Y/n' POV
It's been a few days since I had to deal with Kurumu, after that she just keep clinging her chest on Tsukune's arm. Right now were at the score board looking for our names.
Y/n: "I got 5th place, that ain't bad."
Moka: "I found mine!"
Tsukune: "Really? Where?"
Y/n: "She's at 2nd place."
Tsukune: "WHAT?!"
Y/n: "Wow Moka, you’re really smart huh?"
Tsukune: "I can't seem to find my name."
We help Tsukune find his name but I found it way at the back.
Y/n: "Hey found your name."
Tsukune: "Where?"
Y/n: "Over there, at the 195th."
He looked over at 195th and see that it's definitely his name.
Y/n: "Come on, 195th isn't that bad."
Tsukune: "Yes it is. I mean come on look, Moka is at 2nd and you’re at 5th."
Y/n: "Well, my Mom did said that if I don't do my studies she take all my weapons and won't return it."
Tsukune: "I wonder who's the 1st."
We look at the score board again to see the 1st place.
Y/n: "Yukari Sendo? Who's that?"
Moka: "I've heard of her but I never seen her before."
Then I saw a small girl with a cape and a big hat hiding behind the pillar like she's stalking us.
Y/n: "I didn't know that there's an Elementary here."
Moka: "What do you mean?"
I pointed the small girl behind the pillar and we saw that 3 guys were walking towards her. But I heard their conversation.
???:" As expected, your number 1 again. Guess you didn't skip grades for nothing huh? But don't get carried away, you'll suffer if you got too cocky."
Yukari: "Cocky?"
???: "For example your attire, It's completely against school rules."
Yukari: "This is..."
???: "Seriously as the class representative, your existence is a pain in the ass."
I was about to grab my guns and shoot the bastard but Yukari was holding a wand in her hand. She wave it in the air and suddenly a yellow pan dropped from the bastards head and she burst out laughing.
Yukari: "That serves you right you jerk!"
???:" Why you little bitch!"
I used Trickster to teleport behind that guy and grab his wrist and gripping it. And his 2 buddies were shock that I came out of nowhere.
???: "Wha? How did you...!"
Y/n: "You know, I don't really like bully's so I'm gonna leave you a choice. Leave the girl alone or Leave the girl alone without a hand?"
The guy growled at me and pick choice number 1 and he look at Yukari one more time."
???: "Your lucky that this guys came. Being the same class with a race like you really makes me puke. Let's go boys."
The three bastard walked away and Moka and Tsukune walked towards us while Yukari is still dumbfounded on what happen.
Moka: "Y/n, are you alright?"
Y/n: "Yeah, those guys were just a bunch of jokes."
Yukari: "Moka-san! Thank you so much for saving me!"
Moka: "Eh?! It wasn't me, it was Y/n that saved you."
Me, Tsukune, Moka and Yukari are at the cafeteria and were all just sitting on the table while Yukari keep clinging on Moka.
Yukari: "Thank you so much for saving me again Moka. My name is Yukari Sendo."
Y/n(Thinking): "Yeah, thank Moka for coming while I was just stopping the guy was about to hit you."
Moka: "I've heard about you, your younger by four years."
Tsukune: "Wait, if your four years younger that mean the you skipped grade right?"
Moka: "You must be really smart, and your cloths look nice too."
Yukari: "I-I-It's nothing really, beside your even more beautiful and I..I...I LOVE YOU!"
She tackle Moka and they both stumble on the floor. Tsukune suddenly got a nose bleed because he saw Yukari groping Moka's breast.
Yukari: "I've decided since you save me, I want you to be my Girlfriend!"
Moka/Tsukune: "WWWHHHAATT?!"
Y/n: "....wow.... a real live YURI."
Moka: "Umm about that Yukari-chan. I think we can just be friends."
Yukari: "Yay! I'm so happy!"
Me and Tsukune followed Moka and Yukari. Everyone we pass through was blushing because Yukari was groping Moka's breast and Tsukune was covering his nose to prevent blood from leaking out.
Yukari: "Wow, your breast is so much bigger up-close."
Moka: "T-This is b-bad, m-my strength is l-leaving me."
Tsukune: "Alright, stop it Yukari."
He ran in front of them.
Yukari: "Why are you still following us?"
Tsukune: "What do you mean?"
Yukari: "Tsukune Aono, your grades are so-so, Athletic abilities only rate of a human, and you’re not even good looking you look like those guys who lock themselves in there room, reading manga, eating only noodles and had never seen the sun before. I don't want my beloved Moka to be defiled by the likes of you, so begone!"
Yukari pulled out her magic wand and started swinging it around, Then I heard a rumbling noise coming from the lockers and suddenly all the brooms and bucket from the janitor's closet went flying and attacking Tsukune.
Tsukune: "What the hell?! Why is the broom suddenly went flying?!"
Yukari: "It's because of magic
Moka: "Magic?"
Yukari: "That right, I'm a Witch. From now on, I will punish everyone who comes near at Moka!"
Yukari turned to Moka and saw me behind her with my hand on the pocket and my other hand scratching the back of my head. Moka turn around and saw standing behind her.
Moka: "Y/n?"
Yukari: "Ah Y/n L/n. Decent looking, extremely athletic, grades with almost perfect, and yet not quite the talkative type. I find you such a bore. I might been kind enough to let you kiss the ground Moka walks at!"
She fire a brooms at me but I just tilted my head to the left and dodge it.
Yukari: "What?! it doesn't matter, this time I won't miss!"
She fired more brooms at me from behind so I used Quicksilver and turn around, then summon Yamato and used Judgement Cut. I un-summoned Yamato and stop Quicksilver, when the time was back to normal all the brooms exploded in to pieces shocking everyone.
Yukari: "Wha... What did you just do?!"
Y/n: "I'll tell you next time when you get older kid."
Author's POV
Y/n just walked away from the leaving then speechless and Yukari complaining that she's not a kid. They didn't know that 3 jerks was watching.
???: "That brat is getting cockier every minute."
Tsukune is at the nurse's office with Kurumu patching his face with band-aids.
Kurumu: "Yukari did this to you and Y/n?"
Tsukune: "Yeah, but Y/n avoided her attack first then somehow Yukari's second attack just exploded before it hit him."
Kurumu then did something unexpected. She ran up to the reader and complain.
She ran back at sit right next to Tsukune in the bed.
Kurumu: "Moka also told me everything about Y/n, he seems kinda nice for a jerk at all. Anyways, Yukari's attack seems very painful. Are you sure your alright?"
Tsukune: "Yeah I'll live. But thanks to her I can't even get close to Moka."
Kurumu: "I heard rumors about her she may be a genius, but she's still a spoil brat that always tease her classmates.
Kurumu did a cheeky grin and pouch Tsukune on the bed while he blushed madly knowing what will happen.
Tsukune suddenly punch himself in the face knocking him off the bed and shocking Kurumu.
Kurumu: "Why would you do that!? Are you Okay?"
He then groped Kurumu's breast earning a very sexy moan.
Kurumu: "AHH!~ Tsukune~ don't stop!~"
Tsukune: "W-W-Wait! I'm not doing this! I swear!"
Moka suddenly enter the nurse's office to check on Tsukune.
Moka: "Thank goodness, I finally lost Yuka-"
She didn't finish her sentence when she saw Tsukune on top of Kurumu and his hand was on her breast.
Tsukune: "W-Wait Moka! It's not what it looks like!"
Moka: "What are you two doing?! Your using your charm on him again didn't you?!"
Kurumu got up and start arguing with Moka while Tsukune suddenly fell again and pulling Kurumu's panties off. He look up and his nose becomes a fountain of blood while Moka looked very pissed off.
Moka: "Tsukune...."
Tsukune: "Wait Moka! It was an accident! I swear!"
They heard someone laughing and they look at the window and saw it was Yukari laughing real hard.
Moka: "Yukari...?"
When Moka spotted her, she made a run for it then she bump into someone."
Yukari: "Hey are you blind?! Watch where you.."
She looked up and saw Y/n with menacing look that can scare kids away.
Yukari: "...going..."
Y/n just stared her down intensely.
Y/n: "Boo.."
Yukari ran away from Y/n with a face that almost gonna cry.
Tsukune, Kurumu and Moka are now at the classroom while Tsukune is complaining about Yukari's prank on him.
Tsukune: "Can someone please do something about her?! Cuz I can't take it anymore!"
Moka: "Tsukune, Yukari is still very young after all."
Tsukune: "That's not an excuse, we must teach her not to bother people just for her fun. If she keeps doing this, she will be a spoiled brat forever and won't be having any friends."
The classroom door suddenly slide open and the saw Yukari with and angry look.
Yukari: "I don't care! I don't need friend with a lower intelligence! And I've always been alone from the beginning."
Tsukune: "Yukari..."
A golden pan sudden fell on Tsukune's head and Yukari started laughing again.
Yukari: "Hahahaha! I can't believe you fell for that one!"
She turn around and started running on the hallway, she then saw Y/n and she swing her wand summoning a golden pan and sending it to Y/n's face but it didn't hurt him at all because of Royal Guard.
Tsukune got up and about to chase her but Moka stop him.
Moka: "Tsukune, you can get angry at kids, just leave her alone."
Tsukune: "You’re the one who needs to leave her alone, Moka."
Yukari ran out of school grounds. She stops and look at the ground.
Yukari: "I don't need friends! I'm fine of being alone!"
She notice that a fog came out of nowhere and saw a 3 figure coming closer to her. When the figures was close to her, she saw the 3 bullies from before.
Yukari: "Class President...."
???: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the brat that broke the school rules."
Yukari: "That has nothing to do with you!"
???: "Actually it has, and we have to punish the one who causes class disruptions."
Back to Tsukune and the others.
Tsukune: "Your too nice to Yukari."
Moka: "But I consider her feelings and..."
Tsukune: "You should consider my feelings too, after getting beat up by her!"
Moka:" You too... why can't all of you understand her?! Yukari is..."
Tsukune: "What do you mean?"
Moka: "I cannot leave her like this!"
She ran out to find Yukari somewhere.
Kurumu: "She doesn't care if others despise her."
Tsukune: "What do you mean?"
Kurumu: "Witches are a cross of Monsters and Humans also known as Half-breeds. Even in the Human World didn't accept the witches easily because of their monster sides nor anywhere. That's why that girl must be really lonely."
Y/n: "Consider her feelings, Tsukune."
Tsukune and Kurumu jumped a little when they heard you behind them.
Y/n: "So what if she kept throwing pans in your face? Take it like a man and don't be a wuss, it's not like she's throwing a sword on you or throwing you in a volcano. Besides, you don't even know what she's been through and your just making it worse. Grow up and realize it."
You left the room and Tsukune was in deep thought of what you said.
Back to Yukari, the Bullies leader pick her up and throw her against the trees, she landed on the ground and look up with an angry face.
Yukari: "What do you think you’re doing?!"
???: "Shut up you bitch!"
The 3 bullies change to their monster form. They're Lizardman, and Yukari looked very terrified at them.
???: "The class doesn't need a trouble maker like you!"
???: "What's wrong? Are you scared little girl?"
Yukari got irritated, she was about to use her magic but the other Lizardman grab her wand with his tongue and eats it.
Yukari: "M-My wand!"
The Lizardman spit it out and it was broken.
Yukari: "Eww! Gross!"
???: "What should we do to her boss?"
???: "We should eat her! No one can see us through this fog!"
???: "Alright! Having a taste of this brat should add to my new menu!"
Yukari: "N-NO! Get away!"
Moka: "Leave Yukari alone!"
The 3 look behind and saw Moka running towards Yukari.
Yukari: "Moka!"
???: "You again?!"
???: "Let's eat her too boss!"
???: "Yeah! she looks very juicy and tasty!"
Yukari: "Moka please get out of here. Don't worry about me, I can handle these jokers by myself!"
Moka: "No Yukari! Stop acting like you can handle things! It's alright to ask for help, you need to be true to yourself!"
Yukari: "Moka... I..."
Moka: "You don't need to push people away anymore, your still young and you still have many things to learn. And if anyone still doesn't accept you, Me, Tsukune, Kurumu and Y/n will accept you and be your friends!"
Moka holds Yukari's hand and she started to cry.
Yukari: "M-M-Moka..."
Moka hugged the little witch to comfort her while the Lizardmen just looked at them with deadpan faces.
???: "What the hell is going on right now?!"
???: "They're ignoring us!"
???: "Unforgivable!"
One of the Lizardman rushed behind Moka but Yukari quickly went behind her and she bit his tail. He yelled in pain and shaking her off his tail.
???: "Why you little bitch!"
He was about to strike Yukari with his claws but suddenly Tsukune came out of nowhere and took the hit from her. His back has now a 3 claw marks and it was bleeding.
Yukari: "N-No way.... Tsukune!"
Tsukune: "Y-Yukari, I'm so sorry. I should have understand your feeling from the start. That's why you should let me help you."
???: "What the hell's going on?! Is this some sort of opera?!"
???: "Are we a joke to you?!"
Moka: "Yukari, Tsukune Look out!"
The Lizardman was about to strike them but luckily Kurumu arrive and pick them up in a nick of time.
Kurumu: "You two alright?"
Tsukune: "Yeah, thanks Kurumu."
???:" Now there's one more?!"
???:" Where the hell are they coming from!?
???: "Let's eat them quickly before someone else show up!"
They were about to approach Tsukune and the others, but a gunshot was heard and they saw another figure at the fog, it was Y/n holding Ebony and Ivory spinning them in his hands.
Y/n: "You guys again? Didn't I tell you to leave her alone? Or did you just forgot to clean your ears?"
???: "You bastard! I'll kill you for what you did with me earlier!"
Y/n used Trickster to teleport behind him and kick him in the face sending him a few meters away.
???: "What the?! How did you get here so fast?!"
???: "Doesn't matter! Grab him!"
The other two grab Y/n by his arms and he used the lightning on his Devil Trigger first stage to make the two goons to let him go.
???: "Hahaha! Your little spark work us! Were immune to lightning!"
Y/n: "Oh? Then why don't we kick it up a notch?"
Everyone felt a very powerful monster energy coming from Y/n. The two Lizardman let go of Y/n because of the amount of energy they felt. Then a red lightning strike at Y/n revealing his Devil Trigger 2nd stage.
Y/n(Demon): "Come on boys, why don't we have a little fun?"
Everyone even the 3 Lizardman were shock at Y/n's transformation because they felt an S Class monster Energy. Even the Inner Moka who's still sealed in the Rosario felt Y/n's monster energy.
Moka(Thinking): "What kind of monster is he?"
???: "Just because you transform, doesn't mean you can beat us!
He rush at Y/n trying to bite his arm, Y/n summon Yamato and hit him in the head with the sheath knocking him out.
Y/n(Demon): "So, who's next?!"
The other Lizardman charged at him and Y/n used Rapid Slash and he quickly appeared behind him. Y/n slowly closes the Yamato with its sheath, and when they heard that sword click, the Lizardman's tail exploded into pieces. He was screaming loudly in pain but Y/n gives him a sucker punch to knock him out.
Y/n(Demon): "Looks like you’re the only one left."
???(Scared): "P-P-Please don't hurt me! I-I'll stay away from her! We won't bother her again!"
Y/n(Demon): "Then apologize to her."
???(Scared): "I-I'm sorry, p-please forgive me!"
Yukari: "Hmmp! Whatever, just stay away from me!"
Y/n grab him by the back of his collar and drag him away from them.
???(Scared): "W-W-What are you doing?! I already apologize to her and she forgives me."
Y/n(Demon): "That's her thing, and this is mine."
He threw him on the tree and he summon a spectral sword and throw it at him, pinning him by his cloths. Y/n then summons 8 spectral swords and threw it over the Lizardmans head and he lost his conscious of being scared shitless.
Y/n change back to normal and he walked towards Tsukune and the others who's still processing on what just happen.
Y/n: "You know, if you guys keep your mouth open like that, a fly would land on inside."
Tsukune: "Were just shock on what happen."
Y/n: "Okay.... Come on, let's go back."
Everyone: "Right."
They all went back to school but then they heard a very familiar voice.
Inner Moka(Rosario): "Y/n, I want to ask you a question."
Everyone looked at Moka's Rosario and the crystal on the center is blinking.
Y/n: "What is it?"
Inner Moka(Rosario): "What kind of Monster are you?"
The air around them got very intense when Moka ask him about his monster form.
Y/n: "I'm just a Demon."
It went silent for 5 seconds until they realize what he said.
Everyone: "EHHH?!?! A DEMON?!"
Y/n: "Yeah.. What wrong?"
Kurumu: "B-B-Because Demons are known to be brutal."
Yukari: "And they always kill savagely to anyone."
Y/n: "Calm down guys, I ain't like that. Besides, my Grandpa seal all those other Demons away."
Moka: "Um, who is your Grandfather?"
Y/n: "It's Sparda."
Everyone: "EHHHH?!??!
Inner Moka(Rosario): "You mean you’re the 3rd generation of Sparda?!"
Y/n: "Yes. Let's just go back to school, I'll tell you all about it when we get back.
All of them really went back to school this time, leaving the 3 unconscious Lizardman behind.