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Chapter 7

*Next Day*

Saori P.O.V

I was walking to the place Kakashi wrote on the paper when.

- You're late. – Kakashi said.

- Sure. And you're not? – I said.

- That's not important. – he said.

- You're a lost case. – I said.

- And you're not? – he asked amused.

- What can I say, I learned from the best! – I said.

He chuckled.

- Good point. Here, the other bell. – he said handing it to me.

- Thanks. What do you think will happen? – I asked.

- I don't know, I believe not well. They're too...apart. – he said.

- True but if they think about it they'll turn around. – I said.

- Maybe. – he said.

*At the Place*

- Hey guys, good morning! – Kakashi said.

- YOU'RE LATE! – they said.

- Get used to it. – I said.

- Ok. It's set for noon. – Kakashi said activating the clock.

- Here are 2 bells. – I said showing mine and Kakashi showing his.

- Your task is to take these from us before the time's up. – Kakashi said.

- Those who don't have a bell by noon get's no lunch. – I said.

- We'll not only tie you to one of those stumps but we'll also eat right in front of you. – Kakashi said.

- You only have to get one bell, there are only 2 so one of you will definitely be tied up to the stump. – I said.

- And the person who doesn't take a bell fails, so at least one of you will be sent back to the academy.

The look on their faces....determination, fear...it was mixed feelings for sure.

- If you want you can use shurikens and kunais. You won't succeed unless you come at us with intend to kill. – Kakashi said.

- But...YOU'LL BE IN DANGER! – Sakura said.

- Yeah! Especially Kakashi-sensei, you're so slow! You can't even dodge a board eraser! – Naruto said.

I mentally face palmed...this 2.

- In the real world those with no talent often bark the loudest...well ignore Mr. Clown and start when I say. – Kakashi said.

I sighed when I saw Naruto getting mad and ran at Kakashi.

Kakashi without them notice counterattacked.

- Calm down...I haven't said start yet. – Kakashi said from behind Naruto with Naruto's kunai pointed at his neck.

- Well...at least he charged at you with intent to kill. – I said.

- True...I'm starting to like you guys. – Kakashi said.

I smirked.

- Ok, let's get going. – Kakashi said.

- Ready? – I asked.

- Begin! – Kakashi said.

We started looking around.

- The most important thing for a shinobi is to be able to hide yourself. – Kakashi said.

I was too busy looking behind with a dumb look on my face.

- Huh? Saori? – Kakashi said confused.

I pointed to where I was looking.

He turned around.

- E-Eh? – Kakashi said.

- LET'S FIGHT YOU AND ME! HEAD ON! – Naruto said.

- Uhmm...you're a bit weird compared to the others. – Kakashi said.

- THE ONLY THING THAT'S WEIRD IS YOUR HAIR! – Naruto said charging at Kakashi.

Kakashi put his hand on his pouch.

- Shinobi fighting lesson number 1, Taijutsu. I'll teach you about that. – Kakashi said and started reading his book.

- Really? Even here? – I said to him.

- Why not? – Kakashi asked.

- I think you're well aware...OF WHY! – I said.

- Come on, attack me. – Kakashi said to Naruto.

- But...what's with the book? – Naruto asked.

- I just want to know what happens next, but don't worry it won't make a difference against you. – Kakashi said.

I sweatdropped.

- I'LL DESTROY YOU! – Naruto said mad.

They started fighting...well...more like Naruto trying to hit Kakashi.

Then I sensed something...I smirked.

A bunch of shuriken came my way so I used the substitution jutsu.

- AHHHHHHHH! SASUKE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! – Naruto said not focusing on Kakashi.

I took that opportunity.

- Come one now, I taught you better than that...Sasuke. – I said evilly from behind him.

He looked behind and widened his eyes, I kicked him sending him flying to the other side of the training ground and went where Kakashi was.

- Huh? SAORI-NEE-CHAN! – Naruto said.

- Naruto, you should focus. – I said pointing behind him.

- Konoha Ancient Taijutsu Supreme Technique...A 1000 YEARS OF PAIN! – Kakashi said.

.......my eye twitched............................

- YOU PERVERT! – I said.

- Huh? STOP THAT! I'M NOT! Now go and take care of the other one since he's obsessed with you. – Kakashi said.

I sighed and poofed.

- Hi Sakura...watcha doing?! – I asked amused.

- Eh.....AHHHHHHHHH! – she screamed and....

I blinked multiple times........she passed out.........

I sweatdropped...that's some skills right there.

I sensed Sasuke so I went to him.

- Want a bell? – I asked him amused.

- You know...I'm not like them. – he said.

- True...but you were the one who got kicked and still ain't got no bell. – I said leaning against a tree.

He looked at me furious.

I smirked.

He came at me and jumped trying to kick my head, I blocked it and immediately grabbed his foot and threw him against the tree.

He got up and came at me again, he tried to punch me, I blocked it and grabbed his wrist, he tried to kick me on....I see...I let him go and went some feet away.

He looked at me mad.

- You gotta be more unpredictable, Sasuke. – I said.

He started doing hand signs, I smirked.

- Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu! – Sasuke said.

I immediately got out of the way, when the flames stopped he started to look for me.

I was on a tree and then Kakashi appeared.

- So, how is it going? – he asked.

- Unfortunately as expected. – I said.

- Let's end it then. – he said.

I nodded.

I went to Sasuke and tried to kick him but he sensed me and was able to block the attack.

- How did you dodge that jutsu? – he asked.

- Come on Sasuke, I'm better than that. And I trained you. You gotta do more than that to land a hit on me. – I said.

He got mad and was ready to come at me when.

- W-What? – he said looking down to see what just grabbed his foot.

- Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu!- Kakashi said.

Sasuke was now only with his head out.

- Gotta go now. – Kakashi said.

I nodded.

I was now looking at Sasuke, he looked the other way.

I sighed.

- Sasuke you really – I started but then Sakura appeared.

- Sakura. – Sasuke said.

- Glad to see you could join us. – I said.

She was looking at Sasuke with eyes wide open.

- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! – she screamed and passed out....again...

- W-What? – Sasuke said.

- Wow...really? That's your candidate as wife? – I said amused looking at him.

- S-SHE WON'T BE MY WIFE! – he said annoyed.

- Yeah, whatever. Well, good luck getting out of there. – I said and left.

I went back to Kakashi.............Naruto is tied up....

- What did he do? – I asked.

- Tried to cheat and eat the food. – Kakashi answered.

Suddenly the clock went off.

*10 minutes later*

- You guys look hungry. – I said.

They all glared at me.

- By the way, something about this. There's no need for you guys to go back to the academy. – Kakashi said.

- YAY! – Naruto said happy.

- Huh? I passed? All I did was pass out...do I get points for that? – Sakura said.

......sure....you get killed, that's a bonus.

Sasuke looked relieved.

- Then...all the 3 of us...! – Naruto said.

- Yup, all the 3 of you should QUIT BEING NINJAS! – Kakashi said.

I stood there quiet with a serious look on my face.

- WHAT?! We couldn't get the bells but...WHY DO WE HAVE TO QUIT?! – Naruto said.

- Because all of you...are just punks who don't deserve to be ninjas. – Kakashi said.

Sasuke got furious and charged at Kakashi which I immediately stopped and he was now laid belly down with me sitting on his back and a foot on his head.


I looked at her murderously.

- BE QUIET! Are you all underestimating ninjas? Is that it?! – I said coldly.

- W-What? – she said.

- Why do you think you're put into teams? – Kakashi asked.

- What do you mean? – Naruto asked.

- Huh? – Sakura said confused.

- You don't understand the answer to this test. – Kakashi said.

- Answer? – Naruto asked.

- Yes. The answer that helps you pass the test. – I said.

- So...when are you going to tell us? – Sakura asked.

I sighed.

- WHAT'S THE ANSWER?! – Naruto asked.

- Teamwork. – me and Kakashi said.

They looked at us surprised...well...Sasuke didn't look at us because...my foot was on his head...BUT STILL he was surprised.

- If the 3 of you worked together you could have gotten the bells or at least one. – I said.

- What do you mean by teamwork?! There are only 2 bells! Even if we work together and get the bells one of us would still fail. That would just make us fight each other! – Sakura said.

- Of course!!! – Kakashi said.

- Huh? – they said confused.

- This test is purposely set up to make you fight amongst yourselves. The purpose of that is to see whether you can forget about your own interest and successfully work together under these circumstances. – I explained.

- Yet...you guys...Sakura, instead of helping Naruto who was right next to you, you were only thinking about Sasuke who was further away from you. Naruto! You were just running around by yourself and you tried to cheat. Sasuke! You just assumed the others would get in your way and tried to do everything by yourself. – Kakashi said.

- The duties are done by the team. Of course the individual abilities are important as a ninja as well but what's even more important is teamwork. – I said.

- If you compromise that teamwork you might put your comrades and yourself in danger and even get killed. For example. – Kakashi said and looked at me.

I took my kunai and pointed at Sasuke's neck.

- Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies. – Kakashi said.

Sakura and Naruto widened their eyes, Sasuke tensed up.

- If a hostage is taken you will have tough choices to make and then...you could die. You will be risking your lives in these missions. – I said as I got off of Sasuke.

- Look at this numerous names carved on this stone. These are ninjas who are recognize as heroes of the village. – Kakashi said.

I looked at it sad.

- Hey, hey! I've decided to get my name carved on that stone too! Hero!!! That's what I'll become! – Naruto said.

- But they aren't just normal heroes. – Kakashi said.

- Oh yeah?! What kind are they?! – Naruto asked.

- They're K.I.A. – Kakashi answered.

- I want to be there! – Naruto said excited.

- It means Killed In Action, idiot. – Sasuke said.

Naruto expression changed immediately.

- This is for people who dies while on duty. It's a memorial, my best friend's name is carved here...as well as Saori's parents. – Kakashi said.

They looked at me with sad eyes.

Kakashi came to my side and put his hand on my shoulder and nodded.

- You guys...we'll give you one more chance but after lunch we'll make it even harder to get the bells. – Kakashi said.

- Those who still wish to do this can eat lunch. – I said.

- But don't give any to Naruto. – Kakashi said.

- Huh? – they said confused.

- It's punishment for trying to eat by himself. If anyone gives him food...you'll fail immediately. – Kakashi said.

They widened their eyes.

- I make the rules here! Got it? – Kakashi said serious.

We poofed.

We hide our chakra and hide behind a tree.

- A bit over dramatic, don't you think? – I told him.

- Only this way we'll see what they'll do. – Kakashi said.

I leaned against the tree.

- You're okay? – he asked.

- Y-Yeah...it's just... - I started.

- Still difficult to forget them or what happened to them, right? – he said.

I nodded.

- It gets better with time though. – he said.

- If you say so... - I said.

I looked at them.

- Do you think I can change his mind? – I asked.

- Sasuke's? – he said.

I nodded.

- Hard to say, he's pretty determined on that revenge. – Kakashi said.

I sighed.

- I was taken out from the ANBU to keep an eye on him but...I don't think I'm going to be able to change his mind or make him go back to the kid he once was. – I said.

- I mean...can you blame him? – he asked.

- No, but...I lost Shin, then on the same say I lost my parents...and after that I lost Shisui......my bestfriend. And then in a blink of an eye there's only 3 Uchihas left. I was hoping not to lose Sasuke. – I said.

- I see. – Kakashi said.

I was still looking at them when.

- Or maybe...just maybe...someone can change him. – I said pointing at them.

- Let's go. – he said.

I nodded.

- YOU GUYS! – me and Kakashi said murderously.

- AHHHHH! – Naruto and Sakura screamed.

- Pass. – Kakashi and I said with a close eyed smile.

- Eh? – they said confused.

- You pass. – I said.

- Why?! – Sakura asked.

- You're the first ones, the rest would just do whatever I told them. A ninja must see underneath and also think for themselves. Those who break the rules are called scums but you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are worse than scum. – Kakashi said.

I slightly smiled.

They were all happy, I went to Naruto and cut the ropes.

- All of you pass! Starting tomorrow Team 7 will begin it's duties! – Kakashi said.

- YAY! – Sakura and Naruto said happy.

- Let's go. – I said.

We parted ways after a while, but I got Sasuke so I could talk to him.

- What is it? – he asked.

- Sasuke, be careful with your choices. – I said.

- What do you mean? – he asked confused.

- I mean that you should focus on other things than revenge. – I said serious.

He looked away with that cold look.

I sighed.

- That's all I wanted to say. I'll see you tomorrow before the mission so I can kick your ass again and teach you how to hide your chakra properly because today...you didn't do it very well. – I said amused.

He glared at me.

I chuckled and patted his head.

- I'm glad you all pass. – I said.

- Thanks...I guess. – he said.

- Don't be late. – I said.

- I won't. – he said and left.

I sighed...this guy...I hope he doesn't get caught up on revenge.

...........I honestly wonder where Itachi is and...what is he doing?

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