We went back to the camp at the beach. Kurumu and Yukari put some bandages around Tsukune's wound. Mizore put Moka inside the tent so she can rest. And I tied that girl Ruby inside the other tent so she won't escape.
A few minutes later, Tsukune and Moka woke up and she was worried about Tsukune's wound at his chest but Tsukune ensured her that his fine.
Moka: "Tsukune, you shouldn't move around."
Tsukune: "I'm fine Moka, this is nothing."
???: "What the? Where am I?! Why am I tied up?"
Y/n: "Looks like our little trouble makers awake."
We went to the tent where I put Ruby in. And she was struggling to free herself from the rope.
Tsukune: "Hey, you might wanna calm down first."
Ruby: "Why would I listen to you?! All of you are here to destroy the Hilltop where my Master and I lived!"
Yukari: "Ruby you got it all wrong. We’re not here to destroy the Hilltop, we just want to be friends with you."
Tsukune: "Yeah and we want you hear your story."
Ruby: "My story?"
She thought for a second and she told us the story of the hilltop. She lived there along with her Master to protect the field to those who want to destroy it. She then kills some Humans that trespass there because it's the only place she has left.
Kurumu: "Don't you think that you’re a little too far from killing just some were trespassing?"
Ruby: "Then they shouldn't have come!"
Mizore: "The sunflower field is luring them in because of its beautiful sight."
Ruby: "Then those Humans are fools! Only using there sight instead of their own instinct"
Moka: "Isn't there a way to live together without fighting?"
Ruby: "Yeah right. Like I would live with all those humans that wants to destroy my Master's home!"
Y/n: "And what makes you say that all the Humans are the same?"
Ruby: "What do you mean?!"
Y/n: "Let's take you as an example. You’re a Witch like Yukari but she doesn't even desire of killing anything even a fly. Unlike you, when you spotted a human you already go for the kill without hesitation."
She just went silent and didn't say a word.
Y/n: "Have you ever seen the other side of the Humans? Well I do, my dad even has a Human as a business partner. And I see her as a big sister figure. She kinda scary at first, but when you get to know her she's alright."
Ruby: "If that hill is taken away, I don't have anywhere else to go!"
Tsukune: "Then come with us to Yokai Academy!"
Moka: "Even though that you might feel a little homesick. You'll love that place along with everyone else."
Tsukune: "Then let's go study together!"
Moka: "You can even join us in the Newspaper club too!"
She looked at everyone and observing them as they were having fun.
Y/n: "That will be your choice Ruby, you only have until tomorrow to think for your answer. For now, I'm gonna take a rest."
Mizore: "I'll join you."
Mizore and I went back to the tent to get some sleep and we have to share one sleeping bag and she happily cuddles me. I suddenly woke-up in the middle of the night with the urge of wanting to swim. So I slowly remove Mizore's arm on my stomach and walk out to the tent and went to the shore.
Y/n: "Ahhh.... Midnight swimming is the best."
I just swim back stroke letting the current take me. Then I saw Ruby walk out of the tent and spread a black pair of wings and fly towards the hilltop. A few minutes later Tsukune and the others run towards the Hilltop trying to get Ruby back.
While I just swim there and tried to relax since they just going to get Ruby back. Then I felt Inner Moka's Energy at the hilltop so they're probably fighting again.
Y/n: "Looks like the beast has been unleash upon them. Better get there fast."
I run to the hilltop and saw Mizore and Kurumu trying to slice the Vines but they keep growing back. Inner Moka is binded by the vines upside down making her blushed embarrassingly because her panty is showing. While I just holding my laughter
Y/n: "I never thought that you would show your underwear in public."
Inner Moka(Blushing): "Shut up and help us here you bastard!"
I equip Force Edge and slice the vines binding her. She then did a super-hero landing and kicks some of the Plant monsters.
Y/n: "Mizore, you alright?"
Mizore: "Yes, now that your here."
Kurumu: "Enough with the flirting you two! If you haven't noticed, we still got a problem here!"
I look towards Ruby and she was inside of a big plant monster.
Ruby: "All of you will die here if you don't leave now!"
Yukari: "Were not leaving you Ruby! Please stop this!"
Ruby: "I will not stop! It is my Masters wish, so I shall fulfill it!"
Tsukune: "Master?!"
Y/n: "She means her Boss."
He looked behind Ruby and saw an old abandon mansion.
Tsukune: "I'm going to find her master inside and convince her to free her!"
Kurumu: "No Tsukune! It's too dangerous to go by yourself!"
Y/n: "She's right, so a part of me will go with you."
Tsukune: "What do you mean?"
I used Doppelganger to create a clone of myself but it's a little darker.
Kurumu: "W-W-What is that?!"
Y/n: "It's a clone of me that will accompany Tsukune inside. Now go!"
My Doppelganger and Tsukune went to the mansion while we fight all the Plant monsters Ruby created.
Y/n: "Mizore how you holding up?"
Mizore: "I can still keep up. It's just annoying that they keep coming back."
Kurumu: "Yeah! Hey Yukari, don't you have any spell that would make them stay down?!"
Yukari: "I don't know! I never used this kind of Magic before."
Inner Moka: "So we just gotta keep killing this until Tsukune convinced her master huh? Fine then."
Y/n: "If you’re tired, I don't blame you. You can rest a little bit while we just keep kicking their ass."
Inner Moka: "And let you have all the fun?! Not a chance!"
One of the vines grabs my leg and throw me very high up in the air.
Mizore: "Y/N!"
Y/n: "Don't worry, I got this!"
I brought out Ebony and Ivory even though that the Head-Master replaces my Live-bullets with Rubber-bullets, it can still kill with a mix of my Demonic power. I did a Rain-Storm and shoot all the Plant monsters while avoiding Mizore and the others.
When I was close to the ground, I spin 360 and did a Super-hero landing then I spin my guns back to my holster.
Y/n: "And the rest is silence."
All the Plant monsters that I shot stayed down. I'm guessing that my power is too hard to handle.
Ruby: "What the?! Why aren't they backing up?!"
Tsukune: "Ruby stop this!"
We look towards Tsukune who's running towards us along with my Doppelganger. When they reach us, my Doppelganger went back to me and I saw everything he saw inside the mansion.
Tsukune: "Ruby, you have to stop this! Your Master isn't here anymore!"
Ruby: "No you’re lying! My master is resting inside the mansion!"
Y/n: "No Ruby, she's not. She's been dead for months and your just can't accept that she's already gone."
Tsukune: "How did you know?"
Y/n: "I'll tell you later. Ruby, you need to let go and accept that she's already gone."
Ruby: "No... No... NO NOO!!
She screamed in the top of her lungs and the ground started to crack and a new giant plant monster came and swallowed Ruby.
Yukari: "Don't Ruby! Don't do it please!!"
Kurumu: "What are you talking about?!"
Yukari: "She's using a forbidden Spell! If she completed it, she will never back to normal!"
Mizore: "Is there any way we can stop her?"
Yukari: "If we broke her wand, we can definitely stop it!"
Inner Moka:" Then we'll have to do that."
She rushed toward Ruby but the vine just smack her back to us.
Tsukune: "Moka! Are you okay?"
Y/n: "I have a plan."
Everyone (except Mizore): "You have a plan?!"
Y/n: "Why are you all sound surprise?"
Kurumu: "W-Well it's just we never thought that you used you head here, hehe."
Y/n: "Anyway, You guys hold the other monster attack while Me and Moka head to finish Ruby."
Yukari: "Wait! Don't kill her!"
Y/n: "Don't worry I won't because Moka will deal the Final blow."
Inner Moka: "I'll try my best not to kill her."
Y/n: "Alright now that everything is set. Let's rock!"
Ruby summons her Plant monster to attack us while Mizore, Kurumu and Yukari hold them. Me and Moka rushed towards Ruby and the vines went for a swing but I cut all of them.
Y/n: "Alright Moka, your turn!"
I grab her hand and throw her towards Ruby and she's ready to kick her wand.
Inner Moka: "We gave you a chance and you blew it. KNOW YOUR PLACE!"
Moka kicked her wand destroying it upon impact. When her wand was destroyed all the plant Monsters exploded strongly, knocking Moka back. I teleport behind her to catch her but the momentum was so strong it blow us at the mansion.
Y/n: "Ugh, that wasn't part of my plan. But at least it worked."
Inner Moka: "Idiot."
She then flicked my forehead making me scratch it like an ant bite. And I could have sworn that she smiled. Then the mansion door open and everyone rush towards us and Mizore jumped into my arms.
Mizore: "Y/n! Are you hurt?! Is something broken!?"
Y/n: "Don't worry Mizore, I have a healing factor. I'm fine."
She then kissed me in the lips for 10 seconds while the others just smile except for Moka seems to be very sad and looked down.
We walked out of the mansion and saw all the dead plants and some crater cause by the explosion. Tsukune gave Moka her Rosario and she puts it back on and the pink Moka came back. We went back to the beach camp, the sun is rising and we were packing our stuff because the bus driver will arrive to pick us up.
Moka: "So in the end we didn't get to save her."
Yukari: "Ruby....."
Y/n: "Can't blame her though, we gave her a choice but she chose the other one."
Nekonome: "Let's go everyone, the bus will be here in any moment."
Kurumu: "Well, at least our first day here isn't a bore at all."
Mizore: "Well, Yesterday's might be the greatest day of my life."
She said while clinging on my arm.
We then saw the school bus is coming. When the door opens I saw Gin holding Ruby in his arms. I brought out Ebony and Ivory and pointed to him.
Y/n: "Alright Gin, what did you do to her while she's asleep?"
Gin: "N-Nothing I swear! We just found her floating in the ocean so we thought that take her with us and give her to the authorities!"
Yukari: "Ruby! She's Alive!"
Kurumu: "Guess that explosion just blasted her away huh?"
Gin: "You know her?"
Mizore: "She's a Witch that ruins our night."
Gin: "So she's not a human? What should we do to her?"
Nekonome: "Let's just take her to Yokai Academy! I'm pretty sure that the Head-Master will give her a place to stay there."
Moka: "Then it's settle! Let's go!"
We hopped in to the bus and sit next to the window. When we were about to leave, I saw a woman in a robe waving good-bye to us.
Y/n(Thinking): "Looks like your finally free now, Ruby."
Mizore: "Hey, what are you smiling about?"
Y/n: "Just thinking on what kind of trouble will wait for me back at school."
Mizore: "You mean 'Us'. Now that you’re with me, we will face them all together."
Y/n: "You always know how say such a sweet word huh?"
Mizore: *Giggle* "It's because you saved me and it changed me for the good."
She hug my arm, put her head on my shoulder and I put my head over her head and we entered the tunnel back to the Academy.