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Chapter 15- Mia Yim/Rhea's Deal

The List-Mia Yim/Rhea's deal 

You were trying to keep as low of a profile before the next days were up and you were out of the job for the next thirty days. But things were just not quite working that way. Nia and Carmella had had you over for more romps, and Tegan and Dakota weren't exactly being discreet about your times with them, and so no matter what was happening around you, you were a topic of conversation. Some of the guys seemed to want all the gory details but you weren't giving them anything, except for Keith Lee, an amazing athlete who was sticking up for you and had even had a confrontation with Velveteen, but you think that was more for standing up for Cathy whom he respected. Mia Yim was Keith's girlfriend and a helluva wrestler. It helped she was drop dead sexy too, curvy in the right ways and with a exotic look that was an easy sell to people who didn't want to always see cookie cutter white chicks. But the thing that always caught your attention with her was her eyes. There was an Intensifying allure to her eyes and she always seemed to have a resting bitch face, but when she smiled, it was truly stunning. 

You finished the workout with the both of them and Keith asked what your plans were going to be now that you were going to be off for a while. You weren't really sure you admitted and Mia just tapped Keith on the chest and headed towards the locker room as Keith nodded and took a drink of water before asking you to meet him in the locker in about ten minutes. You said okay a bit unsure about why you had to wait ten minutes but as luck would have it you had seen Rhea come in and went to chat her up. She seemed annoyed at your presence but after setting her weights she looked at you and jammed a finger into your chest. "Look, I've gotten a lot of looks and shit because of you. Thankfully nobody knows shit but still. I need a favor". You process the sudden ask and ask what she needs as she rolls her eyes ``I don't need shit...but my boyfriend is like my world and I want him to be happy and he wants a threesome for his birthday. Preferably with Tegan...or Toni. Now seeing that you've had let's say, a bonding with both of em I figured it would be easier to ask you to ask them for me then for vme to ask." You're a bit taken as you ask her if that's something she really wants to do Rhea getting more agitated. "Look shit for brains I wouldn't ask if I wasn't interested. Just get one of them to agree to it. This Friday at my place. You do that for me and I'll pay you back. Yah?" She goes to do her set and you think about it for a short while as you head to the locker room area you know Keith is set up at.

You could hear the showers running as you came into the room but the sight that met your eyes first as you came around the corner was a fully nude Mia Yim on her knees, stroking Keith Lee's dick as Keith was rocking his hips, Mia eying you as she looked up at Keith and nodded her at you, Keith turning as he waved with his big smile. "Gimme a sec, brother…" you just stood there and watched as Mia began taking his rather thick cock down her throat and before long he was grunting and "yeahing" as he must've cum, Mia bobbing her head for a few moments before she took him out of her mouth and held her tongue out, Keith nodding as he pulled away and began towards the showers, slapping that big hand on you chest. "Do your worst bud, she can take it. Trust me. " You try to ask what was happening but Keith just went into the shower area as Mia just continues to be on her knees, Mia not saying anything for a moment before she huffed and said "We got places to be dude, you gonna do this or not?" You don't know what to say and so you just walk over to her, Mia looking you up and down as she takes your shorts and throws them down forcefully, exposing your semi hard cock as it twitched in front of her face, Mia taking it in her hands as she began to stroke it. "Yeah I can see it now. Hey Keith! He's about as big! You hear Keith say something from the shower but you don't make it out as Mia can see your confusion. "Keith and I had a bet that the only reason you were getting as much ass around here was because you were slinging this bad boy. He said if you were as big or bigger I can test it out myself so, you better bring it" Mia squeezes you dick before starting to take it into her mouth, the warm and the wetness that was also more and likely Keith's cum was allowing your dick to slide effortless down her throat, at one point Mia grabbed your back and pushed you all the way, your entire eight and half inches in her mouth and down her throat as she gagged, your balls resting against throat as she slowly took you out her mouth, her eyes welling up with tears as she leaned herself up and wrapped her beautiful breasts over your saliva saliva covered dick. She began to move against you as your hips instinctively began to rock, your cock feeling a nice pressure as her tits were big and soft, her beautiful eyes looking up at you as she began to move herself faster. "Fuck these tits boy ..you may never get another chance" you rock harder as she bounces a bit, this going on for a few minutes before she stands and walks to the lockers, placing her hands in the lockers as she arches her back and sticks her big toned ass up at you. You come up behind her and line your dick up, pushing inside her pussy as she moans, your hands gripping her thick waist as you begin to thrust, Mia's pussy fitting perfectly as you sliding in and out as if you had been fucking her for years, her pussy perfectly wet and constricting against your thick manhood, Mia orgasming not very much longer after you started really driving deep and hard, Mia riding the orgasm out as she started to buck back, your right hand grabbing the top of her shoulder as you start pulling her against you, Mia turning her head as she was smiling. "Yeah there we go...ohhh fuck..fuck yes fuck yes fuck...yessss…" she rolls her eyes and shudders as the added ferocity of your dick in her cunt caused her to cum again, your cock throbbing as she felt you getting closer and pulled you out, turning herself around as she lifted her leg and placed it on your shoulder, her flexibility surprising you as she grabs your dick and lines it back up as you push your hips forward and then up, sinking back into her pussy as she looks you in the eyes, that bitchy permanent scowl still ever present even when she smiled.

You thrust up hard, spearing seven inches into her as her leg swung and bounced against you as she was on her toes, her body bouncing against the lockers, but she didn't mind as she just moaned and cried out with her orgasm as you just slammed your dick inside her as hard and fast as you could until you felt your cock throbbing again, your balls churning as you push into harder, your head touching hers as she was holding on to your back as you were driving up into her cunt with a primal need. You tell her your about to cum and she grabs the back of your head and pulls your head back as she locks the side of your face and just simply says "then fucking cum", and with that your balls exploded and you buried your dick as far into her cunt as you could, Mia crying out as she could feel you throbbing as your cock was jerking and spitting spurt after spurt of long creamy ropes of jism deep into her mixed raced cunt, your grunts loud as you turned red from the strain as this orgasm was powerful. Moments pass before Mia swings her leg off and down, getting back onto her feet as she leans and spreads her pussy lips, watching as her lips are swollen and pulsing your cum out. She laughs and nods as she pinches your cheek. "Good job, kid. Come on let's get cleaned up", she takes your hand and leads you into the shower as Keith was drying off as Mia smiles and throws two thumbs up as Keith laughed and smacked you again, your breath leaving you a bit this time as he tells you he was proud and he goes back into the locker room. The water was still running and she pulled you under the jets with her, wrapping her arms around your neck as she kissed you. You break it asking what was going on and why Keith would let this happen and Mia seems a little surprised. "You're really complaining... seriously?", You try to explain what you meant but she just cuts you off. "I'm just fucking with you man. Look me and Keith and Cathy had a little..thing I guess and we're still find and protective of that girl so... consider this as just being part of the family" you instantly feel a ping of relief and begin kissing Mia, Mia holding you under the water as jerked your cock as the two of you made out, eventually your cock was hard enough for her liking and she asks if you wanted to fuck her ass. You say "fuck yes" and she gets into her hands and knees, her ass right under the jets as she clapped her ass cheeks, the water making an audible splashing sound as you got on your knees behind her and stuck a finger into her asshole, Mia sucking her teeth as you move your finger in and out and realizing she was use to something big being in there you closed your eyes as the jets were falling directly on your head as your cock began to push insider her big round ass. You got six and half inches in pretty easily as the last inch was a bit harder, and as you felt cock bottoming in as far as it was going to go you began to thrust, Mia moaning the entire time as she enjoyed every moment of your dick pounding her ass. The sensation felt great, though the water constantly being in your face was a little much, and after a few minutes you take her onto her stomach, Mia laying flat on the floor as she looks back as you were still inside her ass but hovering over her as, Mia arching her lower half up to make it easier on your legs as you were squating over her ass, plunging your dick down into her ass now, getting nearly all of it inside of her with each downward hard thrust which has Mia screaming in pleasure as she had to of cum at least twice from the way her body squirmed and spasmed, the feeling of fucking an ass this way was making your balls churn and as you began to throb she once again stopped you, pulling herself off by sliding up and turning she grabs your arms and easily takes you to the floor onto your back, Mia straddling herself over your dick as she lowers herself down and outs you back inside her ass, you groan and moan out as she puts her hands in your shoulders, pinning you down as this was all a new one for you, as you never had a woman do a front facing anal cowgirl style, it was always reverse. Your dick slunk back into her colon with ease as Mia began slamming herself down onto you, your mind getting lost in a haze of pleasure as Mia fucking herself on your dick while having your shoulders pinned was almost too much and you grunt and groan loudly as you tell her your going to cum soon. She just talks to herself, telling herself to "fuck that dick liek the bad bitch she was" and not paying any heed to your words she just kept sliding herself down with abandon, her ass cheeks slapping your thighs as the water made the sound extra loud. You fill your balls let loose after another minute of her hard riding and your dick begins to throb as cock fires up and into her asshole, Mia crying out as she feels the first few spurts and getting off as quickly as she could she slid herself down and locked her mouth over you cock, slurping and sucking down the rest of your load as you could grab your head and moan into your hand as you try and collect yourself as Mia sucks your rod clean and then keeps sucking until your cock slowly begins to lose its hardness. 

Mia helped you up and the two of you shower, for real this time and head back into the locker room. Keith was dressed and asking for deets which Mia gave as y'all dressed. This was still weird for you but you went with it, as they were still awesome people to you. You texted Cathy to call you and looking through your phone you saw Tegan's recent text and remembered what Rhea had asked you. You sent a teller text out and decided to go with Tegan first before asking Toni, whom you wanted to avoided Keith and Mia eventually tell you they're heading out and tell you to keep in touch and that they want to go see Cathy, and giving them a handshake and a half hug they grabbed their gear bags and headed on, as you say there in the silence and thought about everything that was happening. You get a text alert and see that Tegan agreed to help Rhea out, which when you ask why she simply replies with a "Cuz then you're going to owe me one, duh ;) " and shrugging you simply out your phone away and finished dressing. 

As you went back to the other locker room to gather your stuff you saw Rhea and called out to her, jogging up to her as she looked at you quizzically. Explaining that you got a yeah from Tegan, Rhea raised an eyebrow and nodded. "You must have some kind of magic power I don't know about. That was quick. Thanks tho. I appreciate it" you tell your welcome and go to head off but Rhea grabs at you with her long and shredded arm and pulls you to her as she looks around and tells you to follow her. You were sore and sorta knew what was coming, but watching Rhea's large ass sway in her jeans was enough to quickly any thoughts of being tired out of your brain as she led you into essentially a Janitor's closet and locked the door. She covered your mouth with her as she reached into your pants and began to stroke your dick. "Someone's been busy already...fuck you just get around huh…" she teases with a half cocked smiled as she unbuttons your jeans and takes them down, squating down on her long powerful legs as she began to suck you off, her face and mouth even that damn nose ring was such a sight with your dick in her mouth that you were hard again without much resistance and as she gagged you down for a moment she stood and peeled her jeans down past her knees, exposing her giant Aussie ass and spreading her cheeks she tells you demandingly to fuck her pussy. Which you so happily as you push your cock inside her and begin to thrust seven inches in and out as hard and as fast as you want, Rhea covering her mouth as she didn't want you to hear how much she was liking it but her ever soaking wet pussy the tremble and shake of back to back orgasms told you everything you needed to know and so you kept the pace you were going at as Rhea eventually dropped her hand and let herself enjoy the fucking, cumming a third time which constricts your dick hard enough that your orgasm fast and without warning, you grabbing her hips as you rocked back into you as fast as you could before groaning and crying out as you stopped and let your cock spasm and jerk inside her pussy as you came inside her beautiful Aussie cunt. She runs her pussy between her legs as you pull out and tasting her fingers she lets out a little moan and begins to pull her pants up. "Thanks again...for the whole Tegan thing. It's gonna make my man very happy," you finish buttoning your jeans up and tell her it wasn't a problem and she tells you good luck before she unlocks the door and walks out cooly. You wait a few minutes and make the note to cross Mia Yim off the list, you excited the PC knowing it would be  a while before you saw this place again. You didn't know what was to come, but you were sure it was going to be something unexpected. 


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