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Chapter 48- McKenzie Mitchell and Kayla Braxton

The List- McKenzie Mitchell/ Kayla Braxton. 

You were going over your new duties as you weren't allowed to do anything too strenuous since you started back and you were happy to just be working. You got a lot of well wishes and happy to see you back. Becky gave you a huge hug and a lot of people were happy to see you back. Then you saw them, both not even acknowledging you as Charlotte and Andrade just briskly walked by and you could feel your blood boil. You didn't react and just left the area to catch a breath as seeing them triggered a headache. You had texted Taeler, who has come out to stay with you and was talking about having a "surprise for you when you got home" which was always exciting. You really liked being around and with Taeler, but lately you had found yourself pretty smitten with Noelle and even asked Noelle to be your date for the hall of fame. She said she would love to, but that you had to remember she was with someone and that sorta crushed you but you didn't let her see that. You ran into Nia who was talking with the lovely backstage interview Kayla Braxton, a beautiful tiny little mocha skinned girl who had that winning smile that always melted you. Nia hugged you and asked if you knew Kayla and you both say you hadn't and shake hands as Nia just smiles and just says "Honey this is...the guy…." And winks as Kayla seems to work up as she says "ooh" and then smiles. "I've heard a lot about you" she says as you look at Nia who just pinches your arm and heads off with a wave as she leaves the two of you standing there. She looks about and says "If you don't mind…" she turns and shows off her beautiful full ass as it hugged the dress she wore. She begins to strut towards a office and looks back to see if you were following and you just shook your head with a chuckle and followed. You needed to start finding a way to pay all of these women back for setting you up, you thought as you went to the office and Kayla shuts the door, locking it as the blinds were already down. She quickly begins to strip off her clothes which catches you off guard as her dress falls and she steps out, her panties and bra following shit as she smiles and grabs at your belt, unhooking and letting it fall to the floor as she unbuttoned your jeans and takes your jeans and underwear down lass your knees. You tell her that she doesn't waste any time and she giggles as she takes your cock in her hand and replies casually "When I want something, I just take it…" and holding your dick at the base she begins to suck on your head and the first few inches, slowly working you more and more into her mouth as she moans, Kayla rubbing herself as she begins sloppily working her mouth onto six to seven inches, Kayla gagging and choking herself as you moan and grab the back of her head but she slaps your hand away as she looks up and a wag a finger, taking her mouth off as she says "Don't mess with the hair...they just prepped it…" and when re inserts your dick back into her wet mouth as she begins to fuck her own mout with your dick, deep throating you as saliva and drool begin to drip between her lips and cock and onto her chest and the floor. She does this manic suck and stroke for a good while and before you could really settle into getting use to her alternating, she stand and comes next to you, bending herself over the desk as she spreads one of her cheeks and hikes her right knee up onto the desk, giving you a prime position, and you quickly come up and push your saliva covered dick into her pussy, Kayla sucking her teeth as she curses and coos as you slowly sink seven inches deep, the extra room and your cocks wetness allowing you to begin easily thrusting in and out as she was relatively tight. Kayla begins moaning as she grips the table and keeps her balance as you grabbed her back and started rocking her backwards into you as thrusted in, sinking harder and deeper as your bodies were crashing together, both of you moaning each time your cock slammed inwards Kayla spasming after a moment, her cries broken and high as you felt an instant wetness coat your dick as she came hard. You slowed down a bit to let her recover but you didn't last very long as her pussy gripped your length snuggly and soon you felt the churning of a load, your speed increasing as Kayla cries out as she can feel you stretching her cunt. She tells you to cum and you so just that as she covers her mouth and spasm again, cumming just as you began to shoot an achingly powerful orgasm into her womb, spurt after creamy spurt coating her inner walls as she hugs the table and just giggles as she comes down from her own orgasm. 

You pulled out slowly and watched some cum fall out and you found a chair and sat down, catching your breath but she had other plans as she got off the table and dropped to her knees, taking you back inside of her mouth as she slurped and sucked all of her juices and your cum off and into her throat, her tongue lashing and circling all along your length as you groaned and felt your sensitive dick reacting just the way she wanted it too and as your cock hardened back up to the way she liked it she straddled in the chair and put you back inside her of, Kayla grabbing the back of the chair as she pushed her chest to your face and began to bounce,l, up and down she went as your drives into her cum filled pussy. She cries out and uses the chair to force her hips down as you kissed and then licked your tongue against both of her breasts as they bounced in your face, your tongue flicking  against her brown nipples as she cums once you started to do this, but she never slowed down, her cunt only grinding for a few moments before she went back to bouncing. You gripped her hips and began to help her as she came down with my force, Kayla screaming out "yes!" Each time you slammed her down and before long she viced your dick with her pussy muscles and at that moment you felt your cock beginning to throb, Kayla driving down without paying any attention as she was sweaty and lost in lust. You cry out that you're cumming and she suddenly stops and jumps off, dropping to her knees as she takes you into her mouth and strokes your cock fast, working the cum out and soon you grab the chair arms and buck, Kayla keeping a tight grip as she begins moaning as she slurps down your second load, Kayla's throat moving as you can see her swallowing your jism down hungrily. You felt dizzy as you just laid back and let her keep sucking and stroking and before long she took her mouth off and gulped loudly as she giggled and touched her lips as she stands and caresses your face. "Glad you're back. You keep up the good work, okay?" She winks at you and you just give a weak thumbs up as she laughs and steps into her dress, you gather your jeans as she asks for your help to zip her up which you do. She puts her heels back on and kisses you softly before she leaves as you put your belt back on and just chuckle to yourself. Yeah, it was great to be back for sure.

You worked the show and afterwards caught up with some of the guys, Alisteir gave you a big hug and Zelina had even teared up. Asuka screamed at you and then hugged you before she gave a very Asuka like warning that she was going to find you again when you were one hundred percent. You laughed and let Taeler know you'd be back soon as you got settled with your manager and then left, checking your surroundings as you had become paranoid a tad. You saw everything was clear and drove home, drinking down Gatorades as you figured you would need it. When you got to the air bnb you walked right in and called for Taeler who wasn't anywhere in sight as you had come in but you heard her call for you in the bedroom and also another voice you believed you knew but didn't make any assumptions until you smirked, leaning against the door frame. Taeler was stark naked and laying on her back, as a naked blonde was eating her out, her nice ass wiggling as she was licking fast and furiously as Taeler sees you and smiles. You watched as the woman turned and smiled as she said hello, and you knew her to be one of the newer backstage hosts, McKenzie Mitchell. She was a true knock out from head to toe and you and her had had many little chats since she came into the company. She always seemed to be a bit of a flirt but nothing that ever told you she would be nude in your bed licking out one of your friends. Taeler asks if you know each other and McKenzie says you talk every now and then. Taeler giggles as McKenzie goes back to eating her out as Taeler explains they had become friends during the Indies and never lost contact even after they went their separate ways. You get behind McKenzie as you had stripped yourself named and hiked her knees up so her ass was pointing up and you slowly began to lap at her pussy from behind, McKenzie moaning out before she lifts her head and coos "oh shit" with a giggle but Taeler takes her by the blonde hair and forces her face back down into her pussy as McKenzie was getting orally lapped up from your fast moving tongue. McKenzie cries out after a minute and pushes herself back into you as she came on your tongue, your mouth slurping at her as Taeler was rubbing one of her massive natural breasts and crying out as McKenzie had brought her to an orgasm. You couldn't handle the moans and noises from both women and you soon got up onto your knees and lined your cock up with McKenzie's pussy, slowly pushing in as her cunt wrapped your dick with a nice warm tightness, McKenzie crying out that you were too big but Taeler tells her to just relax and you slowly rock your hips, getting use to an inch every few moments as she was gasping and whimpering as her cunt made it almost impossible to get five inches in. You grit your teeth and work with what you have as you start to drive yourself in and out of her, McKenzie no longer able to focus on eating out Taeler as her head was arches back and she was moaning and crying out each time you drove into her a bit harder, Taeler leaning up as she scoots herself under McKenzie and begins to suck on her breasts as you gripped her hips and kept driving into her listening as she cries out and then began to shake as she bucked back and groaned wildly as her cunt became soaking wet which allowed you to start stroking another inch which made her moan out even louder as she came again not much longer after you increase your velocity. You feel your orgasm beginning to take shape and Taeler hears McKenzie cry out that she can feel you throbbing and Taeler scoots herself further down to where her mouth is right under McKenzie's cunt as she moans at the sight of your hard cock slamming in and out and before long you strain and grunt out loudly as you hold McKenzie back to you as you began draining a load of cum deep inside of her, McKenzie moaning out as she was sweating and panting wildly as you pulsed and spurted thick ropes of cum all into her womb. Taeler reaches up and massages your balls and as your slowly pull out she lifts her head up and opens her mouth, tongue out as she begins catching the cum that drips out of McKenzie's pussy as McKenzie was gripping the sheets and moaning out as Taeler slurped and licked her pussy wildly. You watch this sight and feel your arousal creep back as you wiped your cock and get back onto the bed grabbing Taeler as you pull her and spread her legs, slipping inside of her as she moans and begins to giggle as you work your cock in out of her, McKenzie laying on her back beside Taeler as the two begin kissing as McKenzie rubs her pussy as she fingers some cum back inside as you slam into Taeler, loving the way her natural breasts heaved up and down as your cock spears her cunt. You thrust for minutes Taeler eventually cries out from a body shaking orgasm that causes her to push you off as you smile as she curls up and just shakes as her pussy was leaking liquid as you see McKenzie looking at you as you come and get between her legs, pushing inside her cunt as your both moan out and she rubs your chest as you begin working your dick slowly, Taeler coming too as she groans and weakly moves up next to McKenzie as she lifts McKenzie's head up and puts it on her knee as she rubs her hair and begins to talk dirty to her as McKenzie bites her bottom lip and giggles as you begin working even faster inside her, McKenzie rocking against Taeler as Taeler leans forward and kisses you as you begin slamming into McKenzie at a ferocious rate. McKenzie cums and her pussy spasms and vices your pistoning cock and you feel the churn of another orgasm. You cry out and Taeler tells you to cum in her just as McKenzie begins to beg for as she screams out with every thrust as you grunt and work your hips so fast that the sound of your skin slamming against her fills the entire room and straining you close your eyes and let it all go, rope after rope of thick warm cum flooding her womb as she coos and rubs her hands along Taeler's legs as you pull out and watch McKenzie make out with Taeler as she rubs her swollen pussy lips. 

The two girls cuddle and talk to each other as you took a shower and you came and laid down as the two women draped themselves over you and began a fun night of on and off oral sex and fun conversation. Before long the girls were out and you had gotten a water and took a moment to think about all the craziness that comes with your life. You crossed Kayla Braxton and McKenzie Mitchell off of your list and went to lay between the two beautiful that were asleep in your bed. 


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