Chapter Fifteen; Terrible taste.
The sun rays found a way to openly disturb my eyes by penetrating into my eyelids. With a groan, I roll to get the rays off my eyes but i fell to the floor, waking me up.
I tried to rub my aching butt, but i could only feel my bare skin. My eyes fly open and i see myself completely naked.
What the fuck happened last night?
I looked around and i found no belongings to a guy and i relax, but i get up, but for some reason, I feel really sore.
I brush my teeth and put on shorts and a sports bra. My head was aching terribly and me falling didn't make it any better. I make my way to the kitchen to find something for my headache.
After turning on the coffee machine, I begin to go through the content of my drawer, in hopes to find something but to no avail.
"You should have this," a deeper voice filled the air and i stood there staring at the owner of the voice.
"What are you doing here!" I tried to scold but i held my head instead because of the pain it emitted.
"Don't worry, just have this." He placed a pack of aspirin on the counter.
"Nice sports bra." Kyle commented, leaving me flushed.
I should have worn a shirt!
I place my arm over my body and went upstairs to get a shirt. When i arrived back downstairs, he chuckled.
"I don't know what you're hiding, I've seen much, much more." He commented again and the thought of what might have happened hit me. Of course, along with the hang over pain.
I immediately grab the pack take two tablets and drank water to help it reach my digestion system faster. I took out a mug and poured hot coffee into it.
"Want coffee?" I say to no one in particular, but i spoke into the air.
"Sure." Kyle replied and came into the kitchen.
I pour another coffee into another mug and handed it over to him. His eyes lingered on mine for a little bit but i broke the connection and moved to the living room.
"What happened last night? Did we..?" I emphasised on the we and he chuckled again.
"What do you think?" He shot back at me, his blue, oceanic eyes boring into my green ones.
"I'm being serious!"
"We made love last night in our drunken state. Or at least, that's what i figured when i woke up and found us both naked." He said calmly while sipping his coffee.
"We made love? Can you hear yourself? You're engaged Kyle! I'm your freaking wedding planner!" I said in a disappointed tone, I love him, but he's technically doing with me, what he did with Jasmine years ago.
"I don't love Penelope." He said in a defensive manner. I was shocked that he would even say that.
"You don't know what you're saying!" I yell at him and he gives me a puzzled look.
"I do. I was ready to marry her for my family business but i don't know that stopped being what i want until i met you." He said slowly walking towards me.
"No, Penelope doesn't deserve this." I sigh and move farther away from him.
"So what are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to say that it's better you leave."
"I will leave, but i will be back. I promise you."
He grabbed his jacket and began walking to the door. How can he leave my house like this, he looks like he hasn't even taken a bath yet.
"Wait," I called and he turned around to look at me. "Shouldn't you like take a bath first or something? I mean you can't leave looking like that." I say causing him to chuckle.
"First you tell me to leave, then you make up excuses for me to stay. Do you feel the same way i do?" He ask and i shake my head.
"I'm doing you a favor. New Yorks famous bachelor can't look like shit." I say in a subtle manner.
"Whatever, what bathroom should i use?" He asks, folding his arms.
"You can use the one in my room. I guess you already know where my room is." I answer, whispering the last part.
He left the living room and went upstairs while i think about what to have for breakfast.
Bacon and eggs? Nah..too much work.
Normal scrambled eggs? Still too much work. So much politics going on indide my head. Then it hit me.
I grabbed a bowl filled with milk poured a satisfying amount of Cherrios into it. While stirring i felt the presence of a person.
"You still eat Cheerios?" Kyle asked in between laughs.
"So what, because I'm not nine, I can't have Cheerios?" I glared at him, taking his words seriously.
"Even my sister doesn't eat this anymore."
"Well too bad. You want some?"
"No thank you."
"You must have terrible taste."
"Terrible? I beg to differ, I like you so much taste can't be that bad."
"There you go making things awkward again!"
"I'm sorry. Ignore what i said."
"You should rather just lea-"
A knock at the door made me stop mid sentence. But who could it be? Sophie has her own key.
I opened the door and a woman in her middle age gave me a weird look, she invited herself in and stopped when her eyes fell on Kyle.
"Mom!" He said with a shocked expression visible on his face.
This cannot be good.
Her eyes traveled from Kyle to me and then back to Kyle. She must think I'm some sort of whore that sleeps around with men.
"Mackenzie, that's your name right?" She interrupted me mid sentence and i nod my head.
"Are you aware that he's going to get married in a a few weeks?"
"Don't answer that. You are supposed to be his wedding planner, are you not?"
"Don't interrupt me Kyle."
"You should be making arrangements, choosing a wedding dress with Penelope, not sleeping around with an almost married man."
"Mom don't speak to her like that!" Kyle demanded but his mother maintained her calm demeanor.
"Let's go Kyle, now!" She ordered, giving me a malicious glare on her way out.
"I'm so sorry." Kyle whispered before he left.
Well, what did i expect? I feel so weird, no one has ever spoken to me like this before. But she's not wrong, I did get distracted from my work, but not anymore.
I can't lose this contract because of my silly little heart.
Hey! Sorry for the somewhat boring chapter, it'll get better by the next few chapters.
Read Riches To Rags please!