The next morning, I was praying at my mind to not see Marco today. I am looking around while passing every classroom. When I reach my classroom. I saw my friends smiling at me.
I didn't saw Marco but there's a crowd at my chair.
"Excuse me,"
They make a way and there I saw what does the girls doing around my chair. Marco Ethan Vergara is sitting behind my chair. Me kissing his cheeks reply at my mind. I felt shy and my cheeks burn. Oh gosh! Not now he might think that I'm thinking about that kiss, well I am really thinking but I don't want him to know it.
"She's here. Excuse girls." Marco said that makes my friends scream out of nowhere.
The girls slowly leaving. Some of the are giving him a flying kiss. I want to cover his face so that none of those flying kiss reach him.
"Good morning." He said.
"G-good morning." Oh gosh! My voice! I sat down at my chair also my two friends.
I don't know what I look like now. Maybe I look like contipated. I'm sweating and I'm shy at the same time. "You okay? You look pail. What happened last night is replaying at my mind even last night. That is why I slept a little later than usual.
He snap his finger in front of me. "Huh?" He just smiled at me. My attention got diverted when someone enters the room so noisy. There I saw Robin and his hands. His hands are hanging at Nicole's shoulder. Just a player!
"Good morning lovers." Khyle said loudly and I saw how Robin look at us. I face Marco and laugh at him even though he's not saying anything. He looks confuse.
I come closer to whisper. "I'll tell you later. Just laugh for now." He smile at me and pat my head.
The teacher came then recess and lunch break. In just a snap it is already dismissal. I made an excuse so that Marco and I won't talk. I'm still shy because of yesterday. I quickly find my brother.
"Kuya!" I called him but the car is about to move.
The window down and I saw Mary beside Kuya James. She wave at me "What?" Kuya simply said.
"Are you going to leave me?" He looks at me with a bored eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" I roll my eyes at him. Mary spoke. "James stop it. We can drop you off before we go to eat." I was about to answer when my phone beep.
From: Marco
See me at the old parking lot. I hate waiting.
It is too far from here. I am at the new parking lot.
"Hey ugly! Get in or we'll leave you." I roll my eyes again at him. "Go now. I suddenly have something to do." I wave at them before turning my back.
"Don't be so late!" Kuya yelled before going on.
I am almost at the old parking when I realize that I made excuses earlier but here I am going to meet him. I was about to go back silently when I saw him.
"Hey, Jelai!" He yelled and do a half run towards me. I smile awkwardly. "Where are you going?"
I shake my head. "Okay, let's go to my car." He hold my wrist and open the door for me. So gentleman.
I hit his arm. "You damn ass! Why did you let me walk that far when you're using the front exit! I was here already earlier!" I am literally annoyed. I walk that far and here we are going where I saw Kuya James and Mary.
"I didn't know you're here when I text you." I hate you!
He stop at a restaurant. I am so happy because we are going to eat but I'm still annoyed at him. He ask for the vip room so that no one will disturb us.
I am busy reading the menu when he ask me. "What do you want?"
"Chicken salad d'lite." I simple said. I'm on a diet. He ordered for himself. After the waiter go, I stand up to freshen up at the powder room.
"Where are you going?"
"Powder room,"
I pat my face with my compact powder then I reapplied my lipgloss. I already have red-ish lips and rosie cheeks ko I don't need anything for those. I comb my hair and spray my perfume before going out.
The food arrives after few minutes. I put back my phone at my bag.
I started eating."You okay?" He ask.
"So why are you ignoring me earlier. You think I didn't notice that." I just shrugged and continue eating. "Aren't you going to talk?"
"Fine, I'm shy, okay?"
His eyebrow form a straight line. "Because of what I did yesterday. Duh!"
He chuckled at me then drink at his wine. "That's it?" I nodded at him.
"Don't be. It's fine with me. I kiss you on our second met, right." My cheeks blush. He saw it and I saw smirk when he pinch my cheeks.
My phone rang after I eat my whole meal. It was from Khyle. "Where? At our favorite club. When? Later, 9:00pm. We'll see each other there."
I felt so alive when I heard her. It's been awhile. "Yes, sure. I'm just having my dinner. See you!
Marco is looking at me while sipping at his wine again.
"Who called?"
"Khyle." I replied.
He pays for the meal again. We talk a little bit more before we go out. He opens door again. I am putting my seatbelt but he's not closing the door so I look at him and he is just looking at me too.
"What?" He just shake his head. He was about to close the door when I stop it. "Wanna join us?"
"Club." I open my bag and get my phone. "No, you're not going." I look at him then chuckled. "Are you kidding me, Marco? Do you have night life? If yes, you know how excited I am after months."
"I said no, Jelai." He's so kj! No jam! "I want to come. If you don't like the idea then be with me. Join us."
He looks problematic. He sigh and put some of my hair at the back of my ears. "Fine."
We both decided to change first since it is still early. Kuya James is already home when I got home but he just take a shower and leave again. Base on him, he will be at Mary's house while killing the time.
I take my time to prepare and Marco is early than what we talk but it's okay because I'm already done preparing. "You're dress is too short again."
"We are going to the club. What do you expect? I wear nun outfits." He just shake his head. "It's fine as long as you're with me. I'll beat anyone who will look at your body." Great now my cheeks ate burning.