*At Tazuna's House*
Saori P.O.V
- Saori-sensei! Kakashi-sensei is waking up! – Sakura said sitting near Kakashi.
- It was about time, don't you think? – I said to him.
- Yeah... - Kakashi said tired.
- You know you won't be able to move for a week or so. – I stated.
- That's what I thought. – Kakashi said.
- But, other than that are you alright? – Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, asked.
- Yeah, I'll be fine. – Kakashi answered.
- The sharingan is incredible but...if it puts that much stress on your body maybe you should let Saori-sensei do it instead. – Sakura said.
I was now sitting and leaning against the wall looking at nowhere in particularly.
- Well, we defeated that strong of a ninja this time so we should be safe for a while. – Tazuna said.
- Tch....we. You did nothing. – Sasuke mumbled beside me which made me chuckle a bit.
- By the way, who was that masked kid? – Sakura asked.
I lost track of the conversation...too busy thinking about what happened.
It doesn't make sense, why in that exact moment? Why not dispose the body in front of us? Why needles?
It doesn't make sense...was he.....
- Saori? – I heard.
- Huh? – I said looking to who called...Kakashi.
- Something doesn't feel right. – he said.
- You too huh? – I said.
He nodded.
- What's wrong? – Naruto asked.
- Huh?...Well.... – Kakashi said.
- Body erasing teams usually dispose the body of the person they killed right there in the moment. – I said.
- So? – Sakura said.
- How did the masked guy disposed Zabuza's body? – Kakashi asked.
- How could we know? He took Zabuza's body away. – Sakura said.
- If he needed proof of his work he could have just taken the head. – Kakashi said.
- Not only that but the weapon of his choice to kill Zabuza. – I said.
Sasuke widened his eyes.
- No way. – Sasuke said.
- Yeah. Exactly. – Kakashi said.
- Huh? – Sakura and Naruto said confused.
- What are you guys talking about? – Tazuna asked.
- Zabuza is alive. – me and Kakashi said serious.
- It was probably just a momentary death caused by the needles he threw at his neck. – I said.
- Exactly. – Kakashi said.
- He might be his partner, so in that moment he wasn't killing Zabuza but saving him instead. – I said.
- Aren't you guys thinking too much? – Tazuna asked.
- No, it's better for us to be prepared. – Kakashi said.
- I agree. Even if he was dead there's no assurances that Gatõ hasn't hired an even stronger shinobi. – I said.
I looked at them and saw Naruto excited, this guy is really something else.
- What do you mean by prepare ourselves? You can't move! – Sakura said.
- But I can. – I said.
- We'll train you during this time. – Kakashi said.
- Huh? – they said.
Kakashi sighed.
- Sakura, Saori there can do more than what she did. But she can't put you in danger, her and mine priority is protect you guys. – Kakashi said.
- Besides who helped when Kakashi was struggling and I was fighting? You guys are growing. – I said.
- Especially you, Naruto. – Kakashi said with a closed eyed smile.
Naruto widened his eyes a bit and looked at me.
I nodded.
He smile grew wider.
I smiled duo to his bright smile.
He's the opposite of Sasuke, although Sasuke can be nice when he wants to...smile...not really his thing though, it used to be.......maybe Naruto can help him on that.
- If Zabuza is alive he could attack at anytime! – Sakura said.
- Unlikely. – I said.
- Huh? How so? – Sakura asked.
- When a person is put in a momentary death it takes a while before their body returns to normal. – I explained.
- So we train until then! Sounds like fun! – Naruto said excited.
- You will die. – we heard.
We looked to see who said such thing...
- WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! – Naruto asked.
- Ohh! Inari! Where were you? – Tazuna said.
- Welcome back Grandpa. – Inari said.
- Inari say hello to these people. They are ninja who protected grandpa. – Tsunami said.
- Mom...they're going to die. – he said.
I raised an eyebrow...that's the spirit.
Naruto started screaming and wanting to fight, Sakura started screaming with Naruto.
- Nee...Kakashi. – I whispered.
- Yeah? – he said.
- Wouldn't be better if we take this opportunity since Zabuza is down and I go there and kill him? – I said quietly.
- No, you might be strong but he has help and that kid seems strong. So no, you're not going by yourself. – he said.
- Kakashi, be reasonable. It's risky to take them with us fighting those 2. Right now Zabuza is down, it's easier to take him down this way even if the kid tries to protect him we still have an advantage. – I said.
- Saori no. It's risky even for you. – he said.
I sighed.
- You're so stubborn. It's like you never saw me fighting. – I said.
- I saw you many times, but I'm not letting you go alone. We're in a team, we're not in the Anbu anymore. – he said.
- Fine. – I said giving in.
When I looked the confusion from before ended.
- So...what did I miss? – I asked Sasuke.
- Nothing interesting. – he answered.
- Good. Now everyone go to bed, tomorrow we'll train. – I said
- YAY! – Naruto said excited.
- But Kakashi-sensei can't get up. – Sakura said.
- I just can't get up today. – Kakashi said.
- Yes, yes! He's totally fine! SEE! – I said hitting on the back since he was now sitting.
- AHHHHHH! S-SAORI! – he said.
I looked at him amused and the rest sweatdropped.
- Come on, let's go to sleep. – I said getting up.
- Who stays with who? – Sakura asked.
I raised an eyebrow.
- Don't you think that's a silly question? – I asked.
- N-No. – she said.
I sighed, this girl only sees Sasuke.
- Naruto and Sasuke share a room. Kaka-baka there stays in this one and you and me on the other. – I said.
- You just wait until I'm better. – I heard Kakashi.
- It's not like you can catch me...old man. – I said amused.
His right eye twitched in annoyance.
I laughed.
- I'm joking. Just rest. Let's go guys. – I said.
*At the Respective Room*
- Saori-sensei? – Sakura said.
- Yeah? – I said.
- Could you...perhaps tell me why Sasuke is always so quiet? – she asked.
I raised an eyebrow.
- Why? – I asked.
- I just...I wanted to know how I can get him to talk to me and...like me. – she said embarrassed.
- Sakura, first it's not my story to tell if he wants to he will tell you but I doubt he will. Second he talks when he wants to there's no particular way to make him to talk to you. Third, you don't get him to like you. That's not how it works Sakura, you're grown enough to know that. You can't just make him like you. – I said.
She looked the other way.
- Look Sakura, Sasuke it's complicated and honestly right now I don't think you can get to him. – I said.
- How can Naruto can and I don't? – she mumbled.
- What do you mean? – I said.
- They worked perfectly together without even saying a word! – she said annoyed.
- You jealous of how well they work as a team? – I asked.
- N-No! – she said.
- Sakura, with you liking it or not Naruto understands Sasuke better than you ever will. It is what it is. And you should really start focusing on being a ninja and training, if that's what you want of course. But if you only want to follow Sasuke around and be just a fangirl...then you should quit. – I said serious.
- W-What? – she said.
- You heard what I said Sakura. I don't need to repeat myself. Now go to sleep, tomorrow you have to wake up early so we can go train. – I said laying down.
She nodded slightly and did what I said.
This girl...I sighed.......if you only knew what he has been through.