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Chapter 14- Dakota Kai/ A Meeting With Stephanie

The List-Dakota Kai/A meeting with Stephanie

You were sweating as your hips rocked forward, your cock was thrusting in and out of the most powerful woman in the industry, and you were doing your damnedest to impress her this time. She was on the edge of her desk, leaning back on her shoulders as her legs hung around you as your cock drove in and out, Stephanie watching you with a look of boredom as she would every now and then clinch her pussy muscle, vicing your dick which would decrease your speed but you wouldn't stop, not at all. She would let out a moan or a little whimper very quietly every now and again, and while she held her stern gaze, her pussy would eventually tell a different story as it was now wetter then it had been before, your cock slipping in and out more easily as she sat up and grabbed you by your shirt, breathing heavier as she sneers angrily as her cunt began to spasm. "fuck...goddamnit...hurry up and cum…" she spits out after a body shudder and a dripping wet cunt, you doing as your told as it's not much longer after this demand that you feel your balls churning. You give her the heads up she required and pushing you off, she got to her knees and locked her lips over your tip and sucked on the head furiously for a few moments before taking you down her throat as she began to swallow your load as it came blasting out of your balls and through your meaty shift, filling her throat as you can see her throat muscles drinking down like a pro. 

She holds your dick for a month and slowly let's it pop out as you catch yourself on the desk, breathing hard as she stands and wipes her lips with her fingers, checking to make sure no drops got out and onto her outfit as she hikes her business dress up and puts her items back onto her desk as she had the last time you had been there, you put your pants and shoes back on quietly as you took a seat as she went back around her desk and cleared her throat. "That was better...but still, I just don't get it. But anyhow. Hunter is hearing things from other wrestlers. Apparently you're dating Cathy…" you go to say something but she cuts you off "personally I think she's a fucking quitter, cutting out after all we've done for her...but that's neither hear nor there. Fact is heat is heat, doesn't matter whether your talent or not and you're starting to get it. So, my recommendation is that you work the next tour, so the next three weeks, and then you take some time away". You feel like you've been sucker punched, but Stephanie quickly follows it up with "you will still be employed but you won't make anything but a flat rate. You can work indie shows or something else but you will not work for Tony Khan or Cody Rhodes, we find out you do any work with them and we'll null your contract Immediately. Am I understood about that!?" You say yes ma'am, and she nods. "It'll be a month off, that's all, 30 days, I think that means you'll be back here around the SummerSlam ppv. So just, let the heat die down a bit. And try not to let your dick put you in any more situations the next few weeks, got it? Now get out of my office" and with that she was done with you. You head out of her office and begin down the hallway, walking past some people with a sour look as you see a familiar face coming from an adjacent corner. It was Cheree, but you and everyone else called her by her ring name, Dakota Kai. She waved at you, which surprises you cuz she sorta gave off the impression that she didn't like you. Maybe it was because of Tegan. She had this youthful bounce to her even though she was over 30, and as far build was, she was about the same build as Tegan, which probably drove her wild, and why the storyline between them worked because there probably was some animosity in real life that Kai would never comp too. She asks why you were there and you tell her, Dakota surprised as she tells you about her meeting with creative and how she may be moving up soon. You were happy for her and headed towards the elevator but she caught up to you and grabbed your arm, tugging you along down the hall before she pulled you into a nearby conference room. 

Shutting the door she locked it and closed the blinds, Your mind was quickly catching on and you actually started to plead against this, but Dakota smirked as she turned to you and bit her bottom lip. "You think I'm gonna just let you leave for two months and not get what I deserve. Mistaken. You're gonna give me that dick you gave to Tegan, except where she likes to be fucked, I like too fuck. And I'm gonna fuck your brains out...yah?" She says, saying all of this as she came closer to you, her new Zealand accent laying it on thick as she reached and grabbed your dick between your pants, Dakota looking at it and then at you, clicking her tongue. "You've already been a naughty boy...and with the boss too... my my" she says as she unbuttons your jeans and strips them down fast and aggressively, pulling your boxers that you had worn today down as she grabbed your semi hard dick and stuck it in her mouth, bobbing back and forth as she sucked you down her throat, gagging as she stroked you once your dick had fully hardened. "I can taste Stephanie's pussy...I bet she can take this dick like a champ…" she starts choking and gagging on it as you were leaning against the conference table as she was running her hand up and under your shirt as she stopped sucking after a few minutes and stood up pushing you onto the table as you scooted back, taking your shirt off as Dakota began to strip her too off, her little perk breasts happily coming out her bra as her nipples were already hard, Dakota stripping her shoes and socks off as she took her ripped up style jeans off and then kicked her panties off last as she climbed up onto the table and startled you, planting her knees in the side of your legs as she lowered her soaking wet pussy down onto your girthy rod, Dakota crying out as you looked around nervously as she wasn't being very subtly, Dakota beginning to grind and then bounce on your dick, seven inches sliding and bouncing in and out of her cunt as she planted her hands on his chest as she balances herself and begins to fuck you, just like she said she was, you gripping the table as Dakota was grunting and moaning and laughing as she leaned down as far as she could and said "Told you I was gonna fuck your brains out...now don't you dare fucking cum until I tell you too you big fucked bloke…" she moans and keeps driving herself down, your balls churning as her telling you not to cum was making you want to cum, which angered you as you kept your mind off of it as much as you could but as the minutes passed and her bounces were becoming erratic as she had cum a few times, she finally tells you you can cum, as she wipes some sweat and begins to bounce again, your cock driving upwards as she crashed down and you grunted out loudly, telling her you were cumming and as you felt the surge of cum welling up, she hopped off and scooted back, wrapping the soles of her feet around the base of your cock as she then began stroking your cock, your body shaking as she giggled loudly as she watched your cum shoot up into the air, the first few spurts went high and came down over your waist and legs, over her feet and onto the table, Dakota beginning to run her feet up and along your shaft as you body jerked, the rest of the cum spilling over, coating your dick and her feet as Dakota just laughed and jerked your coxk hard and fast as she moved her feet away, the pain of your orgasm being edged was making you cry out as Dakota stood up in the table and wiped her feet on your stomach and chest, Dakota putting her left foot over your face. "Clean it, please." You lean up and begin to suck on her toes, you didn't know why, this was something you didn't really do or even think of but in the moment, you didn't care. You did the same for her other foot as Dakota giggles and hips off the table as she grabs a swivel chair and slaps the seat. "Sir your ass down" she barks as you tiredly get off the table and she grabs you and pushes you down. "I ain't fucking done with you" she strokes your cock and nods as she turns and leans over you, shaking her ass at you as she reached back and rubs her pussy. "Get that dick fucking hard so I can fuck my ass in that cock" she says lustily, rubbing herself as she moans and shakes her ass near you as you watched mesmerized at the sight as your cock was hardening again, but you did have to help it along and before long it was as hard as you could get it, Dakota leaning her self back as she rubbed her cheeks against it and satisfied, she spread her cheeks and began to lower her asshole down onto your dick, the first few inches sinking in easily before she forced herself down a little further, stopping for a second to compose herself before she began to rock her hips back and forth, letting a few inches come in and out of her beautiful shaped ass. You watched as she began to pick up the pace, using the table to hold onto as she bucked her ass down on your dick, the feeling of pain and pleasure was going hand in hand for you both as she was crying out, swear dripping onto the floor and into the chair as you were focusing hard on trying to get another orgasm out  and thankfully Dakota's wild bucking and orgasms from the anal was really making her say and moan some wonderful things that made the third orgasm begin to churn sooner then expected. You tell her but she cuts off you with a "I know...mmm fuck I know I can feel you throbbing and stretching my little asshole...mm fuck yes, blow that goddamn spunk right into my asshole you fucking cockhead, come on come on...ahhh fuuuck…" she trailed off as you blew your third and possibly biggest load up into her colon, your cock pulsing cum deep into her anal cavity as she shook and trembled and gripped the table for dear life as she slowly pulled herself up and off of your dick, cum seeped out immediately as she laid over the table and panted, your eyes were fluttering as your body felt heavy.  After a moment she began laughing, and weirdly, you began too also. 

You two left the conference room and had made it to the elevator without being spotted. You felt bad for the cleaning person who was gonna have to clean that mess up, but you didn't really mind that much if you were being honest.  Dakota asked how she was and you admitted not was pretty great, which seemed to make her happy as she flashed that super cute smile. She said she didn't mean to read Tegan down, it just sucked playing second fiddle to her, even outside of the ring. You explain she just happened to jump your bones first which also seemed to make her smile and seem relieved even. You reached the lobby and said goodbye with a hug. She wished you luck and headed off as if nothing had happened. You texted Cathy to call you back when she was free and she did after you settled back at your air bnb. You explained everything and she supported and comforted as best as she could. Asking you to come out for a few days before the tour began, you said you would and packed up that night. On the long drive to see her you smirked a little thinking about Dakota Kai, and made the ever so fun mental note of crossing her off the list. 


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