3rd P.O.V
Years have passed and it was almost time for the students graduation exams.
Saori has been training Sasuke since he asked her to help him get stronger, she of course didn't deny it and everyday would train him and teach him.
Saori P.O.V
- That's enough for today. – I said.
- Why? – Sasuke asked.
- I don't want to kill you before your exam. – I said with a smirk.
He glared at me.
- Quit that look Sasuke. That duckbutt face doesn't scare anyone. – I said amused.
His eye twitched.
I went to him and patted his head.
- You're training well Sasuke, go home and rest. – I said.
- Hn, fine. – he said.
I sweatdropped.
- I really need to help you with learning more words. – I said.
He glared at me again.
- Oh, look at the time! Gotta go! See you tomorrow! – I said.
- Bye. – he simply said.
I left.
I went to the Hokage's tower and noticed he was on the roof so I went there.
- Hi Hokage-sama. – I said.
- Oh, Saori. Hello. – he said with a smile.
- Is everything alright? – I asked.
- See for yourself. – he said pointing to the Hokages faces.
..............I sweatdropped.
- Naruto huh? – I said.
He nodded.
- Want me to get him and talk to him? – I asked.
- No need. Iruka went there already. – he said.
- I see. – I said.
- Come on then. I have a mission for you. – he said.
- Nice! – I said happy.
- It's simple though, you'll finish it in a blink of an eye. – he said.
I got depressed.
- Huh? What's the matter? – he asked.
- I was an Anbu...an ANBU! Now I'm doing missions like this... - I said depressed.
The Hokage sweatdropped.
- Here, it's just defeat some robbers and scare them. They've been trying to sneak into Konoha. – he said.
- Fine, I'll do it...it's not like I have anything else to do...I'm not an Anbu anymore so...why not. – I said depressed.
I took the scroll and the map and went to take care of the stupid robbers......this is just stupid!
*At Night*
I was going to the Hokage tower to give him the report.
- Here, it's done. They're scared for the rest of their lives and will never come back. – I said.
- Very well, thank you Saori. – Hokage said.
- Sure, you're welcome. I'm going home now. Anything else? – I asked.
- Actually yes. How is Sasuke? – he asked.
- As you would expect his hate for Itachi grows each day. The kid once so happy and bright has disappeared out of him. There isn't much I can do to change his mind. – I said sad.
- I see. And how are you? – he asked.
- Right now I'm not focused on me. What matters to me is Sasuke...it concerns me how much cold will he get. – I said.
- I'm sure he will change once he's put on a team. – he said.
- I hope you're right, Hokage-sama. Anything else? – I said.
- No, you can go. – he said.
I nodded and left.
On my way home I noticed Naruto going home, so I went to him.
- Naruto. – I said from behind him.
- Huh? Saori-nee-chan! – he said happy.
- Hi. So Naruto...what did you do today? – I asked with an eyebrow raised.
- Huh...s-study...Yeah. Study for tomorrow's exam! – he said.
- Is that so? – I said.
- Yes! – he said.
- Did your study involved painting the Hokages faces? – I asked.
- E-Eh? – he said.
I sighed.
- Just don't do it again, okay? – I said patting his head.
He looked at me surprised.
I smiled at him.
- Now go and rest, tomorrow's a big day. – I said.
- Hai Saori-nee-chan! – he said happy and left.
I went to grab my flowers from the Yamanaka and went to see my parents, Shin and Shisui's grave.
I put some flowers on Shin's grave, others on my parents and last on Shisui's grave.
I sat there in front of Shisui's grave.
- Shisui...I wish you were here.....I miss the light you gave me and strength. – I said quietly.
I sighed.
I got up and went home to get some rest.
?????? P.O.V
I looked at the grave she was staring.....my eyes softened.
- I wish you were here too...at least she wouldn't be alone. – I said quietly.
*Following Day*
Saori P.O.V
I looked at the time...I smiled.
The exams must have ended by now. I grabbed my things and went to the academy.
*At the Academy*
- Hi there. – I said to Sasuke who was leaning against the wall.
- Hi. – he said.
- I see you passed. Congratulations. – I said ruffling his hair.
- Stop that! – he said glaring at me.
I laughed at his reaction.
- That kid. – I heard.
I looked behind.
- That's the "kid", he's also the only one that failed. – a woman said.
- Well, that's good. He shouldn't be a shinobi. – the other woman said.
- Wait here Sasuke, I'll be right back.
He nodded.
- Since he is – the woman started.
- You got a problem? – I asked coldly at the women.
- Huh? N-No. – she said.
- It doesn't seem like it. – I said.
- It's nothing. – the other said.
- You're both cowards and weak. Talking badly about a kid that hasn't fault of what happened. You should be ashamed. – I said.
- What do you know huh?! – she said.
- You better keep your mouth shut, that's what I know...or you'll regret having talked about him like that. – I said murderously.
They looked at me scared and went away.
I looked to where Naruto once was but he had left...I sighed and went back to Sasuke.
- Ready to go? – I asked him.
He nodded.
- Come on then, today dinner's on me. – I said.
- Who said I want to go out and eat? – he said.
- Who said that we were going out? – I said.
- Then what? – he asked.
- I was thinking about going to my house and make tomato soup and some rice balls BUT since you don't want to I'll eat it all by myself. – I said amused.
- N-No...I w-want to. – he said looking the other way.
I looked at him amused.
- Let's go then. – I said.
- T-Thanks. – he said quietly.
I looked at him surprised.
- You're welcome Sasuke. – I said.
He continued looking the other way.
- So...excited for being put into a team? – I asked.
- Not really, they're a bunch of losers. – he said.
I sweatdropped.
- I'm sure they're not that bad, right? – I said.
- On shuriken class they tried to aim the bull eye. Do you know where the shuriken went? – he said.
- Where? – I asked.
- Somehow it went straight to Iruka. – he said.
- Well then, Iruka shouldn't have been near the target. – I said.
- He was behind the person who threw the shuriken. – he said.
- E-Eh? – I said.
- Exactly. – he said.
I sweatdropped.
- I'm sure you'll be on a great team. – I said.
- Then you're lying. – he said.
- Fine, I'm sure you'll be fine. – I said.
- Hn. – he said.
- At least if you stay away of those who suck at shuriken. – I said amused.
He chuckled.
I smiled...well that's better than nothing.
3rd P.O.V
Saori and Sasuke spent the rest of the day together training and having dinner which Sasuke enjoyed which also made Saori very happy since it has been a while she's seen him like that.
After that she took him home just to be sure he would be safe and came back to her house and went to bed.
*Next Day*
I was called by the Hokage so I was now at his office.
- You called me, Hokage-sama? – I said.
- Yes, I need to tell you something. – he said.
- Okay. But why is Kakashi here? – I asked.
- You'll see. – Kakashi said.
- You said that with a creepy voice. What's going on? – I said.
- You'll be teaching with Kakashi team 7. – the Hokage said.
- Eh? Me?! A teacher?! – I asked.
- Yes, you're qualified for it. – Hokage said.
- Okay...who are the people in Team 7? – I asked.
- Here, take a look. – Hokage said giving me a file.
I took it and opened it...................I sweatdropped.
- Really? You're going to put these 2 together? – I asked.
- Yes. – Hokage said.
- Is that a problem? – Kakashi asked.
- I guess you'll have to find out. – I told him.
- It's settle then. – the Hokage said.
- Wait a minute. Yesterday I went to get Sasuke at the Academy after the exams and notice Naruto didn't pass so...how is he in a team? Not that I'm complaining having him on the team, I'm actually very happy. – I said.
The Hokage explained me the events of last night.
- He did what?! – I asked with a dumb look.
- Your face is just priceless. – Kakashi said amused.
- Shut up! – I said.
- Go on, they're waiting for you. – Hokage said.
We nodded and left and went to the academy.
- Aren't we late? – I asked Kakashi.
- No. – he answered reading his book.
- Really? So why isn't anybody here?! – I said.
- I don't know. – he answered.
My eye twitched, without him noticing I quickly went in front of him and took his book and started reading the first words.
- Hey! Give it back right now! – he said.
I widened my eyes........and gave him the book immediately.
- I'm never going to look at you the same way. – I said traumatized.
- You will never said a word about this! – he said.
- Agree, it's too traumatizing for me. Pervert. – I said and continued walking.
- W-What?! I'm not! – he said.
- Maybe if you stopped reading that pervert book of yours you wouldn't be late. – I said.
- It's not a pervert book! – he said.
I raised an eyebrow.
- S-Shut up! Don't scream that! – he said.
- Pervert. – I mumbled.
He glared at me.
- I can't understand how you can read that in public! – I said.
- Shut up Saori. – he said.
- Fine, continue to read porn. – I said.
- IT'S NOT PORN! – he said.
- Yeah, sure. – I said.
We got to the door, Kakashi opened it and the board eraser fell on the top of his head.
- HAHAHAHAHA! You fell for it, you fell! – Naruto said laughing.
- I'm sorry sensei, I tried to stop Naruto but... - she said.
I was still behind Kakashi so they couldn't see me.
- Hmmm, how can I say this...my first impression is.....I don't like you. – Kakashi said.
- Really Kakashi? You're that lazy? – I said appearing from behind him.
He shrugged it.
- Saori? – Sasuke said confused and surprised.
- Saori-nee-chan! – Naruto said.
I looked at them and smiled.
- Hi there. – I said.
- Huh...you know each other? – Sakura asked.
I nodded.
- You're going to be our teacher as well? – Sasuke asked coming to my side.
- Correct. – I said.
- Nice. – Sasuke said casually.
- YAY! THAT'S AWSOME! – Naruto said happy.
I smiled.
- Naruto...I've heard what you did last night. – I said.
- Y-You did? – he said.
- Yes, I did. – I said going towards him.
- Huh... - he said nervous.
- Very well done protecting Iruka. – I said.
- Ahhh! Yes, it was easy! – he said.
- Yes, yes. – I said but with an evil look but Naruto was too busy praising himself.
Only Sasuke notice this and step aside.
- OW!!! S-Saori-nee-chan... - Naruto said.
- That was for lying and STEALING THAT SCROLL! – I said.
- I-I'm s-sorry! – he said scared.
- You're forgiven. – I said.
- Thank you! – he said.
- H-HAI! – he said.
- Dobe. – Sasuke mumbled.
- Let's go to the roof. – Kakashi said and poofed.
- See you guys up there. – I said and poofed as well.
- Oh, you're here. – Kakashi said.
- Don't act so impressed, you were the one who taught me this one. – I said.
- Oh yeah, I forgot. – he said.
I sweatdropped.
I went to his side, they soon arrived.
- Take a sit and let's talk. – I said.
They nodded and did as I said.
- Let's begin with introducing yourselves. – Kakashi said.
- What do you want to know? – Sakura asked.
- How about your likes, dislikes, dreams, hobbies, things like that. – Kakashi answered.
- Why don't you introduce yourself first? – Naruto asked.
- Yeah...you look kinda suspicious. – Sakura said.
I looked at Kakashi amused.
- It's the mask, you should take it off. – I said.
He glared at me.
- You're no fun. – I mumbled.
- Anyway. My name is Hatake Kakashi, I have no desire to tell you my likes and dislikes. Dreams for the future...hmm...I have lots of hobbies...yeah, that's it. – he said.
I chuckled.
- All we learned was his name. – Sakura mumbled and Naruto nodded.
Sakura then looked intensively at me.
- What? – I asked.
- And you? – she said.
- Oh! I'm Uchiha Saori. I like training, reading, spending time with Sasuke and with Naruto. I dislike liars, evil people, fan girls, fan boys. Dreams for the future...haven't thought about them. Hobbies...singing. Now your guys turn. – I said.
- Are you related to Sasuke?! – she asked.
- We're from the same clan but not family related. Why? You want my blessing? – I said amused.
She squealed, Sasuke glared intensively at me and Naruto started laughing and I notice Kakashi trying hard not to laugh.
- Let's just start with you on the right. – Kakashi said.
- Yosh! My name is Uzumaki Naruto. What I like is ramen, hanging out with Saori-nee-chan and when Iruka-sensei and Saori-nee-chan buy me Ichiraku's ramen! What I dislike...waiting 3 minutes for the ramen to cook. Hobbies...pranks I guess. My dream...is to become Hokage and then have the people of this village acknowledge my existence. – Naruto said.
- Very well, next. – Kakashi.
- I'm Uchiha Sasuke. There are lots of things I dislike and I don't really like anything and...I can't really call it a dream...but I have an ambition. The resurrection of my clan and...to kill a certain man. – Sasuke said.
I looked at him...his hate keeps getting bigger.
Can I even stop that?
- Okay...and lastly the girl. – Kakashi said.
- My name is Haruno Sakura. The things I like is...well the person I like is *looks at Sasuke* and uhmm...my hobby is *looks at Sasuke*...my dream for the future is *looks at Sasuke and gets hysterical*. – Sakura said.
- What about dislikes? – Kakashi asked.
- That Sasuke doesn't like her. – I answered amused.
Receiving a death glare from Sakura.
- Don't do that if you want my blessing! – I said chanting which actually made her stop and Sasuke glared at me.
Naruto lost it and started laughing really hard.
- I dislike Naruto! – Sakura said which made Naruto anime cry.
I raised an eyebrow. What did he even do to you?
- Okay. That's enough, tomorrow we'll start our duties as shinobi. – Kakashi said.
- YAY! – Naruto said.
- First we are going to do something just the 5 of us. – he said.
- What is it?! – Naruto asked.
- A survival test. – I answered.
- Huh? – Naruto said confused.
- Why? We've had enough of that at the academy. – Sakura said.
- This one is different. – I said.
- This time we are your opponent. – Kakashi said.
- How is it different? – Naruto asked.
Kakashi started laughing.
- What's so funny sensei? – Sakura asked.
- If I tell you this you will freak out. – Kakashi stated.
- Freak out? Nee...Saori-nee-chan what is he talking about? – Naruto asked.
I sighed.
- Of the 27 graduates only 9 will be chosen to become a genin. The rest will be send back to the academy, this training is a very difficult exam with a failure rate of over 66%. – I explained.
Kakashi laughed even more seeing their faces.
- NO WAY! Then what was the point of graduating?! – Naruto said.
- That was just to select those who have the chance to become genin. – Kakashi said.
- WHAT?! – Sakura and Naruto said.
- Anyway, tomorrow you have to show your real skills on the training ground, bring all the shinobi tools you have. – I said.
- Oh and skip breakfast, you might throw up. – Kakashi said.
- The details are on this paper. – I said handing them the papers.
- Don't be late! – Kakashi said and poofed.
- Any questions? – I asked them.
- How hard is it? – Sasuke asked.
- Good to see that you still talk. Regarding your question, you'll have to wait and see. – I said.
- But...throw up...is it THAT hard? – Sakura said.
- This isn't fun and games anymore. This is where you'll develop and grow as a shinobi. Or you want this or you don't. That's what you should be thinking. How determined are you to become one? – I said.
Naruto and Sasuke looked at me determined.
Sakura...not so much.
- See you guys tomorrow. Be ready. – I said and left.