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Chapter 1 Chapter One- Nikki Cross

The List- Nikki Cross

You couldn't believe it. Your eyes and body surely could, but in your head currently, you still couldn't fathom how this all came together so quickly. You moan and close your eyes for a moment, thanking whatever higher power there was for the simple fact that you were gifted with two invaluable things. A handsome face, and the 8 and half inches currently being throated by a female WWE superstar. 

You open your eyes to look upon the mischievous face of one Scottish hottie, Nikki Cross. Well hottie was certainly subjective, as a lot of guys probably don't find the little firecracker all that attractive from the waist up, but seeing her as you were now, staring up with those intense eyes, giggling between the four to five inches she could muster to fit down her throat between each few moments of sucking, you couldn't help but find her extremely attractive. She had pulled you into this equipment room after a match, so she was already sweating and amped up, you had only spoken to her a few times but had always made subtle allusions about your prowess. You never actually thought it was going to pay off. Not so much because she was married but because well, why would you? But hey, best not to complain so you simply relax as much as you can on the folding chair she was currently keeping you on, and watching her as she would attempt a deep throat every now and then. You could tell she could handle long cocks, but knew your girth was a little bit thicker than most and so you could see the tears and struggle in her face as she reached the six inch mark, which surprises you only cuz you were sure Killian had to have a meaty one even if it wasn't as long. In any case, between her ramblings between each deep throat attempts in that heavy accent and the fact that this had been going on for several minutes, you were elated once she stood up and stepped back, whipping her belt off as she quickly got out of her wrestling bottoms, stripping her thong off last before her tiny but curvy 5'2 frame straddled you on the chair, Nikki smirking and giggling as she lined you up with her smooth and we'll managed pussy.

You bite your bottom lip as you feel her sinking down onto your shaft, the first few inches are met with resistance surprising but the other three that she gets in not so much as you can feel how turned on she is from the instant wetness you feel enveloping your shaft. She moans a bit before giggling, asking you something you barely comprehend before she begins lifting herself up and down, a slow rhythmic pace that soon turns into just what you expected from her, a spastic bouncing that is able to incorporated another inch which eventually sends her over in a writhing mess as her pussy tightens over your shaft in a spasming orgasm. 

You try your best not to overstep your bounds and so you've kept your hands mostly to yourself, but the temptation was too great and reaching down and around you grip the one thing everyone can agree Nikki Cross has that everyone likes, that amazing ass. You hold it firmly as she continued to pace herself like a banshee, at least another orgasm ripping threw her between the time she came and the time you gripped her ass. You didn't mind tho, her pleasure was tantamount to pulling off what you hope all of this would lead too. You continue to let her bounce, listening to the sound her sopping wet pussy is making in your thick cock, focus on not cumming as you feel that wonderful perfect ass clapping against your thighs and knees. This was heaven, this was everything. 

Nikki cries out again, slowing down to a halt damn near as she begins to spasm, her body was coated in sweat, and you could see her hair sticking to her face, she was beginning to wear down, which was a surprise. You knew the time was now. She collects herself for a moment, meekly attempting to go at it again but you wipe the hair from her face so that your eyes lock. You tell exactly what you wanted to say from the very beginning, that you're gonna fuck her and you want her to see what you're about to do. She perks up, thank God, and as your hands make it to her hips, you start to stroke up as your hands force her down, a violent act almost as your body begins to thrust and pump your thickness deep into her well worn out body, she covers her mouth, trying not to let out a scream, but a deranged joyous laugh comes out instead, which only makes you drive into her harder. Her hands grip the back of your shoulders as she was hanging on for dear life, crying out as your cock was beginning to swell and your balls were tightening, an orgasm from you was finally coming and oh God could you not wait to do this. 

You knew this would seem risky, but in reality you knew it would be okay. Most of the female talent in the business were mandated to be on some form of birth control, and even if that wasn't the case, three years ago you had a vasectomy, mostly because a crazy ex girlfriend had attempted to entrap you with a baby, and thankfully nothing came of that, better be safe than sorry you always said.

Nikki cries out as she cums again, her fingers digging into you which was actually quite painful but you were so close you didn't care, you tell her it's about to happen, and she kisses, suddenly and passionately, which sends you over the edge as you moan loudly as you feel the first spurt rip through you, pouring itself deep into her as she sits down and takes more of it inside of her, her cunt still spasming from another heavy orgasm as she pulls away from the kiss and looks you in the eyes as that grin, that amazing grin was slapped across her face as two more sizeable spurts flood into her before your throbbing cock spits out the rest in tiny little bursts. You can't seem to catch your breath as she was thanking you and laughing, slowly pulling herself off as your mind was racing and the stars you saw as you came we're finally dissipating. 

She staggers a bit as she had gotten off, catching herself on the nearby wall. You quickly jump up to make sure she doesn't fall over as you can see a trail of wetness coming down her thighs and legs, which were trembling. She holds a hand out and touches your chest, telling you it's okay. You don't do anything as you admire her, looking down at that amazing ass that was pointing itself at you, and in the moment you knew you couldn't let this be the moment it ended. You grab her hand that was touching you and put it to the wall, she seems a bit taken aback as you tell her to keep her hands in the wall and not to move. She asks what you're doing and goes to turn but you quickly snack her ass as hard as you could, which causes her to help loudly but smile wickedly once she caught on. 

She does as she's told, a little bit to your surprise, and she turns her head to face the wall as she keeps her palms planted on it also, sticking her back out and her ass up a bit as she catches on quick. You can see she's still trembling and shaking and so you don't want her to lose this newfound enthusiasm. You spread her ass cheeks, just to get a look at her asshole, and are surprised to find a fairly right looking knot. Which is a shame, you've already crossed the line with her by sleeping with a married but for whatever reason, anal with someone who wasn't seemingly doing much of it just seemed a step to far. This would have to wait. You line your cock back up and push back inside her pussy, and though relatively hard, your immediate thrusting afterwards, and the sight of her ass bouncing against you had you back at full mast in a matter of moments.

Nikki was crying out now, you were thrusting at an incredible pace considering what just occurred only a few minutes prior, but you weren't letting this go, you reach forward and grab some of her hair, and yank her head back hard, Nikki laughing as she goads you on, which works to perfection, cuz you Immediately start to thrust faster, leaving only an inch and half out of her pussy with every thrust in, the sound of her ass slapping against you, the noises you were both making, if nobody knew what was going on walking past her before, they surely had to now, but this didn't matter right now, what mattered was her cumming yet again, her legs violently shaking as she nearly collapsed but you kept her upright by keeping a hold of her hair. You felt that vice like grip around your cock as she had cum and you felt your balls quickly churning again, this was the moment of truth once again, would you cum inside her again, laying claim to a well fucked pussy once again or would you do something else? Time was ticking away fast on this one. 

You moved cumming inside, and normally you would of just done that again, but this was maybe the only chance you would have with this beauty and so, you stroked your dick hard and fast inside her until you feel the throbbing and the imminent explosion, and pulling out you laid your cock between her ass cheeks and just let it happen, feeling your cock jerk and twitch with every spurt and stream of cum it could muster, a nice long one hitting her back but being your second orgasm in as many minutes it quickly tapered off, leaving a nice little trail and small little pool of cum along her fat ass. 

Nikki smirks and giggles as she reaches back and wipes the cum on her back onto her finger before tasting it. You smile at that sight and go back to the chair sitting back down as she was beginning to put her bottoms back on. She asks you with a wink and a smile of this was y'all's little secret. You reassure her that it was. She comes over and gives you a kiss on the cheek and cups your cheeks in her hands as she says over and over that naughty Nikki enjoys being naughty. She giggled and gave you a rather stiff smack across the face before leaving, trailing off by saying she'll find you if you break the secret. 

As she leaves, you can only smirk and then laugh to yourself. How in the fuck did that just happen!? But you're more elated about the prospects of what's to come. You begin to put your pants on as you know that word travels among the wrestling community. Even if she doesn't admit or tell anyone about it, she will more and likely admit something to Alexa, and Alexa would probably say something to Nia. And once word got to Nia word will spread very very quickly. You just had to by your time. Maybe nothing will come of it. Maybe everything will come of it. You just knew you needed to stay busy, make yourself useful and hopefully not rock the boat too much before everything comes to a grinding halt. You couldn't help but smile and reflect. You got to take Nikki Cross off the list, and with a bit of luck, maybe there would soon be others.


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