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Chapter 16- Britt Baker/Aubrey Edwards

The List-Britt Baker/Aubrey Edwards

Having spent the first few days with Cathy since your "suspension" had started you had tried to keep yourself busy. But aside from getting in Cathy's way during her calls and social media posts and having the type of sensual and passionate sex with her, the days were starting to drag and you were beginning to get a bit stir crazy. It didn't help that Io had begun to call and text again as she had returned from Japan. She wanted all the details of why you were suspended and you know Cathy says she understood how you felt about Io, so when she would walk by and hear you speaking Japanese, she knew who it was with. And she would smile and excuse herself and you could tell there was a sadness behind that smile. You did your best to not let it affect you, but it was. 

You sat on her couch when she came up behind you and told you to get out of the house, which you hadn't since you got there. She tells you to call one of your friends in the other company as they 're hosting a show a few hours from Cathy's. You told her about Stephanie's very clear instructions but she reminds it was for working, not just going as a fan and hanging out. You tell her she's right and she straddles you, kissing you as she agrees, you smirking to yourself as she caresses your face. 

Truthfully, you found AEW to be a perfectly great addition to the business. It was a competition, and to be honest, you thought the product was better, but the stability wasn't what WWE was and so you had no real intention of leaving. But It was nice to see so many guys land there and succeed. You knew a few of them from their ties with New Japan and so putting a call in you secured yourself a ticket and a backstage pass and dressed, kissing Cathy on the head as you headed out. She told you to be safe and have fun and you got in your car and began your drive to the venue. 

3 hours later you arrive and are less inside by an assistant who brings you to a back area where you meet up with the Bucks and Cody who was getting the final walkthroughs underway. It was great to see them and eventually you run into Kenny and Riho, who gave you a big hug as Kenny always lit up when you came around though it had been a few years. You were introduced to some new faces and we're glad to share with some others, Jericho was always really receptive to you but you always thought it was because of respect for your dad. Talking with some guys a few hours before Showtime you watched as Aubrey Edwards, possibly the most over referee in the business, had come towards you and spotting you she waved and ran over, and you picked her up and hugged her tightly as she was extremely happy to see. You and Aubrey went back and you were glad to see her, she had just finished recording a podcast and wanted to catch up but she didn't have much time and so she gave you her hotel card and told you to meet up with her after the show. You agree and wander around talking up anyone who wanted to chat before you went and took your seat to watch the broadcast. The show was as always a solid two hours, and as people began to leave the venue you went back and congratulated everyone, Aubrey tapping you in the shoulder as her luscious lips were still a bright crimson from her trademark lipstick. She tells you she's gonna change and then you could ride with her to the hotel. She turns and heads off and you admire her ass in those ref pants, but your attention is turned back to Nick Jackson when he asks you to come to their hotel room later for some beers and relaxing. You say of course and text Cathy that you were probably going to be staying out that night and she replies with a "of course you were dummy lol", which causes you to smile as Aubrey had come back and holding her gear bag told you to follow. 

The two of you caught up about how life was over the last few years, Aubrey taken aback by my recent string of events but she says she wasn't really surprised. You express how happy you were for her and her newfound success and exposure which makes her smile as the two of you talk about your time in the indies. She asks how your mom was and how the "other guys" were viewing them. By the time you reached the hotel and got to her room you had spilled a lot to her. It was nice, someone outside the WWE bubble that could be a ear. She gave you the extra hotel room card in case the party went long and either of you decided to dip out early and she claims the far right full size bed in the two bed hotel room. You and Aubrey keep talking and order some food and after about an hour Nick texts you the room number they were going to hang in. You two finish eating and head on over. 

The hotel room was packed with faces you knew and didn't know, but it was all good as everyone was warm and receptive, and the beer was flowing. Hangman and Dustin were arguing about some move the other could or couldn't do and Nick Jackson was going over some pointers with Jungle Boy. Aubrey had been drawn into a conversation with Big Swole and Kenny which left you to talk with Billy Gunn, Matt Jackson and Britt Baker. Britt was Adam Cole's girlfriend and you had run into at some takeovers you had worked but you never really spoke with her. You finished off a beer and Britt had given you another, the two of you beginning to talk separately from Gunn and Matt as she was voicing some frustrations she had with the business in general, things you could relate too. Every now and then you would catch Aubrey looking over at you but you didn't pay much mind to it as Britt was going on and on, your voice only acquired to say a few words at a time, but to be honest you weren't that upset, looking at Britt was a treat as she was rather gorgeous and tho she wasn't the most talented wrestler, you understood why she was getting the push she was getting. "So, how's your love life going?" She randomly asks after deciding she had enough talking about herself. You tell her the semi truth and then mention that you were sorta with Cathy, which you immediately realize was a mistake as Britt's demeanor changed immediately as you had forgotten that Britt was dating Adam Cole, who had been sleeping with Cathy for a point and time while still dating Britt. You apologize but she just drinks and sorta shuts down, which you understood completely. You pull yourself away from her and thankfully Hangman and Brandon Cutler were there for the rescue, asking your opinion about this and that. The time ticked away and some people had left but the party was still going well into the night. Every now and then you would catch that gaze from Aubrey and then the stare from Britt. You paid no mind as you felt tipsy after your fifth beer and it was as you went for the sixth beer that a hand gripped your wrist and pulled you out of the room. You looked back and saw Aubrey watching you before the door closed, turning back you saw a determined faced Britt Baker pulling you along to Aubrey's room, pulling your cars out of your pocket and opening the door as she dragged you inside and shut the door aggressively. 

She slapped you across the face before holding a finger in your face. "You're gonna help me get back at the two timing shit head I call a boyfriend...and your little bitch too" you try to speak to calm her down but she isn't hearing it as she was already taking her clothes off, the sight of her breasts being exposed and the angry look in her eyes caused your body to react as you knew it would, and deciding it was best to just go with it you lower your pants and step out as Britt had gotten fully nude, a sight to behold even through the hazy beer goggles. She got to her knees and violently tugged your underwear down, unsheathing your thick rod as she looked at it before touching it slowly as if to see if it were real. "Yeah...yeah this'll do" she remarks to herself before she pulls her phone out and begins recording and taking pictures as she started to suck your cock, you wanted to protest about the phone but the sight of her taking you down her mouth as she would stop and pose and give looks with your cock in her mouth was really hot if you were being honest. And so you just closed your eyes and relaxed, letting her stroke and suck and take pictures as she was sucking away like she was dying of thrust, eventually putting the phone down as she strokes your cock with one hand and would take as much of you down her throat, saliva and drool pouring out her mouth and between her lips. A few minutes pass before she stops, standing up as she grabs you and pulls you to the full sized bed that Aubrey had claimed, Britt knocking her stuff off of the bed as she pushed you onto the bed and got back between your knees, holding her phone up as she put the tip of your cock in her mouth and took a picture. She then handed it to you. "film this...I wanna get you blowing a load in my mouth, Adam should like that" you take it and aim the camera on her face as she was taking you down her throat, the sight of her ever so often looking into the camera lens with a throat full of your cock was becoming too much and you felt your cock was about to explode as your balls churned. She must've felt the throbbing because she then began to bob her mouth up and down faster, sucking and slurping loudly as you cried out and then did your best to hold the camera as she jumps and moans as she then began stroking your cock as your cock twitched and spasmed as you were firing long thick ropes of cum down her throat. You were shaking as you kept the camera rolling on her face which lets you cock fall out with a loud plop, Britt wiping her mouth before opening it and showing some cum was still in her mouth but she closes her mouth and gulps and sticks her tongue back out to show that she had swallowed it.

She takes the camera and stops the recording, starting the video over as she watches herself as you just sit there, collecting your thoughts as Britt nods and stands. "Good but not good enough" she gets into the bed and moves you into a prime position, Britt hovering over your cock as she reached down and began to stroke your cock near her pussy "you're gonna fuck me and I'm gonna let you blow a load inside me...I want Adam to see what I know he did with your little cunt…" you go to protest but your cock was hard again in her hands and she doesn't let you say a word as she lowered herself down, six inches sinking inside her wet cunt as she began to ride you, doing more of a grind as your cock was stirring inside her, a sensations unlike what you were use too. You grip her hips and just hold on as she was grinding and rocking and stirring her pussy against your cock as she did this until she stopped and cried out from a rather intense orgasm as her cunt became extremely wet. You take this moment to start bouncing her hips up and down as you begin to thrust, Britt moaning as she grabs her phone and starts to record herself as you do your best to get her to react, which she does as the sound of your cock slamming inside her cunt filled the room, Britt cumming again as she suddenly stopped recording as the door to the room opened and Aubrey came inside, Aubrey looking at the two of you as she processed and then went to leave but Britt tells her to shut the door and come sit by her. You watch as Aubrey does so timidly, you stop but only for a moment as Britt looks at you. "I tell you to stop?" Aubrey looks at you and you look away as you rock your hips as Britt smirks and tells Aubrey to come over. She does and Britt pulls her into a kiss before shoving the phone into her hands. "Help me record this next part would ya?" She says more demanding than anything, Aubrey just taking the phone as Britt gets off of your dick and Britt lays on her back against Aubrey, who was holding her up as Britt spread her legs and fingered you to get between them. You do as you're told also and get between her legs, Aubrey looking at your swinging cock as you can see the wheels turning but Britt pulls you down and puts you inside as Britt snaps her fingers at Aubrey to focus on your dick going inside her. You push inside Britt as she moans out and giggles as she reached up and runs Aubrey's chest as Aubrey just keeps the camera steady as you start thrusting inside Britt again, seven inches slinging in and out of her as Britt moans and cries out as Aubrey would look you in the eyes and then look back down, Britt grabbing you by the hips as she wants you to go harder which you doz Britt bouncing against Aubrey as you were spearing her cunt, the friction and the sight of Aubrey and Britt beginning to be too much to handle and you cry out that you're about to cum. Britt quickly takes the camera from Aubrey and tells her to hold her up, which Aubrey does as she aims the camera at her pussy as she watches through the camera lens as your cock pulses and then throbs, a second powerful orgasm ripping through it and dumping inside her womb, Britt moaning out and saying "fuck yes" as the sight of you cumming inside her at a close up must've been quite the sight for her and Aubrey. She makes you take the camera as she wants you to slowly pull out and show it, you doing as she asked as you pull out slowly, moving the camera in closer so she can have the close she really wanted, another man's cum being pushed out of her pussy. And down her thighs and onto the bed sheets. 

Britt scoots back and off of Aubrey as she swings her legs over the bed and takes her phone from your hands as she stands and stretches. "I'm gonna take a shower" she announces before strolling confidently into the bathroom and shutting the door, Your gaze staying frozen as you didn't want to look at Aubrey but the tension was getting to you and so you looked at her and as you did you felt her lips locking to yours. You're a bit thrown off but you lean in after a moment as she began to kiss you feverishly, putting you onto your back as she was laying over your nude body, her hands eventually finding their way between you as she began to jerk you, something about her grip making your cock react instant even though you had just had two relatively quick orgasms. Maybe it was the fact she was a ref, but the grip was perfectly snug and soft and her growing moaning and panting as she was kissing you, was only making this hotter as she eventually moved her body to the side and pulled herself away from you, turning her back to you face as she began to suck on your growing cock, your hands gripping the bed as it was still sensitive from cummin in Britt. Aubrey stroked and sucked like a pro, the sound of her slurping down your thick and her tongue swirling along your tip as she was still jerking you off was causing you to see stars as it was perfect. She stood up after a moment and stripped her clothes off, revealing her beautiful best and her fat ass, your dick twitching as you saw her lipstick marks all over the first few inches as she got back onto the bed and laid beside you, her ass brushing against your cock as she wrapped your arm around her neck as she look backed and watched your face as she lifted her leg, giving your cock access to her pussy. You scooted yourself into position and pushed inside her, the tip struggled to get in as she was extremely tight, and as you sank a little deep you could feel her gasping and moaning out loudly, your mouth kissing the small of her back and up her neck as she began to rock herself against you as you held her leg up with your free arm, your hips moving sideways and driving your cock into her pussy as you fucked her in this spooning position. Your dick was aching as it had already been fucked raw by Britt but you wanted to please Aubrey so badly and she clearly had wanted this too because she had cum a numerous amount of times within the six to seven minutes that you were fucking her this way, eventually she had moved her head to meet yours and you kissed as you kept driving your cock into her pussy, Aubrey moaning out loudly as she was losing herself with you, and eventually you pull out and pull her towards the middle of the bed as you get between her legs and stick your cock back inside her pussy, her legs wrapping around your thighs as she gripped your ass and began to beg for you to go harder, she wanted to have as much of you inside her she admits and you oblige as you start to fuck her passionately band hard, her breasts heaving as she cried out and held onto your ass as you fucked her the way she wanted you too. You hear the door to the bathroom eventually open as Britt comes out in a robe given by the hotel and snickering at the sight she just collects her clothes and comes over, slapping you on the back. "Tell your whore I said hi. And thanks for the video, should be a good fuck you to Adam when he pisses me off next time. Aubrey, see you later" and with that she walked out of the room. You looked at Aubrey who just smiled as she shook her. "Fuck her. Just..let's forget her please…" you nod and lean down kissing her as she begins moaning again as you started grinding your hips instead of thrusting, Aubrey wrapping her arms around your neck as she gasped and sucked in her teeth as you stirred six inches inside her perfectly fitting cunt. She came again not longer after you started grinding and feeling your balls churning as her cunt had constricted on your dick like a vice you tell her you're going to cum. She just nods and tells you not to stop as so you begin thrusting again, but this was your third load in about an hour and so you knew you were going to have to work for it, and she holds on for dear life as you begin to piston your dick into her pussy. You can feel her having another orgasm from the speed you were driving into her and after a good few minutes you groan out and bury your dick deep inside Aubrey, letting your load pump and pulse into her awaiting womanhood, her womb getting a decent amount of seed for a third load. Aubrey breaths relaxed and satisfied as she runs the back of your head and neck and kisses your lips softly as you collapsed near her as your cock stayed inside her, twitching and jerking for a few more minutes before you slipped out and laid beside her, Aubrey curling up in your arms as the two of you soon drifted to sleep. 

You awoke to see Aubrey was in the bathroom taking a shower and checking your phone you see that you missed some calls and a message from. Io. The most surprising thing was from two numbers, one you knew and one you didn't. The one you knew was from Nikki Cross and simply said "Naughty boy! Finally read with your promise hehe gonna be a surprise surprise! Call me and I'll tell you where to meet me! Xoxo ;)" Forward enough and makes you smirk but you read the second one and get a different vibe. It simply said "If you're half as good as I'm hearing then why not prove it, asshole. Four days…" and an address that was attached to the message. Who the hell was this? Your curiosity started to get to you but Aubrey came out not soon after drying off with a towel as she had another towel wrapped around her body. "Well...that got crazy" she says with a laugh and you agree, the two of you doing your best to make things normal but you knew it wasn't anymore. You guys dress and talk things over, deciding to chalk it up as a one night only type of thing and leave it at that. You head downstairs and meet up with some of the guys who ask you to come aboard, jump show, be one of their go to handymen. You decline but say you'll show up to a few more shows before you have to go back to work and you genuinely mean that. You give handshakes, hugs and dap and Aubrey gives you a cheek kiss as they see you off. You walk the few miles to the venue where you left your car and decide to zone out with music on the three hour ride back to Cathy's. But between last night, whatever the mystery number was and Nikki's alluring text, you didn't have much time to zone as you would've liked. Before you finally were able to settle an hour or so into the drive you brought up the names Britt Baker and Aubrey Edwards and crossed them off the list. 


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