We proceeded into the general sitting-room. I switched off all the lights. They had already closed all the blinds and windows.
There were red little lights shone from all angles. They bugged the sitting room with audio devices. Although there was CCTV in the house. I plucked all the audio devices, I destroyed them all.
We strode to each room, same as the sitting room. There was CCTV and numerous audio devices.
After having been convinced that the devices had been eradicated. We assembled the guards. Those who found the audio from them were queried. They were locked in the penalty room. Their hands and legs were chained together.
Afterward, we were convinced that we were safe. I decided to supervise the maids in the cooking. I entered the kitchen while Lucas and Elvis were in the penalty room.
“Can I be of help?” I said as I walked into the kitchen.
The maids were all smiling. Except for two who were nervous.
I smiled.
“Ma, if the boss detects you here, he will reprimand us,” one of the nervous maids said.
I smile, “The prince already bestowed me the permission to join you, so there isn’t any problem,” I said. But she was still nervous.
“Are you new here?” I inquired because I was beginning to presume that something was wrong with her.
The two were staring at each other as if they were up to something.
“No ma,” she said.
“Are you sick?” I asked because she was shaking.
Her phone rang. She flinched.
She sluggishly picked up the phone. She took the receiver.
“Hello, princess,” she said.
Princess! I exclaimed inertly.
I collected the phone from her. I put it on the loudspeaker.
“Have you done what I instructed you to do,” the voice from the phone said?
I signaled the maid to respond to her.
“Yes boss,” the maid said.
“Tell Rachel that she will get her alert tonight,” the voice said.
After they dropped off the call. I turned to the maid who was shivering.
“Who is Rachel?” I asked as I ignored the maid.
The one that was staring at the girl with the call raised her hands sluggishly.
“Two of you, come with me,” I said, as I grabbed the phone from her. And walked out.
I went towards the penalty room. The maids were in a sober state now.
“Please ma, we are sorry,” the one with the call said on the way to the penalty room.
“Don’t take us to the penalty room,” Rachel said.
can't handle this alone, I will only plead with the prince to pardon you,” I said, with the mentioning of the prince. They fell on their knees.
“Please, don’t tell the prince, we are sorry, we will leave here and never come back,” Rachel said amiss sobbing.
Then the door to the penalty room opened, Lucas and Elvis walked out. They were stunned to detect the maids on their knees. The maids were aghast. Hot tears rolled down off their eyes.
“What is going on here?” Lucas asked.
The maids stared at me with a pleading gesture.
“Those two need to be interrogated, I found something suspicious about them,” I said. The maids faced the prince.
“Pardon us!” they said in unison.
“What are you up to?” Lucas asked. Both maids were nervous, they stammered.
“The princess sent us on an errand,” Rachel managed to say.
“Princess!, which Princess?” Lucas asked.
“Princess Isabella,” Rachel said.
Lucas hissed. He was about to walk away when Elvis, who was keen on knowing what Princess Bella was up to.
“Which kind of message?” Elvis asked.
“She…sent…us…to…the prince,” the maid with the call said nervously.
The prince turned back,
“Send you to me, fur what?” Lucas asked.
“To be spying on you,” Rachel said. Lucas gave her a resounding slap.
She fell to the floor.
“Pardon me Prince!” she said as she sobbed.
“Prince, you need the patience to get to the root of the matter,” I said.
“Elvis locked them separately from the guys, tormented them until I said something different,” Lucas said. The maids were now rolling on the floor. They were crying themselves out. I even pity them.
Elvis dragged both of them into a room. Lucas was furious and it was obvious on his face. He must have loathed his sister so much.
He hurried out into another room. I followed him. I saw various martial arts gymnastics equipment. He started punching the punching bag as if the punishing bag was the princess.
I watched him displaying his anger on the punishing bag until the punishing bag started getting torn.
“Prince, you need to try to control your anger,” I said. He stopped punching the punching bag. He sat on the chair near to him.
“I never loathed Princess Bella but it was the reverse on the other hand. I don’t comprehend what I did, she just despises me,” Lucas said.
“Do you think she was the one who planted all those cameras and audio devices?” I asked, I just can’t imagine having a sister who despised me so much.
“She was the one that called my guards to permit a guy who planted them. But she wasn’t the one who bugged their phone and body,” Lucas said.
“So who was the person that bugged those guy's bodies and phones?” I asked in confusion.
“They weren’t aware of it,” he said. I was astonished.
“How can that be possible?” I asked.
“There must be another guy or many guys who were working for someone else or the undercover guys,” he said.
“Certainly there are, but what does your sister want from you?” I asked, still wondering why there was rancor between them.
“She is successful on her own, She doesn’t want anything other than the throne,” he said. I was aghast.
“The throne?” I asked in a wandering way. He nodded
“How can a princess be appointed a king, when she has two male siblings?” I asked.
“She knew, but she would never want to accept it, she wanted to fight for the throne, she had been challenging me, although I don’t want the throne either, the throne was my birthright, I can’t give it to her,” he said with determination.
What a sister! Is this battle not too heavy for Lucas to carry? Enemies all around. Ana be careful the way you plan, just save Lucas once for all.
More suspensions are coming. Just sit and read. More battles will unfold. secrets that you couldn't ever imagine will be upheld.