Y/n's POV
Me and Tsukune are waiting for the others to arrive here at the bus stop near the tunnel. Tsukune can't help it but to walked back and forth.
Y/n: "Can you calm down man?"
Tsukune: "Sorry can't help it. I'm kinda nervous."
Y/n: "Were finally going back to the Human world. What are you so nervous about?"
Tsukune: "Well....."
Moka: "Tsukune!"
We turn around and saw Moka running towards us and she was just wearing casual clothing. I look over to Tsukune and he was blushing.
Moka: "Sorry to make you guys wait."
Tsukune(Blushing): "I-It's fine, we just got here."
I lean over to Tsukune and whisper something on his ear.
Y/n(Whisper): "Aren't you gonna say something about her dress?"
Tsukune(Blushing): "O-Oh, I-I like your dress Moka."
Moka(Blushing): "T-Thank you Tsukune."
I move away from them to give them their own space.
Tsukune: "Moka."
Moka: "Tsukune."
They're face are getting close to each other every time they say their names.
Tsukune: "Moka."
Moka: "Tsukune."
Kurumu: "Hey guys! Sorry were late!"
The two of them immediately separated when they heard Kurumu's voice.
Yukari: "Are you two alright? You look red."
Y/n: "They're fine."
Then I felt a very cold hug behind me.
Y/n: "Hey Mizore."
Mizore: "Hi Y/n."
The bus arrived and we saw that Ms. Nekonome is already on-board with the driver.
Nekonome: "Is everyone ready? This will be the Newspaper Club's very first trip to the Human World! So everybody must be in their best behavior alright?"
Tsukune: "Wait, where's our President?"
Kurumu: "He's in remedial class, because he got so many red marks on the test
Nekonome: "Now let's get on board!"
We all hopped into the bus and heading back to the Human World. Tsukune is sitting next to Moka, Kurumu next to Yukari and Mizore is next to me I was sitting near the window.
I looked outside the window and I only saw some strange color that I'm only guessing that its tunnel used to cross between worlds. After a few minutes, I can see finally see buildings, houses, and humans. And we can see the beach from the distance.
Tsukune: "I'm back!"
Kurumu: "You’re pretty happy Tsukune."
Yukari: "Yeah, the way you say 'I'm Back' is like you’re an actual human."
Y/n: "Well it's because Tsukune used to lived here in the Human World before. Right Tsukune?"
Tsukune: "U-Uh, Y-Yeah that's right."
Y/n: "Actually I live here."
Everyone: "Huh?"
All of them looked at me surprised and Mizore leaned on my shoulder.
Mizore: "You never told me that."
Y/n: "Well, you never asked."
The bus driver drop us at the beach and drive back to the tunnel. Everyone change to their swim suit and started playing volleyball except for Mizore who is just sitting under the big umbrella, drooling while looking at me in topless.
Y/n: "If you keep your mouth open, your lollipop's gonna drop."
Mizore(Blushing): "O-Oh it's just you look hot.~"
Y/n: "Really? Then don't stare, you might melt.~"
I sat next to her and watch everyone playing volleyball.
Mizore: "You’re not going to play with them?"
Y/n: "As much I like to play, but I'm not a fan of heat."
Mizore: "Is that your excuse so you could sit here with me?"
Y/n: "Maybe."
Tsukune and the others were just finishing their game and they're walking towards us.
Tsukune: "Hey guys let's explore the hill top over there."
Y/n: "Alright, guess it's better that just sitting here. Come on Mizore."
Me and the others walk to the hill that Tsukune talked about. When we arrived, we saw a field of Sunflower.
Moka: "Wow, this field is so beautiful."
Yukari: "Yeah I wish I got a camera."
Then we saw a couple talking about this place.
Boy: "Come on let's explore this place."
Girl: "I can't I'm too scared!"
Boy: "What's so scary about this place?"
Girl: "Haven't you heard? That this place is called The Witches Hill. And anyone who trespasses here never came back."
Boy: "Alright let's get back, it's not fun to explore alone."
The two of them went back to the beach.
Kurumu: "The Witches Hill?"
Yukari: "Hey, I'm not that kind of witch that traps humans!"
Moka: "Maybe it's just a story that scares humans here."
Tsukune: "Yeah, maybe Moka's right. Let's get back."
We were about to get back to the beach but I felt something that very familiar coming to us. Our way was block by red spider web a like and some demons came from the ground.
Tsukune: "What are those things?!"
Kurumu: "I don't know but they look like they're just dancing."
Y/n: "Everyone get back. Those are demons, I'll take care of them."
Mizore: Are you sure? They're many of them."
Y/n: "Just trust me. This is my usual daily routine before. And its looks like you going to see what I really am."
Mizore: "What do you mean?"
I ignore her and rush the Scarecrows. I summon the Force Edge and do the Combo-A. Then I used Round Trip to gather some of them while giving them some damage and I summoned some spectral swords around Tsukune and the others to protect them.
Then I summoned Gilgamesh and punch each Scarecrow and they exploded on each hit. I charged to Gilgamesh and punch the ground creating a shock-wave, knocking them back and some just exploded.
Every time I kill them some still coming out.
Y/n: "When will these guys learn how to give up?"
I brought out Agni & Rudra and they started talking because I kinda like them to talk.
Y/n: "Hey guys, we got work to do."
Agni: "Hello again Y/n."
Rudra: "Back to business as usual huh? I thought you should be at school right now?"
Y/n: "I'm on a trip and these clowns interrupt me. Now let's finish them off."
Agni/Rudra: "Right!"
I rushed in the middle of the Scarecrow and used Whirlwind. I entered Devil Trigger second stage to empower it. Many Scarecrows were disintegrated and only a few left. I rushed at the remaining Scarecrow and slash every each one of them until the red barrier blocking us broke like glass.
I walk toward the others and they were impressing, and I look over to Mizore and she had a worried or scare look on her face. Tsukune, Moka, Kurumu and Yukari felt the tense in the air they move away from us a few feet and I change back to my normal form.
Y/n: "I'm bet you hate me now because I'm a Demon, huh?"
She didn't say a word, her hair is covering her eyes and there were tears on her cheeks.
Y/n: "I'll take that a as yes. Don't worry I'll stay away from you from now on."
Being a Demon wasn't exactly the best for me. I never made friends before in my life because if they knew what I am, they will hate me and leave me. Being into Yokai Academy change that because I can be free from hiding under the shadows. But, I never exactly thought if a girl that likes me would find out if I'm a Demon.
Y/n: "I'll head back first. I'll see you guys there."
I turn around and walk off the field leaving every one.
Tsukune: "Y/n....."
Kurumu: "Y/n wait...."
Yukari: "Is this really happening?"
I arrive back at the beach and notice there are only few people left. I sit under the umbrella near my bag and thinking on what happen. I know many girls likes me because of my good looks from my dad, but no one ever likes me because of my Demon side.
I just sit there for a few minutes watching the water splash on the sands.
Mizore: "Y/n."
I look behind and saw Mizore just standing and her hair is still covering her eyes. I stand up and walk in front of her and we were only 5 feet away from each other.
Y/n: "Mizore. I know that you hate me because I'm a-"
I was interrupted when she kissed me in the lips and wraps her arms on my neck. I wrap my arms on her waist and we kissed passionately for 10 seconds. I look at her face and she was crying.
Mizore(Crying): "I don't care if you’re a Demon. You save me and that's enough for me to love you!"
Y/n: "Mizore...."
I never felt anything like this before. I guess this is what love really feels like. The only Demon to have a heart is Sparda.
Mizore(Crying): "I Love you Y/N!"
Y/n: "I love you too.... Mizore."
We were about to kiss again but we hear someone was clapping. We turn around and saw Tsukune, Moka, Kurumu and Yukari were clapping.
Moka: "Congratulations! Y/n, Mizore!"
Tsukune: "Yeah! Congratulations Y/n!"
Kurumu: "I'm so happy for the both of you!"
Yukari: "Congratulations on being a couple!"
Y/n: "Thanks, how long have you all been standing there?"
Yukari: "Long enough to see everything."
Y/n: "Okay..... The sun's going down, we better start making camp here. Come on."
Then Ms. Nekonome came and she was very wet. I'm guessing she swam to get some fish.
Nekonome: "Alright everyone, you can make the camp here while I'll go get some foods."
Moka: "But, we still have enough food for everyone here."
Nekonome: "The fresh fishes here are very healthy for all of you. So we better stack up while we’re here."
Tsukune: "Um… Is that the reason why were at the Human world?"
Nekonome: "A-Anyway, I'll leave the rest to you!
She then ran off leaving the others with a sweat drop.
Time Skip
Author's POV
It's night time, Tsukune and Y/n are carrying the container with food. He's having trouble carrying one while Y/n just carry 3 of them with ease.
Tsukune: "Why am I not surprise when you can carry it."
Yukari: "Hey Tsukune, need some help?"
Tsukune: "It's alright Yukari, this is the boys work. You can help the others."
She went to Moka and saw her cutting some food.
Yukari: "Hey Moka, do you need any help?"
Moka: "I'll be fine Yukari, I just don't want to to cut your finger."
She walked inside the tent and see Mizore preparing the sleeping bags. She noticed that there are only six bags.
Yukari: "Hey Mizore, there's only six of them when there's seven of us. Two will have to sleep together."
Mizore(Blushing): "That's exactly the plan."
Yukari realize what Mizore meant and she walk to the shore and sit on a log.
Yukari: "Why does everyone always treat me like a kid?"
She was about to cry but then she felt something strange on the Witches Hill. She walk up to the hill and look over the field of sunflowers.
Yukari: "The Witches Hill. Is there even any real witches here?"
She heard a twig snap and looked over the tree and saw someone is standing there.
???: "Don't be scare little witch, I mean you no harm. My name is Ruby, and I'm the witch that lives in these hills."
Yukari: "A witch? Wait how did you know my name?"
Ruby: "You were her during the day, yes? And I've been observing you because I never thought that I would meet another witch like me. Hey Yukari, I want to be your friend. Can I?"
Yukari: "I don't see why not."
Ruby: "Then it's okay right?!"
She run towards Yukari and hugged her like a stuff toy.
Ruby: "I hope we can get along together since were both witch!"
Y/n's POV
I'm just sitting near the camp fire waiting for the food. Then Tsukune noticed something.
Tsukune: "Hey, has anyone seen Yukari?"
Moka: "Now that you've mentioned it. I haven't seen her."
Y/n: "I think she went to the Hilltop at the sunflower field."
Kurumu: "How did you know?"
Y/n: "I can feel her Yokai energy. And she's not alone."
Tsukune: "Then we better go to her!"
He just runs towards the Hilltop alone.
Moka: "You mean that someone else is with her?"
Y/n: "Not sure, because I can feel hear energy and the other one is the same as her."
Kurumu: "Then I’m going with Tsukune."
Moka: "I'm coming with you."
Then the two of them followed Tsukune to the Hilltop leaving Me and Mizore alone.
Y/n: "You’re not coming with them?"
Mizore: "No, I just wanna be alone with you for once."
Shen then sits next to me and she's cuddling my arm.
Y/n: "It's kinda nice just us being here alone."
Mizore: "Yeah, I wish they would take their time."
Just then I felt Inner Moka's power in the Hilltop.
Y/n: "Looks like they won't give us a break, the beast has been unleash. Let's go see if they're still alive from her kick."
Nekonome: "Hello everyone I'm back! Wait where's everyone else?"
Mizore: "Ms. Nekonome, can you please watch everything while we get the others?"
Nekonome: "Oh sure dear! Just be careful alright?"
We then head to the Hilltop and saw that it was a mess. There were so many dead plants and there's a girl with a long black hair in a pink and black dress is unconscious on the ground. Then we saw Tsukune lying down on a pool of blood while Yukari and Kurumu is Crying.
Y/n: "What the hell happened here?"
Inner Moka: "My Outer me manage to awaken me while the Rosary is still in on."
Mizore: "How did that happen?"
Inner Moka: "I'm guess because of her emotions when she saw Tsukune got stab in the back.
I walk over to Tsukune's body and put my 2 finger on his neck and felt that he still has a pulse.
Y/n: "He's still alive, let's just cover his wound and he'll be fine."
Kurumu: "Then let's take him back to the camp!"
Y/n: "What should we do with that girl over there?"
Yukari: "We should take her with us. Let's explain to her that everything's a misunderstanding."
Inner Moka returned back of being Outer Moka. Mizore caught her before she fell on the ground. Kurumu and Yukari patch Tsukune's wound before they carry him back to the camp while Mizore carried Moka because she got exhausted of using her power while it's sealed. and I carried the girl back to the camp with the others.