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Chapter 28- Bea Priestley/ Jamie Hayter

The List-Bea Priestley/Jamie Hayter

The second you landed in Japan, you felt a wave of nostalgia. You hadn't been here in many years but everything still seemed to look the way it always did. You had wanted Cathy to come, but she couldn't break away from her duties and feeling a drifting feeling from her, you decided not to think much about her while you were here. You spoke with some people before catching your ride to your mother's place. She had moved back to the family home here after your dad passed, and has been here ever since. The drive felt serene, like you were a kid again driving back from the Tokyo Dome. Your mom was waiting for you in the driveway and you couldn't have gotten out any faster, excitedly hugging and kissing your mom. She had begun to cry just from holding you, her only child. You grabbed your luggage and headed inside, feeling a wave of emotions. You set your things done and admire some of the stuff your mother has redone, and you go into your  old room, seeing that things were still as they were. You and Mom catch up for hours, drinking tea and reminiscing. She was going to Io's wedding so she knew there was some stuff but she did mention Lita had talked with her. You didn't really wanna talk about this stuff with your mom and she seemed to know that, just saying she was happy y'all reconnected. The flight, and the flood of emotions, and the five hours of straight conversation eventually wore you down, and not soon after dinner you called it a night. You had a big day tomorrow. 

You got up with nerves and actually had to vomit. You hated this. But you needed to sucked it up and get ready. Your mom had cooked and was waiting for you and as y'all ate you got a message from some old wrestling friends. You let them know you were going to be there for a week and made plans. One of them was a British wrestler working for stardom named Jamie Hayter. Jamie was a big girl, thick in the right ways, and a cute face. Much like Nia Jax, Jamie used her thicker frame to dominate with Bea Priestley, a woman you only tolerated because of your friendship with Will. Your mom had dressed by the time you finished talking with everyone and going to shower you dressed and groomed yourself up, and left the house in your mom's car. She asked if you wanted to drive but it has been so long you just weren't really up to it. And you knew getting to the venue site was going to be tough. 

Your nerves hit hard again when your mom pulled in and parked. There were alot of of people here, most of the men in suits as the woman varies from geisha type dresses to just really lovely dress gowns. Your mother went to go and find Io as you got lost in a sea of familiar faces who all were ecstatic and happy to see you. Jamie found you eventually and hugged you tightly. She had been to the states for a few aew shows but timing never worked out to see her. She was in a lovely tight fitting black dress, and you always loved her nose ring choices. Bea was herself a beautiful woman with some homely features, but done up she looked really pretty, a beautiful green silk dress hugging her frame. Will was working a show and so he wasn't around but you had told Bea us would be hanging out soon enough, least according to Will. She didn't seem to lle

pleased but you couldn't have cared less. You talk with some older guys who remembered your dad and eventually your mom pulled you away on request from Io to go and see her. You felt sick, but you went. 

She looked radiant. Her smile, her dress, it was truly a fairy tale like. The customs in Japan were different, but this sight was universal in any language. Love and beauty. The sight of you made her teary and she hugged you and thanked you repeatedly. You tell her amazing she looks and how happy you were for it. She tells you she wanted to be here because it meant the most, and because she wanted to be able to tell you she loves you, and that she wants you to find love and for her to be at your wedding. You kiss her hand and nod, and turning to hide your tears you leave the room as others have come in to see her and finish getting her ready. 

You found a spot behind the venue and leaned against the wall, crying as you couldn't hold it back. A familiar voice asking if you were okay as you looked to see Jamie coming to you, pulling a cigarette out as she lit and leaned on the wall next to you. "Never figured you were the crying type" she says and asks what's wrong. You give the quick version of your history with Io and Jamie takes some drags as she looks surprised. "Well, shit. That's rough, mate. Maybe it's for the best you know. If y'all never got together after all those years then it's meant to be as it is. "She holds the cigarette to you and you took it and take a drag, coughing as it had been a while since you've smiled she finishes it and stomps it out with her heel before she turns and runs her hands over your crotch, causing you to jump as she looks at you hungrily. "I love seeing strong men be weak...makes it easier to take advantage" you go to say something but she kisses you as she begins to unzip your dress pants and pull your cock from the underwear crotch panel, rubbing as she moans and then looks down. "I knew you had a big fucking dick...even before you started putting in all the girls baxk in the U.S. " she strokes it before she bends down into a knee and begins to Bob her mouth back and forth, taking you down easily as you began to harden into her mouth as you coughed, residue from the kiss as the menthol she smiled was a strong flavor. She began to gag as your cock was rigid and stiff, Jamie sucking hungrily and needingly as she stood after a few moments. "I need this goddamn cock right now." She turns and leans against you, rubbing her ass against your cock as you grabbed her hips, Jamie lifting her dress up over her amazingly pale ass, and reaching back she puts you inside of her, both of you moaning out as she was tight and you were incredibly hard. You really hasn't expected something like this to happen, and that made it even better as she spread her legs and took a strong stance as she backed herself into you, fucking her pussy back into your dick as you kept yourself steady against the wall, letting Jamie fuck herself in your dick, Jamie slowkmg down for a moment as she covered her mouth ans then spasmed, her cunt squeezing you hard as she came. Her orgasm subsided and she began to bounce again, but you decided to start thrusting forward, your balls still trapped in your pants as you plunged all of your exposed cock into her pussy, slapping her ass as she yelped and then chuckled into a moan as she says "yeah...smack my fat ass you dirty cunt...fuck me... fuck me!", And you do just that, grabbing her hips as you begin pounding her relentlessly. It was only after you started doing this that you had noticed that Bea was standing about twenty yards away, a cigarette lit up as she just watched with her resting bitch face. You pay her no mind as you slam into Jamie forcing another orgasm out of her body before you feel yourself throbbing and aching. You slowed down and thrusted harder, Jamie crying out in pleasure as you tell her you're cumming and bury inside her cunt. Jamie moaning as she grinds her hips and ass against you as you fired thick ropes of cum deep into her pussy. You catch your breath as she moves herself off of your dick and let's some cum seep out of her as she just drops her dress and turns and runs a finger down your dress shirt. "Such a naughty boy you are. I can see why all the girls love you, babe. You're one of a kind". You say thanks and put your dick away as Jamie walks to Bea who starts to say something as soon as she reaches her. You wipe your brow and make sure you feel collected before heading back around. 

The ceremony was long, but beautiful. Io was happy and when the pronouncement of her marriage was official, you felt a pang of both sadness but relief. Everyone took pictures and shared numbers before heading to the reception area. Doing some normal ceremonious rites before music began to play, drinks began to flow and people began to dance. You had posted up at a table with your mom and some wrestling friends and producers, your mom being eventually pulled to the floor to dance. Io's husband approaches you and gives you a hug and promises to take care of her, and the two of you share a drink and a nice little heart to heart where you look to see Io holding her hands together near her face as she was grinning. You smile and eventually dance with Jamie and some of the other stardom girls. Jamie whispers something to you which piques your interest as you follow her towards the back. You don't say a word as she pulls you into a little changing room and and begins kissing you, your back to the door which suddenly closes, as you pull from the kiss a look to see Bea has shut the door and locked it. "It's alright, luv. Bea here thinks she's better at everything. And you're the perfect cock...I mean guy...to settle this argument" she rubs her hand along your growing erection as Bea comes over and looks at you with her scowl. "I don't really like...but you got a big dick and Will isn't here...so... you'll do" she shrugs and lifts her dress completely off, revealing her pale nude body as she kisses you aggressively, Jamie working your dress pants down as you kiss Bea back and moan into her mouth as she pulls away, looking down as Jamie winked up at us as she was working your cock back down her throat again, Bea getting on her knees as she pushes Jamie off and grabs the base of your cock, licking along its length and then as she sucks the tip softly she begins to deep throat you nearly to the base, Jamie frowning as she took her dress off and got back down on her knees as Bea was sucking most of you down her throat with ease, Bea giving Jamie a cocky look as she pulls you out of her mouth and aims your cock at Jamie's face. "Do better" she says tauntingly as Jamie looks up at you and locks eyes as she slowly begins to suck you down her throat, and you feel yourself throb as this was incredible, but Bea had other thoughts and began to force Jamie against you, Jamie taking another inch and half that she wasn't too, which caused her to choke and gag as Be wouldn't let her head go for several moments until Jamie slapped her her breasts, calling her cunt angrily as she gasped for breath but Bea just kisses her and holds her to her face with one face before jerking your dick with the other. The two of them eventually breaking their sloppy make out as they began to trade off sucking you down their throats with their beautiful gothic features. Bea eventually snaps her fingers and tells you to lay down, which you do, Bea swinging her leg over and straddling you as Jamie comes and squats down in your face, hovering her pussy against your face as you begin to lick and slurp while groaning as Bea lowered her pussy over your extremely hard and slick dick. Bea would moan out and laugh every few moments as she had her hands on your chest and was slamming herself down onto seven inches while Jamie cried out as she came hard from your oral assault. She eventually swings her leg over and turns and sits next to you, grabbing Bea's face as they kissed, your hips bucking upwards as you started to meet Bea halfway from her hips driving down and soon Bea broke get kiss, scratched your chest and came aggressively and hard, both getting extremely wet and tight, which causes your balls to stir and your cock to throb inside of her. "Oh fuck... Jamie I can feel this fucking dick throbbing...he's going to fuckin spunk inside me...fuuuuck…" Jamie just looks at you and encourages to let it all out and it's not long before you and Bea cry out as you jerk up and start firing off ropes of thick hot cream into her British cunt, Bea moaning as she was sweaty now, your cock pulsing inside her as you feel her inner walls being covered in seed. 

She pulls off of you slowly and some cum oozes out and onto your dick, Jamie getting over you as she pushed Bea onto her back between your legs and began to suck and lick the cum out of her pussy, the sight of Hatters massive ass swinging near your face keeps your dick hard and not wanting to waste the moment you scoot out from under her and get to you knees behind her, pushing back inside of her ass but as you do Bea looks up and snaps her fingers at you again. "You have already done that, she fancies a bit of a cock up her ass, so why not" Jamie looks back and nods and goes back to eating her friends cum filled pussy as you take your own cum and wet dick and push into Jamie's ass. There's a pressure and tightness that always comes with anal, but Jamie felts amazing. A tight squeeze with five inches in but not in a painful way. She had clearly been having anal sex for a long while and you didn't waste any time easing in asnyou just started rocking all of your length that could fit in and out of her, smacking her cheeks as she would moan out and cry out from Bea's pussy. You were sweaty now, the friction of Jamie's ass was great but you did orgasm not even ten minutes back. Bea came hard in Jamie's mouth and had come to her side and rubbed her pussy for a few minutes which caused her to buck and moan as she came hard, Bea licking her fingers as she then grabbed her friends cheeks and spread them as she held onto her ass and helped rock her harder into your dick as she was laughing and looking at you with that cocky ass grin of hers. "You like fucking that fat arse huh? Well hurry up and spray another big load all over this ass why don't Cha''. Your hips worked faster as she slapped her friends ass as Jamie began begging for you to cum as you felt your balls beginning to churn again and before long you cried out and pulled out, hovering your dick over Jamie's ass as Bea moans and watches as your dick began spurting out cum and landing on Jamie's back and down along her ass, Bea rubbing the cum all over her friends ass as you groan and watch the sight through as haze as you shook and watched the last few drops of cum leave your cock and onto Jamie. Bea gets behind Jamie and licks up some of the cum as Jamie just moans and giggles happily as she then gets on her knees and kisses Bea who looks at you before asking "So...who was better?" You laugh and don't say anything as they both begin to pester you about who was the best between them as you dressed and left them in the room, both arguing with each other naked as that was the last sight you saw. You headed back to the table and your mother just gives you a stare as she shook her head, smirking as she wasn't stupid. You drink as much water as you possibly could and enjoyed the rest of the long fun night. As Io and her husband left in a limo, you couldn't help but feel a sense of understanding that you had gotten through something. It also certainly didn't hurt that Bea Priestley and Jamie Hayter had been there to both keep your mind and body busy, but to also cross themselves off your list. You knew the week was going to fly by, and you were quite good with that. 


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