Y/n's POV
I'm now standing in front of the School Gate along with Tsukune and Moka.
Moka: "Tsukune, can I drink your blood?"
Tsukune: "W-Wait a second!"
Too late, Moka already latch herself on his neck.
Moka: "Kapu-chuuuu.~"
Tsukune: "AHHHH!"
Y/n(Thinking): "'Kapu-chu'? Does she always say that when she suck his blood?"
Moka: "Thank you for the meal, Tsukune."
After she was finished, Kurumu came and launch herself onto Tsukune and smothering him with her breast.
Kurumu: "Come one Tsukune, Club activity is about to start!"
Yukari then came and push Kurumu off of Tsukune.
Yukari: "Stop chocking Tsukune with your big fat chest you cow!"
Kurumu: "What did you say you loli brat?!"
Then the 3 of them started fighting over Tsukune.
Y/n: "I really need to get used to this new daily routine."
I walk towards the school building leaving them behind. Then I heard the conversation of the other girls I pass by.
???: "Hey have you heard? There's a peeping tom here."
???: "Yeah, I heard that he attack someone last night.
???: "Really?! Then I'm gonna ask someone to watch over while I change."
Y/n(Thinking): "A peeping tom huh?"
I went inside the building and head straight to the Newspaper Club room. When I arrived, I saw Ms. Nekonome waiting inside."
Nekoneme: "Oh Y/n, Welcome. Where are the others?"
Y/n: "They’re on their way."
The door then slide open, Tsukune and the others came in."
Nekonome: "Now that the new members are here, let's start."
Tsukune: "Um, are we the only members here?"
Nekonome: "Of course not. There's still one more."
Then the door slide open and a guy came in and my Demon sense is telling me not to trust this guy.
???: "Sorry I'm late everyone."
Nekonome: "Everyone, This is the Newspaper Club President."
???: "Nice to meet all of you. My name is Ginei Morioka, but you can call me Gin for short."
He gave Moka and Kurumu a bouquet of flowers and pick a single flower on Kurumu's bouquet and gave it to Yukari.
Nekonome: "Gin is a second-year student, so if you have any questions regarding at the club, feel free to ask him anything."
Gin: "You can all count on me."
Y/n(Thinking): "Yup, I might kill this guy someday."
Nekonome: "There will be a staff meeting in the teacher's lounge. So Gin, I'm counting on you."
Gin: "You can leave it to me."
He sat on the front desk facing us.
Gin: "Alright guys, The job of the Newspaper club is simple. We just need to report anything happening within the school grounds and distribute it to everyone. Just kidding, don't need to be intense. If you got something to report don't be afraid to speak up."
Y/n: "I got one. I heard girls outside talking about a peeping tom."
Kurumu: "Yeah I heard of it too. They said that he was peeping on the girls dorm every night, eventually, they can't see him because he was very fast to see his face."
Yukari: "He is the enemy of all women, That why when I see him I will punish him with my magical wand!"
Kurumu: "Then it's settle. Let's go find the culprit."
Gin: "That might actually be a good story to start the club. We should ask some victims for information."
Tsukune: "How do we find the victims?"
Gin: "Were gonna have to ask every girl here in school. Alright let's get to work."
Gin asked Moka and Kurumu to hang a posters above.
Moka: "Gin, is this enough?"
Gin: "Just a little more higher."
Kurumu: "What a little more?!"
Gin: "Yes just a little more."
Tsukune look at Gin and saw that he was looking at Moka and Kurumu's panties.
Tsukune: "Hey Gin. What do you think your doing?"
Gin: "What do you mean?"
Tsukune: "You were looking under Moka and Kurumu's skirts."
Gin: "Don't be ridiculous, I would never do something like that."
Kurumu and Moka just finished hanging the posters and went down the ladder."
Moka: "What going on here?"
Gin: "Nothing, Tsukune just said that he saw your panties."
Kurumu/Moka: "EEEHHH???!
Tsukune "I-It wasn't me. I-I mean I did see it a little but.. Y/n, you believe me right?!"
Y/n: "Don't loot at me, I'm just polishing my guns."
Moka and Kurumu just slap Tsukune on each cheek.
Kurumu: "Tsukune if you really want to see my panties so badly, you should have asked."
Moka then walked towards the door.
Tsukune: "M-Moka wait I can explain!"
Moka: "I hate perverts Tsukune."
Then she just ran off the room leaving a depressed Tsukune.
Y/n: "Well, since I'm done shining my guns, I'll try to talk to her."
I walked outside the room and try to find Moka's Yokai Energy. Then I feel it that she was in the roof.
Y/n: "Figured you'd be here."
Moka: "Y/n? What are you doing here?"
Y/n: "Trying to fix things. Don't you think that you were a little bit harsh on him?"
Moka: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "Duh everyone can see your panties in that position you know. Don't worry I didn't see anything, I was cleaning my guns while you were hanging the posters."
Moka: "...."
Y/n: "So what are you going to do? Keep ignoring him?"
Moka: "It's going to be his punishment for peeping."
Y/n:*Sigh*"Alright then, your own your own."
I left Moka in the roof and went back to the to the club room.
Tsukune: "You know I would never peep on them, you believe me right Y/n?"
Y/n: "Can't say your innocent or guilty Tsukune. I wasn't paying attention when that happen."
Tsukune: "Come one, I thought that you understand me."
Gin: "Don't worry Tsukune, I believe you!"
Tsukune: "G-Gin?!"
Gin: "Were both Men right? Follow me, I'll give you a pep talk."
They went outside and I'm 100% sure that he's doing something not goo to Tsukune. I used Trickster to teleport so they wouldn't notice me. Then I notice that they were just outside the Girls changing room so I pulled out my phone and record everything.
Gin: "Seems like Moka hate you right now huh?"
Tsukune: "Yeah she does, because she thinks I'm a pervert."
Gin: "Hey, you see that window? Use the barrel to peek inside."
Tsukune: "HUH?! What for!?
Gin: "You wanna fix things up with Moka right? Now get moving."
Tsukune did exactly what the idiot said, he moved the barrels near the window and climb up.
Gin: "You know Tsukune, Moka really is the best woman ever. I've fallen for her too like love at first sight."
Tsukune: "W-Why are saying it that right now?"
He looked inside the window and blushed madly when he saw some girls in their underwear. He screamed in shock making the girls notice him. They all looked at him and squealed very loudly. Gin then took out his camera and took Tsukune's photo while he was looking inside the window."
Gin: "Being a peeping tom is bad Tsukune, I wonder what will Moka thinks if she saw this photo of you. HAHAHAHA!"
Tsukune: "Y-You framed me?!
Gin suddenly vanished in thin air. Tsukune jump down the barrel and about to leave but he was blocked by the girls he saw changing.
Moka: "T-Tsukune... How could you?"
Tsukune: "M-Moka wait, It's not what it looks like I can explain."
Moka just ran away with tears in her eyes and Tsukune just kneel down on Moka's reaction. He didn't care if the girls are going to beat him up because he just felt his hear shattered.
Y/n: "Looks like I'm going to save him again."
I jump down the window and grab Tsukune by his collar while facing the girls.
Y/n: "Don't worry girls, I'll take care of Tsukune for you. I don't want to get all your hands dirty."*wink*
All girls: "KKKYYAAAHH!!"
All of the girls fell on their back while they have heart on their eyes.
Y/n: "Come on Tsukune, if you really want to fix your relationship with Moka then you do it yourself. Now go."
He ran off to find Moka in the campus while I went to find Kurumu and Yukari for a little help.
Y/n: "It's getting dark already? What the hell's with the weather here?"
I went back to the club room and saw Yukari and Kurumu were talking.
Kurumu: "Tsukune did what?!"
Yukari: "I heard that the girls saw him peeping while they were changing."
Kurumu: "No that can't be, I don't believe it. He's not the peeping tom."
Y/n: "Your right Kurumu, he's not."
Yukari/Kurumu: "Y/n?!"
Kurumu: "You believe me that Tsukune is not the peeping tom? How?"
Y/n: "Because I saw everything. Or better yet, Recorded everything"
I took out my phone and played the Video were Gin set Tsukune up.
Video Play
Gin: "Hey, you see that window? Use the barrel to peek inside."
Tsukune: "HUH?! What for!?
Gin: "You wanna fix things up with Moka right? Now get moving."
Tsukune did exactly what the idiot said, he moved the barrels near the window and climb up.
Gin: "You know Tsukune, Moka really is the best woman ever. I've fallen for her too like love at first sight."
Tsukune: "W-Why are saying it that right now?"
He looked inside the window and blushed madly when he saw some girls in there underwear. He screamed in shock making the girls notice him. They all looked at him and squealed very loudly. Gin then took out his camera and took Tsukune's photo while he was looking inside the window."
Gin: "Being a peeping tom is bad Tsukune, I wonder what will Moka thinks if she saw this photo of you. HAHAHAHA!"
Tsukune: "Y-You framed me?!
Video End
Kurumu: "So Gin's the real peeping tom!"
Yukari: "And he framed Tsukune!"
Kurumu: "Why would he framed Tsukune?!"
Y/n: "It's because Gin thinks that Moka nad Tsukune are a couple so he decides to frame Tsukune so He and Moka would break up."
Yukari: "Why would Gin do such a thing?"
Y/n: Gin said that he fell in love with Moka at first sight."
Kurumu: "Then we better help Tsukune clear his name."
Y/n: "Go to the roof, I can feel Moka and Gin's yokai energy up there. I'll go find Tsukune and follow you guys there."
Yukari: "Alright good luck!"
The two of them ran out the room and head to the roof to confront Gin. I walked outside and started to find Tsukune's energy.
Y/n: "What the hell is he doing at the gym?"
I used Trickster to teleport at the gym. I walked inside and saw Tsukune desperately trying to find Moka."
Y/n: "Tsukune. What are you doing here?"
Tsukune: "I'm looking for Moka!"
Y/n: "She's at the roof, everyone else is up there too. Now go!"
He ran out of the gym and head to the roof with everyone else while I just teleport up there. When I got there I saw Kurumu and Yukari already confronting Gin that he's the peeping tom but he kept denying it.
Yukari: "You knew about the peeping spot and the barrels used to support."
Gin: "Alright fine, I was there before and the barrels used to support, but that doesn't prove that I was at the crime scene."
Kurumu: *Smirk*"Oh really? Y/n"
I'm kinda impressed that she knew that I was here. I walked towards then and took out my phone and played the video on how Gin framed Tsukune.
Moka looked shocked that Tsukune was framed and Gin just went white and sweating bullets.
Kurumu/Yukari: "The Peeping Tom, IS YOU!"
Gin: "Since it has come to this, I have no choice but to use my power to claim Moka Akashiya!"
He started to transform. He grew fur all over his body, His hands bacame claw, his teeth turn to fangs. and He look up in the sky and howled.
Kurumu: "H-He's a Werewolf?!"
Everyone got surprise to see Tsukune slam the door open. He saw Moka and ran towards her, but Gin pushed Tsukune and he went flying towards Moka and he accidentally grab Moka's Rosario.
Gin: "Yes, that's what I've been waiting for. The Real Moka Akashiya!"
Inner Moka: "You have the nerve to claim me huh? I'm going to make you know your place!"
She was about to walked a step but then she spotted me beside Kurumu and Yukari.
Y/n: "What now?"
Inner Moka: "You’re not going to fight him?"
Y/n: Aww... Is little Moka scared of a puppy?"
Inner Moka(Blushing): "Nevermind! I'll take care of him myself."
She rushed at Gin and tried to kick him but Gin suddenly disappeared shocking everyone except me.
Yukari: "He disappeared!?"
Y/n: "Not likely, he just went super-fast that your eyes couldn't keep up."
Gin: "Hahaha. He's right, I'm an S-class monster like a Vampire. We may not have the same strength like them but with a full moon like this is out. We are impossible to catch without speed!"
He keep moving very fast that even Moka is having trouble to keep up. Each jump Gin make, he's shreds Moka's cloths.
Yukari: "If this keeps up, Moka will be fully stripped!"
Y/n: "Looks like she's gonna need some little help."
I put my hand on my pocket and grab the Dog Whistle.
Kurumu: "What's that?"
Y/n: "Just a little something that will help Moka."
I blew the whistle and Yukari and Kurumu looked confused.
Yukari: "I think that thing's broken, I don't hear anything."
Kurumu: "Me too."
Y/n: "Just look at Gin."
I blew the whistle again and Gin stop moving and he was covering his ears.
Yukari: "What's wrong with him?"
Y/n: "It's because this is a Dog whistle, only dogs can hear it."
Moka used the opportunity and kicked Gin in the face sending him in the railing.
Inner Moka: "KNOW YOUR PLACE!"
Y/n: "See, I knew you could do it."
Inner Moka: "Shut up."
Yukari: "MOKA, LOOK OUT!"
She turn around and saw Gin about to pounce on her but I teleport in between them and used Royal Guard to block his damage. I then uppercut him launching him in the air and I pulled out Ebony and Ivory and shoot him with a loaded rubber bullets.
Y/n: "Jackpot."
I empowered the rubber bullets to blast him away. After that I spin my guns around and put them in my holster belt.
Y/n: "And that's how you finish the party. Your welcome."
Inner Moka(Blushing): "I-I could've taken care of him myself. *Whisper* but thanks."
Y/n: "What was that, I didn't quite get the last part."
Inner Moka(Blushing): "It was nothing!"
Time Skip
Were at the club room getting ready to distribute our first story.
Kurumu: "Come on Tsukune, Let's show everyone our very first success!"
Tsukune: "Yeah. Let's go Moka!"
We put our stall near the School gates. Our front page of the paper is Gin being the real peeping tom and not Tsukune. When all the girls read this, they started to chase Gin with a bamboo sword in their hands.
Y/n: "Well, looks like the first News is a hit. Like literally for Gin."
Yukari: "He deserves it. For disrespecting woman on their privacy."
Moka: "Um, I'm so sorry Tsukune but I really can't resist it."
Tsukune: "What do you m- AHH!"
She bit his and started to suck his blood.
Moka: "Kapu-Chuuu.~"
Kurumu: "Moka! Stop it already!"
Kurumu tried to pull Moka away from Tsukune but she can't because of Moka's Vampire strength. While I just stared at them like I usually did.
Y/n: "I wonder what more trouble we will be having?"