What a boring morning. Our English teacher, Mr. Rosales is not around so here I am sitting checking my social media accounts. 15Million tweets so I check what is happening
OMG! I thought it is just a rumor but its not! #Marco_backtoschool
If I'm going to see Marco everyday, I won't cut classes anymore. #Marco_backtoschool
We are all excited to see you at our university. We feel blessed that you choose our univeristy. You are very welcome to us. #Marco_backtoschool
I hope we are blockmates. I heard he is also in college. Happiest day of my life! #Marco_backtoschool
There are more tweets about that Marco going to school. I also go to school why am I not trending. Tss! It is just him going to school what's the big deal? We all need education so what is so special about him?
The bell rings it means next subj will start. Every girls that I'm passing by are all covered with make up and their smell is all mixed up at my nose. What the hell is happening?
"Who is Marco?" I asked my friends. "He is an actor and every country in Asia wants him." Khyle answered. Wow that's new and he's enroll to our university? Well our university is private and big so why not.
The next morning I decided to go to school early than before so that I won't encounter 'Marco's fans' but I'm wrong. They are already here. The guards are making the wa because of the students who are holding their own banners. I feel like we are not at school right now. They are so loud and wild.
After passing those girls, I was sweating so I go straight ahead to the comfort room. I retouch a little bit before going out the comfort room.
"I love you, Marco baby!"
Those are the words that I could only hear when I step out the comfort room. I saw the girls cheering and scream. I don't know where is that Marco is. The crowd is like when Kylie Jenner attends her prom. I don't want to experience walking in the crowd so I go back inside the comfort room.
"Is he that famous? I don't even know him." I am talking to myself while washing my hands. I will be staying here until the crowds move. I am drying my hand when someone pulls me inside a cubicle. I didn't saw his face but he's strong. "Ahh! Let go of me!" I am struggling but his hold become more tense. It doesn't hurt but still I need to go.
"Sshhhh," he said. That voice! I turn around him when he let me go inside the cubicle. "What the-" he cover my mouth. We heard some girls talking outside the cubicle.
"Where do you think Marco go?" A girly voice said. "True, he just disappeared." What do they mean disappeared. It's hard to escape with that lots of crowd.
"Faster guys! Let's check him again." And they left.
I look back again at him and he's staring at me the whole time? The heck! Oh my! His brown eyes, pointed nose and think red lips attracts me. He slowly got closer and there our lips meet. He gave me a sweet and smooth passionate kiss. This is not my first kiss but still. I realize that he's still a stranger to me. I only saw him yesterday.
"Oh my! This is wrong and.. and.. I don't even know you." I said when I push him. "You didn't know me, love?" He is teasing me now so I look at him annoyingly.
"Why did you kiss me?" He smile at me that can make my underwear loose. "You kiss me back, so I guess you like it." I roll my eyes. I like it but duh I don't know him. "Even so! I don't know you-" I stop talking because of his kiss. "Stop it!" I said after him giving me a peak kiss.
He is whispering something. "Nuisance."
"What?" He just chuckled and shake his head. Tss! I heard a voice calling him so he open the cubicle door. "See you around, love." Then gave me a smirk. Arghh! Annoying!
I hope not to see him again. The crowd is not in front of the comfort room now so I gey out and go to my class.
"You're early." Khyle notice. "Because.." I'm still debating with myself if I'm going to tell them or not. "I'll tell later. I'm not in my mood."
I can't move on with our kiss. I hate him! He stole a kiss from me. Who do he think he is to do that? Its not because he's famous he can do that. They didn't say anything so they let me.
"Good morning class," our teacher greeted. "Before I start my class, I'll like to introduce you your new classmate." I stop from checking my bag when I heard the word new classmate. Don't tell me!
"Introduce yourself," she said with a sweet smile.
"Hi everyone, I'm Marco Ethan Vergara. I hope to get along with you all." He bow after. I am still at shock. I said I don't want him as my classmate. I don't want to see him everyday.
"Okay Mr. Vergara take your seat." There is still a vacant in front so he sat there. Far away from me but he look back at me and wink. I saw how my classmates looks at me. Even Khyle and Mary shake me. "He wink at you!"
"Stop it. It's disgusting." They just both laugh. "Maybe he's your forever. He's not stuck at the traffic now." I just roll my eyes at them.
"Tss!" I focus myself at our teacher and let them. They continue teasing me but I ignore them they will stop later.
He didn't look back again but when that class ends all of my girl classmates go to him. There are also girls outside our room looking at him. He's not that famous, I didn't know him. If he's famous I should know him or am I not that into artist.