I woke up very early in the morning because of the annoying alarm clock. What's worse is that I accidentally shot the alarm with ebony.
Y/n: "Damn it, looks like I'll be buying a new one."
I got up, stretch for a few seconds, grab my towel and walk on the hallway to go to the shower. Then I saw some of the other student were in there monster form. Guess they can't control they're human form in their sleep.
Y/n: "Hey there Tsukune, you look like you didn't sleep in a week."
Tsukune: "Oh hey, morning Y/n. I haven't slept much last night, my dorm neighbor was playing something noisy last night."
Me and Tsukune were walking at school, when we arrive at the gates, some of the students were chatting.
Boy1: "Look, it's Moka Akashiya!"
Boy2: "She really is a beauty!"
All the boys just watch at Moka while she walks at the gates like she's a super-star. When she saw us, she immediately run and latched herself at Tsukune's arm.
Moka: "Good Morning, Tsukune!"
Tsukune: "G-Good morning too, Moka."
Then all of the boys behind us stare at Tsukune with jealousy and anger.
Boy1: "Damn that Aono! What does he have that we don't?!"
Boy2: "He probably paid her!"
I then stared at the boys behind us with 'Get out or else' face while releasing a some of my demon energy towards them. They got scared shitless and ran pass us heading inside the campus building. Just then Moka notice me.
Moka: "Oh Y/n, I didn't see you there. Good Morning."
Y/n: "Heh, Good morning too."
Just then I heard a small growl near us.
Y/n: "You guys heard that?"
Tsukune: "Yeah, what was that?"
We heard the growl again and we saw Moka blushing lightly while holding her stomach.
Y/n: "You didn't eat breakfast, did you?"
Moka: "Tsukune I'm sorry but can I drink your blood?"
She latched herself to Tsukune's neck. Then he yelp and started to run away.
Tsukune: "I'm not your breakfast!"
Moka: "Ahhh! Tsukune, wait I'm sorry!"
Y/n: "Come on, you can't always rely on Tsukune to be your source of food."
Moka: "I know, It's just his blood is so delicious and I can't stand it."
Y/n: "Let's just get to class and you can apologize to him later at lunch."
Moka: "Okay."
Author's POV
Tsukune keep running until he saw a small lake not far from school and he look at his reflection at the water.
Tsukune: "There's no bite mark, but vampires really are scary."
???: "P-Please, h-help me."
He saw a girl with a blue hair and she was lying down near the waters. Tsukune immediately ran towards her to check on her.
Tsukune. "Are you alright? Does something hurts?"
???: "I'm fine, it's just my chest is so big it makes me hard to breath."
Tsukune(Blushing): "Ehh?! Umm, can you walk towards the school?"
???: "I can, but can you assist me? Because my chest feels a little heavy."
Tsukune(Blushing): "Umm, s-s-sure."
Kurumu: "By the way, my name's Kurumu Kurono."
Tsukune(Blushing): "I-I-I'm Tsukune A-Aono."
Kurumu: "I think I got something in my eyes, can you please look."
Tsukune looked at her eyes and she uses her charm to hypnotize him.
Kurumu: "Now that he's under my control, I can get rid of that Moka easily."
Lunch time and Tsukune was at the hallway outside his classroom waiting for Moka. Moka saw him and he saw her, but they were interrupted by Kurumu.
Kurumu: "Come on Tsukune, let's have lunch together."
Tsukune: "Sorry, but I need to talk to Moka fir-"
He didn't finish what he was going to say because Kurumu quickly uses her charm on him again.
Tsukune(Charmed): "On second thought I don't need to talk to Moka, she only want's me for my blood."
Kurumu: "Oh that's terrible, she just see you as her lunch."
Moka: "Wait, that's not-"
Kurumu: "Come on Tsukune, let's leave her before she turn you to her dinner."
Moka: "Tsukune wait!"
Tsukune(Charmed): "Forget it, you only see me as your breakfast."
Moka couldn't believe what she heard and ran away in tears.
Kurumu: "Yeah that right, run away little bat!"
Unknown to them, someone saw everything what happen and knows exactly what she did. And that someone is Y/n."
Y/n(Thinking): "So she's a Succubus huh? No wonder Tsukune easily fall for her."
Y/n's POV
I walk to the rooftop and saw Moka sitting down near the railing looking very sad.
Y/n: "I'm guessing you don't know huh?"
Moka: "Huh?! Y/n, when did you get here?!"
Y/n: "Just now, seriously you didn't see me coming here? You really need to check your surroundings."
Moka: "Oh, I'm sorry it's just Tsukune..."
Y/n:*sigh*"So you really don't know exactly what happened huh?"
Moka: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "That girl she's a Succubus. If she kiss Tsukune, well let's just say that won't be good."
Moka: "Then we have to save Tsukune!"
She quickly run down the stairs and I follow her. She then ask everyone if they saw Kurumu or Tsukune. Someone inform her and said that they're at the nurse' office. When we arrive, we saw Tsukune was laying down on the bed and Kurumu was on top of him.
Y/n: "Looks like were just in time."
Moka rush inside and push Kurumu out the window with full force.
Moka: "Tsukune! Are you alright?"
Tsukune is still emotionless and just staring at the ceiling.
Y/n: "I got an idea."
I pull out Ebony out of nowhere.
Moka: "Wait Y/n don't shoot him, there must be a way to break him free."
Y/n: "Who says that I'll shoot him?"
I place Ebony near his head and and shoot the wall which shocking him and snapping him out.
Tsukune: "AHHH! Why would you shoot near my head?! AND WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?!"
Then we saw Kurumu out the window flying with her wings. She grab Tsukune in the neck with her tail and Moka grab on Tsukune's leg leaving me behind again."
Y/n: "Those two really know how to make a party, but they don't know who to invite."
I jump out the window and saw Kurumu letting Tsukune go in mid-air and I just follow her directions. When I arrive, I saw Kurumu with a very long nails, she was about to slice Moka but I use Trickster and teleported in between them and block her nails with yamato.
Y/n: "I guess you haven't heard of pedicure huh?"
Kurumu: "Of course I have! It's natural for Succubus to have a long nails so we can cut any annoying things, like you!"
She pierce her other hand on my stomach with her nails leaving a shock Moka and Tsukune.
Moka/Tsukune: "Y/N!!"
Kurumu: "See! That's what happens if you mess with a Succubus!"
She then throw me on a tree branch piercing me again in the stomach and let me hanging on it.
Author's POV
Kurumu: "If you’re not going to be mine Tsukune, you'll be joining your friend!"
Moka was in between them blocking Kurumu's way.
Kurumu: "Still protecting your food Moka?"
Moka: "Your wrong! Tsukune isn't my food, he's my very first friend and I will promise that I will protect him!"
Kurumu: "Friend? Please, males only exist to be slaves and nothing more."
Y/n: "You think so wouldn't you?"
They all saw Y/n still hanging in the branch with a bored look and all of them were shock specially Kurumu to see that he's still alive.
Kurumu: "What the?! How come your still alive?!"
Y/n: "Don't know. Maybe because of my good looks."
Kurumu summons her wing to fly and slice Y/n. But he grab Ebony and Ivory and shoot her wings to make her lose her balance. Y/n got out of the tree but the branch is still in his stomach shocking Moka and Tsukune still wondering on how Y/n is still alive.
Y/n: "If you think that all men are slaves, how come your beneath me?"
He summon's Yamato and pointed it at her.
Y/n: "Any last word before you become a flightless Succubus forever?"
Kurumu: "Wait! Please don't cut my wings! Anything but that, I'll stay away from all of you, I won't bother you again please!"
Tsukune rush in front of Y/n trying to protect Kurumu.
Y/n: "What are you doing?"
Tsukune: "Protecting her from you. You don't need to cut her wings, the only reason why she was so aggressive because her race is dying so she has no choice."
Y/n: "Are you sure you’re not under her control?"
Tsukune: "I'm not under her control. Come on Y/n, give her another chance."
Y/n: "I don't have a problem with that. What about you Moka?"
Moka: "I think everyone deserves a second chance."
Y/n: "Alrighty then."
He pulled the branch out of his stomach and in an instant, he already healed.
Y/n: "I'll see you tomorrow at class."
At class, Kurumu hug Tsukune from behind surprising him and Moka.
Kurumu: "Come on Tsukune, it's lunch time!"
Tsukune: "Um, Kurumu why are you too close to me?"
Kurumu: "Well, remember when I said that I need to find my destined one?"
Tsukune: "uh, yeah...."
Kurumu: "I decided that it should be you!"
Moka/Tsukune: "WWWWHHHAATTTT?!"
Tsukune: "WHY ME?!"
Kurumu: "After you bravely save me from that jerk. I knew that you where the one."
Y/n: "And who's jerk would that be?"
Kurumu jump back a little when he heard Y/n's voice behind her and she hide behind Tsukune's back for protection.
Y/n: "Relax, this jerk won't do anything if you don't push the button."
Kurumu relax a little knowing that Y/n will be harmless if she just don't do anything stupid. Y/n then watch the three of them leaving the room and heading to the cafeteria for lunch.
Y/n: "Heh, looks like they invited a new member for the party. Shit! I forgot, I still don't know where the cafeteria is! Hey! Wait for me!"