naruto and Sasuke and got them out of the way of the clone they were fighting and put a kunai on the clone's eye.
- WHAT?! – I heard Zabuza.
- CHIDORI! – Kakashi said.
- IT WORKED! – Sakura said.
The real Zabuza was about to come my way when Kakashi stopped him.
- Saori...how did you know? – Kakashi asked.
- Every jutsu has a weakness...a friend taught me that. The water prison uses the chakra of the one performing it to keep the person inside from being able to move, let alone make seals or do jutsus. Anything that it's made with chakra can be cut with chakra, Chidori releases chakra from Kakashi's hand. That way he could break the water prison. – I explained.
- I see. Well thought, and good teamwork Naruto and Sasuke. – Kakashi said.
- Tch! – Zabuza said and started performing hand signs and so did Kakashi.
....he's copying him.
- Suiton: Water Explosion no Jutsu! – Kakashi said before Zabuza.
....well done, not bad for someone that isn't a Uchiha.
The water came our way....
- Hold on guys! – I said and went to a tree.
I immediately saw Zabuza against a tree trying to get up.
I threw 4 shurikens to his arms and legs so he wouldn't move and went to him and so did Kakashi.
I undid the sharingan.
- H-How? Can you see the future? – Zabuza asked Kakashi.
- Yes...you're going to die. – Kakashi answered ready to give the final hit when...
I widened my eyes, 3 needles came out of nowhere and hit Zabuza's neck.
- You were right...he's dead. – we heard.
We looked to another tree...
I looked at Kakashi and he was checking if Zabuza was still alive.
He looked at me.
- Is he dead? – I asked.
He nodded.
I looked at the masked guy on the tree.
- You...what's a hidden mist hunter nin doing here? – I asked.
- Impressive. You are correct. – he said.
- That wasn't my question. – I said narrowing my eyes.
- I've been waiting for an opportunity to kill Zabuza for a long time. – the guy said.
- Is that so? – I said not convinced.
- What's a hunter nin? – Naruto asked.
- My duty is to hunt down missing nins. – the guy said.
- WHAT THE HELL! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! – Naruto said mad to the guy.
- Naruto, he's not the enemy. – Kakashi said coming to my side.
- I know how you feel but...this is the truth. In this world there exists kids younger than you...yet stronger than me. – Kakashi said patting Naruto's head.
- Your battle is now over. I must now dispose the body, farewell. – the guy said.
- HE'S GONE! – Naruto said.
Kakashi sighed and covered his eye.
- Now, let's get Tazuna-san back home. – Kakashi said.
- SUPER THANKS GUYS! – Tazuna said.
My eye twitched.
- Come one Saori, don't kill the client now. – Kakashi said.
- Let's go then, before I'll kill him. – I said.
Kakashi was about to walk when he fell.
- HUH?! – Tazuna said.
- WHAT'S WRONG?! – Sakura screamed.
- KAKASHI-SENSEI! – Naruto screamed.
- ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO SCREAM?! – I asked annoyed.
- E-Eh? – they said.
- Geez! He's tired, the Sharingan it's that easy to control especially for someone that it's not an Uchiha. All he needs is to rest so...STOP SCREAMING! – I said.
- Y-You all can rest at my house. – Tazuna said.
- Thank you, now come on. Let's go. – I said getting Kakashi on my back.
- Saori-sensei... - Sakura said.
- Yeah? – I asked.
- Can you carry Kakashi-sensei all by yourself? – she asked.
I sighed, this girl...she really needs to grow if she wants to become a good ninja.
- Yes Sakura, I can. I've done worst, so don't worry. – I said.
- What you mean worst? – Tazuna asked.
- Why? – I asked.
- Just wanted to know. – Tazuna said.
- Me too! – Naruto and Sakura said.
I sighed.
- She means when she was an Anbu. – Sasuke said casually.
- YOU WERE AN ANBU?! – Tazuna said.
- So? – I said.
- Really?! – Sakura asked impressed.
- What do you think I am?! Some weak girl?! Really? – I said offended.
- N-No! – Tazuna and Sakura answered.
- Saori-no-nee-chan is very strong, believe it! – Naruto said.
- Let's just continue so we can let Kakashi rest in a quiet place. – I said.
With that we went to Tazuna's home.
Although...I something is not right.