- Yeah? – I said.
Saori P.O.V
- Uchiha Saori? – he asked.
- Yeah...what is it? – I asked.
- Unfortunately I got some bad news. The Hokage sent me here to tell. – he said with a hint of sadness in his voice...which is weird because Anbu usually don't show that emotion.
- What is it? – I asked.
- Your parents...they died during their mission. – he said.
I widened my eyes.
- N-No...it's not p-possible. – I said.
- I'm sorry, but it is. – he said.
- No......no.......NO! – I screamed and ran away.
I was running desperately to get to the Hokage's office and I ended up bumping into someone.
- You're okay? – he asked.
I was crying uncontrollably.
- I'm Shisui. Here let me help you get up. – he said nicely and helped me.
- I......I have t-to go! – I said and started running again.
I only stopped after bursting into Hokage's office.
- Saori. – the Hokage said sad.
- T-Tell me...it i-isn't t-true. – I said panting.
- I'm sorry Saori...it is. The funeral will be today afternoon.
I widened my eyes...I fell on the floor crying.
- No! They....THEY CAN'T BE DEAD! NO! NO! NO! – I screamed.
3rd P.O.V
The Hokage got up and went to Saori and held her close trying to comfort her.
*A Couple hours passed*
It was time, the funeral was being held...not many people were there, not even the Uchihas were. The people there were Saori, the Hokage, some Anbus and without no one noticing, Shisui.
After the funeral Saori stayed there all night looking at her parents grave, she stood there until the next morning when she was called to the Hokage's office.
*At the Hokage's Office*
Saori P.O.V
- Yes, Hokage-sama? – I said.
- I'm very sorry Saori. – he said.
I looked down sad.
- Saori...you passed the chunnin exams. – he said.
I widened my eyes.
- But....S-Shin... - I said.
- Saori you're on a higher level. – he said.
- Thank you, Hokage-sama. – I said.
Your parents would be very proud. – he said.
I smiled a bit and nodded.
- Can I ask for a favor? – I asked.
- Of course. – he said.
- Can I move and not live in the Uchiha compound?.....Please. – I said.
- I had an idea you would say that so I will allow it and here take this keys. It's an apartment not far from here. – the Hokage said.
- Thank you...I'm...I'm gonna go and pack things. – I said.
- Very well. If you need anything I'm here. – he said.
- Thank you, for everything. – I said.
*At the Uchiha Compound*
Again...everyone was looking at me...whispering...
- I've heard that her parents got killed. – one said.
- Finally, it's just a matter of time for her to disappear now. – other said.
I widened my eyes..........FINALLY?!
- What did you say? – I asked coldly.
- Huh?
- What.did.you.SAY?! – I asked murderously.
- Tch! Just leave and die...LIKE YOUR PARENTS! – one said.
I widened my eyes.
I activated the sharingan and ran at him ready to attack when somehow I was stopped.
- Who are you? – I asked mad.
- Shisui. We met yesterday. – he said calmly.
- Let go. – I said.
He looked at me with sympathetic eyes.
- Just take her out of here Shisui! – one said.
- With all respect I won't. – he said serious.
- What? – the guy said mad.
- She's a Uchiha just like you and me. And a powerful one too, that's why I'm still grabbing her because if I let go I don't know if you would survive. And show a little bit of respect, her parents just died and she's 10. So stop it. – he said serious.
I widened my eyes in surprise and undid the sharingan.
- What about if I walk you home? – he asked nicely.
I slightly nodded.
We were walking and everyone was looking at us but nobody said a word....why did he do that?
*At her House*
I looked at it...I took a deep breath and got it and told him to come in as well.
- I'm sorry for your lost. – he said.
- T-Thank you. – I said.
- Your name is Saori, right? – he asked.
- Yeah. How did you know? – I asked.
- Everyone here talks about you, especially Itachi. – he answered.
- Huh? Why does he talk about me? – I asked confused.
- He says you're very strong, wise and smart. – he answered with a nice smile.
- Oh...I don't think I am all that but...that's nice of him. – I said.
- I'm sorry they treat you this way. – he said.
- Well...it seems you and Itachi are the only ones that treat me like a normal person. – I said starting packing.
- You're leaving? – he asked.
- Yes. – I answered.
- Konoha?! – he asked alarmed.
- Eh? N-No, I'm just going to move out of the Uchiha compound....I......I just can't be here. – I said.
- Oh...it's understandable. – he said.
- Yeah, maybe to you. Many people of here wish that I was dead. – I said.
- Again, I'm sorry. – he said.
- Why are you even apologizing? You don't have to, you're not like them. – I said.
He offered me his hand to shake.
I raised an eyebrow.
- Friends? – he asked with a sweet smile.
I widened my eyes.
- What's wrong? – he asked.
- I...I don't have any friends...well...I had but...he died during the chunnin exams. – I said.
- I see... - he said.
I looked down sad remembering Shin and my parents.
- Well then. Bestfriends?! – he said with an even bigger smile.
- E-Eh? – I said confused.
- You said you don't have friends anymore...yet! So I want to be first an become your bestfriend! – he said.
He took my hand and made me shake it.
- I promise as your bestfriend I'll be here for you whenever you need me! – he said.
A tear left my eye.
- Eh?...DON'T CRY! NO, NO! SORRY! DON'T CRY! – he said in panic.
I chuckled and just hugged him which he accepted.
- Thank you. – I said quietly.
- You're welcome. Come on, I'll help you pack and take your things. – he said and I nodded.
We finished packing while I explained him where my new apartment was.
We were ready to leave when.
- Can you go ahead? I have to go to Fugaku's house. – I said.
- You want me to go with you? – he asked.
- No, you can go ahead. – he said.
- Are you sure? I don't mind Saori. – he said.
- Don't worry. It won't take long. – I said.
- Ok. See you in a bit then. – he said.
I nodded and went to Fugaku's house.
*At Fugaku's House*
I knocked on the door.
- Saori... - Itachi said.
- Huh...hi...is your father home? I need to speak with him. – I said.
- He is, come in. – he said.
- Thank you. – I said and entered.
- I'm going to warn him you're here. – he said.
I nodded.
In a couple of minutes Itachi returned.
- He'll be here in a couple of minutes. He's talking with some people. – he said.
- Okay. – I said.
- Saori. – he said coming to my side.
- Yeah? – I said.
- I'm sorry...about your parents. – he said sad.
- Thank you Itachi. – I said.
- Saori, you're here. – Mikoto said appearing out of nowhere.
- H-Hi. Yes, I came to speak with Fugaku-san. – I said.
- Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for your lost. – she said sadly, giving me a hug which I accepted because she is a nice kind hearted person.
- Thank you. – I said.
Suddenly a cry was heard.
- Sasuke woke up. I'm going to check on him. – she said putting her hand on my shoulder.
I nodded.
After a while Fugaku came out with other 2 people who looked at me with so much hatred........I don't get it.....what I have it's not that bad! It's actually very powerful!
Fugaku came to me.
- What is it? – he asked.
Since he was so polite and warm that was how I acted as well.
- I'm leaving the Uchiha compound. Here's the keys to the apartment you gave us. – I said.
- You can't just leave like that! – he said getting mad.
- And who are you to tell me that huh?! Why can't I?! Don't tell me what to do! You didn't even went to the funeral! You didn't even say "I'M SORRY FOR YOUR LOST"! So...I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OR WANT! I'm leaving either you like it or not! – I said mad.
- You were never welcomed here. – he said coldly.
- I KNOW WE WEREN'T! I'M NOT STUPID! But unfortunately it was our BEST CHANCE! – I said getting even madder.
- Leave then. – he said.
- I wasn't asking for permission! – I said.
- Don't come back here...ever again. – he said.
- With pleasure. – I said and walked away.
*At my new Apartment*
- Hey! How did it go? – Shisui asked.
- It ended with him telling me that me and my parents were never welcomed there. – I said mad and sad.
He looked at me with empathy eyes.
- I'm also a Uchiha...why do they treat me like I'm some kind of monster? – I said.
- Saori.... – he said.
I looked down.
- I have something that will cheer you up! – he said trying to make me smile.
- What? – I asked.
- Well...since you were taking a bit more time I decided to unpack and place everything on place! – he said.
I started looking around...
- Shisui....wow....thank you so much! – I said with a small smile.
- You're welcome! – he said.
3rd P.O.V
After that Shisui and Saori talked about each other and went shopping together. Shisui ended up having dinner with her so they could talk more and get to know each other better.
Let's just say that a strong friendship was beginning to grow from there.