After picking myself up after much difficulty and after my sister abandoned me again, I was limping towards my compartment, when some voices drew my attention.
??You what??? a guy yelled in shock.
??Please, Cameron, tell me, you are kidding right now,?? a girl pleaded.
I stood at one side of the compartment door and peeked through the glass. My curiosity got the best out of me when I saw that the blue t-shirt guy was in there, along with Kris and Alexander and a bunch of few more people. It looked like they were travelling as a group.
Oh, did I mention that a baby was in there too?
I wanted to ??aw?? so bad and take that baby in my arms, but, I gulped and remained in my position when I got the reminder of what that blue t-shirt guy had done.
But, on a serious note, what the hell was going on? Why did a bunch of teenagers, who looked like they were going to college, like me, had a baby with them? And, that too, with such dangerous personalities (think along the line of blue t-shirt guy)??
??I am fricking done with this bratty attitude of yours, dude!?? the guy, who had cute dimples and whom I had heard yelling earlier, said, shoving a handful of cheetos in his mouth.
Um??was he even serious or was he joking?
??See, you made Blakey sad. And, Blakey is never sad,?? another guy piped up, from his window seat, ??just don??t make my daughter sad.??
Everyone groaned in annoyance and said, ??Shut up, Dylan!??
Actually, not okay! What the heck was going on?
This is what happens when you poke your nose in other people??s business, Juliet.
??Guys, don??t worry,?? Alexander spoke up, ??I predicted this was going to happen,?? he looked up to cast a cool glance in the blue t-shirt guy??s direction, ??I knew Cam wouldn??t bring his luggage. That??s why I brought it for him. Who do you think those extra two bags are for???
Oh, so the blue t-shirt guy??s name was Cam??short for Cameron, I guess??
??Geez, Alexander,?? Kris said, ??here I thought you brought two bags filled with shampoo bottles.??
Alexander rolled his eyes, but, smiled nonetheless. Meanwhile, Cam??or whatever his name was stood at a side, looking utterly disinterested in what his friends had to say.
What the hell was this guy??s problem? Here, I could feel the tension and worry radiating off of his friends and there he was without a care in the world.
But, eh, who was I to judge?
??You thief!?? a girl suddenly exclaimed, looking directly at Blake, ??you stole my pack of cheetos!??
Blake gave her an innocent look, quickly shoving the last of cheetos in his mouth. ??What? Why you blamin?? me??? he asked through a full mouth.
??Because you are the only one capable of doing that!?? the girl yelled in frustration.
??Oh please!?? Blake held up a hand, ??why don??t you ask Stella? She does it too!??
The baby made some noise of protest and narrowed her eyes at Blake.
Oh??wow! So, Stella was the baby??s name I guess??
??Stop, man! and, you need to stop teaching Stella such things,?? the guy who had Stella on his lap and was doing something on the phone with her, said, with a deadpan expression, ??she used cheat codes in the last candy crush game, which I am pretty sure you taught her.??
Wha- did my ears deceive me or did I just hear that a baby was capable of playing candy crush and using cheat codes?
??Ha! Come on, Ashton! She has started to speak and walk, now is the time she starts learning some tricks from me,?? Blake grinned, glancing at Stella, ??am I right Stellie???
Stella answered with something like ??yea?? and a pump of her fist, but I couldn??t hear her very clearly.
By this point, I was pretty sure; I was standing there just for watching the cute baby, like a creep.
??Ew! No! Stay away from Stella, you dumbass,?? the girl who had accused Blake of stealing her cheetos said, ??We don??t need another version of you!??
??Why are you lying, Hailey??? another stunning girl, who had some really cool tats and piercings, teased, ??last time you told me that you love to see Blake and Stella together.??
The girl Hailey??s face turned red and she immediately protested to this, ??What the hell? Why you lying, Julia???
??Ah!?? blake exclaimed cockily, ??I hate you too, hellcat.??
??I hate you more!?? Hailey snapped at him.
??I hated you first so-?? Blake started, but, was cut off by a very quiet voice.
It was the last girl of their group, who had been observing everything quietly and was now looking at Cam sadly. ??You are supposed to stop them, Cam,?? she said, quietly, ??tell them ??guys, focus!?? or ??guys, that??s enough?? or ??stop it, guys?? or anything??anything at all.??
Hailey sighed, ??Millie is right, Cam, talk to us. Say anything, please. I beg of you.??
Huh??what was going on?
??Look, man, we will all die fighting like this, if you don??t intervene,?? Blake threatened him.
Cam rolled his eyes at this, ??I have other better things to do. Stop bothering me you all.??
So, he speaks??that too, rudely.
If he was my friend, behaving like this, I would have beaten him up to knock some sense into him??
Just kidding.
Tolerating my bratty sister, alone takes its toll on me, and this guy??he took the cake in being rude and cold and cruel.
??If you think, we are letting this go, then, you couldn??t be more wrong, dude,?? Alexander told him.
??Oh, yeah, we dragged you here, didn??t we??? Blake asked, rhetorically, ??Likewise, we will find out, what you are not telling us.??
??Good luck with that,?? Cam replied in a disinterested tone.
That tone told me that he had full faith in his friends?? ability to find out whatever they were talking about. (Note the sarcasm.) He was actually confident that his friends wouldn??t be able to do anything about??anything.
Wow??everything was giving me a headache now??especially this Cam guy.
I started walking, thinking about everything I had just witnessed. My foremost concern was, why the heck did I do that? Now, my mind would reel for the whole day, I wouldn??t be able to sleep tonight and my first day of college tomorrow would not go as planned??
Now I definitely believed the saying, curiosity killed the cat.
My curious, clumsy ass was going to suffer the mental consequences of my nosiness, for a next few hours. Great!
If not anything, I would certainly burn with the desire of holding Stella in my arms once and pinching her cheeks.
Ugh! I was such a sucker for babies!
After five hours of putting up with Cherry??s tantrums and rants, I finally got a break when the train reached our destination. This time I tricked Cherry into bringing the luggage outside the train, on account of my bruised foot??which was not so bruised anymore.
Hahaha! I am evil!
But, hey, in my defence, Cherry was getting help from some dude unlike me, so she was okay.
I breathed in the fresh air; as soon as I hopped off the train and went on to stretch my arms to release the tension from my nerves.
Now, who knew that a simple act as stretching would cause a big disaster?
But, eh, it??s my life we are talking about??I should have known??
So, while I was stretching in peace, Cherry appeared on my side and shoved my elbow (I don??t know if it was on purpose, or accidental) causing me to lose my balance, stumble backwards and crash right into someone??s chest.
Not gonna lie, it hurt like hell! My poor, poor head??
I tilted my head up to look at the face of the person and let out a inhuman shriek, quickly trying to compose myself to run away??but, he caught my arms before I could even move, and turned me around so that he his eyes were burning directly into mine.
Oh God, out of everyone, him again?
??This is the third time today,?? he bit out, through gritted teeth.
That??s it! He was going to kill me. Cause of death: slamming into Cam.
??Geez, man,?? Blake suddenly appeared at the train exit, hopping off, then, in an unexpected move, he shoved me slightly, but that slight force was enough to send me slamming into Cam??s chest again, and this time he stumbled along with me too.
??Here, it??s four times now,?? Blake laughed, ??whatcha gonna do???
I think??I think I was going to collapse??