3rd P.O.V
2 years passed and Saori was now in the Anbu on Kakashi's team, with Itachi as well.
She's still bestfriends with Shisui and also became close of Itachi since the 3 of them are always training and hanging out together. Kakashi is also a good friend of her who sometimes helps her with some techniques and jutsus.
- Okay, we have completed the mission, you have the rest of the day to yourselves. – Kakashi said.
- Thank you. – Saori and Itachi said and left.
Saori P.O.V
- Hey guys! – Shisui said coming out of nowhere and hugged me.
- S-Shisui...c-can't b-breath! – I said.
- Sorry! – he said letting me go.
Itachi and I sweatdropped.
- So!!!! Let's go train! – Shisui said.
- Pass. – I said.
- What?! – Shisui said.
- Me too. – Itachi said.
- WHAT?! – Shisui said.
- We just came from a 2 week mission! We're tired! – I said.
- You're no fun! – Shisui said pouting.
I chuckled at his attitude.
- GET AWAY FROM HERE! – we heard.
- Huh? – we said and turned around.
- I just wanted a mask!
- GET LOST! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE! – the guy from the store said.
I walked over there-
- Hi. What mask did you want? – I asked Naruto kindly.
- H-Huh?....I......t-that one. – he said pointing.
I smile warmly at him.
- You. Here you have the money. Now give me that mask. – I said coldly to the owner.
- Tch! Here! – he said tossing it to me.
I caught it with ease.
I bent down at Naruto's level.
- Here you have it. – I said nicely.
His eyes widened and lightened up.
- T-Thank you! – he said.
- You're welcome. Have a nice day. – I said.
- You too! – he said and left.
I turned to the owner.
- WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! – I asked him.
- HE'S A MONSTER! – the guy said.
- Saori, calm down. – Shisui said coming to my side.
- He shouldn't even be alive! – the guy said.
I looked at him murderously and was ready to punch him when Itachi stopped me.
- As she said, he's a kid. And the Hokage wouldn't like to know all of this things you're saying...would he? – Shisui said.
- W-Whatever. Get lost! – the guy said.
- Tch. You're the one who shouldn't be alive. – I said and started leaving.
- Saori. – Shisui said following.
I sighed.
- He's just a kid...it's not even his fault. – I said.
- You're right. – Shisui said.
- People are just scared. When they're scared they act and say things without thinking. – Itachi said.
- Wow...very profound Itachi. – I said.
Shisui laughed.
- You're just too nice to say that those people are morons! – I said to Itachi.
- She's not wrong. – Shisui said amused.
- See! Shisui agrees with me! – I said.
- He only agrees with you because he's scared to go against your thoughts an opinions because he knows how strong you are when you get angry. – Itachi said smirking.
Shisui looked at him offended.
- NOT TRUE! SAORI IT'S NOT TRUE! – Shisui said anime crying.
Itachi and I sweatdropped.
- Relax, I know it isn't. – I said to Shisui.
- THANK YOU! – he said hugging me.
- You guys are weird. – Itachi said.
- And you're not?! – I said amused.
He gave me a cold/scary look.
- That doesn't scare me! I know how to do it too! - I said doing it as well and got closer to him.
He took a step forward and gave me an intense look and so did I.
He chuckled and poked my forehead.
- Hey! – I said.
He was about to talk when.
- ITACHI! – we heard.
He turned around and she was basically hanging on his arm.
- Walk home with me?! – she said.
- Uhhh... - Itachi said.
- He's too nice to say no. – Shisui whispered.
- Please!!!! – she insisted.
- S-Sure. – Itachi answered.
- Nailed it. – Shisui said.
I glared at Shisui which made him sweatdrop.
- Uhh...see you tomorrow. – Itachi told us.
We waved at him and they left and so did we.
- You know...you could just tell him. – Shisui said.
- Huh? What? – I said.
- How you feel. – he said.
- He's my friend, that's how I feel. Besides Izumi is madly in love with him, so let her be. – I said coldly.
- You really don't like her, huh? – he said.
- After the chunnin exams...after Shin......no I don't like her. – I said.
- More reason to tell him how you feel! Come on, you like him. And he doesn't even like Izumi, he's just too nice to reject her. – Shisui said.
- Just...let it go. Maybe it's better this way. – I said.
- But – he started but was interrupted.
- SAORI!!! – we heard.
We turned around.
I smiled warmly.
I bent down and let him run into me to give me a hug.
- Hey Sasuke! How are you? – I asked after the hug.
- Great! – he said happily.
- Hello?! I'm here too! – Shisui said.
- Hi Shisui! – Sasuke said smiling.
Shisui patted his head.
- Where's Nii-san? – Sasuke asked.
- Oh, he left some minutes ago with Izumi. – I answered.
- Oh....okay. – Sasuke said.
- What's wrong? – Shisui asked him.
- It's just...I prefer Saori than Izumi. – Sasuke answered.
- E-Eh? – I said.
- Is that so?! – Shisui said amused.
- A-Anyway! S-Sasuke you should go, maybe you can catch them. – I said blushing.
- Okay! Bye Shisui, Saori! – he said and left.
- See! Even SASUKE agrees with me! – Shisui said.
- S-SHUT UP! – I said embarrassed.
- I'm just saying that you guys make a cute couple. – Shisui said.
I looked down.
- What is it? – he asked.
- It's just....Itachi has already enough problems with the clan and his father. Me being with him would make things even worst. I don't want that for him. That's why I don't want to confess. – I explained.
- Saori...he wouldn't care. You know that. – Shisui said.
- I know he wouldn't, but I do! I don't want him to go through that! He's...you know. – I said.
Shisui sighed.
- You 2 are too alike. Fine. But I'm telling you...you guys would be happier if you were together. – he said.
- Yeah...maybe. – I said.
- I gotta go. See you tomorrow! – he said smiling.
- Bye! – I said.
I was walking home when I saw Naruto on a swing alone...I sighed.
I went to him.
- Hi there. – I said.
- Huh? You're the person who bought me the mask! – he said.
I smiled.
- Glad you remember me. – I said.
- Of course! – he said.
- I'm Saori. – I told him.
- I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And I'll be Hokage someday, believe it! – he said.
I smiled warmly.
- Can't wait. Don't forget to hire me as your body guard. – I said.
He widened his eyes.
- Nee...why are you nice to me? – he asked.
- Why wouldn't I? – I asked.
- Tell that to the villagers. – he said sad.
- Why are you here alone? – I asked him.
- I have no friends...no family...What about you? – he said.
- I have some friends, not many really. My parents died when I was 10. – I said.
- Oh...I'm sorry. – he said.
- It's okay. They wouldn't want me to be sad. – I said.
- I wish I had someone...friend....or a family member......specially a family member. – he said sad.
I crouched down to his level.
- I have an idea. – I told him.
- What is it? – he asked curious.
- You can call me Nee-chan whenever you want, I don't mind. Besides...I've always wanted a little brother. – I said with a warm smile.
He looked down and I saw some tears fall.
- Naruto? You're okay? – I asked worried.
- YES! – he said getting off of the swing and hugged me which I accepted.
- Shhh...don't need to cry. – I said.
- T-Thank you, n-nee-chan! – he said.
I smiled.
- You're welcome. – I said.
3rd P.O.V
Saori and Naruto ended up spending the rest of the day together. Although some whispers here and there were heard they didn't mind.
They went to dinner together where Naruto showed Saori that she has to do a LOT more missions if she wants to pay for his ramen!
But she didn't mind because at least he was happy and wasn't alone anymore, at least he had someone.
*Moving Forward*
3rd P.O.V
Another yeah has passed, Saori and Itachi became even closer than before which scared Saori because she doesn't want him to suffer because of her.
Shisui has been acting strange lately for some reason, something is up and Saori knows it, she just doesn't know what is it and what's going on.
Saori P.O.V
- The mission is complete, Hokage-sama. – I said.
- Very well, you're dismissed. – he said.
I nodded an left.
Geez! So many missions.
I wonder why he took me off of Kakashi's team...all of it was so...sudden.
I sighed.
I was walking when I saw.
- Shisui! – I said running to him.
- Oh! Saori, you're back! – he said.
- Yup! How are you? – I asked.
- Fine. And you? – he said calmly.
- Come one Shisui, this has to stop! – I said.
- W-What? – he asked.
- You've been acting all weird lately! I thought that we were bestfriends! – I said.
- And we are! – he said.
- Than what the hell is wrong?! – I asked.
- Saori...it's just a mission. Okay? – he said.
- It seems more than that Shisui. I can help you, just tell me what's wrong. – I said.
- I don't want to involve you on this. When I'm finished with it I promise I'll tell you. Okay? – he said.
- I still don't like it. – I said.
- I'm sorry. – he said truthfully.
I sighed.
- Fine Shisui. I trust you. – I said.
- Thank you! – he said.
- Hi. What are you guys up to? – we heard.
- Hi there! – Shisui said.
- Hi. – I said blushing a bit.
Damn it...it's getting harder every day.
- Well, I gotta go! Bye guys! – Shisui said and looked at me amused.
I glared at him.
- Bye. – Itachi said to him.
- B-Bye. – I said as well.
- Wanna go train? – Itachi asked getting closer.
- S-Sure. Sounds good. – I said.
- Let's go then. – he said.
*In the Middle of the Forest*
- Any rules? – he asked.
- We can't use the sharingan this time. – I said.
- Sounds good to me. – he said.
- Then what are you waiting for? – I asked him with a smirk.
Suddenly I felt him behind me ready to kick me but I immediately blocked him and tried to punch him in returned but he was also able to block the attack.
He tried to grab me so I went some feet away from him.
- Scared? – he asked amused.
- Of you? – I said with a smirk.
- Cocky much? – he said.
I smirked and grabbed a kunai and threw at him which he dodged easily but gave me a bit of advantage to advance without much of his attention.
It was of course useless because he sensed me and tried to kick me, so I crouched down and tried to kick his leg but he jumped...BUT I was able to grab his foot and pull him down.......
I widened my eyes...too close...
He was looking into my eyes.............he's beautiful...he really is the whole package.....I'm so dumb.
- Uhhh....y-you're okay? – he asked.
- Y-Yeah...y-you? – I said.
He nodded.
We just stood there.........
- Maybe...huhh...we should... - he said.
- Y-Yeah....s-sure. – I said.
He got off of me and sat beside me and I sat as well.
- Well......that was stupid. – Itachi said.
I glared at him playfully.
- You're stupid! – I said playing.
- I wasn't the one who came up with that idea. – he said amused.
I pouted.
- At the time it made sense...in my head you were going to fall...face first. – I said.
- Nailed it. – he said and chuckled.
I smiled slightly and looked at the sky.
- You're okay? – he asked.
- Huh? Yeah, don't worry. You're heavy but not THAT heavy. – I said amused.
He glared at me playfully.
I chuckled at his reaction.
I looked at him and noticed that he was thinking hard about something.
- What's wrong? – I asked.
- Nothing, don't worry about it. – he answered.
- You're spending too much time with Shisui when I'm not around. He's always saying that. – I said.
- It's nothing really. – he said.
- We both know you're lying Itachi. – I said.
He sighed.
- What is it? – I asked.
- The Uchihas. – he said.
- It's getting worse huh? – I said.
He nodded.
- How are you? – I asked.
- What do you mean? – he asked.
- Come on Itachi. Your father is the one who makes the meetings an he's chief of the police force. What is he making you do? – I said.
He stood quiet.
- That complicate huh? – I said.
He just nodded.
- I'm sorry. Do you think there's anything I can do to help? – I said.
- Not really. Since you got out of there they say you're on Konoha's side and shouldn't even be considered as...a Uchiha. – he said sad.
- He asked you to spy me...didn't he? – I said.
- How did you know? – he asked.
- Well...with what you said now. But Sasuke gave it away...every time he sees me now and I try to talk with him he gets all nervous but at the same time he really wants to talk with me. – I said.
- I see. – he said sad.
- Don't worry Itachi, I can deal with that. I'm more worried about you and Shisui. How are you going to deal with this? – I said.
- I honestly don't know Saori. I wish I did. – he said.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
- If you need anything...just ask. I'm here, no matter what it is. – I said.
- Thank you. – he said with a small smile.
We were looking at each other in complete silence.
- You should smile more often. – I said.
- Huh? – he said.
- You don't do it very much but...it suits you. You should do it more often. – I said.
He poked my forehead.
- Hey! Quit doing that! – I said.
He smiled.
I looked at him amazed by his smile.
- I have to go. There's a meeting and it's getting late. – he said getting up and offered me his hand to help me.
I accepted it.
- Okay. – I said.
- Bye Saori. Thank you. – he said.
- You're welcome. Bye and good luck. – I said.
With that he disappeared....that bad huh?
I hope they'll be okay.