Y/n's POV
Me and the others are near the school gate handling out Newspaper to the other students.
Moka: "Get your latest newspaper issue here!"
Kurumu: "Please get your latest issue here!"
After a few minutes, all the newspapers were sold out.
Gin: "Good job everyone, the last issue gave a complete sold out."
Tsukune: "Thanks to everyone's effort."
We clean up our stall and went back to the club room to celebrate.
Yukari: "Yay! We finished distributing the Newspapers!"
Moka: "Then let's celebrate! I'll bring some snacks!"
Tsukune: "That's a great idea Moka!"
Kurumu: "Hang on, where's Gin?"
Y/n: "Do you really need to asked?"
Yukari: "I bet he's taking pictures of a woman changing!"
Kurumu: "Then let's just celebrate without him."
Moka: "Then let's go to the store to buy some snacks first."
Yukari: "Good idea! I want some drinks too!"
Tsukune: "Alright, but no alcoholic."
Y/n: "I can drink alcohol. I don't get drunk easily cuz of my Demon side."
Moka: "Alright let's meet back here, I'm gonna go to the store."
Tsukune: "I'll go with you."
Y/n: "Me too, I'm gonna go buy something to drink."
When I open the door. I saw a girl with a purple long hair, a sweatshirt with a dark-blue sleeves and she was sucking a lollipop.
???: "All of you guys really do get along. I just don't understand that."
Y/n: "I'm sorry?"
???: "Newspapers, do you still have any?"
Y/n: "Yeah I still do have one, it's a bit tattered but you can have it."
She walked up to me very close, grab the Newspaper in my hand and just stare at me for 5 seconds.
Y/n: "Do I have something on my face?"
???: "Your Y/n right? You’re a lot cuter than I thought."
Moka: "Uh, Y/n who was that?"
Y/n: "To be honest, I have completely no idea."
Yukari: "How does she know you?"
Y/n: "Not a clue."
Kurumu: "Somehow she kinda pisses me off."
Y/n: "Alright that's enough we better buy some drinks and snacks for later."
Everyone: "YEAH!"
Time Skip
I'm now at the classroom while Ms. Nekonome is calling everyone's name for attendance.
Nekonome: "Aono?"
Tsukune: "Here."
Nekonome: "Kurono?"
Kurumu: "Here."
Nekonome: "Satou?"
Satou: "Here."
Nekonome: "L/n?"
Y/n: "Here as always."
Nekonome: "Shirayuki?"
Nekonome: "Shirayuki is absent again huh?"
The door slide open and the girl with a purple hair from before enter.
???: "Sorry I'm late."
Nekonome: "I'm glad you made it here today. Class, this is Mizore Shirayuki, due to some reason's she hasn't been able to come to school. Please get along with her."
She turn around to face me and she just smile, so I smile back at her."
Y/n(Thinking): "Mizore Shirayuki, huh? What made her go to school?"
It was lunch time, Me and the others were gathering and heading to the club room.
Kurumu: "So, everyone got what there need?"
Tsukune: "Yeah I got the drinks."
Moka: "And I got the snacks."
Kurumu: "Then let's get going!"
Y/n: "You guys go ahead, I'll join you later."
Kurumu: "Okay... but where you going?"
Y/n: "I'm just gonna head outside for some fresh air."
Kurumu: "Okay you better get there."
They walked down the hallway heading to the club room while I walk the opposite direction. Then I saw Mizore hiding behind the support pillars.
Y/n: "What are you doing over there?"
She came out from her hiding spot and headed towards me.
Mizore: "Hey."
Y/n: "Your Mizore right?
She nodded and handed me the Newspaper I gave to her before.
Mizore: "I read it, and the news you wrote makes me interested as usual."
Y/n: "As usual? You mean you read the school's newspaper before?"
She took out a book and what appears to be her diary and handed to me. I opened it and all the News, story I wrote was in there.
Mizore: "While I was out of school, I requested Ms. Nekonome to grab me some school Newspaper. I gathered all the articles you wrote and put it there."
Y/n: "Wow, I'm so creep out and honored at the time."
Mizore: *Giggle*"I even wrote some comments over there. I love all the news report you make. Even though your strong, you still protect the weak person's point of view which I can relate. And I think that we have the same personality and the way of thinking."
She just then hugged my arm.
Y/n: "Uh, Hi there?"
Mizore: "You were alone right? I know how that feels..."
Y/n: "Alone huh? I'll be going outside, you can come if you want."
Mizore: "Sure, let's go."
She didn't let go of my arm while we were walking, now people got the wrong idea that we have a thing. When we reach outside, a massive gust of wind blew and lifting her skirt which like she doesn't give a f*ck.
Y/n: "I think you’re the most serious girl I know."
Mizore: "If you want, I can just lift my skirt for you to see."
Y/n: Please don't."
Mizore: "Look, there's a lake over there. Let's go.
We went to the lake and she grabs a rock and she skipped it 3 times.
Mizore: "Y/n did you see that?"
Y/n: "Not bad, let me try."
I grab the rock and skipped it 9 times.
Mizore: "Wow, you really are amazing."
Y/n: "as much as I love skipping rock here with you, I better get going."
Mizore: "You’re going back to your friends right? Or rather you just want to go back to Moka Akashiya. I don't know what I'm going to do with her."
Y/n: "What are you talking about?"
Mizore: "Please Y/n, stay with me."
The air somehow become a very cold and the water instantly froze. I looked at Mizore and her hair turned into Ice and her hands became Ice claws.
Y/n: "Are you an Ice monster?"
Mizore: "Yes, I'm a Snow Fairy. And I can control Ice freely."
I looked down to my feed and it was already covered in ice.
Mizore: "Y/n, you and I are destined to be together. Were both loners so were definitely to each other."
The Ice now reach at my chest and it already froze my hands making me unable to move.
Mizore: "Don't worry Y/n, once your body is completely frozen, you will be forever mine."
The ice is now reaching my neck while Mizore just stare me emotionless.
Moka: "Y/n!"
We both looked up and saw Kurumu flying down while holding Moka.
Mizore: "How are you still alive?"
Kurumu: "I was able to save them in a nick of time. What the hell is your problem trying to kill them?"
Mizore: "Tch! Those who hinder the true Love of me and Y/n will disappear!"
She fired an Ice projectile on the two of them. I was able to from from the ice binding and teleport in front of Kurumu and Moka. Then I summon Cerberus and used Ice Age to protect them from the incoming attack.
Mizore got shocked when she saw that I was able to used Ice to protect Moka and Kurumu.
Mizore: "Y/n... you’re a Snow Fairy too?"
Y/n: "No, I just use this. But forget about that. Why would you try to kill them? Don't you think that your taking this too far?"
Mizore: "Why would you save them? You should understand how it feels to be all alone like me."
Y/n: "Mizore, I never felt alone."
Mizore: "Are you... are you rejecting my feelings?!
Y/n: "What? No, wait that's not..."
Suddenly a big snow storm surrounded Mizore and he just disappeared.
Kurumu: "What the hell is her problem? ACHOO!"
Moka: "I don't know too. ACHOO!"
Y/n: "You two better get back and rest. I'll go find her and try to talk to her."
I went to the forest because I felt Mizore's yokai energy there as well as someone else. When I got there I saw the Gym teacher try to molest her. I used teleport behind him and tapped on his shoulder.
Y/n: "You know, there's a punishment for what you’re doing. And that is DEATH."
He turned around letting go of Mizore and he ran away heading to cliff.
Kotsubu: "Since you saw what I was doing, I have no choice but to finish you!"
He's arm turned to tentacles and he grew larger and there were more tentacles grew around.
Y/n: "No wonder that you’re a pervert."
Kotsubu: "I'm an A+ monster! A Kraken!"
He swings his tentacles around trying to hit me but I just keep dodging easily.
Y/n: "I wonder how much they would pay me if I sold you to a sushi restaurant."
I summoned 8 spectral swords and shoot it at each tentacle pinning it down on the ground.
Kotsubu: "You bastard let me go!"
Y/n: "Are you sure? Because I have something in mind to let you go."
I summon Yamato and used Judgment Cut End on every each tentacles.
Kotsubu: "What was that? You just sliced the air! Hahaha!"
I slowly close the Yamato with its Sheath aaaaannnnnddd..... *Click* All of his tentacles exploded making him scream like a bitch. He then turn back to his human form."
Y/n: "Damn. I really wish i brought Gilgamesh with me. But oh well."
I punch him 5x in the face making him knock out."
Y/n: "Stay there for now. I gotta talk to Mizore."
I keep walking on the direction Mizore ran into. After a few minutes, I found her standing on the edge of the cliff.
Y/n: "Mizore."
Mizore: "Y/n?"
Y/n: "Are you alright? I saw everything that bastard teacher did. Don't worry I'll take care of him so he won't bother you again."
Mizore: "Y/n.. I... I..."
Tsukune: "Y/n!"
I turn around and saw Tsukune running towards us.
Tsukune: "Y/n, Mizore! It's not too late to apologize to Mr. Kotsubu
Y/n: "What are you talking about?"
Tsukune: "The two of you attack Mr. Kotsubu and he's still at the nurse's office recovering. It's not too late!"
Then we heard Mizore chuckling.
Mizore: "Your all too much, and I thought that all of would understand me. But nobody...nobody UNDERSTANDS ME!"
Her scream caused an instant blizzard and she made an Ice copy of herself.
Moka: "Tsukune! There was a misunderstanding!"
Tsukune: "What do you mean?!"
Yukari: "Gin's photo cleared up everything."
Kurumu: "Look!"
She hand the photo's to Tsukune and saw Kotsubu trying to rape Mizore and how I saved her and beating Kotsubu up.
Y/n: "Next time Tsukune, make sure everything is in sense before you run with your mouth."
Tsukune: "I'm so sorry Y/n!"
Y/n: "Mizore! It's alright. Our names are clear now!"
I slowly walked towards her but she keeps walking backwards on the edge of the cliff. And the water just froze and turned into Ice spikes.
Mizore: "No... Stay away! STAY AWAY!"
Mizore(Clone): "I will be lonely...
Mizore(Clone): "Y/n will never understand my feelings...."
Mizore(Close): "Loneliness.....
The cliff she's standing on is now giving up and she's starting to fall. I manage to catch her hand and I'm now hanging on the broken edge.
Y/n: "Hang on Mizore, don't look down."
Mizore: "It's alright Y/n, you can let me go."
Y/n: "Like hell I will. Besides I need to tell you something."
Mizore: "Tell me something?
Y/n: "Yeah, It's true that I used to be alone before I came here. But now I got friends to laugh at. And now, I never felt alone because I met you."
Mizore(Clone): "Lies.... all lies....
Mizore(Clone): "If it's true friendship, you would die together."
Mizore: "Y/n! I-I can't control them anymore!"
Y/n: "That's all I wanted to hear. Tsukune, NOW!"
The Ice clones was about to stab me, but with a huge burst if Yokai energy melted them. I guessing Tsukune heard me.
I saw Inner Moka walked towards us. She grab my hand, pulling us up and throwing us in the air.
Y/n: "I don't know if should thank you or insult you."
Inner Moka: "Stop getting me involve to all of your rabbles!"
She then looks at Mizore with a menacing stare.
Inner Moka: "And you..."
Mizore: "What?"
Moka was about to kick Mizore in the face but I teleport in front of her and took and hit instead. Everyone including Moka got shock on what I did."
Inner Moka: "What are you doing?! Why would you take that?!"
Y/n: "That's because she already had enough punishment for one day."
I look at Mizore with a smile and she just blush a little.
Inner Moka(Jealous): Tch, Whatever. Do as you please."
Time Skip
The next day, all of us are inside the club room while Tsukune, Moka, Kurumu and Yukari had blankets and they were sneezing.
Kurumu: "How come you didn't get cold?"
Y/n: "Beats me."
Gin: "Good work everyone, another job well done."
Nekonome: "Yes, thanks to all of you, Y/n and Mizore will not be expelled!"
Y/n: "So what ever happened to that Pervert bastard?"
Nekonome: "The Head-Master fired Mr. Kotsubu for what he did to Mizore. He will be leaving tonight."
Y/n: "Tonight huh?"
The air in the room suddenly got chilled and we all looked at the door and saw Mizore peeping.
Tsukune: "You might wanna come in?"
She walked in with a new appearance.
Y/n: "You cut your hair?"
Mizore: "Yes, I cut it short. Does it suit me?"
Nekonome: "Yes it does!"
Mizore: "I decide to make myself over so I'd start with my hair."
Gin: "You look pretty photogenic!"
Tsukune: "Anyway Gin, how did you manage to take those photos?"
Gin: "Heh, I'm always around to check some scoops."
There were some photos fell out of Gin's pocket. Kurumu and Yukari picked one up, they were furious when it was a photo of a girl in her underwear.
Kurumu/Yukari: "Like hell this is one of your scoops!"
They began to beat the crap out Gin while the others just watch it with a sweat drop. Mizore then sit right next to me and i look at her with a smile.
Y/n: "I like your new hairstyle, it’s kinda cute."
She just blushed and looked away trying to hide her face.
Mizore: "T-T-Thank you."
I looked over to Tsukune and Moka and she was just drinking her blood again.
Nekonome: "Alright everyone that's enough. We better get to class."
Y/n: "Come on, let's go."
Mizore: "Sure."
I got up and went to class and she was just hugging my arm while were walking.
It was night time, and I was just outside the school gate waiting for that bastard Kotsubu to leave. After a few moments, a saw him walking towards the gates and heading to the forest while carrying some of his bags. I followed him deep in the forest and confronted him.
Y/n: "And where do you think you’re going?"
He turn around and saw me with a serious face.
Kotsubu: "I already lost my job, so what else do you want?"
Y/n: "I already told you the punishment for rape right?"
Kotsubu: "W-What do you mean, I-I'm already leaving here and w-won't bother her again!"
Y/n: "A crime is a crime. And yours will be DEATH."
I brought out Force Edge and entered my Devil Trigger 2nd stage scaring the shit out of him. I slowly walked towards him while he was to scared to move from his spot.
Kotsubu: "W-W-What are you?!"
Y/n(Demon): "A Demon."
I used Stinger and charged at him with a powerful aura and his body got disintegrated upon impact of the sword.
Y/n(Demon): "That's for Mizore, you bitch."
I destroyed all his bag clearing of all evidence. And I went back to normal and headed back to my dorm to sleep.