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Chapter 2

3rd P.O.V

Years have passed and Saori is now 10 years old. She learned to ignore the haters, the looks and the whispers.

She's in a team with a Hyuuga Shin and Uchiha Izumi. She liked Shin and were good friends with him but wasn't very fond of Izumi.

The teams were going to take the final part of the Chunnin Exams today, she and Shin were excited and confident while Izumi not so much.

Saori P.O.V

- Do we really have to? – Izumi asked.

- We already passed phased one and two. – I said.

- It would be stupid to give up now. Don't you think? – Shin said.

- F-Fine. – Izumi said.

We were walking when suddenly.

- Gotta go! – Izumi said.

- Huh? – Shin said.

We saw her going to Itachi.

- Don't be late! – I said to her.

- Fine! – she answered annoyed.

- What does she sees in him? – Shin asked.

- He's smart and talented. – I answered.

- You too? – Shin asked.

- Nope! Just answering you. I like fighting and training with him though, it's challenging. – I said.

- I see. – Shin said.

- Why don't you just tell her? – I said casually.

- Huh?! W-What? – Shin said.

- You like her. Why not tell her? – I asked.

- Because she's all over pony tail there. – he said.

I sweatdropped.

- Just tell her Shin. – I said.

- Fine...I-I'll do it after we become chunnins. – Shin said.

- Good for you. – I said.

- Anyway. You're alone today? – Shin asked.

- Yup. My parents are on a mission. – I answered.

- I see. Well, I'm going home and get prepared. You? – Shin said.

- Same. See you soon. – I said.

- Bye. – Shin said.

I went home and started to prepare weapons and all I thought I was going to need.

- Well, that will do. – I said.

I looked at the time.

- Well, gotta go! – I said and left.

I started running when I stumbled against someone.

I looked up.

- Oh...sorry Itachi. – I said.

- It's okay. Let me help you. – he said and gave me his hand and helped me up.

- Thanks. – I said.

- No problem. Were you going to the last part of the exam? – he asked.

- Yeah. – I said.

- Can we walk together? – he asked.

- S-Sure, but weren't you with Izumi? Don't tell me that she's going to be late?! – I said.

- Huhhh...I don't know. I talked with her a bit but then left to train so I could be prepared. – he said.

- I see, well let's go then. – I said.

He nodded.

We started leaving the compound with people all looking at us and whispering.

- What is he doing with her? – one asked.

- Doesn't he know?! – other said.

I rolled my eyes.

- I'm not like them. – Itachi said.

- Huh? – I said.

- I see the way they look and talk. I don't think like that. – he said.

- I know Itachi. You wouldn't be talking to me if you were. – I said casually.

*They soon arrived at the place*

- Itachi! – Izumi screamed.

- Well...at least she's not late. – I mumbled.

Itachi chuckled.

- Did you just laugh? – I asked him with an eyebrow raised and amused.

- N-No. – he said.

- You did...I guess we're not that different after all. – I said.

- Huh? – he said confused.

- Good luck Itachi. Not that you need it. – I said with a smirk.

- You too. – he said with a smirk as well.

I went to my team.

- What were you doing with him? – Izumi asked.

- Huh? – I said bored.

- Why were you with Itachi? – she asked.

- I bumped into him, we said hi and came together here. – I said.

- Tch. – she said.

- Geez. – I said.

- Hey! Listen up! This is where you die or live! – the proctor said.

- Well...that's nice. – Shin said.

I smirked.

The proctor said what we needed to do and gave us the rules.

- So...basically the rule here is don't die. – I said.

- Sounds good to me. – Shin said.

- But...but...HALF WON'T PASS! – Izumi said worried.

- Not only that. We have 24 hours to complete this. – Shin said.

- HOW CAN YOU 2 BE SO CALM?! – Izumi said.

- How hard can it be right? – I said.

- Yeah! It's just get a different scroll than ours and go to that tower. – Shin said.

Izumi looked at us like we were crazy.

- READY?! – we heard the proctor.

We looked at each other and nodded.

- START! – the proctor said.

All the teams left.

- Here you keep it. – Shin said giving the scroll to me.

I nodded.

- Okay, no one gets separated. People here will want to eliminate us. – I said.

They nodded.

- As I said let's get another scroll and then go to the tower. – Shin said.

- Exactly. – I said.

- It's not that simple! – Izumi said.

- You have to stop being scared now Izumi. – I said.

- I-I'm not! – she said.

- Sure, whatever. Shin is there anyone near us that has the other scroll? – I said.

- Byakugan! – Shin said.


- No one for now. Let's move and try in another place. – Shin said.

- Sounds good, let's go. – I said.

We started walking, always aware of our surrounding. We've encountered some animals that tried to kill us but we handled it just fine.

- Shin, try again now. I feel something. – I said serious.

He nodded.

- Byakugan. – he said.


- SAORI BEHIND YOU! – Shin warned me.

I did a back flip landing behind the guy who tried to attack me and kicked his back.

- There's 2 more surrounding us. – Shin said serious.

- Come one out. – I said.

- Hehe. You found us. – one said.

- Shame you have to die. – the other said.

- You...YOU KICKED ME! – the other said getting up.

- One for each. – Shin said quietly.

We nodded.

- Izumi take the one Saori kicked. – Shin said.

- W-Why? – she asked.

- Just do what I said! – he said.

- Ready? – Shin asked.

We nodded.

- GO! – he said.

I went for the one who threatened us. Shin got the other one and Izumi got the one I kicked.

- You die here! – the one I was fighting said.

- Is that so? – I said with a smile.

He looked at me confused.

We were fighting without stopping but then I noticed the guy Izumi was fighting was ready to strike her.

- IZUMI BEHIND YOU! – I screamed trying to reach her but...

I widened my eyes...no...

I ran to them and kicked the guy out and took Shin before he fell.

- Shin... - I said.

- I-Izumi...y-you're okay? – Shin asked.

- W-Why? – she asked.

- Y-You didn't n-notice...so I... - Shin said.

- Shhh, don't talk. – I said inspecting his wound.

I widened my eyes.

- I-I know....i-it's o-okay Saori. – Shin said.

- W-What? What is okay?! – Izumi asked.

- He's about to die! – the guy who attacked Shin said all happy.

- I-Izumi...I...I always l-liked you........I.... – Shin said.


Those were his last words.

I looked at his lifeless body.

- Now...YOU 2! – one said.

He ran to us to attack but I got Shin's body and Izumi out of the way.

I put Shin carefully on the ground.

- Stay here. – I said to Izumi.

- TCH! YOU 2 CAN'T WIN! – the one who killed Shin said.

- You...you killed him. You're going to pay. – I said and activated the sharingan.

They all widened their eyes.

I didn't waste any second, I ran to them an started beating an breaking some of their bones one by one.

- S-So fast! – one said scared.

After a couple of minutes they were on the ground panting hard and in pain.

- P-Please... - one begged.

- Here, t-take the s-scroll...it's t-the scroll you n-need. – the other said tossing it to me.

I took my kunai, ready to kill them all.

- Saori, don't. – I heard.

I looked behind......Itachi.

I looked at them again.

- Why not? They killed Shin after all. – I said coldly.

- Because you're not like that. – Itachi said now beside me.

I was still looking at them.

Itachi grabbed my hand that had the kunai.

- Leave...before I change my mind. – I said murderously.

- T-Thank y-you. – they said scared and left.

I undid my sharingan.

- What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be with your team? – I asked Itachi.

- I'm doing this alone. – Itachi answered.

- I see. – I said and went to Shin and Izumi.

I took Shin's body.

- W-What are you doing? – Izumi asked me.

- I'm not leaving his body here! Let's go, we have both scrolls now. – I said.

- W-What about Itachi? – she asked.

I looked at her with disgust.

- He confessed his feelings for you...he died PROTECTING YOU! And ALL you care about is ITACHI?! – I said mad.

Itachi came to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

- Let's go. I have both scrolls as well. – Itachi said.

- Tch. – I said and started running.

Stupid Izumi.........Shin.....I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

*At the tower*

We opened the scrolls and a teacher appeared.

- What happened? – he asked me.

- He...Shin.......he died protecting Izumi. – I said sad.

- I see. I'm sorry. I'll warn the Hokage so we can tell the family. – he said.

I nodded.

He took the body from me..................Itachi put his hand on my shoulder.

- Let's go. – he said calmly.

I nodded.

We went to a room where they announced the chunnins.

I knew our team wasn't going to pass since our team member died.

After the announcements I immediately went home.

*At Home*

I just sat there....I let him die....I couldn't save him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I got up and went there. I opened the door.


- Yeah? – I said.

To Be Continued...

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