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??Winter didn??t come back last night??? I asked Cherry, who was sleeping on Winter??s bed.

It was the day after, and I hadn??t seen Winter since the gun incident. Maybe, poor girl was just traumatized or maybe it was actually time for me consider about taking Cam??s warning seriously.

Cherry waved her hand at me sleepily.

??Ugh, dude, you are drooling,?? I pointed out, ??on Winter??s bed, might I add.??

??So??? she mumbled, wiping off the drool on the pillow.

I sighed, ??Nothing, just know that you will be dealing with her for this.??

Just then the door barged open, and in stormed Winter. I took in her disheveled appearance, and frowned.

??Where were you whole day yesterday??? I asked her.

??None of your business,?? she replied, her voice slightly tired, but edgy.

??Of course, it is,?? I told her, ??I am your roommate and????

??And??? she challenged.

??And, I would want to know if I am sharing room with some secretive, dangerous, harmful girl???? I finished, cautiously.

Better let the truth out.

Winter glowered at me, then, folded her arms across her chest, ??I should be the one making those accusations, seeing how cozy you are with that Cam guy.??

??What??? I exclaimed in bewilderment.

Winter nodded, ??Don??t deny it. I saw the two of you at Campus yesterday.??

??I don??t even know him, Winter! You are the one he Came after, remember???

Her expression fell at that, and she pursed her lips. ??Just one advice, Juliet. Stay away from him. he is...not a very ideal guy to be around.??


Cam wanted me to beware of Winter, and Winter wanted me to beware of Cam?

What was up with this two? How did they even know each other-

Suddenly, something clicked in my brain and, my eyes widened. I turned to Winter, ??Were you two??were you two dating in the past???

Cherry let out a snort at this, diverting our attention.

??What is so funny??? Winter glared at Cherry. Oh maybe, she finally noticed that Cherry was lying on her bed.

??Nothing??just that, my sister is a gumass,?? Cherry chuckled. It was my turn to glare at her.

??Dude, please. That Cam guy is way out of her league,?? Cherry explained with a roll of her eyes.

Uh oh.

??How dare you??? Winter fumed.

Cherry got up from the bed, and stretched, ??Look, don??t mind this but, he doesn??t seem like a guy who would put up with anyone??s bullshit. And, to be honest, you are full of-??

??Cherry, come on,?? I cut in, grabbing her hand, ??it??s time to get breakfast.??

I was dragging Cherry out of there, when Winter??s voice made me halt.

??No, I never dated him. And, get your facts straight, I am the one who is way out of his league.??

Um??well, I was not sure about that??because, Cam looked like he could get anyone he wanted but, uh, he didn??t strike to me as the dating type??


I was exploring the Campus during a free period when, I spotted Blake, sitting all by himself on one of the benches around the garden.

??Hey, Mr. pew pew,?? I greeted upon reaching him, taking a seat beside him.

He nodded, not looking at me.

??Whoa, why that long face??? I asked, ??It doesn??t suit you, buddy.??

He turned to me, his expression uncharacteristically sad and stressful. ??I am worried about Cam. He skipped classes again today.??

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say.

??That??s?? not all,?? Blake continued, ??We had this big drama at our home yesterday, about that gun. Everyone found out, of course and when we tried to confront Cam, everything just??turned into chaos and argument.??

Oh, well??

??Um???? I started, uncertainly, ??I don??t really know what to say, but, have you guys any clue about what is going on with him??? Why he is doing all this???

Blake ran a hand over his face, ??That darned summer trip, he took with his family. I wish we were all there. At least we would have prevented whatever happened there??from happening.??

??Do you know what happened???

He shook his head, ??No. and, he wouldn??t talk to us. Either he doesn??t want anything to do with us or he thinks he can handle everything all on his own.??

??Hm??well, this is a bit complicated,?? I mused, then, turned to him with a smile, ??but, every bad thing comes to an end, right???

??Uh??I think the proverb is ??every good thing comes to an end?????? he trailed off, looking at his feet.

??Oh, hush,?? I chided him, ??in my world, it??s always the bad things. So, don??t you worry, it will be all good in the end. Also, is that all or there??s something else bothering you???

Blake froze at this. Okay, so there was something else??

He turned to me, ??Maybe, I can tell you. You are my friend, right?????

??Of course! At least, that??s what you proclaimed when you first met me,?? I told him with a grin.

He blew out a breath, ??Okay, so??hellcat is-??

??Hellcat? Oh??do you mean Hailey???

??Yep, that,?? he said, sheepishly, then, beCame serious again, ??anyway, so, she is??ugh! She is going out on a date with some dude!??

I gasped at this, ??No way! Tell me that dude is you!??

Blake groaned, burying his face in his hands, ??It??s not me. It??s one of her batch mates, who studies medicine with her.??

I stood up, ??Oh come on, I may have met you guys only two days ago, but, there??s no way in hell I am letting that happen.??

Blake pulled me back down to sit, ??But, there??s nothing you can do.??

I looked at him disbelief, ??Blake, seriously?! I expected better from you! And, why is Hailey even going out with someone else? Aren??t you two dating???

??We aren??t,??

??Doesn??t she know that you like her???

??No, she doesn??t.??

??Have you ever asked her out???

??I haven??t.??

??Oh my god! Seriously?!?? I exclaimed, ??And, here I thought, you guys were married already! What the hell Blake? Grow a pair and tell her you like her!??

??Um??I don??t think she likes me????

??Oh, come on,?? I groaned, ??You two need to get your act together! The whole world can see it, and you two can??t? Hell, I am a practical stranger and I can see it!?? I stood up, again, ??There??s no way I am letting this ship sink. This ship is my life now! If it dies, I die along with it! Just watch me, make it sail.??

??Whoa! Whose ship are we talking about??? Hailey suddenly appeared in front of me, ??and, wow, you sound just like me!?? she clapped her hands, excitedly, ??Tell me all about this ship, I will help you make it sail.??

I opened my mouth to reply but Blake beat me it.

??We were talking about the weather. Lame.??

Hailey??s eyebrows shot up, ??I don??t believe it. You and lame? Pfft. Sure!??

Wow??here, they were flirting in broad daylight and there, Blake was sulking earlier.

Blake pulled me to the side. ??You can??t tell anyone about the conversation we just had!?? he whispered.

??What? Why? I thought all of your friends know???? I whispered back, in confusion.

??No! No one can find out that I was brooding here, okay??? he pleaded, ??It will tarnish my reputation!??

??Oof, okay,?? I agreed, ??you got it, captain. Just don??t come in the way of anything I try to do with this ship.??

??What the heck is going on??? Hailey interrupted us, narrowing her eyes, ??what are you two hiding???

??Nothing,?? Blake chimed in, ??we are planning a food raid in the canteen.??

Hailey was about to say something, when a guy walked up to us.

??Hey, Hailey,?? he smiled at her.

Hailey smiled back and grabbed his hand, bringing him forward. ??Guys, meet Brent. He is my classmate and a good friend.??

??I disapprove,?? Came out of my mouth before I could stop it.


Hailey and Brent gave me a bewildered look, while Blake face palmed beside me.

??Uh??I mean, hi, Brent,?? I quickly tried to cover up my mistake with a smile, ??ah, isn??t the weather so nice today??? what the hell am I blurting?

??Um, sure, it is,?? he scratched the back of his head.

??But, it??s not nice for a date, you know. It may or may not rain later,?? I added, with a charming smile.

??Oh God, hahaha, so funny, patootie,?? Blake feigned laughter beside me.

??Uhm,?? Hailey started, cautiously, ??how did you know that Brent and I were planning to go on a study date???

??What? It??s a study date??? I asked in surprise, ??So, like you two aren??t going to eat and have fun and then, kiss each other???

??Oh God, excuse us, guys, patootie has forgotten to take her ??shut up?? meds today,?? Blake said, giving me a look.

I mock gasped at him. ??Oh, do they make those? Because, if they do, I seriously need them. I never shut up-??

??Um, okay,?? Hailey cut in, ??you two continue, we will see you later.??

??Oh no, wait! What are you two studying??? I asked her.

??English??Brent needs some help with an essay,?? she replied.

??Okay, count me in,?? I told her, ??let??s make it a group study date.??

??Is that necessary??? Brent jumped in.

Oh, boy, he didn??t??

I gave him the best glare I could muster, ??Why? Do you have any problem? The purpose is to study right? So, the more, the merrier. Oh, Blake, why don??t you join us too???

??Sure, guys, whatever, I don??t mind, both of you are welcome to join,?? Hailey replied, looking at us weirdly.

Poor Hailey. She had no idea what was going on??and, Blake on the other side, who looked like someone had kicked him. My poor poor ship??

Suddenly, Hailey perked up, ??Oh, yeah, you should join us Juliet. We have a lot of talking to do. About you. About Cam. And about what is brewing between the two of you???? she trailed off, with a mischievous smirk.

Oh no, she had the wrong idea??

??Patootie, you traitor!?? Blake gasped, turning to me, ??You call me your friend and you hid this from me!??

??Yup, that??s right,?? Hailey nodded grimly, then, patted Blake??s hand, ??but, I am the captain of their ship now. I will make sure, it sails smoothly.??

??Of course!?? Blake exclaimed, with an evil grin, ??I will bring my PG-13 flag to the ship and wave it for the whole world to see.??

Okay, wow, they had taken this ship metaphor too far.

Before I could protest, a loud crash from the Campus gates, made us all jump in shock. Our heads whipped in the direction of the gates to see car which had rammed into the boundary wall.

??Oh God, that??s Cam??s car!?? Blake exclaimed, from beside me, making me freeze in alarm.

Holy crap??!

A/N: okay, so, Blake and Hailey??s ship has found its captain (which was long overdue, might I add). Have you guys noticed how clueless both of them are?! It??s really time for them to get their acts together! Also, um, sorry for the cliffhanger, couldn??t help it :p I am hoping, all the characters will be there in upcoming chapters and this book??s pace can become faster.

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