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Chapter 5 CHAPTER 4

Y/n's POV

After the whole fiasco with those Lizard guys yesterday, I told everyone that I'm a Demon and I'm a Sparda. I'm now heading to school and I spotted Moka, Yukari and Kurumu fighting over Tsukune.

Y/n: "Isn't it a little early to start flirting with him?"

They jump a little by surprise when they heard me behind them.

Tsukune: "O-Oh, Good Morning Y/n."

Kurumu: "Hey, Y/n."

Moka: "Good Morning Y/n."

Yukari: "Good Morning to you, Y/n."

Y/n: "Yeah Morning, Good morning too. As I was saying, if you keep flirting here you'll all be late for class."

Kurumu: "Yeah, this two won't leave me and Tsukune alone."

Moka: "What do you mean?! Tsukune is my very first friend. I'm supposed to be by his side!"

Yukari: "I just want to be close with Tsukune because I've fallen in-love with him!"

Everyone: "EEEEHHHH?!"

Y/n: "Tsukune, you know this is illegal right? You may be my friend, but I can't turn down the law."

Tsukune: "Wait Y/n! This is just a misunderstanding! I don't even know what she's talking about!"

Yukari: "I want to have fun with Tsukune and Moka too."

Moka: "EHH?! M-Me too?!"

Y/n: "Let's just get going."

Time Skip

Ms. Nekonome is writing on the board while the others were focusing on the lesson while some just don't care at all.

Nekonome: "Alright class please turn to the next page. Mr. Aono, kindly please read the next page?"

I look over to Tsukune and he was just spacing out.

Nekonome: "Mr. Aono.... Mr. Aono.... Mr. Aono!"

Tsukune went back to reality and stood up very fast.

Tsukune: "Ahh! What am I doing?!"

Everyone just laugh at Tsukune's reaction and Ms. Nekonome just smile.

Nekonome: "Silly, you just need to read the next page."

He blushed in embarrassment because of his reaction and he just read the next page.

Y/n(Thinking): "What the hell is happening inside his head?"

Author's POV

Tsukune and Moka are having lunch at the rooftop and she has a worried look for him.

Moka: "What happen to you earlier Tsukune?"

Tsukune: "It's nothing, I just spaced out that's all."

Moka: "I guess it's fine, but if there's something troubling you let me know because we are..."

Tsukune: "Moka?"

Moka: "Tsukune."

Tsukune: "Moka."

Moka: "Tsukune."

Tsukune: "Moka."

Moka: "Tsukune.... you smell very nice."

Tsukune: "M-Moka?"

Moka: "Let me drink your blood just a little Okay?"

Moka was about to bite Tsukune's neck but Kurumu grab her head and push her away from Tsukune.

Kurumu: "No wonder Tsukune was spacing out ago, you keep drinking his blood more often.

Moka: "I-I didn't drink his blood too much yesterday."

Kurumu: "So you were drinking his blood!"

Y/n is walking outside to buy something to drink at the vending machine but he was blocked by 3 people.

Y/n: "Can I help you boys?"

???: "Is your name Tsukune Aono?"

Y/n(Thinking): "What do these clowns want with Tsukune."

Y/n: "Yeah so?"

???: "We despise you!

???: "From this day on. You are our enemy!"

Y/n : "And what did I do to piss off you clowns?"

???: "Let us show you our hatred to you. Formation, SET!"

The trio took their school blazers off and they were wearing a pink blazer and their shirts has 'Moka', 'Kurumu', and 'Yukari' on it.

Y/n: "And what the hell is that?"

???: "I am the Leader of the 'Moka Akashiya' fan club. Kasahara Kouzou!"

???: "Behold the might of the Leader of the 'Kurumu Kurono' fan club. Taira Gouzaburou!"

???: "And last but not least, the Leader of 'Yukari Sendo' fan club. Naga Kubusaku!"

3 idiots: "And we are, The Love-Love Alliance!"

Y/n: "So... can you get out of the way? I'm kinda thirsty right now."

Kasahara: "Hold it right there! We will show you the power of the Love-Love Alliance!"

The 3 idiots pulled out a metal hats behind them and throw at him. Y/n caught their hats and throw it back at them hitting them each on the head.

Naga: "He's more powerful that we thought! Retreat!"

They ran away from him while Y/n still thinking on what the hell was that about. After Y/n's encounter with those three, he went to the cafeteria and Saw Tsukune, Moka, Yukari and Kurumu on the table and he joined them.

Y/n: "Hey guys, why the long faces?"

Kurumu: "There were these guys picking on Tsukune."

Yukari: "Yeah they were bullying him."

Y/n: "Are these guys has a pink blazer, metal hats and their shirt has your names on it?"

Moka: "Yes that's them!"

Kurumu: "How did you know?"

Y/n: "They thought that I'm Tsukune so they attack me."

Kurumu: "Can you beat them up for us Y/n? Please!"

Y/n: "Sorry I can't the Head-Master might get pissed. He even replace my live-bullets with rubber-bullets."

Kurumu: "Come on, this guy's keep watching me everywhere."

Yukari: "And that other guy is keep stealing pictures of me."

Kurumu: "That's why we need you to beat them up so they can leave us alone. Please Y/n, do it for me."

Y/n: "Nope."

Kurumu: "WHY?!"

Y/n: "They're just following you, no harm done."

Kurumu: "Yes they are."

Y/n: "And how?"

Yukari: "They're hurting my pride as the school's top student."

Kurumu: "And they're bullying Tsukune."

Moka: "Maybe it's better if we let the teachers know about this."

Kurumu: "Or we can just escort Tsukune."

Tsukune: "You really don't have to follow me around."

Kurumu: "What if those jerks tried to bully you again?"

Moka: "She's right Tsukune. Were worried about you because your-"

She was cut off and shocking everyone in the cafeteria by the sound of gunfire. They look at the source and saw Y/n holding Ebony pointing at the window.

Y/n: "Oh, sorry about that. That fly keeps bothering me so I shoot it."

Tsukune: "It's fine guys, really. You don't have to escort me.

He left the table carrying his tray while the girls look at him with a worried faces.

Time Skip

Y/n's POV

I'm at the rooftop enjoying the sunset.

Y/n: "Never thought that watching it up here is better than watching it a tree."

I was about to go back to my dorm but i felt a new monster energy by the bus stop.

Y/n: "Looks like there's a new student arrive here."

I went to the bus stop and follow the monster energy. When I arrive, I saw Tsukune, Moka, Yukari and Kurumu along with a big ugly... whatever the hell that thing is.

Y/n: "You guys are having a party and you didn't even invite me.

Kurumu: "Y/n! Perfect timing."

The big-ass monster hit Tsukune sending him on the edge of the cliff. Moka ran next to him to protect him.

Moka: "Tsukune! hang in there."

Tsukune: "I.... I..... I will protect all of you!"

Moka: "No Tsukune! It's impossible!"

Tsukune: "Even so, I still have to do it!"

He stumbled over to Moka and accidentally pulled her Rosario off her neck.

Moka: "Tsukune... you took it off?"

The sky suddenly went darker and bats were flying around and covering Moka. When the bat leaves, It revealed Inner Moka with a silver hair and bigger body shaped. The big-ass monster got terrified and turned into 3 normal sized monster, they were an Umbrella with a face, a long neck with 1 eye and faceless blob.

Umbrella: "Those hair.."

Blob: "Those eyes..."

Long-neck: "And that aura.. It's... It's..."

All 3: "A true S Class Monster! A Vampire! The real Moka Akashiya!"

Inner Moka: "You pieces of Trash! How dare you say my name!"

Blob: "Such brutal words."

Umbrella: "Please scold us more!"

Inner Moka: "Yukari, Kurumu help me out!"

Kurumu: "Okay!"

Yukari: "Alright!"

The three of them kick each ugly-ass monster making them fly away from them as possible.

I.M/Y/K: "Vanish you trash!"

3 idiots: "We promise to disappear!...."

Tsukune: "I got rescued by the girls again."

Inner Moka: "Tsukune."

Tsukune: "Y-Yes?"

Inner Moka: "It won't be good if you left, it'll make the other Moka sad. And I won't have any other food."

Kurumu: "Please Tsukune, don't leave."

Yukari: "I'm going to be sad if you left."

Tsukune: "What are you guys talking about? I'm not gonna leave, I was just going to ask the bus driver if he can deliver this letters at my house."

Kurumu: "You mean you’re not leaving?"

Y/n: "That only mean that this whole thing is a misunderstanding. And I think I already know who did it."

I look at Inner Moka, she blush in embarrassment and turn around like a typical Tsudere.

Then the bus came and the driver walked out to have a smoke break and Tsukune walk over him and hand over his letter.

Tsukune: "Come on guys, let's get back."

The next day, we were at class listening to Ms. Nekonome's announcement.

Nekonome: "Alright class good news, the Telephones that can connect to the whole Human world is now installed at the small store. And the bus now comes once a day."


Moka Tapped his back to get his attention.

Moka: "Isn't it great Tsukune?"

The two of them just staring at each other with a lovey-dovey eyes and kept saying each other’s names. Then Moka sucked his blood.

Y/n: "No stopping her from sucking his blood even in the middle of the class huh?"

Kurumu: "Moka stop that! You keep sucking his blood!"

Y/n: "Every each day becomes even more exited. I wonder what kind of trouble will be waiting for us."

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