Kyle's POV;
On my way to work, i kept remembering what my parents were talking about. Me having kids. I laughed.
I reached work at exactly 7:05 AM. The insides were empty,i could only see like eight people and the security team was part of it. There were only un serious people working here.
I got to my office and called Lisa with the office phone. She answered, "come to my office." I say to the phone and hang up.
She came to my office. And stood quietly. "Get me a list of everyone that is here and who isn't." I demanded and she continued looking. "Ok sir." She turned to leave. "Lisa, why don't i have a secretary yet?" I say causing her to turn and look at me again. "We haven't found the right one yet." She said dryly.
"Make sure you get me one before my engagement." And she nods raining her leave.
My phone buzzes and it's Penelope. She texted to say that she's on her way to the office.
I wonder why i have to meet her, why can't she just get the wedding information and inform the wedding planner what to do.
In a little while,there was a soft knock on the door and didn't wait for me to respond before coming in.
Penelope's face poos up with a huge grin plastered on her face, i can tell that she really likes the person.
"Hello" her soft delicate voice said coming to kiss my cheek. "You looking great." I whisper in her ear and she blushed.
"Let me introduce you to our wedding planner,Macy" she gestured to the lady that stood behind her. She looked mature and wore a floral print dress, her hair long and black. That falls down her shoulders.
"And let me introduce to you my fiancé, Kyle Matthews." She intertwine her hand with mine and smile.
"Nice to meet you." I stretch my hand towards her. She took my hand after awhile nor lifting her face to meet mine.
"Nic-" she stopped as she fell in my arms and her hair fell back. Revealing her soft skin that looked so familiar. It felt like i was touching Alexis again. I let go off her and she falls on the ground.
"Why did you let her go!" Penelope screamed. She rushes to bring water and splash it on her face and she regains consciousness. She rubs her eyes with her hands.
"Why did you hire a dying wedding planner?!" I raised my voice at Penelope. And she looked with guilt. "I didn't know she was sick!!" She whispered.
Macy stands to her feet and put her hand on her hips. "I'm not dying" she rolled her eyes.
Alexis's POV;
I followed Penny to a large company. "Your fiancé works here?" I curiously asked and she must have found my question funny because she laughed really hard. "Work here? Darling my fiancé owns the building." She said casually like this was nothing.
He must be filthy rich. She lead me into the reception and to an elevator that took us to the fifth floor. At the fifth floor there was only one office and a desk beside the door of the office,but nobody was there.
She knocked lightly and opened the door and entered the large office. I see a certain blonde that brings back certain memories and i hide my face behind Penny as i didn't want him to recognize me.
"Let me introduce you to our wedding planner,Macy." Penelope said while gesturing at me
"And let me introduce to you my fiancé, Kyle Matthews." She gestured at him and immediately my brain freezes.
Wait. Did she just say Kyle Matthews. As in my kyle Matthews!???
He stretched his hand at me. I stare at them. Should i? Should i not? Should i run? I mean i ran all the time when Kyle would do something that surprises me.
So many thoughts running through my mind. But it has been eight years since i saw these hands. I brought my hand to his. "Ni-" i try to say before everything turns black.
After awhile my eyes open and everything was blurry. I saw Kyle and Penelope standing beside me. I tried to stand up but i couldn't,so i just sat there staring at them.
"Why did you hire a dying wedding planner?" He screams at her and she looked like she was sad that he raised his voice. "I didn't know she was sick!" She carefully said and i get up my feet.
Did he just call me dying? And she say that i was sick?
"I am not dying." I scowl and put my hand on my hips.
"Then explain this." He comes closer and i move towards Penelope putting my head down at all times.
"I didn't have a proper breakfast before coming here." I lied trying to cover up my shock. He rolls his eyes and returns to Penelope. "I've met her. I'm tired of seeing her. She should leave." He said whispering but also loud enough for me to hear him. I scoff and leave.
I didn't leave because of his words, i left because it was too overwhelming to be around him.
I went to a nearby restaurant to eat and think. But i was doing more of the second, i tried eating but nothing would pass my throat.
After eight years he stood there right in front of me but he didn't even realize it was me. He's getting married next month and I'm his freaking wedding planner. Why did he have to show up right now. I was doing great before i saw him. All these years that i spent trying to forget him was wasted. I can not let him realize that it was me, he should never come to know.
But he's marrying Penelope,was i really that easy to forget? He forgot me so much that he couldn't recognize me when i was standing right there?
I have to admit that i didn't know it was him either until Penelope called his name. I would have never imagined that my blue eyed blonde jock would end up as a serious business man,wearing a suit and tie.
I laughed at my thought. Could this be a sign that maybe our story was left incomplete? No no no.. Now you're just thinking wrong Alexis. Stop. He forgot you,you can do the same.
Tomorrow when i meet with him and Penelope, i will be professional and not get lost in those beautiful blue eyes.
I should go home and take a bath and relax. I paid and left the restaurant.
Hi.. I had mixed feelings about writing this chapter.
If you reached this far, then you should stick around for more exciting chapters.
Also my other book, "Being Winter" has an update now,so i hope you all check it out. If you don't know this book,you will be able to find it on my profile.
Thank you all