Chapter Thirteen; A drink.
Saturdays. The most boring day of the week, after Sunday. When i was in high school and college, I always waited for the weekend. But now, not anymore.
Sophie informed me that she would spend a few days at her boyfriend's house, leaving me all alone in this large duplex. If mom could see how great our life is right now, she'd be shedding so much tears.
I really need friends. Correction, I need friends i know i would be able to trust, not friends that will back stab me onwards.
I know what to do!
I picked up my phone from the white sofa and dialed Penelope's phone number and waited for her to pick it up.
Penny: Hey Macy
Me: Do you want to come over and i don't know, have a drink or something?
Penny: Sure, can i bring along a few friends?
Me: Sure!
Penny: Great, see you soon.
Me: Bye!
At least now I'll have company to distract me from the message that is my life.
I tidy up my house, the last thing i want is for Penelope to think I have poor hygiene.
"What to cook! What to cook!" I mutter to myself as i pace back and forth in my kitchen, Kyle was right, there's literally nothing healthy in this house, except for water.
I guess i could order a pizza or something.
This feels so weird, I have never been the type to invite people to my house, I remember vividly that the only people that ever came over to my house was Andy and Jasmine, now i don't even know where they are.
The doorbell interrupted my thoughts and i snapped back to reality. I walk over to the door to open it and i found Penelope on the other side of my door.
"Penelope? How did you find out where i live?" I asked shocked, to find her at my doorstep.
"Can i come in?" She asks with a smile and i mentally face palm myself for not inviting her in.
"I'm so sorry, do come in." I muttered and she walked in with elegance.
"Nice place, do you stay by yourself?" She asks as she walks around.
"My sister's at her boyfriend's for the weekend." I answer.
"Okay, okay. So seems you've got nothing to do with your Saturday, instead of inviting us here, let's go to a club or a bar instead. I mean, girl, it's a Saturday!" Penelope tried to hype me up. I really couldn't hate her for marrying kyle, she's so pretty and she's too nice.
"Okay, let me go change, in the meantime, feel at home. I'll be right back." I told her and ran upstairs to change.
I pulled out a floral V-Neck romper and a pair of black boots. I combed my hair and packed it into a neat bun, did a little bit of makeup and went back downstairs, because i didn't want to keep her waiting.
When i reached the living room, I saw her staring at something. I went closer to see and I found her staring at the frames picture of my mother, I immediately clear my throat.
Her eyes found me standing beside her and she flashed a smile, "Is this your mother?"
"Yeah, before you ask let me tell you, she's dead." I answered with hurt in my voice.
"I'm sorry," Penelope said as she gave me a hug.
"No tears. Let's go out!" I say with enthusiasm, wiping away my tears.
"Yes, let's!" She replied and linking her arms with mine and leading me to the door.
I locked the door and walked over to Penelope's car, she didn't waste time before driving off.
"So, you didn't really tell me who would be joining us at the bar." I said immediately i realized that i haven't asked her yet.
"Oh, well my fiance and his friends." She replied, keeping her head on the road at all times.
"Kyle is gonna be there?!" I whisper yelled and she looked at me weirdly.
"Yeah, is there a problem?" Her eyes lingered on me for a few minutes before facing the road again.
"No! No problem at all." I lied, faking a smile.
"Where are we going?" I asked, when she took a turn i didn't quite recognize.
Is she kidnapping me?
"Calm down, we're going to Ashton's hotel, we will all go with one car." She explained and i nod my head in an understanding manner.
We pulled up at one of the fanciest hotels in New York. It is a six story building, plated in gold, the neon sign held, "Yorkers Meet"
Yorkers meet I've heard happens to be one of the most expensive hotels in the whole of New York. Movie stars stay here, artists stay here.
"Earth to Macy?" Penelope's voice faintly said. I didn't realize i spaced out thinking of Yorkers meet.
Penny lead me inside the hotel and didn't stop at the receptionist, probably because she knows where Ashton's room already. We took the elevator to the sixth and final floor. It wasn't like the other floors that had different rooms, this floor particularly had just one door. Penny opened it and revealed a beautiful penthouse. An elegant chandelier hung in the middle of the room.
My eyes traveled around and landed on Ashton having a bowl of fruit salad, smiling to himself.
"Hey Ash!" Penelope called out to him, his eyes drifted from something to us and immediately two guys poked out their head.
"Penelope. Mackenzie. The names actually sound similar, don't they?" Ashton asked Kyle and Brian.
"They could be sisters." Brian snorted and burst out laughing immediately after his statement.
"So, shall we leave?" Penelope asks and as if on cue, all three guys shake their head in disagreement.
"It's just six, besides we have a game to finish." Kyle says with his eyes fixed on me.
"You all are terrible! Macy let's sit outside or something." Penelope says and drags me to the balcony. It was wide and floor were tiled, the scenery it gave though, it was the most beautiful sight ever. You could see half of New York from here.
"Like what you see?" Penelope's voice snap me out of my thoughts as she handed me a diet coke, which i happily took and began gulping.
"I didn't know Ashton had a special floor for himself." I commented after i nodded my head.
"Oh, it's not Ashton's," She laughed before continuing, "It's Kyle's. Ashton and Brian don't stay in New York, so when they come over and they don't want to stay with Kyle, he brings them here." She explained.
"Oh that's gre-"
"Girls, come inside and eat pizza." Brian called, Penelope eyes met his and they gazed at each other a bit, but Ashton's voice brought them back to reality.
That was weird.
We went back to the living room and we all gathered over a box of pepperoni pizza. We each grabbed a slice and talked while we ate.
We talked so long we didn't even realize that it was getting late. The guys attempted to pacify us by chanting, "The later, the better."
We left in a limo and after a few minutes the chaffuer informed us that we had arrived at our destination. We stepped out of the limo in style, everyone stopped to stare.
"Shit, there's a line." I complain when i notice how long the line was to get in the bar.
"Mackenzie, Mackenzie, you know nothing about being an elite, follow us." Ashton joked, shaking his head in a dramatic manner.
I followed the crew to the bouncer, immediately he used, he ushered us in and pointed to the VIP area. The black and white chekboard floor, the dim lighted disco lights illuminated the room. Tall circular tables placed in the corner and few white sofas.
"This place is beautiful!" I commented and everyone looked at me like i had two heads.
"What?!" Brian screamed, they didn't hear me over the music playing on Max.
"Let's get a drink!" Penelope whispered in my ear after Ashton whispered it to her.