The resounding silence of the corridor was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps of Cam. He walked up to me??I mean; the gun??bent down and picked it up.
??This belongs to me,?? he said, to no one in particular, and pocketed the damn thing.
Was this guy for real?
Poor dean was too shook to his core, to comprehend anything, while everyone else in the corridor was watching the entire scene unfold, with their jaws dropped to the floor.
??Tell me this is a nightmare,?? Millie whispered, her whole body shaking.
Cam scoffed, ??This doesn??t even come close, Millie.??
What? Now, what was that supposed to mean?
I glanced at the dean, to see him wiping off sweat from his forehead, clutching his chest to compose himself. Poor oldie. He didn??t deserve to be scared shitless like this.
??M-my of-office,?? he stuttered, looking between me and Cam, in fear.
Geez, I was harmless, why was he afraid of me?
??Sure,?? Cam rolled his eyes, ??just get this over with. I have other things to do.??
The dean??s eyes widened to the size of saucers upon hearing this, as if he couldn??t believe that someone could be this impatient at the possibility of getting expelled.
??Um, excuse me, sir, I am innocent,?? I started, hoping he would believe me, ??I was coming to hand that thing over to you.??
Cam instantly narrowed his eyes at me, while I tried not to flinch. The dean, of course, gave me a disbelieving look. He adjusted his glasses and straightened up, ??You are both guilty until proven otherwise. To my office, now.??
I shot an accusing look in Cam??s direction, ??This is all your fault!??
??Yeah, yeah, I am the one who stole the gun and I am the unbelievably clumsy one here.?? he shot back, sarcastically.
??I am not clumsy!?? I shrieked, ??It??s just-it??s- ugh! I don??t know! If I get expelled today, I am taking you to Czech Republic with me to deal with my parents! And, if they disown me and I become homeless, or worse, if they kill me, I will haunt you forever!?? stop rambling, Juliet, just stop, ??and, I don??t care-??
I was cut off mid rant when, Cam sighed tiredly and grabbed my wrist, starting to drag me towards the dean??s office. ??I can??t fricking deal with this shit right now. You have already ruined my plans for today. Just shut up and get this done with,?? he muttered, on the way.
Millie caught up to us, running beside us. ??Don??t worry,?? she assured, ??you will be okay. Just say the truth as it is.??
??Also, Cam,?? she continued, her eyes zeroing in on Cam??s hand wrapped around my wrist, ??this has got to be the first time you voluntarily touched a girl, besides Stella.??
As soon as that statement was out of Millie??s mouth, Cam froze and dropped my hand as if it was burning him.
??Rude,?? I frowned at him.
Cam ran a hand through his hair and just said one sentence, before walking away on his own: ??This is not the first time.??
This caused Millie to drop the books she was holding, while I stood there as confused as ever. What was even this guy??s deal? And, why did he always have to talk in puzzles?
I gulped, looking up at the dean, who appeared much more intimidating now with two security guards by his side. He analyzed me thoroughly through his glasses, nodded to himself then, moved on to analyze Cam, who was seated beside me with his usual bored look on.
The dean cleared his throat. ??You need to hand over that gun to me, first,?? he said, glancing pointedly at Cam.
??No can do,?? Cam replied smoothly.
Dang! This guy was going to get us in a deeper trouble.
??Just give it to him,?? I hissed at Cam, ??he is the in charge here!??
Cam turned to glance at me. ??I don??t make same mistakes twice.??
??What do you mean, huh??? I challenged him, ??it??s not like I was holding the gun over you. That situation was different! I just took it so that you wouldn??t kill me.??
??I never said I was talking about you,?? he replied, looking away.
Here he goes with the puzzles again??
??Dude, please, I hate puzzles,?? I groaned, ??just talk normally. And, also, give him that fricking gun. I don??t want to get expelled because of you.??
Cam shook his head, closing his eyes. The dean and his bodyguards sighed in unison.
??I didn??t want to do this, students,?? the dean began, ??but, you have left me with no other option. I am going to have to expel both of you.??
Cam stood up all of a sudden, reaching into his pocket. My eyes widened. I swear, good things never Came out of his pocket.
And, boy was I right!
He procured a bundle of cash notes and slapped it on the dean??s table. ??Is this enough??? he asked, gruffly.
??Oh God!?? I exclaimed, ??Are you kidding me! This is illegal. I repeat, il-??
I was cut off when Cam held my wrist again, conveying with his eyes for me to shut up. Then, he tilted his face in the dean??s direction.
I glanced at the dean, and to my horror, found him picking up that wad of cash, his eyes shining greedily.
Damn it! What has this world come to?
??It??s time to get out of your fairytale and accept the ugly reality,?? Cam whispered harshly, to me.
Okay, wow. This guy had issues. I was starting to get the idea that his whole perception of everything was flawed, as was his way of dealing with problems. But, well, who was I to judge without knowing his full story?
I just cast him a curious glance, wondering what must have happened with him that brought him to this?
At first he was taken aback by the inquisitive look I shot him, then, just bewildered, then, he took a deep breath and returned my look with equal intensity.
So, he was stubborn??like me. Now, this guy had made me so damn curious and trust me when I say this, nothing good comes out of my curiosity. It??s an endless circle of annoying people, sticking my unwanted nose everywhere, get berated by them, but, still continue on shamelessly.
Cam, you made the wrong girl curious??by the time I am done, you are going to wish that you had never bumped into me in the first place and left me on the ground very rudely.
My trance was broken when the dean cleared his throat. I turned to look at him, and my expression automatically turned into a glare.
??You should be ashamed of yourself!?? I started, ??you call yourself the dean? Just wait and watch, I will expose-??
I was interrupted again, when Cam pressed my hand, which he was still holding.
??Do you ever just shut up??? he frowned at me.
??Why will I shut up??? I shot back, ??I am witnessing live corruption and you want me to-??
The dean cleared his throat, cutting me off.
??Stop clearing your throat!?? Cam and I snapped at him, together.
Darn it! Why?
The dean looked between Cam and me, weirdly then opened his stupid corrupt mouth. ??Stop fighting like a married couple in my office!??
I gasped at this, while Cam gave him a deadpan look, ??Are we done here, then???
The dean shook his head, looked at me, and then, started coughing. What now?
??He wants you to pay up,?? Cam told me.
I glowered at the dean. ??You son of a-??
??Here,?? Cam tossed another bundle at the desk, ??this is from her side.??
The dean smiled, slipping the bundle inside his pocket, ??You two are excused now.??
I pulled my hand out of Cam??s clutch and slammed it on the table, making the dean jump in surprise. ??But, you are not excused, sir,?? I bit out, menacingly.
The dean??s eyes shone with fear, and he glanced at Cam for help. Was this oldie for real right now?
To my annoyance, Cam grabbed my hand again, rolling his eyes and started dragging me out of the office. No amount of my shouts or protests worked, and I saw the office doors closing behind me, with the dean flashing me a triumphant smile.
Cam dropped my hand, as soon as that happened. ??That was unnecessary drama.??
I folded my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes at him, ??If you really believe that, then, shame on you, and others like you who call themselves educated.??
Cam??s lips turned up into a grave smile, ??Who needs books and schools and colleges, when, life gives you all the education you need? And, yes, I don??t believe anything, I know it.??
I scrunched up my nose at him. ??That??s downright cynical. And, also, get rid of that gun.??
??Please,?? I added, when he gave me the plain indication that he was not going to listen to me.
??It??s none of your business,?? he replied, walking away from me.
I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes. Of course, why would he listen to me?
I watched in confusion, when, Cam turned around all of a sudden and started walking towards me. Okay, now what did he want?
Then, I realized, that he still had the gun on him.
Oh my God, did he finally decide that I had pissed him enough and it was time to put an end to my life? Or that I was the only witness to the corruption that had just taken place? Or just maybe he wanted to kill me for existing?
??Look???? I blurted, when he was close enough, ??it??s fine, I will not get involved in any of your damn business again. And, I will also try to forget what I just saw??only for this once, so don??t make it a habit. And, I will also try not to breathe the same air as you-??
??Do you have an off switch??? Cam interjected.
I scowled at him, ??What is that supposed to mean? It??s not me who needs an off switch! I just state the truth. Okay, fine, I tend to ramble a lot????
??Tend to,?? he scoffed.
??Hey! Your sarcasm is not appreciated. Also, why do you care? It??s my mouth, I will speak all I want to,?? stop, Juliet, he has a gun, ??and, no fricking gun of this world can do anything about that. Get it? And, just FYI, you were the one who-??
I was cut off again, when he took hold of my wrist. ??Found it!?? he exclaimed, looking up at me, sarcasm evident in his eyes, ??your off switch.??
What the hell?
I couldn??t help the chuckle that escaped me, ??Oh, man, you wish. I shut up only when I want to, which is very rare. Grabbing my hand isn??t going to-??
I was actually forced to shut up, when Cam pressed my wrist gently, taking me by surprise.
??You see,?? he mused, ??it actually works.??
My lips parted and I had to swallow the rest of my words. Why did it feel like I was having a sort of civil conversation with him for the first time?
??Anyway,?? he met my eyes, ??I just wanted to????
??To??? I prodded him.
He dropped my hand, looking away and running a hand through his hair. ??It??s nothing??I wanted to????
Again, why was it so hard for him to speak his mind?
??Of course, it??s not nothing. You wanted to??what??? I pressed, my tone a tad bit impatient.
??I wanted to warn you,?? he finally blurted, not meeting my eyes, ??just??just be careful of your roommate.??
Instead of asking him questions like why and how, I was trying to digest the fact that it took so much in him to say that one sentence.
??It??s okay,?? I said, before I could stop myself, ??it??s not a crime to look out for someone. Why were you hesitating???
When he didn??t reply, and didn??t meet my eyes either, I decided not to push my luck further and to save whatever progress we had made.
I had to struggle to push down the demon within me that was yelling at me to say, ??It??s none of your business,?? just like he had when I asked him to get rid of that gun.
I smiled at him, ??Thank you. I will keep your warning in mind.??
He nodded slightly, still staring at the ground, then, walked away, leaving me more curious than ever.
A/N: No cliffhanger today! I hope you like the chapter! It took me two days to write this one. writer??s block is killing me :(