Author's POV
Y/n and his group of misfits except for Yukari were at the classroom waiting for Ms. Nekonome. He was just staring at outside the window and daydreaming how he and his dad used to work together on the job of killing demons. He snap out of it when he heard Tsukune screaming in pain
Moka: "Thank you so much for your blood Tsukune."
Kurumu: "Stop it Moka! You can't keep drinking his blood every day you know!
Moka: "But I can't help it, it's so tasty!"
Y/n: "I gotta agree with her Moka, If you keep drinking Tsukune's blood every day, He won't make it at the end of the semester."
Moka: "I'm so sorry Tsukune."
Then the door open and Ms. Nekonome entered.
Nekonome: "Good Morning, class. Today we'll all be joining clubs!
Tsukune: "A club?"
Nekonemo: "The purpose of this is to help the students adapt to the Human Society. Also, remember not to let the other members know your Monster form."
???: "Yeah, about that Ma'am, your tail is out."
Ms. Nekoneme got embarrassed and scratch that guy's face.
Y/n: "Clubs huh? I wonder what kind of club that'll fit for me."
Time Skip
Outside there was a big event like a convention happening. There were clubs stall trying to recruit for new members. Y/n is walking each stall to check what kind of club that will interest him. He then saw Moka dragging Tsukune by his arm.
Moka: "Come one Tsukune, let's join a together!"
The two of them ran each stall checking them out. Moka seemed interested at all of the clubs, while Tsukune was creeped out by all of them.
Y/n kept looking for other clubs until someone hands him a flyer that says 'Archery Club'.
???: "Hey there. Are you interested at the Archery club?
Y/n: "That depends. So where's your stall?"
???: "We don't have one, but we have a tryout at the track field. If your able to complete 3 trials you can join the club."
Y/n: "Sounds interesting. Guess I'll give it a try then."
Y/n's POV
I went to the track field to check out the Archery club and saw some of them wanna join can't actually hold a bow properly.
???: "Are you here to join the club?"
Y/n: "If it's interest me, then I will."
???: "How good is your accuracy?"
Y/n: "Don't know, I probably can hit bulls'eye with my eyes are blindfolded."
???: "Cocky huh? Why don't we test that out? If you complete the 3 trials you can join. To make it more interesting, let's get you blindfolded."
They gave me a bow and 3 arrows and a blindfold.
???: "The first trial will be 50 meters. The second will be 100 meters. and Last will be 250 meters away. If you hit the bulls'eye with a blindfold on, you pass."
Y/n: "Alright then, it's game on."
I put on the blindfold and shoot the first target and it hit bulls'eye.
???: "Beginners luck."
I smirk and shoot the second target and it hit bulls'eye as well."
???: "....."
To make it even more interesting, I turned around and shoot the last target behind me while I just smirk in front of him.
Y/n: "And... Jackpot....
The last arrow hit the bulls'eye. I took the blindfold off and I saw there were some crown beside him and I walked towards him and hand him over the bow.
Y/n: "You know what, I change my mind. There's no challenge's here."
I left leaving him and the crowd speechless at my last performance. I went back to the club stalls and saw a bunch of guys crowding a stall, I looked over and saw some of the Student and Teachers of the club were wearing bikinis.
Y/n: "What the hell? Is this a Modeling Club?"
???: "No silly~ This is the Swimming Club.~ Would you like to join? I promise that this will be interesting.~"
Y/n: "Swimming Club huh? I guess I could use an R&R."
???: "Great! Just go to the school pool and the others will do the rest
I went to the pool and saw Tsukune and a light blue headed girl with a purple bikini teaching him how to swim. Then I looked over fench and saw Moka with a jealous face looking at Tsukune and the girl.
Moka: "Stupid Tsukune..... flirting around with her."
Y/n: "Looks like someone's pissed off."
She look on her side and saw me standing beside her.
Moka: "Y/N?! How long have you been standing there?"
Y/n: "Just now. Seriously, am I a Demon or a Ghost? Cuz you always never notice me."
Moka: "I'm sorry, it's just Tsukune...."
Y/n: "Flirting with another girl? I don't see how. But you two seriously need an extreme closure."
???: "Excuse me, are you here to join the Swimming club?"
Y/n: "I guess so."
???: "Great! Here's your Swimming trunks."
???: "After you finish changing you can come in to the pool."
I went to the changing room to change into the trunks they gave me. After changing, I went near the poolside and stretch a little.
Then I saw most of the girls were looking at my abs and they were blushing, drooling and some got pass-out due to nosebleed.
I jump in the pool and did some simple back-stroke, after that I just float around the water with my hands behind my head and while my feet just paddling to keep me float.
After a few minutes I woke up still floating in the pool. I guess my feet consciously keep paddling.
Y/n: "Alright, that's enough relaxing for one day."
I get out of the pool and head to the changing room but all of the sudden I heard screaming. I look back at the pool and saw all of the guys in the pool were getting drain by their life their life energy. I looked over to Tsukune and saw the girl with a blue hair holding him to prevent him from leaving the poo, and I saw the other club members transform into mermaids.
Kurumu/Yukari: "TSUKUNE!"
They're about to jump into the water but they were block by the other mermaids.
Kurumu: "Get out of my way!"
Yukari: "We need to save Tsukune!"
I was just sitting on a chair relaxing again wearing a sun glasses while holding a juice with a small umbrella on it.
Y/n: "Guess I'll have to save them again."
I was about to get up from my chair but I saw Moka jump in to the water shocking Yukari and Kurumu.
Kurumu: "You idiot! You’re going to die!"
???: "So it's true that Vampire is weak in water."
Tsukune: "Moka!"
???: "Your not getting anywhere!"
He elbowed her in the face to free himself and he swam down the water to save Moka. The mermaid tried to chase Tsukune but Kurumu push her away while I was still watching the event and relaxing.
Y/n: "Hmmm. They've been down there for 30 secs. I wonder if they're still alive.
All of the sudden I felt tremendous amount of monster energy. I'm guessing Tsukune pulled Moka's Rosario. Inner Moka jump out of the water along with Tsukune. All of the mermaids got a shock faces when they saw the Silver haired Moka staring down.
Inner Moka: "How dare you... How dare you do as you wish?!"
???: "I-I never felt this amount of power before. But it doesn't matter, your still a Vampire! Splash her!"
All of the mermaids splash tails on the water hitting Moka. She was obviously hurt but she never show it. Kurumu fly up and kick half of the mermaids away while Yukari used her wand to summon a Golden pan above the other mermaids.
Kurumu: "Like I'd let all of you do as you please!"
Yukari: "Heh.
Inner Moka: "Mind your own business!
Kurumu: "What are you talking about?! Everyone know that water is your weakness. Just accept others help!
Yukari: "Please let us help you Moka!"
???: "Aww you poor thing. Getting wet is making you feel in pain isn't it? What don't you just let go and die!"
Inner Moka: "Do you really think that water will kill me in an instant? I can even finish you off while I'm in there, you little tuna."
???: "Little.....tuna..."
She got irritated and started to swim under water. Somehow we can hear her talking under water.
???: "Water is a Vampire's weakness, and yet water is a mermaids territory so you have no chance of winning here!"
Inner Moka: "Don't make me laugh you tuna!"
Moka jump hight in to the air and the Mermaid leader followed her.
Inner Moka: "Ha! I can't believe you fell for that simple trap so easily! KNOW YOUR PLACE!"
She kicked her in the face sending her to the large fishing net outside of the pool.
???: "I...I... got defeated in.... one hit....
Kurumu: "Duh, because air isn't a mermaid's territory."
Moka then landed on her feet but she fell on one knee. Tsukune saw this and ran over to help her.
Tsukune: "Moka! Are you alright?"
All of the sudden Moka slapped Tsukune that echoed the whole area.
Inner Moka: "You obviously don't understand her feeling at all. You have no right to be beside me. The other me is crying right now."
Moka started to walk away leaving Tsukune with a wide eyes. Moka then saw me relaxing on a chair holding a cup, she then stand in front of me with her hands crossed.
Y/n: "What?"
Inner Moka: "Don't 'What' me. Why are you sitting here while we have to fight those mermaids?"
Y/n: "Because you already had it under control. And it was kinda fun show to watch."
Her eyes twitch and she snatch my drink and walk out of the pool area.
Y/n: "Oh come one, that was my last drink!"
She just keep walking while drinking my juice and throw the cup aside.
Tsukune, Kurumu and Yukari were shock on Inner Moka's interaction with me.
Time Skip
I was at the classroom staring outside the window and it was raining making me feel very sleepy. I looked over Tsukune and he looked very down while staring at Moka's empty chair.
Y/n: "Guess she's sick due to yesterday's gimick."
After class I went back to the Club stall and keep searching a club that will interest me.
Y/n: "Damn, all this club is a bore."
???: "Y/n!"
I looked behind me and saw Tsukune, Moka, Yukari, and Kurumu running towards me.
Y/n: "What's up?"
Kurumu: "Are you already in a club?"
Y/n: "No, not yet."
Moka: "Why don't you join us in the Newspaper Club?"
Y/n: "A Newspaper Club?"
I guess Newspaper Club isn't a total bored. I'll give it a try.
Y/n: "Sure. I think that's better than the Archery Club since the other members can't even hold a bow properly."
All of them jump like a the hit the jackpot and group hugged on me. I used Trickster to teleport away from them avoiding their bear hugs.
Y/n: "Sorry but, I'm not a group huger.