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Chapter 31- Sarah Logan(Rowe)

The List-Sarah Logan (Rowe)

You had become friends with Sarah Rowe aka Sarah Logan when she arrived at NXT, and her husband Raymond became a good pal of yours through your friendship with Sarah. They had always invited you out to their place but you never took them up on their offers until Raymond, who was going on an overseas tour had asked you to go and check up on her as she was going stir crazy apparently. You weren't really wanting to do so, cuz you knew Raymond has known about some of your hookups with married women, but he assures you it's okay and has already told Sarah you were going. Great, you thought. 

Feeling obligated you worked you week and then packed a bag, driving the six hours out to the Rowes place where Sarah was waiting on the porch, rubbing her dig as she waves at you and stands. "You little bitch, you actually showed up" she gave you a big hug as you asked how she was doing. She shrugs as she seems a bit down. "I've been better". She had been released from the company and though her husband was still employed, she felt diminished compared to her other friends in the business who she felt she was a harder worker then. You sat on the porch with her and let her vent for a good hour, eventually hugging her as she had started to cry. This hurt you cuz you knew how much she loved the business. And even with her frustrations since leaving NXT, she always thought she would have had a chance to shine. That chance never came. You felt for her and eventually she wipes her face and offers to show you around. 

Their house was quaint and they lived like Minimalists, a lot of barn space and pens as she began to take you down one of their game trails where they hunt. She was very vibrant talking about this life and you admit you probably never could. She teases you about that but you just admit to being a man who likes some comforts of the modern world. That's when Sarah replies casually "Like a bed for all those bitches you be banging". You laugh and say of course and she turns away, her cheeks a little red as she stops you half way down the trail. "You should appreciate nature more. I can show you how" she turns and then drips to a knee on the dirt path as she pulls at your belt. You step back and ask her what she's doing and she just grins and says "I already told Raymond what I wanted and he sent you. So trust me, it's okay…" and with that you didn't move again as she aggressively took your jeans down past your knees and pulled your boxers down the same way as your hardening cock sprung forth. She runs her hands across your cock length before she begins to stroke it with both hands. "Fuck you're big... I've never had one this big…" she begins to start licking and sucking in your head and tip before she starts to slowly work her mouth against your length, eventually getting five inches in as she slurps and gags herself, bobbing her mouth faster as she begins to suck your cock wildly. You grab the back of her head and decide to buck your hips forward, Sarah looking up at you as she watches your cock forcefully begin to move in and out of her. Sarah choking and gagging as she tried to pull away but you don't let her at first. You let go and she pulls away eventually looking at you with teary lustful eyes as she grabs your legs and pulls you down as she causes you to fall into your ass, Sarah standing as she unzips her khaki shorts and slips one leg out as she wasn't wearing panties, and she straddles you as you feel her heat lining up over your cock. "Let me show how fun it is to get dirty" and with that she lowers her cunt onto your cock, both of you crying out as she was tight and wet, her pussy adjusting to your length and girth as she only works about five inches in before she starts to move her hips and down, your body feeling the grass and dirt shifting under you as Sarah was rocking herself downward, grunting and moaning as she worked an inch regularly inside of her as she looked at you and snarled, going faster as she did so which just makes you smile as you grab her hips and hold on as she begins to fuck herself onto your dick more and more wildly as her aggressive  downward thrust and her grunting makes your balls begin to churn as you feel an orgasm beginning to form. You tell your about to cum and she screams that she knows and can feel it and suddenly shudders as she began to cum, her pussy clenching your dick tightly as this extra pressure was enough to draw your orgasm out as you grunted and screamed out gutterally as you began to full Sarah's pussy with your cum, thick ropey globs if got jism pouring inside of her as she still worked herself down and up in your jerking cock. 

She slowly stood up and began to strip her top off as you just laid there, gathering yourself as your cock was covered in cum and juices as she got herself completely nude except for her hike books. "You better get your ass up and put that dick back in me... I've  waited a long time for this…" this comment surprises you as she gets on her hands and knees and wiggles her ass at you as she tells you to lick both of her sweaty holes. You get onto your knees behind her and lean down doing justnthsty, running your tongue over her pussy as you can taste your cum in her pussy lips as you then lick up and down over her asshole, Sarah giggling as she howls out as your tongue licked over sweaty balloon knot. Before long you couldn't take anymore and leaning up you push inside her cunt again, Sarah crying out as you sunk six and half inches in and began to work it nearly all the way out before slamming back in, Sarah growling and groaning as you gripped her nice ass and used your hands on her hips to aggressively work her against you cock as your knees were scraping up in the ground as she just moaned and slammed her hips back, the sound of her hips thrusting back into you as the slapping sounds of your skin was a motivator to go faster and harder.

You don't know how long you two had been out there, but you were looking sweat as Sarah was getting dirt and muck stuck to her knees and arms and hands as she would constantly adjust her position as you worked in and out of her pussy, and as you sweated, grunted and thrusted wildly for as long as you could your orgasm had built up quickly and suddenly. You cried out and began to jerk and pulse as your cock began spurting out cum into her womb and before long you pulled out after the first three big ones and began to stroke the rest over her ass cheeks, Sarah smirking as she wiggled her ass and twerked a bit as the rest of your orgasm sprayed and landed on her sweaty back and ass cheeks. You watch as she runs a hand over her ass before she laid flat on the ground and stretches, moaning as she rolls her body on the trail and rubs her thighs as she is covered in dirt, branches and grass. You smirked watching as some cum had dripped out and she had rubbed it against her skin, Sarah pinching her breasts as she gets up and begins down the trail. "Come on, get you follow me .." she giggles and heads off as you stand and follow, leaving your clothes where they were as she leads you a half mile down the trail and through some brush and trees that lead down to a little Creek. "I love it here. I come down here everyday with the dogs or Raymond". She takes your hand and leads your near the creek bed and wraps her arms around your neck as kisses you, her breasts pressing against you as the two of you kiss tenderly as she rubs her body against yours, moaning as you can feel her want and desire still, a clearly insatiable appetite from a woman you knew was wild. She broke the kiss and tugged in your cock with her dirty hands as she looked in your eyes and asked you to fuck her one more time, and she begins to to go down, holding onto you as she gets on to her back and wraps her legs behind yours, her boots kicking against your thighs as she has head near the water as the ground was wet and cold and muddy. She just keeps her eyes on you and tells you she needs you as she begins stroking your cock, which is raw and tender but slowly beginning to grow as you kiss her, feeling the need and want to make her happy. Soon you can feel your cock being hard enough and wasting no time, she slips your head inside and let's you sink the rest of your hardening inches inside till her pussy tightens with nearly seven inches in. She grips the ground and moans as she came once you had started to thrust slowly inside her, Sarah slapping your back as she came and writhed against you, panting wildly as she moans happily. 

You didn't know how long this was going on dorz but you didn't want to stop. She was gripping your ass with her muddy hands as her hair was wet and muddy, the sound of her body being driven into the mud was amazing as your cock was plunging in and out of her with a reckless abandon as she leans up and kisses you, asking you to never stop as she cries out and orgasms again. This one was extremely intense and she shook and writhed as her pussy clenched so hard you could hardly move, this passes a few more later and soon your cock begins to throb and your balls churn as you tell her your going to cum again, Sarah begging you to as you drive into her harder and then grunt out as your third orgasm escaped your body and shot deep in Sarah, Sarah writhing as she came again, your bucking into her and the feeling of your cock stretching her as you came was just too much for her. You collapsed onto her a sweaty and dirty mess as she just growls and bites at your ear as she rubs her hands all along your body. 

The two of you eventually take a dip in the creek to clean up a bit and talk about what she planned to do next, as the sun was setting you began back towards the trail and grabbed your clothes as you reach her house. She tells you not to get changed and makes dinner in the buff which was silly and cute to you, and the two of you ate and just conversed for a long while. When the moon came out she decided she needed more and she took you to a pen, sucked you till you were hard and rode you hard and fast, howling and groaning and moaning as she bucked up and down for fifteen minutes, cumming hard twice before you came inside her for a fourth time. It wasn't long after that that you finally got to take a shower and rest, Sarah awakening you in the morning with a blowjob that you blew a large load down her throat before you were even fully awake. You laid together for a bit before you helped her out around the place before deciding to head out before she kept you there any longer. You had a tour coming up and you didn't want to be too exhausted. She kisses you and thanks you for coming out as she tells you not to be a stranger. You promise you won't be and get in your car, leaving with a smirk as you crossed Sarah Logan off of your list. 


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