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Chapter 8 Chapter 8- Mandy Rose/ Sonya DeVille

The List- Mandy Rose/Sonya DeVille.

Word was starting to get around now. You were feeling a tad bit nervous over the course of the last few weeks on the road, especially being around Tyson. But nothing had been brought up in that regard and he was always ribbing you. Killian Dain did seem to have a big issue with the rumors, but Nikki was always smoothing that thing over. However you couldn't really do anything about Asuka and what was being spread and not denied by her. A Lot of the women were giving looks to you before that hadn't. Some were good, some were not so good. But in this you started becoming friends with Sonya DeVille. You liked her, she was just one of the guys, and in being friends with her, you got to be friends with Mandy Rose. And Lord have mercy was that someone you definitely wanted to cross off the list. Mandy was cordial but she wasn't exactly friendly to you which wasn't a bad thing. Sonya was the one reaching out and sharing beers and donuts with. The last week or so you even ditched Tyson to ride with Mandy and Sonya, which probably irked Mandy a bit. 

As Mandy went ahead to her room, you and Sonya hit the little bar this particular hotel had and ordered a couple drinks before close. It was an early day tomorrow but then the next week or so was going to be a little more lax and so good conversation and nice company was just what this night needed. Then..well. she dropped it on you. "So...look man, the only time I get to hook up with Mandy is if there's a dude involved. So. What do you say to my dick stooge tonight?" It was said with such normalcy that you didn't exactly know how to react. Sonya finished her drink and stared you down, sizing you up as she waited impatiently for her answer. Shrugging you simply say "Like I'm going to say no" and finish your drinking, throwing some cash down for the tip as the two of you head up towards her and Mandy's room. 

You get to the room a silent and slightly uncomfortable elevator ride later and Sonya stops you before opening the door. "I don't take dick. That's strictly a no no. Put that thing anywhere near me and I'll fucking kill you. Got it?" Crystal you reply back as she opens the door and you follow in behind. Mandy was already in bed, robe on, scrolling through her phone as Sonya had quickly begun stripping her clothes off. Mandy looked up eventually as Sonya had tossed her pants to the side and you couldn't help but admire her nice ass and her tight well maintained body, shame you weren't allowed to have any fun with it. Mandy raises an eyebrow as she snickers and shakes her head. "I knew there was reason he was tagging along all of a sudden…" "shut up, why else would I of done it " Sonya was crawling between her legs on the bed as Mandy looked over at you and gave a little half smile before opening her robe, revealing a truly magnificent naked body befitting of her "goddess" status amongst the men who fantasized about being exactly in your shoes. 

Sonya was already going to town, sucking and licking Mandy's pussy with a ravenous hunger, it must of been a while since they had last hooked up cuz Sonya was eating Mandy's pussy like a dying man of thirst needing a glass of water, it was that lustful and manic and the sight and the sound was causing your dick to bulge against your jeans as you were getting fully erect just from the sight. Mandy was touching the headboard and eventually crying out as she must of cum from Sonya's oral assault, Mandy looking over at you with her beautiful breasts heaving. "stand your ass by the bed and don't move". Sonya looks back a tad annoyed as Mandy moves and towards the edge of the bed as you reach there and do as you're told, Mandy un buckling your belt before unhooking your pants and forcing them down along your thighs, your cock springing forward as Mandy audibly gasped. "holy shit, Sonya. Look at this fucking thing" Mandy says excitedly, taking your thick eight and half inches into her well manicured hands and slowly begin to stroke it. "Like I give a shit" Sonya huffed out as she came over next to Mandy, who smiled up at you. "Take em off" Mandy says pointing at my jeans as she lets go of your cock, your hands and legs moving quickly to step out of them as Mandy gets off the bed and kneels in front of you. "I'm not doing this by myself" she says matter of factly as she slowly begins to take you into her mouth, a small moan already escaping you as her mouth even feels Devine. Sonya was looking at her with a bit of anguish as Mandy too a few more inches down her throat before coming back up for air and stroking you slowly. "I didn't stutter, get your ass down here". Sonya looks at you with pure anger, but she does as she's told also, getting on her knees right beside Mandy. 

"You know I fucking hate doing this…" Sonya says with disdain dripping from her wet mouth as Mandy was bobbing her mouth on your cock until she gagged and choked on it, Mandy pulling back as strands of saliva were still connecting between her lips and your cock. "This is all you have to do, part of the deal" Mandy grabs Sonya by the back of the neck and moves her towards your cock, your legs moving to accommodate as Sonya takes your cock into her hand and slowly begins to suck in it, not nearly as happily or enthusiastically as Mandy but still doing it. Mandy begins to force Sonya to take more and more of you down her throat, choking her a few times before switching and doing her own thing, the two trading off with Mandy forcing Sonya to swallow more and more as they swapped turns and then made out with each other in between. The sight, the feeling, all of it was beginning to catch up to you, and you felt the churning of your balls. "If you keep doing that...I'm gonna…" "I can tell you moron, just do it, and stop wasting time" Mandy barks back as she jams you back into her mouth and down her throat, gagging and slurping and sucking, the sensation was too much. You cry out, feeling your balls expelling through your massive cock a powerful orgasm. Mandy takes the first massive spurt down her throat before slowly lifting her mouth off and catching the second and most of the third in her mouth before moving Sonya in the way as she gripped your shaft and stroked it, Sonya cursing loudly as Mandy laughed, watching as the last three or four small spurts of cum landed all over Sonya's face. Sonya stood up and cracked you in the chest with a hard right which took the immediate high of the orgasm away as it was a stiff hit. "fucking asshole" she spits but Mandy just laughs  and stands up as well, spitting a glob of her saliva and your cum into her left hand. "like I haven't done that before ya big baby. Lay your ass down" Sonya lays on the foot of the bed and spreads her legs as Mandy rubs her spit and cum covered hand over Sonya's pussy. "I'm not on the pill, you bitch" Sonya barks but it's replaced by moans as Mandy had begun sucking and slurping on Sonya's pussy.

You were still a bit staggered from the hit to your chest but Mandy pulled away from Sonya's snatch to bark at you "Hurry up and get hard again, I'm not waiting all night to get fucked". The sight of Mandy bent over, eating Sonya's pussy as Sonya was writhing and moaning was all the quick motivation needed. You step up behind Mandy and run your hands along that amazing ass, and my God was it amazing but sensing what you were thinking she jerked her head back and locked eyes with you. "off limits, asshole. Maybe, maybe ..one-day I'll let you in". You nod, giving her the assurance and the understanding needed, and lining up, you begin to sink your slick and hardening cock into Mandy Rose's pussy. She squeals as her mouth stays locked to Sonya's cunt, as she was keeping her ass up and trying not to move as you were rocking in and out of her, easily able to get six to seven inside her with a nice warm friction that made it feel quite amazing. The sounds of your cock fucking Mandy's pussy, Mandy moaning as she ate Sonya and Sonya moaning from being ate out sounded like a carnal symphony. Mandy's perfect ass bounced against you as your worked up a sweat slamming your cock into this blonde bombshell but the sight of Sonya was doing it for you also, her pert breasts heaving up and down as your fucking of Mandy was causing Mandy to jerk and making Sonya bounce, her lustful gazes down at Mandy as she watched her slurp and lick and suck all over her tight well trimmed pussy, it was the perfect motivator, and your body was like a machine driving in and out over and over until Mandy pulled her face up and cried out loudly, shuddering and bucking back into you as Sonya caresses her sweaty face as her orgasm ripped through her, your body finally slowing down as Mandy had squirmed herself off of you and had collapsed onto the bed between Sonya. 

Sonya scooted herself back till she was laying on the pillow propped up a bit onto the headboard as Mandy crawled and turned herself over, still in between Sonya's legs as she spread hers and motioned for you. "Finish the job, big boy" she weakly mutters as you climb into the bed and get between Mandy legs, putting yourself back inside of her as she and Sonya watched you, Sonya caressing her face and rubbing her breasts as Mandy had an arm up and around Sonya's neck. "Not...a bad...choice mmm good job babe" Mandy is able to get out in hushed breath as Sonya smirks and leans down, getting a long kiss which is such a sexy sight you feel your hips moving even faster as Mandy was moaning into the kiss before breaking away to cry out and gasp and moan with each passionate and desperate thrust that was being slammed into her. "cum for me you bitch, cum right inside this perfect fucking pussy" Mandy cries out at one point as she must've felt you beginning to throb and stretch her out even more then she already was. "Do as your fucking told you maggot, don't make her wait!" Sonya orders, the both of them telling you in tandem to cum inside Mandy, and it's not very long afterwards that you oblige, burying yourself with a strained cry out and a ton of heavy breathing and groaning as you started to fill Mandy Rose's cunt with another giant load of your seed. 

Mandy smiles and moans as you pull out after a few minutes and lay out on the foot of the bed, watching as Sonya was rubbing her hands all over Mandy as Mandy was rubbing her well fucked pussy and letting some cum slowly ooze out of her. Taking her hand and putting some ch. On her fingers as she holds them up at Sonya who gives her a look. "Haha oh come on it's not that bad" Mandy teases as Sonya laughs and shakes her head. "not when it's coming from you, no I guess not" And without a hesitation, Sonya sucks the cum from her fingers, the two giggling to each other afterwards as they suddenly get lost in each other, talking up a storm as Sonya was still cuddling Mandy to her as you quietly slip off the bed and dress, the two not even giving you a look as you had begun towards the door but you hear Sonya call out "Hey, we gotta early day tomorrow so don't sleep in!" You chuckle to yourself. "And maybe if you get up in time I can fit you in for a pre workout workout...sound good?" Mandy says sultrily before the two begin laughing. You don't say a word as you walk out of the room with a shit eating grin on your face. Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille. Two more names off the list. 


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