It was for the umpteenth time after arriving here, that I thought I was going to die. Not because of the ear shattering scream I let out, but, because of what happened after that.
Winter woke up, of course??and upon seeing Cam, she let out a scream of her own, grabbed her mobile, a secret stash of oreos and cookies from her open bag, and made a dash for it. While, Cam and I stood there, paralyzed and Cherry??well, she was still sleeping like a dead log.
Cam slowly turned to face me, his eyes blazing dangerously, while I backed away from him, holding my breath, looking around for an escape route.
??I think I told you to stay quiet,?? he bit out, threateningly.
I gulped, ??L-listen??you need help. Who brings a fricking gun to steal oreos and cookies???
He froze at the mention of gun, then, looked at me like I was the one with the gun here. ??What did you just say???
??Gun??oreos??cookies???? I mumbled in fear.
He marched up to me in two strides and pinned me with a severe look, ??You didn??t see or hear anything. Get it???
I couldn??t form a reply soon enough, too lost in the thoughts of gun and escaping.
??I said, get it??? he snapped.
I flinched, at the sudden rise of volume, and nodded vigorously, ??Gun who???
He looked a bit satisfied, only a bit. He assessed my face for a few seconds with a frown, then, declared, ??I don??t trust you. All you have done until now is, ruin my plans.??
This made me look at him in disbelief, ??Geez, dude, really?! I never asked for your trust! You forced me to believe that I didn??t see that gun in the back pocket of your jeans. But you know what? I did! I did see that gun! And, no amount of your threats is going to make me unsee it!??
Shut up, Juliet, shut up!
??You know what else? I am going to tell! I am going to tell everyone. Even your friends! You are some kind of messed up fricking psychopath who terrorizes innocent girls with knives and carries gun to steal oreos-??
??Shut up!?? he snapped, fumingly.
??No, you shut up!?? Juliet, no?? ??Do you realize that you can be expelled from here if anyone ever finds out??? Oh my god, stop Juliet! ??Apparently you don??t! But, well, good for me! I will get you expelled since you have done nothing but terrorize me from the very first day, Cam freaking whatever your name is. And-??
??SHUT UP!?? he snarled, making me jump in shock.
Honestly, I should have been surprised that he had not used that gun on me or my fricking non-stop useless mouth.
??I really can??t trust you,?? he seethed, ??so, it??s better that I end this once and for all.??
??Dude, what?!?? I exclaimed in disbelief, then, something clicked in my head, and I grabbed my suitcase from under the bed, took out a pack of oreos and tossed it at him. He easily catched it, looking at me weirdly.
Good, I needed him to remain distracted to do what I was going to do.
??There,?? I said, dusting off my hands, and walking up to him, ??you can come to me whenever you need more.??
Jeez, that sounded dirty.
??I mean, whenever you need more oreos,?? I hastily added, ??and, well, for now, um??how about I keep this in exchange for the oreos I gave you??? I swiftly reached my hand behind him, and grabbed the damned gun from his pocket.
Before he had time to react, or even comprehend what I had done, I ran away from the room as if my butt was on fire.
I looked around the place, coming to the painful realization that this Campus was new for me. I didn??t stop running, even once, fully aware that he would be following me. I Came to another painful realization soon enough: my hands were trembling. Of course, they were! That fricking gun was my responsibility now.
How did Cam have the courage to even keep it in his pocket?
Shiz. He was catching up to me. I increased my pace, and finally Came across a hall labeled, ??canteen.?? Without thinking, I barged in there, and locked the doors behind me, finally catching my breath. Food always saves the day??but, wait, wasn??t it food (oreos) that brought the trouble in the first place? I was going nuts.
Since it was still four in the morning, the whole hall was empty, and thus, safe for me at the moment.
I looked down at my trembling hands, and dropped the gun, instinctively, jumping from the sound it made when it hit the floor.
??Hey, whoever you are, I am not sharing!??
That voice gave me another jump scare.
I reached out my hands towards the wall beside me, and switched on the lights, clutching my wildly beating heart. Yet, another jump scare when my eyes landed on Blake standing in front of me. Blake, who had an unhealthy amount of food in his hand, and another unhealthy amount in his mouth.
I don??t know why, but, I quickly bent down and grabbed the gun again, pointing it at him, ??Don??t come near me! I have gun too. I know the truth about you and your friends now!??
I seriously couldn??t trust any of them now. No matter how innocent they appeared.
Blake seemed totally unaffected by my outburst, chewing something, and reaching in his pocket to retrieve a??gun.
It looked like my thundering heart wasn??t going to catch a break today.
??You are right,?? he said, through full mouth, ??I have a gun,?? he pointed it in my direction, ??pew, pew, pew pew.??
Damn, what?!
I relaxed considerably, lowering my gun (I mean, Cam??s gun) but, still kept it pointed at him, ??Tell me you are kidding, I mean, not kidding. Is that really a toy gun???
Blake gasped dramatically, ??Welp! You offend me! This gun may appear like a toy gun but it can do wonders! Ask Stella, if you don??t believe me. Watch this,?? he said, pointing the nozzle at a wall.
A stream of water ejected from the gun, hitting the wall. Wow.
??Cool, huh??? Blake grinned at me, ??that??s not all. See this.??
He pulled at the trigger of the toy gun and it made a very??embarrassing sound.
??I call it the fart function,?? Blake supplied, ??it comes in handy when someone starts getting on my nerves.??
This boy??how old was he, again?
??And, have you seen this??? he proceeded to do something else.
??Blake, that??s enough!?? I stopped him, ??I trust you. I am sorry; I had to be cautious because someone just scared the living lights out of me.?? I exhaled a sigh.
??Sorry, I must have scared you with the gun and all,?? I reiterated, looking up at him.
??Um??honestly, no,?? he shook his head, ??you didn??t scare me.??
Now, how was that possible?
??You liar! Everyone is scared of guns. Admit it, you must have been scared for even a teensy tiny moment,?? I teased him, at the same time, jealous of him to remain so unfazed.
??Dude, I would have been scared if the gun was directed at me,?? Blake laughed.
My eyes widened and I looked down at the gun, to find that??I was holding it inverted, with its nozzle aimed at my stomach.
I dropped the gun with another loud scream, while Blake started rolling on the floor, laughing.
The embarrassment was real. I repeat, it was real! All because of Cam and his stupid fricking gun!